唐先华(Tang Xianhua),男,1963年3月出生,教授(博导),国际SCI杂志《Journal of Applied Mathematics》编委,
纯粹数学专业研究生毕业,获硕士学位;1995年8月调入原中南工业大学数软系任教, 1997年9月考入
微分方程方向博士,于2000年5月毕业,获博士学位, 其毕业论文获湖南省2002年优秀博士论文。1998年10月晋升为副教授,2000年10月破格晋升为教授, 2002年评为博士生指导教师. 2001年3月-2001年6月, 应Dr. Zou Xingfu邀请访问
加拿大Newfoundland纪念大学,合作研究三个月; 2002年1月-2003年1月, 被邀请访问
意大利国际理论物理中心(ICTP), 做一年期的研究员。
微分方程、Hamilton系统及离散动力系统,在《J. Differential Equations》、《SIAM J.
数学 Anal.》、《Nonlinearity》、《J.
伦敦 Math. Soc.》、《Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.》、《Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh (A)》,《
中国科学》等权威刊物上发表了论文90余篇,其中被SCI检索80余篇。这些成果发表后,已被20多个国家的专家学者在SCI刊物他引415次,其中包括《J. Differential Equations》、《SIAM J. Appl.
1. Hamiltont系统的同宿、异宿轨及相关问题,国家自然科学基金,50万,2012年-2015 年,主持;
2. 时滞
微分方程最小周期解及其相关问题研究,国家自然科学基金,27万,2008年-2010 年, 主持;
3. 时滞反应
扩散方程动力性态的研究,国家自然科学基金,21万,2005年-2007 年,主持;
4. 时滞反应扩散方程生态数学模型动力性态的研究,教育部优秀青年教师资助计划项目, 6万,2004年-2005年, 主持;
种群生态数学模型动力性态的研究, 回国留学基金,2.0万, 2004年-2005年, 主持;
6. 非线性泛函
湖南省优秀博士论文基金, 3.0万, 2004年- 2005年,独立;
7. 时滞反应扩散方程几类问题研究, 1.5万,湖南省自然科学基金, 2004年-2005年,主持.
98. 唐先华, 何小飞, Lower bounds for generalized eigenvalues of the quasilinear systems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 385, 72-85, 1 January 2012.
97. 唐先华, 林晓艳, infinitely many homoclinic orbits for Hamiltonian systems with indefinite sign subquadratic potentials, Nonlinear Analysis: TMA, 74(17), 6314-6325, December 2011
96. 张兴永, 唐先华, Periodic solutions for an ordinary p-Laplacian system, TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF
数学, 15 (3), 1369-1396. JUN 2011
95. 廖茂新, 唐先华, 徐昌进,
动力学 of a competitive Lotka-Volterra system with three delays, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, 217 (24), 10024-10034 AUG 15 2011
94. 蒋建初, 唐先华, Oscillation of second order half-linear difference equations (II), APPLIED
数学 LETTERS, 24 (9): 1495-1501. SEP 2011
93. 廖茂新, 唐先华, 徐昌进, Stability and instability analysis for a ratio-dependent predator-prey system with diffusion effect, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, 12 (3): 1616-1626. JUN 2011.
92. 陈鹏, 唐先华, Existence of homoclinic orbits for 2nth-order nonlinear difference equations containing both many advances and retardations, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 381 (2): 485-505. SEP 15 2011.
91. 何小飞, 张启明, 唐先华, On inequalities of Lyapunov for linear Hamiltonian systems on
90. 廖茂新, 唐先华,
欧阳姓致根, 徐昌进, Dynamical properties of a class of higher-order nonlinear difference equations, APPLIED
数学 AND COMPUTATION, 217 (12): 5476-5479 FEB 15 2011.
89. 徐昌进, 唐先华, 廖茂新, Stability and bifurcation analysis of a six-neuron BAM neural network model with discrete delays, NEUROCOMPUTING, 74 (5): 689-707 FEB 2011.
88. 陈鹏, 唐先华, Existence of Homoclinic Solutions for a Class of Nonlinear Difference Equations, ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS: Art. No. 470375 2010.
87. 陈鹏, 唐先华, Existence of infinitely many homoclinic orbits for fourth-order difference systems containing both advance and retardation, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, 217 (9): 4408-4415 JAN 1 2011.
86. 唐先华, 林晓艳, 肖莉, Homoclinic solutions for a class of second order discrete Hamiltonian systems, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, 16 (11): 1257-1273 2010.
85. 林晓艳, 唐先华, Existence of infinitely many homoclinic orbits in discrete Hamiltonian systems, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 373 (1): 59-72 JAN 1 2011.
84. 唐先华, 孟琼, Solutions of a second-order Hamiltonian system with periodic boundary conditions, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, 11 (5): 3722-3733 OCT 2010.
83. 徐昌进, 唐先华, 廖茂新,
频率 domain analysis for bifurcation in a simplified tri-neuron BAM network model with two delays, NEURAL NETWORKS, 23 (7): 872-880 SEP 2010.
82. 唐先华, 蒋建初, Existence and multiplicity of periodic solutions for a class of second-order Hamiltonian systems, COMPUTERS \u0026
数学 WITH APPLICATIONS, 59 (12): 3646-3655 JUN 2010.
81. 徐昌进, 唐先华, 廖茂新, Local Hopf bifurcation and global existence of periodic solutions in TCP system, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS-ENGLISH EDITION, 31 (6): 775-786 JUN 2010.
80. 徐昌进, 唐先华, 廖茂新, Stability and bifurcation analysis of a delayed predator-prey model of prey dispersal in two-patch environments, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, 216 (10): 2920-2936 JUL 15 2010.
79. 张琼芬, 唐先华, New existence of periodic solutions for second order non-autonomous Hamiltonian systems, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 369 (1): 357-367 SEP 1 2010.
78. 孟琼, 唐先华, Solutions of a second-order Hamiltonian system with periodic boundary conditions,COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED ANALYSIS, 9 (4): 1053-1067 JUL 2010.
77. 廖茂新, 唐先华, 徐昌进, General form of some rational recursive sequences, COMPUTERS \u0026
数学 WITH APPLICATIONS, 59 (1): 360-364 JAN 2010.
76. 廖茂新, 唐先华, 周盛凡, Existence of traveling wavefronts in a cooperative systems with discrete delays, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, 215 (5): 1806-1812 NOV 1 2009.
75. 唐先华, Xingfu Zou, The existence and global exponential stability of a periodic solution of a class of delay differential equations, NONLINEARITY, 22 (10): 2423-2442 OCT 2009.
74. 廖茂新, 唐先华, 徐昌进, On a Conjecture for a Higher-Order Rational Difference Equation, ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS: Art. No. 394635 2009.
73. 唐先华, 肖莉, Homoclinic solutions for ordinary p-Laplacian systems with a coercive potential, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS \u0026 APPLICATIONS, 71 (3-4): 1124-1132 AUG 1 2009.
72. 唐先华, 肖莉, Homoclinic solutions for a class of second-order Hamiltonian systems, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS \u0026 APPLICATIONS, 71 (3-4): 1140-1152 AUG 1 2009.
71. 唐先华, 林晓艳, Homoclinic solutions for a class of second-order Hamiltonian systems, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 354 (2): 539-549 JUN 15 2009.
70. 唐先华, 肖莉, Homoclinic solutions for nonautonomous second-order Hamiltonian systems with a coercive potential, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 351 (2): 586-594 MAR 15 2009.
69. 唐先华, 肖莉, Existence of periodic solutions to second-order Hamiltonian systems with potential indefinite in sign, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS \u0026 APPLICATIONS, 69 (11): 3999-4011 DEC 1 2008.
68. 唐先华,
周英告, On existence of periodic solutions of a kind of Rayleigh equation with a deviating argument, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS \u0026 APPLICATIONS, 69 (8): 2355-2361 OCT 15 2008.
67.唐先华, Xingfu Zou, Global attractivity in a predator-prey system with pure delays, PROCEEDINGS OF THE
爱丁堡 MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 51: 495-508 Part 2 JUN 2008.
66. 郭上江, 唐先华, 黄立宏, Stability and bifurcation in a discrete system of two neurons with delays, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, 9 (4): 1323-1335 SEP 2008.
65. 郭上江, 唐先华, 黄立宏, Bifurcation analysis in a discrete-
时间 single-directional network with delays, NEUROCOMPUTING, 71 (7-9): 1422-1435 MAR 2008.
64. 唐先华, 林晓艳, Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillation of first-order nonlinear neutral difference equations, COMPUTERS \u0026
数学 WITH APPLICATIONS, 55 (6): 1279-1292 MAR 2008.
63. 唐先华, 蒋致远, Periodic solutions of first-order nonlinear functional differential equations, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS \u0026 APPLICATIONS, 68 (4): 845-861 FEB 15 2008.
62. 蒋建初, 唐先华, Oscillation and
AGB星 behavior of two-dimensional difference systerns, COMPUTERS \u0026
数学 WITH APPLICATIONS, 54 (9-10): 1240-1249 NOV 2007.
61. 唐先华, 蒋致远, Stability in m-dimensional linear delay difference system, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, 13 (10): 927-944 2007.
60. 林晓艳, 唐先华, Oscillation of solutions of neutral differential equations with a superlinear neutral term, APPLIED
数学 LETTERS, 20 (9): 1016-1022 SEP 2007.
59. 蒋建初, 唐先华, Oscillation criteria for two-dimensional difference systems of first order linear difference equations, COMPUTERS \u0026 MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, 54 (6): 808-818 SEP 2007.
周英告, 唐先华, Periodic solutions for a kind of Rayleigh equation with a deviating argument, COMPUTERS \u0026
数学 WITH APPLICATIONS, 53 (5): 825-830 MAR 2007.
57. 周英告, 唐先华, On existence of periodic solutions of Rayleigh equation of retarded type, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 203 (1): 1-5 JUN 1 2007.
56. 唐先华, 蒋致远,
AGB星 behavior of Volterra difference equation, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, 13 (1): 25-40 JAN 2007.
55. 唐先华, 曹道民, Xingfu Zou,Global attractivity of positive periodic solution to periodic Lotka–Volterra competition systems with pure delay, J. Differential Equations, 228(2006), 580–610.
54. 唐先华, Xingfu Zou,On positive periodic solutions of Lotka-Volterra competition systems with deviating arguments, Proc. Amer.
数学 Soc. 134 (2006), 2967-2974.
53. 唐先华,
周英告, 一类非线性泛函
微分方程的周期解及全局吸引性, 数学学报, 49(4)(2006),899-908.
52. 唐先华, Linearized oscillation of odd order nonlinear neutral differential equations (I), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 322 (2006) 864–872.
51. 唐先华, 林晓艳, Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillation of first order nonlinear neutral differential equations, J.
数学 Anal. Appl. 321 (2006) 553–568.
50. 唐先华,
AGB星 behavior of delay differential equations with
instantaneously terms, J. Math. Anal.
APPL, 302(2005), 342-359.
49. 唐先华, Asymptotic behavior of a differential equation with distributed
delays, J.
数学 Anal. Appl., 301(2005), 313-335 .
48. 唐先华, Oscillation of first order delay differential equations with distributed delay, J. Math. Anal.
APPL, 289(2004), 367-378.
47. 唐先华, Stability in n-dimensional delay differential equations,
数学 Anal. Appl., 295(2004),485-501.
46.唐先华, Global attractivity for a delay logistic equation with instantaneous terms, Nonlinear Analysis, 59(2004), 211-233.
45.唐先华, Xingfu Zou,Stability of scalar delay differential equations with dominant delayed terms, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh (A), 133(A) (2003), 951-968.
44.唐先华, Xingfu Zou, Global attractivity of non-autonomous Lotka-Volterra competition system without instantaneous negative feedbacks, J. Differential Equations, 192(2003), 502-535.
43.唐先华, 刘玉记, Bounded oscillation for second-order delay differential equations with unstable type in a critical case, Appl.
数学 Letters, 16(2003), 263-268
42.唐先华, Logistic 增长的线性反馈控制, 数学年刊, 24A(1) (2003): 101-112.
41.唐先华, Xingfu Zou ,3/2-type criteria for global attractivity of Lotka-Volterra competition system without instantaneous negative feedback, J. Differential Equations, 186(2002), 420-439.
40.Joseph W.-H. So, 唐先华, Xingfu Zou, Stability in linear delay system without instantaneous negative feedbacks, SIAM J.
数学 Anal. 33(6)(2002), 1297-1304.
39.唐先华, Xingfu Zou, A 3/2 stability result for a regulated Logistic growth model, Disc. Conti. Dynam. Syst. B, 2(2)(2002), 265-278.
38.唐先华, Xingfu Zou,
AGB星 stability of a neutral differential equation, Proc. Edinburgh
数学 Soc. 45(2002), 333-347.
庾建设, 唐先华, Global attractivity in a delay population model under impulsive perturbations, Bull.
伦敦 Math. Soc. 34(2002), 319-328.
36. 唐先华, Oscillation of first-order suplinear delay differential equations, J. London
数学 Soc. (2) 65(2002), 115-122 .
35. 唐先华, Bounded oscillation of second-order delay difference equations of unstable type, Computers Math. Applic. 44(2002), 1147-1156.
34. 唐先华,
AGB星 behavior of solutions for neutral difference equations, Computers
数学 Applic. 44(2002), 301-315.
33. 蒋建初,唐先华, Oscillation of nonlinear delay difference equations, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 146(2002), 395-404.
32. 唐先华,何智敏,
庾建设, Stability theorem for delay differential equations with impulses, Appl.
数学 Comput. , 131(2002), 373-381.
31. 唐先华,庾建设, 非线性时滞差分方程的线性化振动性, 数学学报, 45(2002), 517-528.
30. 唐先华, 关于\u003c\u003c偶数阶中立型
微分方程的线性化振动性的一个注记\u003e\u003e一文的注记, 数学学报, 45(2002), 643-646.
29. 唐先华,
庾建设, Logistic型脉冲泛函微分方程零解的全局吸引性, 数学学报, 45(2002), 941-952.
28. 庾建设, 唐先华, Comparison theorems for delay differential equations in a critical state, J. London
数学 Soc. (2) 63(2001), 188-204.
27.唐先华,庾建设, Linearized oscillation of first-order nonlinear neutral delay differential equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 258(2001), 194-208.
26.唐先华, Oscillation of first-order nonlinear delay differential equations, J.
数学 Anal. Appl. 264(2001), 194-208 .
25. 唐先华, R. Y. Zhang, New oscillation criteria for delay difference equations, Computers Math. Applic. 42(2001), 1319-1330.
24. 唐先华, S. S. Cheng, An oscillation criterion for linear difference equations with oscillating coefficients, J. Comput. Appl.
数学 132(2001): 319-329.
23. 唐先华,
庾建设, 3/2-global attractivity of zero solution of the “food-limited” type functional differential equations, Science in China (A), 44(2001), 610-618.
22. 唐先华, 庾建设, Lotka-Volterra 型泛函
微分方程零解的全局吸引性, 数学年刊, 22A(3) (2001): 285-296.
21. 唐先华, \u003c\u003c非线性连续分布偏差变元微分方程的线性化振动性\u003e\u003e一文的注记, 应用数学学报, 24(3)(2001), 473-475.
20. 唐先华,
庾建设, Oscillation of first order delay differential equations, J.
数学 Anal. Appl. 248(2000), 247-259 .
19. 唐先华,庾建设, Oscillation of nonlinear delay difference equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 249(2000), 476-490.
庾建设, 唐先华,Sufficient conditions for the oscillation of linear delay difference equations with oscillating coefficients, J.
数学 Anal. Appl. 250(2000), 735-742 .
17. 唐先华,庾建设, 彭大衡,Oscillation and nonoscillation of neutral difference equations with positive and negative coefficients, Computers Math. Applic. 39(2000), 169-181.
16. 唐先华,
庾建设, Oscillation of delay difference equations in a critical state, Appl.
数学 Letters, 13(2000), 9-15.
15. 唐先华,庾建设,New oscillation criteria for delay difference equations, Dyn. Contin. Discret Impuls Sys. 7(2000),525-531
微分方程零解的3/2-全局吸引性, 中国科学, 30A(10) (2000): 900-913 .
13.唐先华, 庾建设, 一类非线性FDE整体解的存在性及全局吸引性, 数学年刊, 21A(6)(2000): 526-538.
12.唐先华, 庾建设, 王志成, 临界状态下一阶时滞微分方程的线性化振动性,数学学报,43(2)(2000): 349-358.
11. Agarwal Ravi P., 唐先华,王志成,The existence of positive solutions to neutral equations, J.
数学 Anal. Appl. 244 (1999), 446-467 .
10. 唐先华,
庾建设, Oscillation of delay difference equations, Computers Math. Applic. 37(1999), 11-20.
9. 唐先华, 庾建设, A further result on the oscillation of delay difference equations, Computers
数学 Applic. 38(1999), 229-237 .
庾建设, 王志成, 临界状态一阶时滞
定理, 科学通报, 44(1) (1999): 26-31.
7. 唐先华, 庾建设, 高阶中立型非线性时滞微分方程振动及非振动性,数学年刊, 20A(3)(1999): 269-276.
6. 唐先华, 庾建设, 具有正负系数中立型微分方程的正解, 数学学报, 42(5) (1999): 795-802.
5. 唐先华, 庾建设, Oscillation and existence of positive solutions for odd order neutral equations with "integrally small" coefficients, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 222(1998), 286-296.
4. 唐先华, 申建华, Oscillation of delay differential equations with variable coefficients, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 217(1998), 32-42 .
申建华, 唐先华, New oscillation criteria for linear delay differential equations, Computers Math. Applic. 36(1998), 53-61 .
2. 申建华, 唐先华, 一类高阶中立型微分方程的比较
定理及应用, 数学年刊, 19A(3)(1998): 339-344.
1. 唐先华,申建华, Oscillation and existence of positive solution in a class of higher order neutral equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 213(1997), 662-680 .