匹兹堡大学(University of
匹兹堡) 、南
伊利诺伊州大学 (Southern Illinois University Carbondale) 博士后,
2005 获武汉大学理学博士学位
匹兹堡大学(University of
匹兹堡) 博士后
2006-2008 美国南
伊利诺伊州大学 (Southern Illinois University Carbondale) 博士后
2005-2006 上海无锡药明康德新药开发有限公司高级研究员
1. 开展基于多组分反应的
2. 新有机合成反应,新试剂与新技术(特别是不对称合成反应技术)在药物合成的应用。
3. 建设多组分反应的化合骨架数据库,开发新型多组分反应
4. 利用生命科学研究成果,特别是最新细胞内信号传导,通路以及相关结构生物学研究进展,开展生物活性分子化合物的设计。
5. 合作开展应用基于锚点骨架和基于结构的药物设计,寻找和发现新先导物,充分利用在蛋白蛋白相互作用调节剂中的经验,直接考虑化合物与靶点蛋白或
6. 利用独特多组分反应合成的
1)主持武汉大学引进人才科研启动经费,2012.1 – 2014.12;
1. Enantioselective inhibition of reverse transcriptase (RT) of HIV-1 by non racemic indole-based trifluoropropanoates developed by asymmetric catalysis using recyclable organocatalysts, Xin Han, Wenjie Ouyang, Bin Liu, Wei Wang*, Bo Tian , Shuwen Wu *, Hai-Bing Zhou*, Organic Biomolecular
化学, 2013, , 2013, 11, 8463-8475
2. N-Butyl-2,4-dinitro-anilinium
美国专利及商标局luenesulfonate as a highly active and selective esterification catalyst, Narsimha Sattenapallya, Wei Wang, Huimin Liu, and Yong Gao*, Tetrahedron Letters, 2013, 54(48), 6665-6668
3. Esterification Catalysis by Pyridinium
美国专利及商标局luenesulfonate Revisited Modification with a Lipid Chain for Improved Activities and Selectivities, Wei Wang, Huimin Liu, Shaoyi Xu, and Yong Gao, Synthetic Communications, 2013, 43(21), 2906-2912
4. P53-Mdm2 Active Benzimidazol-2-ones, Wei Wang, Haiping Cao, Siglinde Wolf, Miguel S. Camacho-Horvitz, Tad Holak, and Alexander Dömling, Bioorganic \u0026 Medicinal
化学, 2013, 21, 14, 3982-3995
5. Chemisty \u0026 Biology of Multicomponent Reactions, Alexander Dömling, Wei Wang#, Kan Wang# , (equally contribution) Chemical Reviews, 2012, 112 (6), pp 3083–3135
6. Enabling Large-Scale
设计, Synthesis and Validation of Small Molecule Protein-Protein Antagonists, D. Koes, K. Khoury, Y. Huang, Wei Wang, M. Bista, G. M. Popowicz, S. Wolf , T. A. Holak, A. Dömling, C.J. Camacho, Plos One, 2012 , 7(3), e32839
7. Polycyclic Compounds by Ugi−Pictet−Spengler Sequence, Wei Wang, Sarah Ollio, Alexander Dömling, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011, 76 (2), 637–644, (Selected by Synfact, 2011, 4, 376)
8. Two Strategies for the Development of Mitochondrial-Targeted Small Molecule Radiation Damage Mitigators, Jean-Claude M. Rwigema,
barbara Beck, Wei Wang, Alexandaer Doemling, Michael W. Epperly, Donna Shields, Darcy Franicola, Tracy Dixon, Marie-
思琳 Céline Frantz, Peter Wipf, Yulia Tyurina, Valerian Kagan, Hong Wang, and Joel S. Greenberger, International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 2011, 80(3), 860-868
9. Structures of Low Molecular Weight Inhibitors Bound to MDMX and MDM2 Reveal New Approaches for p53-MDMX/MDM2 Antagonist Drug Discovery, G. M. Popowicz, A. Czarna, S. Wolf, K. Wang, Wei Wang, A. Dömling, T. A. Holak, Cell Cycle, 2010, 9(6), 1104 – 1111.
10. Polycyclic indole alkaloid-type compounds by MCR, Wei Wang, Eberhardt Herdtweck , Alexander Dömling, Chemical Communications, 2010, 46, 770-772.
11. Bacillamide C and Derivatives: The Convergent Approach, Wei Wang, Shannon Joyner, Kareem Andrew Sameer Khoury, Alexander Dömling, Organic Biomolecular
化学, 2010, 8, 529-532.
12. Rapid and efficient hydrophilicity tuning of p53/MDM2 antagonists, Stuti Srivastava, Barbara Beck, Wei Wang,
Ania Czarna, Tad Holak, Alexander Dömling, Journal of Combinatorial
化学, 2009, 11 (4), pp 631–639
13. Efficient Synthesis Of Arrays Of Amino Acid Derived Ugi Products With Subsequent Amidation, Wei Wang, Alexander Dömling, Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2009, 11 (3), p 403-409
14. A Fast and Efficient Approach to Small Molecular Weight Protein-Protein Interaction Antagonists Using MCR
化学 BarbaraBeck, StutiSrivastava, WeiWang, KanWang, AnnaCzarna, TadA.Holak, LidioMeireles, CarlosCamacho, BaluRaghavan, BillyW.Day and AlexanderDömling, In MCR 2009; Mironov, M. A., Ed.; Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2011, Volume 699, 82.
15. Progress in biscalixarene research, Zheng, Qin; Gong, Shuling.; Zhang, Chunlei; Wang, Wei; Chen, Yuanyin, Progress in
化学 (In Chinese) 2007, 19, (5), 722-734,.
16. The Effect of
氢 bonds in the Reaction of Phenols with Epoxy in the Presence of Nano CaCO, Wei Wang, Shuling Gong*, Yuanyin Chen, Supramolecular
化学,2006, 18(4)311-315.
17. Fibriform One-dimentional Hydrogen-bonded Network Composed of 1,2-alt Calixarene Tetra Acetic Acid, Wei Wang, Shuling Gong*, Yuanyin Chen, Jianpin Ma, New Journal of Chemistry, 2005, 29:1390-1392.
18. Preparation and Characterization of Biscalixarene with Alkyne-containing Spacer, Wang Wei, Gong Shuling, Meng Lingzhi, Chen Yuanyin*, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2005, 26(8): 1467-1470. (In Chinese)
19. Solid-Phase Microextraction of Aromatic Amines with
酰胺 Bridged Calixarenes Coated Fiber, Wei Wang, Shuling Gong*, Qihua Cao, Yuanyin Chen, Xiujuan Li, and Zhaorui Zeng, Chromatography, 61(1-2):85-80 2005.
20. Diamide bridged calixarenes, Li Jun, Wang Wei, Gong Shuling, Chen Yuanyin*, Wu Xiaojun, Synlett, 2004, (2): 332-334.
21. Characteristics and Applications of Amide Bridged Calixarene Solid-Phase Microextration Fiber, Xiujuan Li, Shuling Gong, Wei Wang, Zhaorui Zeng*, Chinese Journal of Chromatography, (In Chinese), 2004, 22(5) 472-475
22. Nano CaCO: An unique condensation agent for the preparation of monosubstituted calixarene by ring-opening reaction, Gong SL*, Wang Wei, Fang Pengfei,
金钟大 Yuanyin, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2003, 14 (1): 20-21 JAN.
23. Nano CaCO: playing a special role in the monofunctionalization of calixarenes by epoxides, Gong SL*, Wang Wei, Chen Yuanyin, Meng Lingzhi, Wan Tao, New Journal of
化学, 2002, 26 (12): 1827-1830.
24. Novel fiber coated with
酰胺 bridged-calixarene used for solid-phase microextraction of aliphatic amines, Xiujuan Li, Zhaorui Zeng*, Jingjing Zhou, Shuling Gong, Wei Wang, Yuanyin Chen, Journal of Chromatography A, 2004, 1041(1-2): 1-9.
1. Nov, 2011, 全国药物
化学学术会议分会报告, 针对蛋白蛋白相互作用运用多组分化学和基于结构药物综合设计的抗癌药物发现
2. Jun 2009, Invitation to The Combinatorial Chemistry
Gordon Research (including Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar ) , Peptidomimetic, Natural Product Library and Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery Using MCR Products With Subsequent Amidation
May 2010, Postdoc Data \u0026 Dine Symposium, University of
匹兹堡Nov 2009, Joint Organic Group Meetings in the University of Pittsburgh Combinatorial
化学 Center
Mar 2008, Study of Novel Catalysts for Biodiesel Production, Oak Ridge
松下电器 Laboratory
Jun 2004, Invitation of The Academic Forum for Chinese Doctoral Candidates, Beijing