1996.9-2001.7: 北京林业大学,森工学院,研究生/博士,导师:赵广杰教授
1999.10-2000.9: 日本岛根大学,综合理工学部,特别研究生,导师:古野 毅教授
2001.7-2002.2: 北京林业大学,材料科学与技术学院,讲师
2002.3-2004.1: 美国密西根州立大学,自然资源学院林学系,博士后,导师:Pascal Kamdem教授
2004.1-至今: 北京林业大学教授,2006年评为博士生导师。
1. Wang Wang, Yuan Zhu,Jinzhen Cao*, Wenjing Sun. Correlation between dynamic wetting behavior and chemical components of thermally-modified wood, Applied surface Science, 2015, 324: 332–338
2. Ru Liu, Yao Peng,Jinzhen Cao*. Thermal stability of organo-蒙脱石modified wood flour/poly(lactic acid) composites, Polymer composites, 01/2015; DOI: 10.1002/pc.23375
3. Yao Peng, Ru Liu,Jinzhen Cao*. Effects of vitamin E combined with antioxidants on wood flour/聚丙烯 composites during accelerated 风化作用, Holzforschung, 2014, DOI 10.1515/hf-2014-0044 (Published on-line)
4. Wang Wang, Yuan Zhu,Jinzhen Cao*, Xi Guo. Thermal modification of southern pine combined with wax emulsion pre-impregnation: effect on hydrophobicity and dimensional stability, Holzforschung, 2014, DOI 10.1515/hf-2014-0106 (Published on-line)
5. Wang Wang,Yuan Zhu,Jinzhen Cao*, Ru Liu. In-situ synthesis of organo-蒙脱石 in southern 黄色 pine wood: preparation, characterization and properties, Holzforschung,2014,68(1):29–36,DOI: 10.1515/hf-2013-0038.
6. Shupin Luo,Jinzhen Cao*, Ru Liu. Properties of 丙三醇thermally modified wood 面粉/聚丙烯 composites, Polymer composites, 2014,35(2):201-207
7. Lizhi Zhu,Jinzhen Cao*, Yi Wang, Ru Liu, Guangjie Zhao. Effect of MAPP on interfacial compatibility of wood flour/polypropylene composite evaluated with dielectric approach, 均聚物 Composites, 2014,35(3):489–494
8. Liu Ru, Peng Yao,Jinzhen Cao*, Shupin Luo. H₂O Absorption, Dimensional Stability, and Mold Susceptibility of Organically- modified- 蒙脱石 Modified Wood 面粉/聚丙烯 Composites, BioResources, 2014, 9(1): 54-65.
9. Peng Yao, Liu Ru,Jinzhen Cao*, Shupin Luo. Anti-风化作用 effects of vitamin E on wood flour/polypropylene composites, Polymer Composites, 2014, DOI: 10.1002/pc.22870
10. Wang Wang, Yuan Zhu,Jinzhen Cao*. Morphological, thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of Cathay poplar/organoclay composites prepared by in-situ process, Materials and 设计,2014,59:233–240
11. Yuan Zhu, Wang Wang,Jinzhen Cao*.Combined effects of oleic acid and thermal modification on H₂O-related properties of southern 松属, Bioresources,2014,9(2):2431-2445.
12. Ru Liu, Yao Peng,Jinzhen Cao*. A comparison of various ionic 表面活性剂 modifiers used in in-situ synthesis of organo-蒙脱石 inside wood 面粉, Industrial Crops and Prodcuts,2014,62:387–394
13. Yao Peng, Ru Liu,Jinzhen Cao*, Yu Chen. Effects of UV 风化作用 on surface properties of 聚丙烯 composites reinforced with wood flour, lignin, and 胶化乙酸纤维素,Applied surface Science,2014,317: 385-392.
14. Ru Liu, Yao Peng,Jinzhen Cao*, Yu Chen. Comparison on properties of lignocellulosic flour/polymer composites by using wood, 纤维素, and lignin flours as fillers, Composites Science and Technology, 2014,103:1-7.
15. Ru Liu,Jinzhen Cao*, Yao Peng, Yu Chen. Physical, mechanical and thermal properties of micronized organo-蒙脱石 suspension modified wood 面粉/poly (lactic acid) composites, 均聚物 composites,2014,DOI: 10.1002/pc.22992
16. Yao Peng, Ru Liu,Jinzhen Cao*. Effects of Antioxidants on photodegradation of wood flour/聚丙烯 composites during artificial 风化作用, Bioresources, 2014, 9(4):5817-5830.
17. Liang Ouyang, Yuxiang Huang,Jinzhen Cao*. Hygroscopicity and Characterization of Wood Fibers Modified by Alkoxysilanes with Different Chain Lengths, Bioresources, 2014,9(4): 7222-7233.
18. Ru Liu,Jinzhen Cao*, Shupin Luo, Xing Wang. Effects of two types of clay on physical and mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid)/wood flour composites at various wood flour contents, Journal of Applied 均聚物 Science,2013,127(4): 2566-2573.
19. Ru Liu,Jinzhen Cao*, Liang Ouyang. Degradation of wood flour/poly (lactic acid) composites reinforced by coupling agents and organo-montmorillonite in a compost test, Wood and Fiber Science,2013, 45(1): 105-118
20. Shupin Luo,Jinzhen Cao*, Xing Wang. Investigation of the interfacial compatibility of PEG and thermally modified wood Flour/聚丙烯 Composites using the stress relaxation approach, Bioresources, 2013, 8(2):2064-2073.
21. Zhu Lizhi,Jinzhen Cao*, Wang Yi.Evaluation of interfacial compatibility in wood flour/polypropylene composite by using dielectric approach, J. Appl. Poly. Sci.,2013,129(3):1520-1526.
22. Ru Liu, Shupin Luo,Jinzhen Cao*, Yao Peng. Characterization of organo-蒙脱石 (OMMT) modified wood flour and properties of its composites with poly(lactic acid), Composite part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2013, 51(8): 33-42.
23. Wang Wang, Yuan Zhu,Jinzhen Cao*. Evaluation of Leaching in Thermally Modified Southern 黄色 松属 Impregnated with ACQ-D, Bioresources, 2013,8(3), 4687-4701.
24. Peng Yao, Liu Ru,Jinzhen Cao*. Dyeing of the wood 面粉poly(lactic acid) composite and its property evaluation, J. of Beijing Forestry University, 2013,35(5):1-5. (In Chinese)
25. Wang Wang,Jinzhen Cao*,Futong Cui,Xin Wang. Effect of pH value on chemical components and mechanical properties of thermallly-modified wood,Wood and Fiber Science,2012,44(1):46-53.
26. Ru Liu,Jinzhen Cao*, Weiyue Xu, Hongtao Li.Study on the anti-leaching property of Chinese fir treated with borate modified by phenol-formaldehyde resin, Wood Research, 2012,57(1):111-120.
27. Yi Wang,Jinzhen Cao*, Lizhi Zhu, Guangjie Zhao. Interfacial compatibility of wood flour/聚丙烯 composites by stress relaxation method, J. of Applied 均聚物 Science, 2012, 126(1): E89-E95. DOI 10.1002/app.36682
28. Shupin Luo,Jinzhen Cao*, Xing Wang. Properties of PEG/thermally modified wood flour/聚丙烯 (PP) composites, Forestry Studies in China, 2012, 14(4):307-314.
29. Li Yan,Jinzhen Cao*. Wei Gao, Xinyu Zhou, Guangjie Zhao. Interaction between 丙三醇 and wood at various 温度s from stress relaxation approach. Wood Science and Technology, 2011,45:215-222.
30. Lili Yu,Jinzhen Cao*, Wei Gao, Haitao Su. Evaluation of ACQ-D treated Chinese fir and Mongolian Scots 松属 with different post-treatments after 20 months of exposure, International Biodeterioration \u0026 Biodegradation ,2011,65:585-590
31. Yi Wang,Jinzhen Cao*, Lizhi Zhu. Stress relaxation of wood flour/聚丙烯 composites at room temperature, Wood and Fiber Science, 2011,43(3):262-270.
32. Wei Gao,Jinzhen Cao*, D. Pascal Kamdem. Effect and mechanism of nanosize copper 氧化物 on some physical and mechanical properties of flakeboards, Maderas-Cienc Tecnol.,2011,13(2):203-210.
33. Lili Yu,Jinzhen Cao*, Zhenzhong Tang. Application of different post-treatments to improve the leaching resistance of ACQ-D treated wood, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 160-162 (2011) pp 715-720.
34. Lili Yu, Zhenzhong Tang,Jinzhen Cao*, Li Yan. Properties of 蓝色Stain Masson 松属 after Compression and Thermal Modification, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 160-162 (2011) pp 1199-1204.
35. Xiehong Jiang,Jinzhen Cao*, Guanqun Luo. Physical and mechanical properties of MMT/聚乙烯醇/wood composites, Forest Products 化学 and Industry, 2011,31(1):41-46. (In Chinese)
36. Wei Gao,Jinzhen Cao*. Review on preservative technologies of particleboard. Wood Industry, 2011,25(6):21-24. (In Chinese)
37. Lili Yu,Jinzhen Cao*, Guangjie Zhao. Tensile stress relaxation of wood impregnated with different ACQ formulations at various temperatures. Holzforschung, 2010, 64(1): 111-117.
38. Wei Gao,Jinzhen Cao*, Jianzhang Li. Some physical, mechanical properties and 赤树白蚁 resistance of ammonium pentaborate-treated strand board. Wood Research, 2010, 55(3):61-72.
39. Wei Gao,Jinzhen Cao*, Jianzhang Li. Effect of ammonium pentaborate on curing of aqueous phenol formaldehyde resin. Iranian Polymer Journal, 2010, 19, (4): 255-264.
40. Wei Gao,Jinzhen Cao*, Jianzhang Li. Effect of ammonium pentaborate on the cure kinetics of phenol formaldehyde resin in the presence of wood. Iranian 均聚物 Journal, 2010,19(12):959-968.
41. Lili Yu,Jinzhen Cao*, Guangjie Zhao. Tensile stress relaxation of wood impregnated with different ACQ formulations at various temperatures. Holzforschung, 2010, 64(1): 111-117.
42. Lili Yu,Jinzhen Cao*, Paul Cooper, Zhenzhong Tang. Comparison of copper leaching from ACQ-D treated Chinese fir and Mongolian Scots pine after different post-treatments, Wood and fiber Science, 2010, 42(4): 444-449.
43. Wei Gao,Jinzhen Cao*. Review on metal corrosion of copper-based wood preservatives and treated wood, Forest Products and Industries, 2010,37(1):7-11. (In Chinese)
44. Wei Gao,Jinzhen Cao*. Influence of ACQ constituents on metal corrosion, Wood Industry, 2010,24(3)41-43. (In Chinese)
45. Li Yan,Jinzhen Cao*. Xiaojuan Jin. Deformation fixation, mechanical properties and chemical analysis of compressed Populus cathayana wood pretreated by 丙三醇, Forestry Studies in China, 2010, 12(4):213-217.
46.Jinzhen Cao*, Yi Wang, Weiyue Xu, Lei Wang. Preliminary study of viscoelastic properties of MAPP-modified wood flour/聚丙烯 composites, Forestry Studies in China,2010,12(2):85-89.
47. Lili Yu, Wei Gao,Jinzhen Cao*, Zhenzhong Tang. Effects of 微波 post-treatments on leaching resistance of ACQ-D treated Chinese fir, Forestry Studies in China,2010,12(1):1-8.
48. Wei Gao,Jinzhen Cao*, Wang Wang. Metal corrosion in contact with ACQ treated southern 松属, Wood Industry, 2010,24(5):45-47. (In Chinese)
49. Xiehong Jiang,Jinzhen Cao*, Guangqun Luo. Influence of dispersing agents on the stability of organic MMT emulsions, China Ceramics, 2010, 46(8):32-35. (In Chinese)
50. Liang Wang,Jinzhen Cao*, Xiehong Jiang, Ru Liu. Properties and Characterization of poplar wood treated with MMT-DDAC 化合物 preservative, Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2010, 32(4): 242-246. (In Chinese)
51. Lili Yu,Jinzhen Cao*, Paul A. Cooper, Zhenzhong Tang. Effects of hot H₂O posttreatment on accelerating fixation in ACQ-D-treated Chinese fir. Wood and Fiber Science, 2009, 41(3): 1-9.
52. Lili Yu,Jinzhen Cao*, Paul A. Cooper, Y. Tony Ung. Effect of hot air post-treatments on copper leaching resistance in ACQ-D treated Chinese fir. European J. Wood Products, 2009, 67(4)457-463.
53. Liang Wang,Jinzhen Cao*, Bingyu Liu, Xiehong Jiang. Tensile Stress Relaxation of DDAC-modified Montmorillonite/Wood Composite, 化学 and Industry of Forest Products 2009,29(5):64-68.
54. Jia Mao,Jinzhen Cao*, Xin Zheng. Effect of the compression on the 羧基液体丁腈橡胶 absorption of Chinese fir wood with different heartwood-to-sapwood ratios. Forestry Studies in China. 2009, 11(3):196-201.
55. Zhi Liu,Jinzhen Cao*. Tensile stress relaxation of ACQ-D treated Chinese fir. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2008,30(2):119-123. (In Chinese)
56. Lili Yu, Ning Guo,Jinzhen Cao*. Efects of circulation condition on leaching resistance in ACQ—D treated 阿拉果龙 fir.Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2008, 30(5):123-128. (In Chinese)
57. Xiehong Jiang,Jinzhen Cao*. Review on development and utilization of new wood preservatives, China Forest Products Industry,2008,35(2):10-12. (In Chinese)
58. Lei Wang,Jinzhen Cao*,Yi Wang. Dielectric Properties of Simon Poplar Wood Flour/聚丙烯 Composite at Oven-dry State,Forestry Studies in China, 2008, 10(4): 265-269.
59. Xin Zheng,Jinzhen Cao*, Jia Mao. Effect of Compression on the Hydroscopicity of the extracted Chinese Fir Heartwood, Forestry Studies in China, 2008, 10(4): 270-273.
60.Jinzhen Cao and Pascal D. Kamdem. 2007. surface 能量 of preservative-treated southern 黄色 松属 (Pinus spp.) by contact angle measurement. Front. For. China 2007, 2(1): 99-103.
61.Jinzhen Cao, Lili Yu, Xiaodi You, and Pascal D. Kamdem. 2007. Dielectric properties of ethanolamine treated Chinese fir (杉木属 lanceolata Hook.). Forestry Studies in China, 9(4): 239-245.
62.Jinzhen Cao. 2006. A review on wood preservation technologies and research. SCIENTIA SILVAE SINICAE, 42(7): 120-126. (In Chinese)
63. Zhi Liu,Jinzhen Cao*. 2006. A review on the application of modification to improve decay resistance of wood. China Forest Products Industry, 33(4): 11-15. (In Chinese)
64.Jinzhen Cao*and D. Pascal Kamdem. 2006. Surface 能量 of wood treated with H₂O-borne wood preservatives, J. of Beijing Forestry University, 28(4):1-5. (In Chinese)
65. Zhi Liu,Jinzhen Cao*, Xiaoli Huang. 2006. Effect of heated air 干燥 on accelerating fixation of ACQ-D in wood, J. of Beijing Forestry University, 28(6):119-123. (In Chinese)
66.Jinzhen Cao*, Manhua Xie, Guangjie Zhao. 2006. Tensile stress relaxation of copper-ethanolamine (Cu-EA) treated wood. Wood Science and Technology. 40(5):417-426.
67. Zhi Liu andJinzhen Cao*. 2006. Review on preservative treatment of wood-based composites and their decay resistance. Chinese Forestry Science and Technology. 5(1): 14-20.
68.Jinzhen Cao, Lidan Li, Zhi Liu. 2005. Effect of ACQ-D Treatment on the Surface Free 能量 of Chinese Fir (杉木属 lanceolata). Forestry Studies in China.7(4):29-34.
69.Jinzhen Cao and D. Pascal Kamdem. 2005. Microdistribution of in Copper-Ethanolamine (Cu-EA) Treated Southern 黄色 松属 (Pinus spp.) related to 密度 distribution. Holzforschung. 59(1):82-89.
70.Jinzhen Cao and D. Pascal Kamdem.2004. 微波 treatment to accelerate fixation of ethanolamine (Cu-EA) treated wood. Holzforschung.58(5):569-571.
71.Jinzhen Cao and D. Pascal Kamdem. 2004. Moisture 吸附 Thermodynamics of Wood from Fractal-Geometry Approach. Holzforschung. 58(3):274-279.
72.Jinzhen Cao and D. Pascal Kamdem. 2004. Moisture Adsorption Characteristics of Ethanolamine (Cu-EA) treated Southern 黄色 Pine (Pinusspp.) Holzforschung. 58(1): 32-38.
73.Jinzhen Cao and D. Pascal Kamdem. 2004. A potential criterion to evaluate the copper 吸附 in wood cell wall. Forestry Studies in China. Forestry Studies in China. 6(2): 1-5.
74.Jinzhen Caoand Guangjie Zhao. 2003. Contributions of Extractives and Lignin to the Fractal Geometry of Internal Wood Surfaces. Forestry Studies in China. 5(1): 1-5.
75.Jinzhen Cao, Biguang Zhang, Guangjie Zhao. 2003. Development and application of wooden biomass. J. of North China Electric Power University, 30(5): 102-104. (In Chinese)
76.Jinzhen Cao and Guangjie Zhao. 2002. Dielectric relaxation based on adsorbed H₂O in wood cell wall under non-Equilibrium state 3. Holzforschung. 56(6): 655-662.
77.Jinzhen Cao and Guangjie Zhao. 2001. Dielectric relaxation based on adsorbed water in wood cell wall under non-equilibrium state 2. Holzforschung. 55(1): 87-92.
78.Jinzhen Cao and Guangjie Zhao. 2001. Dielectric Relaxation of Adsorbed H₂O in Wood Cell Wall under Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium State. Forestry Studies in China. 3 (1): 71-77.
79.Jinzhen Cao, Guangjie Zhao. 2000. Humidity conditioning 函数 of wood-based interior decorative materials 3, Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 36(4): 55-58. (In Chinese)
80.Jinzhen Cao and Guangjie Zhao. 2000. Dielectric relaxation based on adsorbed water in wood cell wall under non-Equilibrium state 1. Holzforschung. 54(3): 321-326.
81.Jinzhen Cao, Guangjie Zhao, Jinhong Luo. 1999. Humidity conditioning 函数 of wood-based interior decorative materials 2, Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 35(5): 87-93. (In Chinese)
82.Jinzhen Cao and Guangjie Zhao. 1999. Humidity-conditioning of wood and wood-based interior decorative materials during water vapor changing process. Forestry Studies in China. 1(1): 54-60.
83.Jinzhen Cao, Guangjie Zhao*, Zhenyou Lu. 1998. Mechano-sorptive creep of wood. J. of Beijing Forestry University, 20(5): 94-100. (In Chinese)
84.Jinzhen Cao, Guangjie Zhao*, Zhenyou Lu. 1997. Thermodynamic properties of heat-treated wood during moisture 吸附 process. J. of Beijing Forestry University, 19(4): 26-33. (In Chinese)

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