2005年8月至今 南开数学研究所,教授。
陈景灵教授在量子纠缠和贝尔不等式等量子物理领域进行了较系统的研究,在国际著名的检索系统《SCI》收录的刊物上发表了60多篇论文,其中2篇发表在国际著名的物理学刊物《Physical Review Letters》(影响因子超过7)上,27篇发表(或已录用)在《Physical Review A/E》上(包括一篇Rapid 传播学)。2006年度入选国家教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。承担了留学归国人员科研基金、国家自然科学基金等研究项目。
J.L. Chen, C.F. Wu, L.C. Kwek, D. Kaszlikowski, M. Zukowski, and C.H. Oh, “Multi-component Bell inequality and its violation for continuous variables systems”, Physical Review A 71, 032107 (2005)
C.F. Wu, J.L.Chen, L.C. Kwek, C.H. Oh, and K. Xue, “Continuous multipartite entangled state in the Wigner presentation and violation of Zukowski-Brunker inequality”, Physical Review A 71, 022110 (2005)
C.F. Wu, J.L.Chen, 糖尿病 Tong, L.C. Kwek, and C.H. Oh, “Quantum nonlocality of Heisenberg XX model with Site-dependent 耦合 Strength”, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical \u0026 General, 37, 11475(2004).
J.L. Chen, C.F. Wu, L.C. Kwek, and C.H. Oh, “Gisin’s Theorem for Three Qubits”, Physical Review Letters 93, 140407 (2004).
A. Acin, J.L. Chen, N. Gisin, D. Kaszlikowski, L.C. Kwek, C.H. Oh, and M. Zukowski, “Coincidence Bell Inequality for Three Three-Dimensional Systems”, Physical Review Letters 92, 250404 (2004)
L.B. Fu and J.L. Chen, “Geometric Phases for Mixed States during Cyclic Evolutions”, Journal of 物理学 A 37, 3699 (2004)
Thomas Durt, Dagomir Kaszlikowski, Jing-Ling Chen, and L. C. Kwek, “证券 of quantum key distributions with entangled qudits”, Physical Review A 69, 032313 (2004)
糖尿病 Tong, L.C. Kwek, C.H. Oh, J.L. Chen, and L. Ma, “经营者sum 表征 of 时间dependent 密度 operators and its applications”, Physical Review A 69, 054102 (2004)
L.B. Fu, J.L. Chen, and S.G. Chen, “Maximal violation of Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality for four-level systems”, Physical Review A 69, 034305 (2004).
L.B. Fu, J.L. Chen, and X.G. Zhao, “Maximal violation of Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality for two qutrits”, Physical Review A 68, 022323 (2003).
糖尿病 Tong, J.L. Chen, L.C. Kwek, C.H. Lai, and C.H. Oh, “General formalism of Hamiltonians for realizing a prescribed evolution of a qubit”, Physical Review A 68, 062307 (2003).
K. Singh, D.M. Tong, K. Basu, J.L. Chen, J.F. Du, “Geometric phases for nondegenerate and degenerate mixed states”, Physical Review A 67, 032106 (2003).
J.L. Chen, L.C. Kwek and C.H. Oh, “Quartic anharmonic 振荡器 and non-Hermiticity”, Physical Review A 67, 012101 (2003).
J.L. Chen, D. Kaszlikowski, L.C. Kwek and C.H. Oh, “Searching a database under decoherence”, 物理学 Letters A 306, 296-305 (2003).
J.L. Chen, D. Kaszlikowski, L.C. Kwek and C.H. Oh, “Wringing out new Bell inequality for three-dimesional systems (qutrits)”, Modern Physics Letters A 17, 山崳基三甲基氯化铵2237 (2002).
D. Kaszlikowski, L.C. Kwek, J.L. Chen and C.H. Oh, “Multiparticle bound entanglement and three-setting Bell inequalities”, Physical Review A 66, 052309 (2002).
J.L. Chen, L. Fu, A.A. UNGA电子竞技俱乐部r and X.G. Zhao, “Alternative fidelity measure between two states of an N-state quantum system”, Physical Review A 65, 054304 (2002).
J.L. Chen, L.C. Kwek and C.H. Oh, “Noisy quantum game”, Physical Review A 65, 052320 (2002).
J.L. Chen, L. Fu, 建筑联盟学院 Ungar and X.G. Zhao, “Degree of Entanglement of two qubits”, Physical Review A 65, 044303 (2002).
D. Kaszlikowski, L.C. Kwek, J.L. Chen, M. Zukowski and C.H. Oh, “Clauser-Horne inequality for three-state systems”, Physical Review A 65, 032118 (2002).
J.L. Chen, L. Fu, A.A. Ungar and X.G. Zhao, “Geometric observation for Bures fidelity between two states of a qubit”, Physical Review A 65, 024303 (2002).
H. Jing, J.L. Chen and M.L. Ge, “Squeezing effects of an 原子 laser: Beyond the linear model”, Physical Review A 65, 015601 (2002).
J.L. Chen and A.A. Ungar, “The Bloch gyrovector”, Foundations of 物理学 32, 531-565 (2002).
J.L. Chen and 建筑联盟学院 Ungar, “Introducing the 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 metric into quantum computation and quantum information geometry”, Foundtaions of Physics Letters 15, 189-197 (2002).
J.L. Chen, D. Kaszlikwoski, L.C. Kwek, C.H. Oh and M. Zukowski, “Entangled three-state systems violate local realism more strongly than qubits: An analytic proof”, Physical Review A 64, 052109 (2001).
J.L. Chen, L.C. Kwek, C.H. Oh and Y. Liu, “Solving the anharmonic 振荡器 problem with the SU(2) 基团”, Journal of 物理学 A 34, 8889-8899 (2001).
H. Jing, J.L. Chen and M.L. Ge, “Quantum dynamical theory for squeezing an output of a Bose-阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 condensate”, Physical Review A 63, 015601 (2001).
H. Jing, J.L. Chen and M.L. Ge, “Nonclassical effects in the MIT output 成色剂 for the Einstein condensate”, 物理学 Letters A 280, 261-264 (2001).
J.L. Chen and 建筑联盟学院 Ungar, “From the group SL(2,C) to gyrogroups and gyrovector spaces and hyperbolic geometry”, Foundations of Physics 31, 1611-1639 (2001).
J.L. Chen, H. Jing, X.H. Wang, hb Zhang and X.G. Zhao, “Kustaanheimo-Stiefel transformation of monopolar atom into four-dimensional oscillator”, International Journal of Theoretical 物理学 39, 2021-2028 (2000).
J.L. Chen, HB托尔斯港 Zhang, X.H. Wang, H. Jing and X.G. Zhao, “Raising and lowering operators of a two-dimensional atom by an ansatz method”, International Journal of Theoretical 物理学 39, 2043-2050 (2000).
J.L. Chen, M.L. Ge and K. Xue, “Possible experimental measure theory for the XXX-Heisenberg chain”, Physical Review E 60, 1486-1493 (1999).
J.L. Chen, M.L. Ge, X.Q. Li and Y. Liu, “A possible hidden symmetry and geometrical source of the phase in the CKM matrix”, European Physical Journal C 9, 437-441 (1999).
J.L. Chen, M.L. Ge and K. Xue, “The monopole- 原子 system and its connection with a four-dimensional harmonic 振荡器”, Journal of 物理学 A 32, 945-953 (1999).
J.L. Chen, Y. Liu and M.L. Ge, “Application of nonlinear deformation algebra to a physical system with Poschl-Teller potential”, Journal of Physics A 31, 6473-6481 (1998).
Y. Liu, J.L. Chen, W.S. Dai and M.L. Ge, “Constraint on EHNS parameters from solar neutrino problem”, Journal of 物理学 G 24, 2289-2296 (1998).
J.L. Chen and M.L. Ge, “On the Wigner angle and its relation with the defect of triangle in hyperbolic geometry”, Journal of Geometry and Physics 25, 341-345 (1998).
J.F. Lu and J.L. Chen, “Lax pair and Lie algebraic structures of heterotic Liouville systems by the prolongation approach”, 物理学 Letters A 213, 32-34 (1996).