作者:(西班牙)巴尔塔沙·格拉西安(Baltasar Gracian) 注译:青闰
Everything is at its peak of perfection一切都要尽善尽美
Character and intellect品质与才智
Keep matters for a 时间 in suspense让事情暂时悬着
Knowledge and courage知识与勇气
Make people depend on you让人们依靠你
A person at his peak达到顶峰的人
Avoid outshining your superiors不要让你的上司相形见绌
Be without passions不要让激情左右
Avoid the faults of your nation避免你的天生缺陷
Fortune and fame好运与名声
Cultivate relationships with those who can teach you
Nature and art,material and workmanship自然与艺术素材与工艺
Act sometimes on second thoughts,sometimes on first impuIse
The thing itself and the way it is done事物本身与做事方式
KeeD auxiliary wits around you让辅佐之才聚在你周围
Knowledge and good intentions知识与善意
Vary your mode of action改变你的行动方式
Application and ability勤勉与才干
j Arouse no exaggerated expectations when you start something
A man of the times生逢其时的人
The art of being lucky好运之道
Knowledge has a purpose知识要有一定目的
Be free of imperfections摆脱瑕
Keep your imagination under control控制你的想象力
KnOW how to take a hint懂得如何去领会
Find out each person’S thumbscrew发现每个人的要害
Prize intensity more than extent珍视强度,而不是广度
Be common in nothin9不要媚俗
Be a person of integrity做一个正直的人
Have nothing to do with disreputable occupations
Select the lucky and avoid the unlucky选择幸运,避免不幸
Have a reputation for being gracious赢得亲切和蔼的名声
Know how to withdraw知道如何退出
Know your strongest quality了解你的强项
Think things over,especially those that are important
Before acting or refraining weigh your luck
Keep a store of sarcasms and know how to use them
Leave your luck while winnin9见好就收
Recognize when things are ripe,and know how to enjoy them
Gain people’S goodwill赢得人们的善意
Never exaggerate千万不要夸张
Natural leadership天生的领导能力
Think with the few and speak with the many
Sympathy with great minds与伟人共鸣
Use,but do not abuse,cunning利用狡诈,但不要滥用
Master your antipathies控制你的厌恶情绪
Avoid incurring obligations避免招惹是非
So much depends on being a person of depth
Be a person of observation and iudgment
Never lose your self—respect千万不要失去自尊
Know how to choose well懂得如何选择有方
Never be upset绝不要心烦意乱
Be diligent and intelligent既要勤奋又要明智
Know how to show your strength懂得如何显示自己的力量
Know how to wait懂得如何等待
Have presence of mind保持镇定
Be slow and sure要稳扎稳打
Adapt yourself to those around you让自己适应周围的人
Finish off well圆满收场
Have sound judgment要有正确的判断力
Microsoft Excel in what is excellent超越卓越之事
Use good instruments使用好工具
To be the first of the kind is excellent要为人先,才能卓越
Avoid worry避免烦恼
Cultivate taste培养情趣
See to it that things end well务必让事情圆满结束
Choose an occup~ion that wins distinction选择一种能赢得声望的职业
It is better to help with intelligence than with memory借助智力胜过借助记忆
Do not give way to every common impulse不要给每一种常见的\u003e;中动让步
Know how to say“no”懂得如何说“不
Do not vacillate不要左右摇摆
Be resolute要意志坚定
Know how to use evasion懂得如何使用遁辞
Do not be unapproachabIe不要难以接近
Choose a heroic ideal选择崇高的理想
Do not always be joking不要总是开玩笑
Be all things to all people万事要因人而宜
The art of undertaking things做事的技巧
A iovial disposition愉快的性情
Take care when you get information获得信息时要当心
Renew your brilliance重放你的光彩
Drain nothing to the dregs,neither good nor bad无论好坏,不要耗尽任何东西
Allow yourself some forgivable sin允许自己犯可以宽恕的过失
Make use of your enemies利用你的敌人
Do not be a wild card,a iack—of.all—trades不要做百搭牌、百事通
Prevent SCANDAL防止流言蜚语
Culture and elegance文化与优雅
Let your behavior be fine and noble让你的行为优雅高尚
Know yourself了解自己
The secret of long life持久人生的秘诀
Never set to work at anything if you have any doubts about its prudence绝不要做你对其审慎性有所怀疑的事情
Transcendent wisdom超群的智慧
Keep the extent of your abilities unknown让你的才能不为人知
Keep expect~ion alive让期望保持活力
The highest discretion最高的判断力
Obtain and preserve a reputation获得并保护你的名声
Write your intentions in cipher用密码写出你的意图
Reality and appearance本体与表象
Be a person without illusions,one who is wise and righteous,a
philosophical courtier做一个没有幻想的人,一个英明正直的人,一个泰然自若的人
One half of the world laughs at the other,and fools are they all一半世人在嘲笑另一半,而所有人都是傻瓜
Be able to stomach big slices of luck能够消化大运气
Let each keep up his dignity让每个人都保持高贵
Get to know what is needed in different occupmions逐步了解不同职业需要什么
Do not be a bore不要做讨厌鬼
Do not parade your position不要炫耀你的地位
Show no self—satisfaction绝不要自鸣得意
The sho~est path to greatness is along with others通向伟大的捷径就是与他人同行
Do not be censorious不要吹毛求疵
Do not wait till you are a setting sun不要等到你夕阳西下
Have friends要有朋友
Gain goodwill赢得善意
In times of prosperity prepare for adversity幸运时要为不幸做准备
Never compete千万不要争
Get used to the failings of those只和arou可nOnly act with honorable people 习惯周围人的缺点
Only act with honorable people只和可敬的人打交道

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