陈华勇,男,1976年10月生,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所“百人计划”入选者,博士生导师。2008年获加拿大皇后大学矿床学博士学位。2008年~2012年在澳大利亚国家矿产研究中心工作,现为国际矿床学家协会会士(SEG Fellow),国际矿床地质协会(SGA)亚洲区主席,《Ore Geology Reviews》副主编,《地学前缘》助理主编。
主要从事铜金铁等金属矿产成矿模式研究及找矿勘探应用。已发表SCI/EI论文30余篇。主要研究成果如下:(1)在目前国际最新矿床类型“铁氧化物铜金(及稀土)矿床”(IOCG)(即“奥运会坝型”-全球最大综合型金属矿床)成矿模式及其勘探意义研究方面处于国际前沿。基于秘鲁Marcona铁矿Mina Justa铜矿的博士论文研究成果2010年发表于《Economic Geology》及2011年《Mineralium Deposita》。在博士论文研究中所提出的岩浆-岩浆热液外部流体综合作用成矿模式为IOCG成矿理论提供了新方向。根据此项研究得出的找矿勘探模式在一些大型矿业公司已开始得到初步应用。(2) 自2008年以来从事新兴的矿物地球化学勘探研究,主持及参与全球多个国家的大型斑岩及浅成低温铜金矿床研究。项目组在全球两大主要类型铜金矿床的成矿模式及隐伏矿体的定位方面取得突破性进展。尤其在矿床蚀变矿物微量元素变化研究上走在世界前列,并成功地运用该方式进行了斑岩型(铜,金,铜金,铜)矿床的类型区分,矿床规模鉴定及隐伏高品位矿体的定向预测。在长期困扰国际矿产勘探界的浅成低温金矿蚀变带研究中,项目组已经开发出综合多种方法的“侵入体”定位工具,首次在世界上为浅成低温矿区隐伏侵入体及矿体的准确定位提供可靠手段。这些手段已经开始在世界各大矿业公司得到实际应用。(3) 在中国主要特色矿床类型—造山带型金矿、矽卡岩型金矿和全球热点类型—斑岩型及浅成低温铜金矿床方面有深入研究。早期造山带型金矿研究成果曾发表于《中国科学》和《岩石学报》等期刊,在国内首次鉴定新疆望峰金矿和萨瓦亚尔顿金矿、以及北疆额尔齐斯金矿带为典型造山带型金矿或金成矿带,为中亚造山带成矿作用研究做出重要贡献。
澳大利亚国际矿床地质勘探应用(Amira特等奖, 2012
贝尔法斯特女王大学 Graduate Grant, 2002-2004, Queen’s University
SEG Research Grant, 2003, Society of Economic Geologist
David Money Memorial Prize, 2002, Queen’s University
Reinh -Geology Scholarship, 2001, Queen’s University
1. Chen, H.Y., Chen, Y.J., and Baker, M., 2012, Isotopic geochemistry of the Sawayaerdun gold deposit, northwest China: Implications for 矿石 genesis and mineral exploration: Chemical Geology, v. 310-311, p. 1-11
2. Chen, H.Y., Chen, Y.J., and Baker, M., 2012, Evolution of ore-forming fluids in the Sawayaerdun gold deposit in the Southwestern Chinese Tianshan metallogenic belt, Northwest China: Journal of Asian 地球 Sciences, v. 49, p. 131-144
3. Chen, H.Y., Yang, J.T., and Baker, M., 2012, Mineralization and fluid evolution of the Jiyuan polymetallic Ag-Pb-Au deposit, eastern Tianshan, NW China: International Geology Review, v. 54, p. 816-832
4. Chen, H.Y., Tian, W., Falloon, T., Chen, M.M., 2011, Pyrite trace element geochemistry of mafic 麻粒岩 xenoliths from Xikeer: implications for the source of Cu in the exotic sediment-hosted mineralization of the northwest Tarim Basin (Northwest China): Mineralium Deposita , v.46, p. 1001-1006
5. Chen, HY, Clark, A.H., and Kyser, tk, 2011, Contrasted hydrothermal fluids in the Marcona-Mina Justa iron-氧化物 Cu (-Au-Ag) deposits, south-central Perú: Mineralium Deposita, v. 46, p. 677-706
6. Chen, H.Y., Clark, A.H., and Kyser, TK, 2010, The Marcona magnetite deposit, Ica, Central-South Peru: A product of hydrous, iron 氧化物rich melt: Economic Geology, v. 105, p. 1441-1456
7. Chen, H.Y., Clark, A.H., Kyser, T.K., et al., 2010, Evolution of the giant Marcona-Mina Justa iron oxide copper gold district, south-central Perú: Economic Geology, v. 105, p. 155-185
8. Chen, H.Y., Chen, Y.J., Liu,Y.L., 2001, Metallogenesis and its relationship with orogenesis of Erqs auriferous belt, Xinjiang: Science in China (Series D), 44(3), 245-255
9. Chen, HY, Bao, J.X., Zhang, Z.J., 2000, The isotope Tracing of the Sources of 矿石 Metals and Fluids in the Wangfeng Gold Deposit, Xinjiang:-a contribution to collisional orogenic metallogenesis: Science in China(Series D) 43 (supp):156-166
10. Chen, H.Y., 2011, Mesozoic IOCG mineralization in the Central Andes: an updated review, in Porter, T.M.Revolution, ed., Hydrothermal iron 氧化物 gold and related deposits: A global 透视, v.3 – Advances in the Understanding of IOCG Deposits, PGC Publishing, Adelaide, p. 259-272. (invited paper)
11. Zhang, L., Chen, H.Y.*, Chen, Y.J., Qin, Y.J., Liu, C.F., Zheng, Y., Jansen, N.H., Alteration, Mineralization and Fluid Geochemistry of the Wangfeng Orogenic-type Gold Deposit, Western Tian Shan, China, 矿石 Geology Reviews (in review)
12. Li, Y.J., Wei, J.H., and Chen, H.Y., 2012, Origin of the Maodun Pb-Zn-Mo polymetallic deposit, eastern Cathaysia Block, China: geological, geochronological, geochemical and Sr-Nd-pbs isotopic constraints: Mineralium Deposita
13. Fu, L.B., Wei, J.H., Kusky, T.M., Chen, H.Y., Tan, J., Li, Y.J., Shi, W.J., Chen, C., Zhao, S.Q., 2012, The Cretaceous Duimiangou adakite-like intrusion from the Chifeng region, northern North China Craton: Crustal contamination of basaltic magma in an intracontinental extensional environment, Lithos, v. 134-135, p. 273-288
14. Fu, L.B., Wei, J.H, Kusky. T., Chen, H.Y., Tan, J., Li, Y.J., Kong, L.J., and Jiang, Y.J., 2012, Triassic shoshonitic dykes from the northern North China craton: petrogenesis and geodynamic significance: Geological Magazine, v. 149, p. 39-55
15. Chen, Y.J., Chen, H.Y., Zaw, K., Pirajno, F., and Zhang, Z.J., 2007, Geodynamic settings and tectonic model of skarn gold deposits in China: an overview: 矿石 Geology Reviews, v. 31, p. 139-169
16. Chen Y.J, Bao J.X., Zhang Z.J., Liu Y.L., Chen H.Y., 2003, Laumontitization as an Exploration Indicator of Epithermal Gold Deposits: A Case Study of the Axi and Other Epithermal Systems in West Tianshan, China: Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, v.22, p 289-301
17. Sui, Y.H., Wang, H.H., Gao, X.L., Chen, H.Y., 2000. 矿石 fluids of the Tieluping silver deposit of Henan Province and its illustration of the tectonic model for collisional petrogenesis, metallogenesis and hydrothermal activity: Science in China (serial D), 43 (supp): 108-121
18. Chen,Y.J., Chen,HY, Liu,Y.L., et al., 2000, Progress and records in the study of endogenetic mineralization during collisional orogenesis, Chinese Science Bulletin, 45 (1):1-10