主 演:丹·哈达娅 Dan Hedaya Danny Nucci 杰克·亚伯拉罕 Jake Abraham John Byrne Maureen Carr James Cunningham John Duncan Olegar Fedoro
Two American mafiosi, Gino and Settimo, take refuge in the
格拉斯哥 cafe owned by their Scottish/Italian cousin. But cousin Roberto isn't the
Tough guy they'd expected. His strengths are fish frying and stamp collecting, and he thinks
MAGNUM 45s are a type of ice cream. Gino and Settimo try to repay Roberto's hospitality by chasing off a debt collector who wants his property, but their strong arm tactics alarm him and he realises they aren't the PR consultants they claimed to be
美国黑手党 Gino和Settimo避难于
冰淇淋。Gino and Settimo决定收拾想剥夺Roberto财产的收帐人来报答他的款待。不过他们俩过分的武力手段让Roberto感到不安,并意识到他们并不是自己所宣称的财务顾问。