主持并完成了多项科研项目,其中多以定性研究方法为主,并多次发表关于扎根理论(Grounded Theory)和主题分析(Thematic analysis)等定性方法论应用的期刊论文。此外,还具有讲授研究方法论的国际教学经验。
Bachelor .Applied
数学 ,Autonomous University of Lisbon, Portugal
Master ,Information
管理学, Information School ,the University of
PHD ,Information Studies, Information School ,the University of Sheffield,UK
Programmer and Systems Analyst , Portuguese Army, Lisbon Military Region Head Quarters, Informatization Centre, Lisbon, Portugal
Programmer and Systems Analyst, Software development department of Siemens Electrical Apparatus LTD , Portugal
Senior Lecturer, Information School ,The University of
Coordinator of the MSc in Information
管理学, The University of Sheffield,UK
Head of Research Group for the Knowledge and Information Management Research Group ,The University of
The Founder and Coordinator of the MSc in Information System
管理学 , The University of Sheffield,UK
Course Coordinator of the MSc in Information System and Head of the of Information Systems Research Group ,The University of
Professor/Dean of The School of Information
管理学, The School of Information Management , Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
Visiting Professor ,Higher Studies Institute of
统计学 and Information
管理学, of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
The Professor ,Business School,
葡萄牙语 Open University, Lisbon, Portugal
Visiting Professor ,Research Centre for Knowledge Communities, Graduate School of Library, Information, and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Visiting Professor ,School of
管理学, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Visiting Professor ,School of Information Management at the Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
《信息系统变革管理》项目,中国国家外专局 State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs,2015年03月-2016年12月,12.8万
《集成环境下的语音学习与实践研究》项目,Primary Investigator in a project entitled: “Integrated Environments for Phonetics Learning and Practice,英国
伯明翰市政府CETL,(Birmingham City University CETL Project),2008-2009
《基于RFID-PDA技术的智能旅游服务的设计、开发与生产研究》项目,Primary Investigator in a project entitled: “
设计, Development and Production of a Personal RFid-PDA Based Tour,英国利物浦市政府项目 Liverpool City Council Project,2006-2007
Information system(IS)
设计 and development (信息系统设计与开发);
IS Project
Educational Informatics and e-learning (教育信息学与在线学习);
Information Systems research(ERP, CRM, etc)(信息系统研究,包括企业资源计划系统(ERP)、客户关系管理系统(CRM)等);
Knowledge Management(知识管理);
Information Management (
Post-Implementation and Change
管理学 of Information system(信息系统的后期应用与变革管理);
Research methodology (particularly in qualitative research, such as Grounded Theory, Thematic analysis)(研究方法论,尤其是定性研究,例如扎根理论、主题分析等)
日本烟草产业, Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean (2016) “Exploring academics’ understanding of ownership and intellectual property of online educational materials”. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing(SSCI, Impact Factor: 0.417), 28(4) (accepted and in print).
日本烟草产业, Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean (2016) “Academics’ e-learning adoption in Higher Education Institutions: a matter of trust”. The Learning Organization (accepted and in print).
Zhou, L. and Baptista Nunes, J. M (2016). “Barriers to Knowledge Sharing in Chinese Healthcare Referral Services: an Emergent Theoretical Model”. Global Health Action (SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.93), 9: 29964.
日本烟草产业 and Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean. (2016) “The temporal properties of e-learning: an exploratory study of academics’ conceptions”. International Journal of Educational
管理学, 30(1), 2-19.
Adil, M.; Baptista Nunes, J. M. and
peng, G.C. (2014) “A Three Tier Evaluation Mixed Method Research Model Aiming to Select an Adequate MCDA Method for Public
sector Procurement”, International Journalof
multiple Research Approaches, 8(2), 179-189.
Mojtahed, R., Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, Martins,JT \u0026 Peng GC (2014) “Equipping the Constructivist Researcher: The Combined use of Semi-Structured Interviews and Decision-Making maps”, The Electronic Journal ofBusiness Research Methods12(2), 87-95.
Adil, M.; Baptista Nunes, J. M. and
苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部 (2014) “Identifying Operational Requirements to Select Suitable Decision Models for a Public
sector E-Procurement Decision Support System”, Journal ofInformation Systems and Technology
管理学, 11(2), 211-228.
Zhao, Y., Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean \u0026 Deng, Z. (2014) “Construction and Evolution of a Chinese Information Science and Information Service (CIS\u0026IS) Onto-Thesaurus”, Knowledge Organisation (SSCI, Impact Factor:0.614), 41(2), 131-144.
Mojtahed, R., Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean \u0026
peng GC (2013) “Probing future banking service opportunities: a study of the intention to adopt mobile banking among young UK graduates”, International Journal of Wireless andMobile Computing, 6(6), 544-555.
Christofi, M., Baptista Nunes, J. M.,
苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部 and Lin, A. (2013) “Towards ERP Success in SMEs through Business Process Review prior to Implementation”. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 15(4), 304-323.
Zhou, L. and Baptista Nunes, J. M (2013). “Doing Qualitative Research in Chinese Contexts: Lessons Learned from Conducting Interviews in a Chinese Healthcare Environment”. Library Hi Tech (SSCI,
ImpactFactor: 0.394), 31(3), 419-434.
Adil, M.; Baptista Nunes, J. M. and
peng, G.C. (2013) “Selecting E-Procurement Decision Models by Evaluating MCDA Methods according to the Requirements of the Maldivian Public
sector”. The InternationalJournal of Small Economies, 4(1), 9-22.
Zhou, L. and Baptista Nunes, J. M (2012). “Identifying Knowledge Sharing Barriers in the Collaboration of Traditional and Western Medicine Professionals in Chinese Hospitals: A Case Study”. Journal ofLibrarianship and Information Science (SSCI,
Impact Factor: 0.583), 44(4), 238-248.
Aleixo C., Baptista Nunes
Jackie McLean and
Pedro Isaias (2012). "Usability and Digital Inclusion: Standards and Guidelines". International Journal of Public Administration, 35(3), 221-239.
pan, K., Baptista Nunes, J.M. and Peng, G.C. (2011). “Risks affecting ERP viability: insights from a very large Chinese manufacturing group”. Journal of Manufacturing Technology
管理学, 22 (1), 107-130.
Chen, H., Baptista Nunes, J. M, Zhou, L. and Peng
苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部. (2011). “The Role of Electronic Records Management in Information Systems Development: Gathering, Recording and Managing Evidence of Crucial Communication and Negotiations With Customers”. Aslib Proceedings (SSCI, Impact Factor: 0.635), 63(2/3), 168 - 187.
Baptista Nunes, J. M., Martins, J., Zhou, L., Almamari, S., and Alajamy, M. (2010). “Contextual Sensitivity in Grounded Theory: The Role of Pilot Studies in Grounded Theory”. The Electronic Journal of BusinessResearch Methods, 8(2), 73-84.
苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部 and Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean. (2010). “Barriers to the successful exploitation of ERP systems in Chinese State-Owned Enterprises”. International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 4 (5/6), 596-620.
苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部 and Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean (2009). “Surfacing ERP exploitation risks through a risk
本体论”. Industrial
管理学 \u0026 Data Systems (SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.472), 109 (7), 926-942.
Peng, G.C. and Baptista Nunes, J.M. (2009). “Identification and assessment of risks associated with ERP post-implementation in China”. Journal of Enterprise Information
管理学, 22 (5), 587-614.
Bashir I., Baptista Nunes
Jackie McLean, Russell N.V. (2008) "Knowledge management and innovation in UK
能量 sector SMEs: is there a close link?". International Journal of Knowledge
管理学 Studies, 2(3), 349-370.
Zhou, L., Vasconcelos, A. and Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean (2008). “Supporting Decision Making in Risk Management through an Evidence-Based Information Systems Project Risk Checklist”. InformationManagement \u0026 Computer Security, 16 (2), 166-186.
Woodfine B. P., Baptista Nunes
Jackie McLean and Wright
丹尼斯·约翰逊 (2008) “Text-based Synchronous eLearning and Dyslexia: not necessarily the perfect match!”. Computers \u0026 Education (SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.970), 50(3), 703–717.
Jobbins, D., Kingston, B., Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, Polding, R.(2008) "The Complete University Guide – A New Concept for League Table Practices in the United Kingdom", Higher Education in Europe, 33(2-3), 357-359[j].
Polding, R., Baptista Nunes J.M., Kingston, B. (2008) "Assessing e-book model sustainability", Journal ofLibrarianship and Information Science (SSCI, Impact Factor: 0.583), 40(4), 255-268.
McPherson, MA; Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean (2008) "Critical issues for e-learning delivery: what may seem obvious is not always put into practice". Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (SSCI, Impact Factor:1.464), 24(5), 433 - 445.
McPherson, M.A. and Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean. (2006) "
管理学 Organisational Issues for e-Learning: Critical Success Factors as Identified by HE Practitioners", International Journal of EducationalManagement, 20( 7), 542 - 558.
Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean and McPherson, M.A. (2006) “Learning Support in Online Constructivist Environments in Information Systems”, Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and ComputerSciences, 5(2).
Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, Annansingh, F.P. \u0026 Eaglestone B.M., Wakefield, R. (2006) "Knowledge management issues in knowledge-intensive SMEs", Journal of Documentation (SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.058), 62(1), 101-119.
Lopes, I., Martins, M. and Baptista Nunes
Jackie McLean (2005) “Towards the Knowledge Economy: the Technological Innovation and Education Impact on the Value Creation Process” The Electronic Journal ofKnowledge
管理学, 3(2), 129-138.
Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, Annansingh, F.P. \u0026 Eaglestone B.M., Wakefield, R. (2005) " Managers’ Perceptions of the Value of Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Sized Knowledge-Intensive Enterprises (SMEs)”, Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, 6(December 2005).
Madden, A.D.; Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean; McPherson, M.A.; Ford, N.J.; Miller, D. and Rico, M. (2005) “A New Generation Gap? Some Thoughts on the Consequences of Early ICT First Contact”, International Journal ofInformation and Communication Technology Education, 1(2), 19-32.
McPherson, M.A. \u0026 Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean (2004) “The Role of Tutors as an Integral Part of Online Learning Support”, European Journal of Open and Distance Learning.
McPherson, M. A. \u0026 Baptista Nunes, J.M. (2004) “The Failure of a Virtual Social Space (VSS)
设计ed to Create a Learning Community: Lessons Learned”, British Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI, ImpactFactor: 2.098), 35(3), 305-323.
Adeleye, B. C.; Annansingh, F.P. \u0026 Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean (2004) “Risk Management in IS Outsourcing: An Investigation into Commercial Banks in
尼日利亚”, International Journal of Information
管理学 (SSCI,Impact Factor: 1.764), 24(2) 167-180.
Eaglestone, B. \u0026 Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean (2004) “Pragmatics and Practicalities of Teaching and Learning in the Quicksand of Database Syllabuses”, Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and ComputerSciences, 3(1).
Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean \u0026 McPherson, M (2003) “Action research in continuing professional distance education”, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.464), 19(4), 429-437.
Levy, P.; Ford, N.; Foster, J.; Madden, A.; Miller, D.; Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean; McPherson, M.; \u0026 Webber, S. (2003) “Educational Informatics: an Emerging Research Agenda”, Journal of Information Science (SSCI,Impact Factor: 1.299), 29(4), 298-310.
Eaglestone, B.; Lin, A.; Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean. \u0026 Annansingh, F. (2003) “Intention and Effect of IS Solutions: Does Risk
管理学 Stifle Creativity”, Journal of Information Science (SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.299), 29(4), 296-278.
Baptista Nunes, J.M.; McPherson, M.A. \u0026 Whiteside, A. (2003) “Social Inclusion, Security and eDemocracy Issues in e-Government”, Computers in the Social Studies (
层叠样式表) Journal, 11(1).
Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean \u0026 McPherson, M. (2002) “Pedagogical and Implementation Models for E-Learning Continuing Professional Distance Education (CPDE) Emerging from Action Research”, InternationalJournal of
管理学 Education, 2(3), 16-25.
Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean \u0026 McPherson, M (2002) “An Action Research Model for the Management of Change in Continuing Professional Distance Education”, Innovations in Teaching And Learning in Information andComputer Sciences, 1(2),
McPherson, M. \u0026 Baptista Nunes, J.M. (2002) “Supporting Educational
管理学 through Action Research”, International Journal of Educational Management, 16(6), 300-308.
Zafeiriou, G.; Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean \u0026 Ford, N. (2001) "Using Student's Perceptions of Participation in Collaborative Learning Activities in the Design of Online Learning Environments" Education forInformation, 19(2), 83-106.
Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean \u0026 Levy, P. (2000) "Supporting Life-Long Learning: New Educational Roles for Public Librarians", Liberpolis - Revista das Bibliotecas Públicas, 3, 8-15.
Wright, D.J. \u0026 Baptista Nunes, J.M. (2000) "WWW Support for Nursing Students with Dyslexia and their Tutors", Health Informatics Journal, 6, 91-99.
Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean and Fowell, S.P. (1996). "Developing Educational Hypermedia Applications: a Methodological Approach", Information Research (SSCI, Impact Factor: 0.841), 2(2).
Baptista Nunes, J.M. and Fowell, S.P. (1996). "Hypermedia as an Experiential Learning Tool: a Theoretical Model", Information Research (SSCI, Impact Factor: 0.841), 2(1).
Zhou, L. andBaptista Nunes, J. M(2015)Knowledge Sharing in Chinese Hospital: Identifying SharingBarriers in Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Collaboration, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
Isaias P. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2012) (editors)Information Systems Research and Exploring SocialArtifacts: Approaches and Methodologies, Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
McPherson, M. A. andBaptista Nunes, J.M. (2004)Developing Innovation in Online Learning: An ActionResearch Framework.
伦敦: Routledge-Falmer.
[52]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, McPerson M. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2016)Proceedings of the InternationalAssociation for the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on eLearning 2016, 1 – 4 July 2016, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
[53]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean,Powell, P. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2016)Proceedings of the International Associationfor the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on Information Systems 2016, 09-11 April 2016, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal.
[54]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, McPerson M. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2015)Proceedings of the InternationalAssociation for the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on eLearning 2015, 21 – 24 July 2015, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
[55]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean,Powell, P. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2015)Proceedings of the International Associationfor the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on Information Systems 2015, 14-16 March 2015, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
[56]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean,
peng 苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部 and Isaías, P. (editors) (2014) Proceedings of the International Associationfor the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on Information Systems PostImplementation and Change
管理学 Conference 2014, 17 - 19 July 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.
[57]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, McPerson M. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2014) Proceedings of the InternationalAssociation for the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on e-Learning 2014, 17 – 19 July 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.
[58]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean,Powell, P. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2014)Proceedings of the International Associationfor the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on Information Systems 2014, 14-16 March 2014, Madrid, Spain.
[59]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean,
peng G.C. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2014) Proceedings of the International Associationfor the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on Information Systems PostImplementation and Change
管理学 Conference 2014, 22 - 26 July 2013,
Prague, Czech Republic.
[60]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, McPerson M. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2013) Proceedings of the InternationalAssociation for the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on e-Learning2013, 22 – 26 July 2013,
Prague, Czech Republic.
[61]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean,Powell, P. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2013)Proceedings of the International Associationfor the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on Information Systems 2013, 13 -15 March, Lisbon, Portugal.
[62]Baptista Nunes, J.M.,
peng 苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部 and Isaías, P. (editors) (2012)Proceedings of the International Associationfor the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on Information Systems Postimplementation and Change
管理学 Conference2012, 17 - 19 July 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.
[63]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, McPerson M. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2012) Proceedings of the InternationalAssociation for the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on e-Learning 2012, 17 – 20 July 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.
[64]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean,Powell, P. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2012)Proceedings of the International Associationfor the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on Information Systems 2012, 10-12 March 2012, Berlin, Germany.
[65]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, McPerson M. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2011) Proceedings of the InternationalAssociation for the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on e-Learning 2011, 20 – 23 July 2011, Rome, Italy.
[66]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, and Isaías, P. (editors) (2011) Proceedings of the International Association for theDevelopment of the Information Society (IADIS) Workshop on Information Systems Research Trends,Approaches and Methodologies (ISRTAM 2011), 20 - 23 July 2011, Rome, Italy.
[67]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean,Powell, P. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2011) Proceedings of the International Association for the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on Information Systems 2011, 11 – 13 March 2011, Avila, Spain.
[68]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, McPerson M. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2010) Proceedings of the InternationalAssociation for the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on e-Learning 2010, 26 – 29 July 2010, Freiburg, Germany.
[69]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, Powell, P. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2010)Proceedings of the International Associationfor the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on Information Systems 2010, 18 – 20 March 2010, Porto, Portugal.
[70]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, McPerson M. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2009) Proceedings of the InternationalAssociation for the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on e-Learning 2009, 17 – 20 June 2009, Algarve, Portugal.
Isaías, P.,Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLeanand Bebo W. (editors) (2009) Proceedings of theInternational Associationfor the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) WWW/Internet Conference (ICWI 2009), 19 -22 November 2009 Rome, Italy.
[72]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, Powell, P. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2009)Proceedings of the International Associationfor the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on Information Systems 2009, 25 – 27 February 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
[73]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, McPerson M. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2008) Proceedings of the InternationalAssociation for the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on e-Learning 2008, 22 – 25 July 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Isaías, P. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(editors) (2008)Proceedings of the International Association for theDevelopment of the Information Society (IADIS) WWW/Internet Conference (ICWI 2008), 13 - 15 October 2008 Freiburg, Germany: IADIS Press.
[75]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, Powell, P. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2008)Proceedings of the International Associationfor the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on Information Systems 2008, 9 - 11 April 2008, Algarve, Portugal.
[76]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, McPerson M. and Isaías, P. (editors) (2007) Proceedings of the InternationalAssociation for the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on e-Learning 2007, 6 - 8 July 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.
Isaías, P. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(editors) (2007) Proceedings of the International Association for theDevelopment of the Information Society (IADIS) WWW/Internet Conference (ICWI 2007), 5 - 8 October 2007 Vila Real, Portugal.
Isaías, P. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(editors) (2006)Proceedingsof theInternational Association for theDevelopment of the Information Society (IADIS) WWW/Internet Conference (ICWI 2006),5-8 of October 2006 Murcia, Spain.
Isaías, P. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(editors) (2005)Proceedingsof theInternational Association for theDevelopment of the Information Society (IADIS) WWW/Internet Conference (ICWI 2005),19-22 October 2005. Lisbon, Portugal.
Kommers, P.; Isaías, P. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(editors) (2004)Proceedingsof theInternationalAssociation for the Development of the Information Society Web Based Communities Conference (WBC 2004),24-26 March 2004. Lisbon, Portugal
苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部 andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2016)“ Multidimensional and Interrelated Barriers and Risks Affecting Long-Term ERP Success in Chinese State-Owned Enterprises”, In Martins, J.T. and Molnar, A. (editors)Handbook of Research on Innovations in Information Retrieval, Analysis, and Management, 326-357, Hershey, USA: IGI Global
Zhou, L. andBaptista Nunes, J. M(2016)“Formulating a Framework for Desktop Research in Chinese Information Systems”, In Martins, J.T. and Molnar, A. (editors)Handbook of Research on Innovations inInformation Retrieval, Analysis, and Management, 307-325, Hershey, USA: IGI Global.
Mojtahed, R.Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, and
苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部 (2015) “Provision of Governmental Services through Mobile Phones and Tablets and Threats to Users' Security and Privacy”, In Khosrow-Pour, M. (editor)Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition (10 Volumes), Volume 2,2776-2784. Hershey, USA: IGI Global.
Adil, M.,Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, and
苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部 (2014) “Selecting Suitable E-Procurement Decision Models for the Maldivian Public
sector by Evaluating MCDA Methods” In Rocha, A., Correia, A., Tan, F., Stroetmann, K. (editors)New Perspectives in Information Systems and Technologies, Volume 2, Advances inIntelligent Systems and Computing Volume 276, 455-465. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
[85]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, Fang, L.,
苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部, Zhou, J., Clegg, J. Rohde, C.,Spencer, S. (2014) “Developing a Multi-purpose E-Learning Application for Speech and Language Therapy Students and Professionals Using a Design Science Research Approach”, In Rocha, A., Correia, A., Tan, F., Stroetmann, K. (editors)NewPerspectives in Information Systems and Technologies, Volume 2, Advances in Intelligent Systems andComputing Volume 276, 227-237. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
Mcpherson, M. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2013) “The Role of Tutors as a
Fundamental Component of Online Learning Support”. In Bernath, U.; Szücs, A.; Tait, A. and Vidal, M. (editors)Distance and ELearning in Transition: Learning Innovation, Technology and Social Challenges, 235-246.
苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部 and Nunes,
Jackie McLeanB. (2013). “Establishing and verifying a risk
本体论 for ERP postimplementation”. In Ahmad, M., Colomb, R.M. and Abdullah, M.S. (editors), Ontology-based Applications for Enterprise Systems and Knowledge Management, 43-67. Hershey, USA: IGI Global.
[88]Baptista Nunes, J. M., Martins, J., Alajamy, M.and Zhou, L. (2012). "Grounded Theory in Practice: A Discussion of Cases in Information Systems Research". In Isaias P. and Baptista Nunes J.M (2012) (editors)Information Systems Research and Exploring Social Artifacts: Approaches and Methodologies, 142-160. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
McPherson, M. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2009) "The Role of Tutors as a
Fundamental Component of Online Learning Support". In: Szücs, A., Bernath, U., Tait, A., Vidal, M. (editors)Distance and E-Learning inTransition: Learning Innovation, Technology and Social Challenges, 235 - 246. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Iste.
Madden, A. D.,Baptista Nunes, J. M., McPherson, M., Ford, N., and Miller, D. (2008) "Mind the Gap!: New 'Literacies" Create New Divides". In
Van Slyke C. (editor),Information Communication Technologies:Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 2297-2310. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
McPherson, MA;Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, Sandars J. and Kell, C. (2008) "Technology and Continuing Professional Education: The Reality
Beyond the Hype". In: Chen, I., Kidd, T. (editor)Social InformationTechnology: Connecting Society and Cultural Issues, 295 - 311 Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: Idea Group Inc.
Madden, A. D.;Baptista Nunes, J. M.; McPherson, M.; Ford, N. J. and Miller D. (2008) “Mind the Gap! New ‘literacies’ create new divides.” In Tomei, L. (editor)Integrating ICT into the Classroom, 234-252 . Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: Idea Group Inc.
[93]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLeanand McPherson, M.A. (2007) “Why
设计ers Cannot be Agnostic about Pedagogy: The Influence of Constructivist Thinking in Design of e-Learning for HE”. In Lakhmi C. Jain, Raymond A. Tedman and Debra K. Tedman (2007) Evolution of Technology and
教育学, Studies inComputational Intelligence (SCI)62, 7–30. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag.
[94]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLeanand McPherson, M.A. (2007) “Negotiating the Path from Curriculum
设计 to ELearning Course Delivery: A Study of Critical Success Factors for Instructional Systems Design”. InProceedings Second European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2007, Crete, Greece, September 17-20. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 4753, 232-246, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag.
M\u0026C andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2004) “Disintermediation via Web Services in
葡萄牙语 Public Libraries” In Brophy, P.; Fisher, S. and Craven, J. (editors)Libraries without Walls 5: The distributed deliveryof library and information services.
伦敦: Facet Publishing, 184-194.
McPherson, M.A.andBaptista Nunes, J.M. (2003) “A Framework to Support eLearning Management” In McPherson, M.A.; Henderson, L. and Kinshuk (editors)Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for ImplementingeLearning: Proceedings of the Workshop in the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2002) on The Changing Face of HE in the 21stCentury. Palmerston North, New Zealand: Massey University, 1-7.
[97]Baptista Nunes, J.M. (2003) “Instructional Design CSFs for eLearning” In McPherson, M.A.; Henderson, L. and Kinshuk (editors)Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Implementing eLearning: Proceedings of theWorkshop in the International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2002) on The Changing Face ofHE in the 21stCentury. Palmerston North, New Zealand: Massey University, 25-30.
[98]Baptista Nunes, J.M. and McPherson, M.A.(2003) “Learning Support in Constructivist eLearning Environments” In McPherson, M.A.; Henderson, L. and Kinshuk (editors)Critical Success Factors (CSFs) forImplementing eLearning: Proceedings of the Workshop in the International Conference on Computers inEducation (ICCE 2002) on The Changing Face of HE in the 21stCentury. Palmerston North, New Zealand: Massey University, 30-36.
Mojtahed R,Baptista Nunes, J. M., Martins J and
peng 苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部 (2014). "Fostering Constructivism in Inductive Data Collection: Combining Interviews and Decision-Making Map". InProceeding of 13th EuropeanConference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (ECRM 2014), 15-16 June 2014,
伦敦, UK.
[100]Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, Fang, L.,
peng, A., Zhou, J., Clegg, J. Rohde, C. and Spencer, S. (2014) “Developing a Multi-purpose E-Learning Application for Speech and Language Therapy Students and Professionals Using a Design Science Research Approach”, InProceeding of the World Conference on Information Systems andTechnologies (WorldCIST'14), 15-18 April 2014, Madeira, Portugal.
Adil, M.,Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, and
peng, A. (2014) “Selecting Suitable E-Procurement Decision Models for the Maldivian Public
sector by Evaluating MCDA Methods” InProceeding of the World Conference onInformation Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST'14), 15-18 April 2014, Madeira, Portugal.
Zhou, L.,Baptista Nunes, J. M.and Liu, W. (2013) “Mitigating barriers to patient-centred knowledge sharing: a case-study of knowledge sharing problems in the collaboration of traditional and western practitioners in Chinese hospitals”. InProceedings of the International Conference on KnowledgeManagement and Information Sharing (KMIS 2013), 19 – 22 September, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal.
Adil. M.;Baptista Nunes, J. M.and
苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部 (2013) “Selecting Public e-Procurement MCDA Methods Using a Three Tier Evaluation Mixed Method (TTMM) Research Model”. InProceedings of the 12European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies(ECRM 2013), 4-5 July, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal.
Martins, J. T. andBaptista Nunes, J. M.(2013). “Academics’ trust in e-learning: framing adoption decision between institutionalism and individualism”. InBritish Academy of Management Conference(BAM 2013) – 10-12 September, Liverpool, UK.
Martins, J. T. andBaptista Nunes, J. M.(2013). “Trust as an Organising Principle of e-Learning Adoption - Reconciling Agency and Structure”. European Conference on E-Learning (ECEL 2013) – Sophia Antipolis, France, 30-31 October.
Chen, H., Ragsdell G, O’Brien, A.,Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2012) "A Proposed Model of Knowledge Management in the Software Industry
sector". In Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2012), 22-24 August 2012, University of
澳门特别行政区, Macau, China.
Chen, S.,
peng G.C,Baptista Nunes J.M., Mojtahed, R. and Zhou, L. (2012) "Understanding of ERP systems in Chinese SOEs: A Case Study". InProceedings of Seventh International Conference on Digital Information
管理学 (ICDIM 2012), 22-24 August 2012, University of
澳门特别行政区, Macau, China.
Fang L.,Baptista Nunes, J.M, and de Bruijn C. (2012)"A Discussion of a Constructivist Application for Phonetics Transcription E-learning Using Drill". InProceedings of the Global Information and
管理学Symposium (GIAMS 2012), 15-17 August 2012, Shanghai, China.
Chen, S.,Baptista Nunes J.M.,
peng G.C, and Mojtahed, R. (2012) "Exploring SCM Awareness in Chinese SOEs: Insights from a Case Study". InProceedings of the Global Information and
管理学 Symposium(GIAMS 2012), 15-17 August 2012, Shanghai, China.
Chen, S.,Baptista Nunes J.M.,
peng G.C, and Mojtahed, R. (2012) "Exploring CRM Adoption in Chinese SOEs: Insights from A Case Study". InProceedings of The 2012 International Conference on ComputerScience and Service System (CSSS 2012), 11-13 August 2012, Nanjing, China.
Zhou, L.,Baptista Nunes, J. M., Luo, L. Liu, W. (2012) "Advocating a desk case-study research approach in Chinese Information Systems Research: a Proposition of a Research Framework". InProceedings of theInternational Association for the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on Information Systems Post-implementation and Change
管理学 Conference 2012, 17 - 19 July 2012, 63-70, Lisbon, Portugal.
Martins, J.T.,Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2012). "Intellectual property rights and the myth of the open scholar: an exploratory study of
葡萄牙语 academics’ reluctance to make educational materials available online". InProceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, (EdMedia 2012, 26-29 June 2012, Denver, CO, USA.
Fang, L.,Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean\u0026 de Bruijn, C. (2012). "Drill-and-Practice is not Necessarily a Pejorative Approach: an
Example of its Successful Application as a Self-learning Component of a Phonetics Blended Learning Environment". InProceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia andTelecommunications, (EdMedia 2012),
pp 1655-1664, 26-29 June 2012, Denver, CO, USA.
de Bruijn C.,Baptista Nunes J.M, Fang L., Pathak R., Zhou J. (2011) "A System for Independent ELearning of Practical Phonetics". InProceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences(ICPhS XVII),17-21August 201, Hong Kong, China.
Martins, J.,Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean, Zhou, L. and Alajamy, M. (2011) “Grounded Theory Method Practices in Information Systems Research”. InProceedings of theIADIS International Workshop on Information SystemsResearch Trends, Approaches and Methodologies, 20 July 2011, Rome, Italy.
苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部,Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLeanand Annansingh, F. (2011). "Investigating information systems with mixed-methods research". InProceedings of the IADIS International Workshop on Information SystemsResearch Trends, Approaches and Methodologies, Rome, Italy, 20 July 2011.
Martins, J. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2011) “On trust and assurance: Towards a risk mitigation normative framework for e-learning adoption”, InProceedings of the 6 International Conference on E-Learning, 27-28 June 2011, Kelowna, Canada.
Martins, J. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2011) “A critical discussion on the selection of a data collection technique for an interpretivist Grounded Theory study: in-depth interviews vs. focus groups”, InProceedingsof the 10 European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, 20-21 June 2011, Caen, France.
Mojtahed, R.,Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLeanand
苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部 (2011). "The role of the technology acceptance model in information systems research". InProceedings of the IADIS International Workshop on Information SystemsResearch Trends, Approaches and Methodologies (ISRTAM), Rome, Italy, 20 July 2011.
Chen, S., Osman, M.,Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLeanand
peng, G.C. (2011). "Information systems evaluation methodologies". InProceedings of the IADIS International Workshop on Information Systems ResearchTrends, Approaches and Methodologies (ISRTAM), Rome, Italy, 20 July 2011.
Katakalos G,Baptista Nunes
Jackie McLean, \u0026 Ketikidis, P. H. (2011). "Addressing Multiculturalism for e-Learning in Higher Education Environments: a View of South-East Europe". In Proceedings of the International Association for the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on e-Learning 2011, 20 – 23 July 2011, Rome, Italy.
Aleixo C.,Baptista Nunes J.M. and Isaias, P. (2011)." Digital Divide: a Study On Portuguese Municipalities’ Web Sites" In Proceedings of the International Association for the Development of the Information Society (IADIS) Conference on ICT, Society and Human Beings 2011, 24 - 26 July 2011, Rome, Italy.
Martins, J. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2010) “Polychronicity and Multipresence: a grounded theory of elearning
时间awareness as expressed by Portuguese academics”, InProceedings of the WSEAS InternationalConference on E-Activities, 14-16 December 2010, Merida, Venezuela.
苏黎世草蜢足球俱乐部 andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2010). "Why ERP post-implementation fails? Lessons learned from a failure case in China ". InProceedings of the 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS),09-12 July 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
Martins, J. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2010) “Grounded Theory-based trajectories of Portuguese faculty effort-reward imbalance in e-learning development.”, InProceedings of the 9 European Conference onResearch Methodology for Business and Management Studies, 24-25 June 2010, Madrid, Spain.
[126]Baptista Nunes. J.M, Alajamy, M., Al-Mamari, S., Martins, J. and Zhou, L. (2010) “The Role of PilotStudies in Grounded Theory: understanding the context in which research is done!”, InProceedings of the 9 EuropeanConference on Research Methodology for Business and
管理学 Studies, 24-25 June 2010,
马德里, Spain.
Zhou, L.,Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2010). “Doing Qualitative Research in Chinese Contexts: Lessons Learned from a Grounded Theory study in a Chinese Healthcare Environment”. In:Proceedings of 9th EuropeanConference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, IE Business School, 24-25 June, 2010, Madrid, Spain.
[128]Baptista Nunes
Jackie McLean, Alajamy, M., Almamari, S., Martins, J., Zhou, L. (2010). “The Role of Pilot Studies in Grounded Theory” In:Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business andManagement Studies, IE Business School, 24-25 June, 2010, Madrid, Spain. Page 13 of 24
Zhou, L., Vasconcelos, A. andBaptista Nunes, J. M.(2010). “Identifying Knowledge Sharing Barriers in Interprofessional Healthcare Collaboration of Traditional and Western Medicine in China”. In:Proceedings ofIADIS International Conference Information Systems, 18-20 March, 2010.
Martins, J. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2010) “Interview guide Development for Studying Information Systems Processes; a Grounded Theory Mode of Understanding.”, InProceedings of the IADIS InternationalConference Information Systems, March 18-20, Porto, Portugal.
peng, G.C. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2010). "Exploring cultural impact on long-term utilization of enterprise systems". InProceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 05-08 January 2010, Hawaii, USA.
Peng, G.C. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2010). "Interrelated barriers and risks affecting ERP postimplementation in China". InProceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences(HICSS), 05-08 January 2010, Hawaii, USA.
Martins, J. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2009) “Translucent Proclivity: cognitive catalysts of faculty’s preference for adaptable e-learning institutional planning.”, InProceedings of the World Conference on ELearning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare and Higher Education (ELearn), 26-30 October. Vancouver, Canada.
Martins, J. andBaptista Nunes, J. M.(2009) “Methodological constituents of faculty technology perception and appropriation: does form follow
函数?”, InProceedings of the IADIS International Conference oneLearning2009, 17-20 June. Algarve, Portugal.
pan, K.,Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLeanand
peng, G.C. (2009). “Risks associated with ERP post-adoption: the case of a large manufacturing firm in China”. InProceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the UK Academy forInformation Systems (UKAIS), 31 March - 01 April 2009,St Anne's College, Oxford, UK.
Christofi, M.,Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLeanand
peng, G.C. (2009). “Identifying and improving deficient business processes to prepare SMEs for ERP implementation”. InProceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the UKAcademy for Information Systems (UKAIS), 31 March - 01 April 2009,St Anne's College, Oxford, UK.
Chen, H.,Baptista Nunes,
Jackie McLeanand Zhou, L. (2009). “The Implementation of Electronic Records Management in Facilitating Knowledge Sharing at Software Development Projects”. In:Proceedings of the11th International Conference on Informatics and
符号学 in Organisations, 11-12 April, 2009, Beijing, China.
McPherson, MA;Baptista Nunes, JM; Katakalos, G (2008) "Multiculturalism for eLearning in Post-Bologna Higher Education Environments". InProceedings of the European Distance Education Network AnnualConference (EDEN 2008), 11-14 June 2008, Lisbon, Portugal.
Katakalos, G.,Baptista Nunes, JM; Ketikidis, P. (2008) "Conflicts Arising from Communication, Collaboration and Cooperation of Students in Multicultural Groups Engaged in e-Learning Activities.". InProceedings of the European Distance Education Network Annual Conference (EDEN 2008), 11-14 June 2008, Lisbon, Portugal.
peng, G.C. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2008). “Identification and assessment of risks to successful exploitation of ERP systems in China”. InProceedings of the 5th European and Mediterranean Conference onInformation Systems (EMCIS), 25-26 May 2008,
迪拜, UAE.
Al-Mamari S.H. andBaptista Nunes J.M. (2008) Perception of Barriers to the Adoption of CRM in The Banking
sector in Oman”. InProceedings of the 5th European and Mediterranean Conference on InformationSystems(EMCIS), 25-26 May 2008,
迪拜, UAE.
[142]Peng, G.C. andBaptista Nunes,
Jackie McLean(2008). “Issues and difficulties in doing participative research in China: lessons learned from a survey in information systems research”. InProceedings of the 7th EuropeanConference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (ECRM 2008), 245-252. 19-20 June 2008,
伦敦, UK. Page 14 of 24
[143]Baptista Nunes J.M. and Al-Mamari S.H. (2008) "Inductive Approaches Using a Priori Coding in Information Systems Research: A Discussion”. InProceedings of the 7th European Conference on ResearchMethodology for Business and Management Studies (ECRM 2008). 19-20 June 2008, London, UK.
Katakalos, G.;Baptista Nunes
Jackie McLeanand Ketikidis, P. (2008) “Understanding Students' Cultures from the South East Europe studying in Greek Higher Education”. InProceedings of the Third South East EuropeanDoctoral Student Conference (DSC 2008),22-25 June, Thessaloniki, Greece, South east European Research Centre (SEERC), Vol 2, 259-268.
Peng, G.C.andBaptista Nunes, J.M. (2008). “A discussion of barriers to successful exploitation of ERP systems in China”. InProceedings of the IADIS International Conference in Information Systems, 73-80. 15- 17 April, 2008, Algarve, Portugal.
Al-Mamari S.H..andBaptista Nunes, J.M. (2008). “Readiness for CRM Use in Developing Countries: Case of Oman”. InProceedings of the IADIS International Conference in Information Systems, 46-56. 15-17 April, 2008, Algarve, Portugal.