公司概况:艾斯德魅宝作为高端卫浴领导品牌之一,一直致力于设计、研发和运营高品质的卫浴产品。为千家万户送入奢华洗浴体验。让品牌用户在家享用星级的沐浴快感,独享个性生活与时尚品味。艾斯德魅宝一直坚持服务至上。品质至上的企业经营准则。沿用本土化。人性化的管理理念。以国际管理经验为优势,结合本土实际。进入以更好的适应和运作于中国市场. 艾斯德魅宝一直坚定一个信念,那就是从战略角度始终坚持专业化、细节化。艾斯德魅宝只做卫浴事业,纵深发展。在高端品质、高端品味、高端品牌、高度要求的前提下更是要求进一步追求对生活趋势的跟踪和把握。引导卫浴时尚前沿。从消费者角度出发,为用户度身打造自己的独特品味与个性世界。从优秀到卓越是艾斯德魅宝的必经之路。从区域到全球是艾斯德魅宝的广阔视野。
艾斯德魅宝: 你的品味-你的世界!
创造客户价值 创造品牌价值 创造生活价值
艾斯德魅宝的价值观: • 客户第一 • 正直诚实 • 对客户、合作伙伴和卫浴事业充满激情 • 直率的与人相处,尊重他人,尊重客户 • 勇于迎接挑战,并且坚持不懈 • 严于律己,善于思考,坚持自我提高和完善
Company Overview
Estimable Sanitary Ware (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd  has engaged in manufacturing and exporting full range of the sanitary ware products.such as bathroom,shower room,Jacuzzi,bathroom cabinet.faucet,mixers.ceramic basin \u0026toilet products etc .we have more than 10years experience in this field and we also working together with some “world top 500 enterprise” for years. we can satisfy your mixed requirement with different service international standard. With durable quality and conscientious team, Our products are exported to all over Europe, North and South America, Australian and Asian market. Confident of being able to provide the topmost sanitary ware products are the Fundamental to our success. On the basis of our team from designing, developing, producing till after-sales service, We are not only sell Products, but Service, Quality, Idea, Create Customer Value.....Estimable: your taste.your world .Estimable Culture \u0026 Values
Since Estimable company inception, a strong company culture based on a shared value system has served as the cornerstone of the Group and its subsidiaries. Our business success and rapid growth has been built on the spirit of entrepreneurship, innovation, and an unwavering focus on meeting the needs of our customers. Estimable company has seven core values which govern everything we do and are an important part of the company's 脱氧核糖核酸 Our six core values are codified in our company's 管理学 systems for hiring, training, and performance evaluation. When new employees join Estimable company, they attend an extensive orientation and team building program at the company, with a strong focus on the company's vision, mission, and values. These are reinforced in our regular training programs, team building exercises and company events.
Estimable mission
Create Customer Value Create Brand Value Create living values
Estimable Vision:To build a famous and topmost sanitary ware brand in the world.
Estimable Shared ValueCustomer First . Honesty \u0026 Sincerity. We are passionate and positive. We are honesty and easy-going, good-natured and straightforward in getting along with others. Respect for others, Respect for customes.
Confident, highly interested in challenges and perseverance.
selfdisciplined, To be well contemplating, improve ,progress.
creditable 管理学 in pursuit of excellence.

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