华南师范大学心理学院教授,博士生导师。NeuroImage, Human Brain Mapping, Brain Structure and Function, PloS ONE, Brain Connectivity, 心理学报等杂志的审稿专家;国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目、国际合作项目、仪器专项的评审专家。
神经科学, MRI technology and application)。
2010.09—今,华南师范大学 心理学院 教授。
NeuroImage, Human Brain Mapping, Brain Structure and Function, PloS ONE, Brain Connectivity, 心理学报等杂志的审稿专家;国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目、国际合作项目、仪器专项的评审专家。
利用脑功能磁共振成像(fMRI)、扩散磁共振成像(DTI)技术,研究大脑可塑性的神经机制、学习对大脑功能和结构的影响、人类意识的神经机制、脑功能 -脑结构的关系;探讨磁共振成像技术及其数据分析方法在认知神经科学、临床方面的应用;脑功能成像的新机制和新方法的研究,脉冲序列的设计与开发,图像质 量的控制。已在国际期刊上发表论文多篇,包括NeuroImage / MAGMA / Human Brain Mapping / PLOS One / J Phys C / J Phys Chem / Phys Rev D / JMMM.
(部分论文, *通信作者):
Huang, R*., M. Lu, Z. Song and J. Wang*. Long-term intensive training induced brain structural changes in world class gymnasts. Brain Structure and Function (2013, in press): 1-20. (SCI IF:7.83)
Meng Li; Junzhang Tian; Ruibin Zhang; Yingwei Qiu; Xue Wen; Xiaofen Ma; Junjing Wang; Yong Xu; Guihua Jiang*; Ruiwang Huang*; Abnormal cortical thickness in heroin-dependent individuals, NeuroImage (2013, in press). (SCI IF: 6.252) (contribute equally).
Wang, B., Fan, Y., Lu, M., Li, S., Song, Z.,
peng, X., Zhang, R., Lin, Q., He, Y., Wang, J.*, Huang, R.* (2013). Brain anatomical networks in world class gymnasts: A DTI tractography study.NeuroImage.65, 476-487. (SCI IF: 6.252)
Li, S., Wang, B., Xu, P., Lin, Q., Gong, G.,
peng, X., Fan, Y., He, Y., Huang, R*., 2013. Increased Global and Local Efficiency of Human Brain Anatomical Networks Detected with FLAIR-DTI Compared to Non-FLAIR-DTI. Plos One 8, e71229. (SCI IF: 3.73).
Zhang, D., Liu, B.*, Chen, J.,
peng, X., Liu, X., Fan, Y., Liu, M.*, Huang,
R星 (2013). Determination of Vascular Dementia Brain in Distinct
频率 Bands with Whole Brain Functional Connectivity Patterns. Plos One.8, e54512. (SCI IF:4.38)
Junjing Wang, Shijun Qiu, Yong Xu, Zhenyin Liu, Xue Wen, Xiangshu Hu, Ruibin Zhang, Meng Li, Wensheng Wang*, Ruiwang Huang*, Graph theoretical analysis reveals disrupted topological properties of whole brain functional networks in temporal lobe epilepsy, Clinical Neurophysiology, (2013, in press), (SCI IF:3.1) (contribute equally).
Zude Zhu, Yuanyuan Fan, Gangyi Feng, Ruiwang Huang*, Suiping Wang*, Large scale brain functional networks support sentence comprehension: Evidence from both explicit and implicit language tasks, Plos One, 8(11): e80214.. (contribute equally).
Guihua Jiang , Xue Wen, Yingwei Qiu, Ruibin Zhang, Junjing Wang, Meng Li, Xiaofen Ma, Junzhang Tian *, Ruiwang Huang*, Disrupted topological organization in whole-brain functional networks of heroin-dependent individuals: a resting-state fMRI study. Plos One, (2013, In press). (contribute equally).
Yin X, Han Y, Ge H, Xu W, Huang R, Zhang D, et al. (2013). Inferior frontal white matter asymmetry correlates with executive control of attention.Human Brain Mapping. 34(4): 796-813. (SCI IF:6.878).
Li Y, Ding G, Booth JR, Huang R, Lv Y, Zang Y, et al. (2012). Sensitive period for white matter connectivity of
superior temporal cortex in deaf people. Human Brain Mapping.33(2): 349-59. (SCI IF:5.88)
Chen, C., Liu, C., Huang, R., Cheng, D., Wu, H., Xu, P., Mai, X., Luo, Y.J.. (2012). Suppression of aversive memories associates with changes in early and late stages of neurocognitive processing. Neuropsychologia. 50, 2839-2848. (SCI IF:3.8)
Nickl-Jockschat, T., Stocker, T., Markov, V., Krug, A., Huang, R., Schneider, F., Habel, U., Zerres, K., Nothen, M.M., Treutlein, J., Rietschel, M., Shah, N.J., Kircher, T.. (2012). The impact of a Dysbindin
精神分裂症 susceptibility variant on fiber tract integrity in healthy individuals: A TBSS-based diffusion tensor imaging study.NeuroImage.60, 847-853.(SCI IF:5.89)
Caspers S, Eickhoff SB, Rick T, von Kapri A, Kuhlen T, Huang, R., et al. (2011). Probabilistic fibre tract analysis of cytoarchitectonically defined human inferior parietal lobule areas reveals similarities to macaques. NeuroImage. 58(2): 362-80. (SCI IF:5.89)
Neuner I, Kupriyanova Y, Stocker T, Huang, R., Posnansky O, Schneider F, et al. (2010). White matter abnormalities in Tourette
Syndrome extend
Beyond motor pathways.NeuroImage.51(3): 1184-93. (SCI IF:5.89)
Huang, R., Posnansky O, Celik A, Oros Peusquens A-M, Ermer V, Irkens M, Wegener H-P, Shah NJ (2006). Measurement of weak electric currents in copper wire phantoms using MRI: influence of susceptibility enhancement. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine.V19:124-133.
Huang, R.*, Kupriyanova Y, Mirzazade S, Posnansky O, Shah NJ. (2009). Investigating the Influence of -value on the Spatial Distribution of Diffusion weighted Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dFMRI) during Visual Stimulation.NeuroImage.47(Supplement): S185.
Professor Ruiwang Huang received a PhD in Physics from the University of
诺丁汉 in UK in 2001. During 2001-2009, he performed MRI sequence development in the Institute of
神经科学 and Medicine (IV), Research Center Juelich in Germany. In 2009, he joined the State Key Laboratory of Neuroscience and Learning and took a job of a MRI physicist in Beijing Normal University.
Since 2010, he moved to Guangzhou. Now, he is a professor in School of Psychology and the director of the Brain Imaging Center, South China Normal University. His research interest includes the new technique/sequence for acquiring fMRI/DTI signals, QC control, and data postprocessing.
Currently, Professor Huang’s research focus is the influence of learning on the brain structure and
函数, the neural mechanism of different conscious states, and the brain function-structure relationship. His team is collaborating with several MRI centers (located in different hospitals) in Guangz