1984年,北京农业大学植保与微生物系毕业, 获学士
1987年,北京农业大学植保与微生物系毕业, 获硕士学位;
至今已发表60余篇期刊文章,7篇书本章节,其中包括一篇《科学》(第三作者),一篇《自然》(作者之一),一篇《美国国家科学院院刊》(第一作者),一篇《Genes \u0026 Development》(第一作者),四篇《Plant Cell》(三篇通讯作者),一篇《Annual Rev. of Phytopathology》(第一兼通讯作者), 四篇《Mol. Microbiology》(三篇通讯作者),十篇《MPMI》(第一或通讯作者),五篇《Eukaryotic Cell》(四篇通讯作者),和一篇《Genetics》(第一作者)。
1) Ding, S., Liu, W., Iliuk, A., Ribot, C., Vallet, J., Wang, Y., Tao, A., Lebrun, M., and Xu, J. –R. 2010. The TIG1 HDAC complex regulates infectious growth in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Plant Cell. In press.
2) Ma, L., Rep, M., Borkovich, K. A., Coleman, J. J., Daboussi, M., DiPietro, A., Dufresne, M., Freitag, M., Grabherr, M., Henrissat, B., Kang, S., Park, J., Shim, W., Woloshuk, C. Xie, X., Xu, J. –R., Antoniw, J., ………….. and Kistler, H. C. 2010. 镰刀菌属 comparative genomics reveals pathogenicity related lineage-specific genome expansion. Nature. 464: 367-373.
3) Liu, W., Xie, S., Zhao, X., Chen, X., Yi, Y., Liu, S., Lu, G., Xu, J. –R, Wang, Z. 2010. A homeodomain transcription factor is essential for asexual reproduction in a filamentous ascomycete. Molecular 植物界Microbe Interactions. 23: 366–375.
4) Yang, J., Zhao, X., Sun, J., Kang, Z., Ding, S., Xu, J. –R., peng, Y. 2010. A novel protein Com1 is required for normal conidium morphology and full virulence in Magnaporthe oryzae. Molecular 植物界Microbe Interactions. 23: 112-123.
5) Choi, Y. E. and Xu, J. -R. 2010. The cAMP signaling pathway in 镰刀菌属 verticillioides is important for conidiation, 植物界 infection, and stress responses but not fumonisin production. Molecular 植物界Microbe Interactions. 23: 522-533.
6) Zhou, X., Heyer, C., Choi, Y., Mehrabi, R., and Xu, J. –R. CID1 is important for plant infection in 镰刀菌属 verticillioides. 2010. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 47: 143–151.
7) John F. 张国荣 and Jin-Rong Xu. 2010. Fusarium genetics and pathogenicity, pp 607-621. In: Cellular and Molecular Biology of Filamentous Fungi (eds. K. A. Borkovich \u0026 D. J. Ebbole). ASM Press, Washington, D.C.
8) Ding, S., Mehrabi, R., Koten, C., Kang, Z., Wei, Y., Seong, K., Kistler, H. C., and Xu, J. –R. 2009. The transducin beta like gene FTL1 is essential for pathogenesis in 镰刀菌属 graminearum. Eukaryotic Cell. 8: 867–876.
9) Mitchell, T., Dean, R., Xu, J. -R., Zhu, H., Oh, Y. Y., and Rho, H. 2009. Protein Chips and Chromatin Immunoprecipitation – emerging technologies to study molecule interactions in Magnaporthe grisea. pp. 73-82. In Advances in Genetics, Genomics and Control of Rice Blast Disease. Springer Publishing, Netherlands.
10) Ding, S., Zhou, X., Zhao, X., and Xu, J. -R. 2009. The PMK1 MAP kinase pathway and infection-related morphogenesis in Magnaporthe grisea. pp. 13-21. In Advances in Genetics, Genomics and Control of Rice Blast Disease. Ed. G. Wang and B. Valent. Springer Publishing, Netherlands.
11) Mehrabi, R., Zhao, X., Kim, Y., and Xu, J. –R. 2009. The cAMP signaling and MAP kinase pathways in 植物界 pathogenic fungi. In Plant Relationship (The Mycota V) Ed. HB托尔斯港 Deising, Springer. Germany. pp 157-172.
12) Seong, K.Y., Pasquali, M., Zhou, X., Song, J., Hilburn, K., McCormick, S.P., 越南盾, Y., Xu, J. -R., and Kistler, H.C. 2009. Global gene regulation by 镰刀菌属 transcription factors Tri6 and Tri10 reveals adaptations for toxin biosynthesis. Molecular Microbiology. 72: 354-367.
13) Barhoom, S., Kupiec, M., Zhao, X., Xu, J. -R., and Sharon, A. 2008. Functional characterization of cgCTR2, a vacuole copper transporter that is involved in germination and pathogenicity of 毛盘孢属 gloeosporioides. Eukaryotic Cell. 7: 1098–1108.
14) Mehrabi, R., Ding, S., and Xu, J. -R. 2008. The MADS-box transcription factor Mig1 is required for infectious growth in Magnaporthe grisea. Eukaryotic Cell. 7: 791–799.
15) Seong, K, Zhao, X., Xu, J. -R, Güldener, U., and Kistler, H. C. 2008. Conidial germination in the filamentous fungus 镰刀菌属 graminearum. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 45: 389-399 (journal cover).
16) Zhao, X., Mehrabi, R., and Xu, J. -R. 2007. MAP kinase pathways and fungal pathogenesis. Eukaryotic Cell. 10: 1701-1714. (18184)
17) Cuomo, C., Güldener, U., Xu, J. -R, Trail, F., Turgeon, B. G., ………… and Kistler, H. C. 2007. The genome sequence of 镰刀菌属 graminearum reveals localized diversity and pathogen specialization. Science. 317: 1402-1405.
18) Betts, M. F., Tucker, S. L., Galadima, N., Meng, Y., Patel, G., Li, L., Donofrio, N. M., Floyd, A., Nolin, S., 褐色, D., Mandel, M. A., Mitchell, T. K., Xu, J. -R., Dean, R. A., Farman, M. L., Orbach, M. J. 2007. Development of a high throughput transformation system for insertional mutagenesis in Magnaporthe oryzae. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 44: 1035-1049.
19) Meng, Y., Patel, G., Heist, M., Betts, M., Tucker, S. L., Donofrio, N. M., 褐色, D., Mitchell, T. K., Li, L., Xu, J. -R., Orbach, M. J., 金枪鱼属, M., Dean, R. A., and Farman, M. L. 2007. A systematic analysis of T-DNA insertion events in Magnaporthe oryzae. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 44: 1050-1064.
20) Bluhm, B. H., Zhao, Z., Flaherty, J., Xu, J. -R., and Dunkle, L. D. 2007. RAS1 regulates growth and pathogenesis in 镰刀菌属 graminearum. Molecular 植物界Microbe Interactions. 20: 627-636. (18031)
21) Li, L., Ding, S., Orbach, M., Sharon, A., and Xu, J. -R. 2007. A novel NU.CLEAR protein MIR1 is highly up-regulated during infectious hyphal growth in the rice blast fungus. Molecular 植物界Microbe Interactions. 20: 448-458. (18185)
22) Ramamoorthy, V., Zhao, X., Snyder, A. K., Xu, J. -R., and Shah, D. M. 2007. Two Mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling cascades regulate sensitivity to antifungal 植物界 defensins in 镰刀菌属 graminearum. Cellular Microbiology. 9: 1491–1506.
23) Zhao, X., and Xu, J. -R. 2007. A highly-conserved MAPK-docking site in Mst7 is essential for Pmk1 activation in Magnaporthe grisea. Molecular Microbiology. 63: 881–894. (18033)
24) Xu, J. -R., Zhao, X., and Dean, R. A. 2007. From genes to genomes; a new paradigm for studying fungal pathogenesis in Magnaporthe oryzae. In Advances in Genetics (Fungal Genomics) 57: 175-218. (18188)
25) Park, G., Xue, C., Zhao, X., Kim, Y., Orbach, M., and Xu, J. -R. 2006. Multiple upstream signals converge on an adaptor protein Mst50 to activate the PMK1 pathway in Magnaporthe grisea. The Plant Cell. 18: 2822–2835. (18032)
26) Soderlund, C., Pampanwar, V., Haller, K., Ebbole, D., Farman, M., Mitchel, T., Orbach, M., Wang, G., Wing, R., Xu, J. -R., and Dean, R. 2006. MGOS: a resource for studying Magnaporthe grisea and Oryza sativa interactions. Molecular 植物界-Microbe Interactions. 19: 1055-1061.
27) Xu, J. -R., peng, Y., Dickman, M. B., and Sharon, A. 2006.The dawn of fungal pathogen genomics. Annual Reviews of Phytopathology. 44: 337-366. (18034)
28) Goswami, R. S., Xu, J. -R., Trail, F., Hilburn, K., and Kistler, H. C. 2006. Genomic analysis of host-pathogen interaction between 镰刀菌属 graminearum and wheat during early stages of disease development. Microbiology. 6: 1877-1890.
29) Güldener, U., Seong, K., Boddu, J., Cho, S., Trail, F., Xu, J. -R., Adam, G., Mewes, H., Muehlbauer, G. J., and Kistler, H. C. 2006. Development of a 镰刀菌属 graminearum Affymetrix GeneChip for profiling fungal gene expression in vitro and in 植物界 Fungal Genetics and Biology. 43: 316-325.
30) Seong, K., Li, L., Hou, Z., Kistler, H. C., and Xu, J. -R. 2006. Cryptic promoter activity of the HMR1 coding region in the wheat scab fungus Fusarium graminearum. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 43: 34-41. (17825) Journal Cover
31) Seong, K., Hou, Z., Kistler, H. C., and Xu, J. -R. 2005. Random insertional mutagenesis identifies genes associated with virulence in the wheat scab fungus 镰刀菌属 graminearum. Phytopathology. 95 (7): 744-750. (17664) Journal Cover
32) Dean, R., Talbot, N., Ebbole, D., Farman, M., Mitchell, T., Orbach, M., 金枪鱼属, M., Kulkarni, R., Xu, J. -R., pan, H., Read, N., Lee, Y., ……..….… and Birren, B. 2005. Analysis of the genome sequence of the 植物界 pathogenic fungus Magnaporthe grisea, the causal agent of rice blast disease. Nature. 434: 980-986.
33) Zhao, X., Kim, Y., Park, G., and Xu, J. -R. 2005. A MAP kinase cascade regulating infection-related morphogenesis in Magnaporthe grisea. The 植物界 Cell. 17 (4): 1317-1329. (17663)
34) Xue, C., Li, L., Seong, K, and Xu, J. -R. 2004. The Magnaporthe grisea – rice interaction: A model system for studying fungal-plant interactions. pp. 138-165. In 植物界Pathogen Interactions. Ed. N. J. Talbot, Blackwell Scientific Publishers, UK. (Invited book chapter).
35) Xu, J. -R. and Wang, G. 2004. Rice Blast. pp.1-4. In The Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science (ISBN: 0-8247-4268-0). Ed. R. Goodman, Marcel Dekker, Inc. 270 Madison Ave. New York, USA.
36) Park, G., and Xu, J. -R. 2004. Mechanisms of Infection-Imperfect Fungi. pp.694-696. In The Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science (ISBN: 0-8247-4268-0). Ed. R. Goodman, Marcel Dekker, Inc. 270 Madison Ave. New York, USA.
37) Zhao, X., Xue, C., Kim, Y., and Xu, J. -R. 2004. A Ligation-PCR approach for generating gene replacement constructs in Magnaporthe grisea. Fungal Genetics Newsletter. 51: 17-18. (17662)
38) Bruno, K., F. Tenjo, Li, L., Hamer, J., and Xu, J. -R. 2004. Expression and localization of PMK1 during different 植物界 infection stages. Eukaryotic Cell. 3: 1525-1532. (17522)
39) Park, G., Bruno, K., Talbot, N., Staiger, C., and Xu, J. -R. 2004. Independent genetic mechanisms mediate turgor generation and penetration peg formation during 植物界 infection in the rice blast fungus. Molecular Microbiology. 53: 1695-1707. (17311)
40) Li, L., Xue, C. Y., Bruno, K., Nishimura, M., and Xu, J. -R. 2004. Two PAK kinase genes MST20 and CHM1 have distinct functions in Magnaporthe grisea. Molecular 植物界-Microbe Interactions. 17: 547-556. (17141).
41) Nishimura, M., Park, G., and Xu, J. -R. 2003. The G-beta subunit MGB1 is involved in regulating multiple steps of infection-related morphogenesis in Magnaporthe grisea. Molecular Microbiology. 50: 231-243. (17140)
42) Trail, F., Xu, J. -R., San Miguel, P., Halgren, R. G., and Kistler, H. C. 2003. Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags from 赤霉属 zeae (anamorph 镰刀菌属 graminearum). Fungal Genetics and Biology 38: 187-197. (16895)
43) Hou, Z., Xue, C., Katan, T., Peng, Y., Kistler, H. C., and Xu, J. -R. 2002. A MAP kinase gene (MGV1) for hyphal growth and 植物界 infection in Fusarium graminearum. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 15: 1119-1127. (16853)
44) Xue, C., Park, G., Choi, W., Zheng, L., Dean, R. A., and Xu, J. -R. 2002. Two novel fungal virulence genes specifically expressed in appressoria of the rice blast fungus. The Plant Cell. 14: 2107-2119. (16752)
45) Zhang, Y., Lamm, R., Pillonel, C., Lam, S., and Xu, J. -R. 2002. Osmoregulation and fungicide resistance: the Neurospora crassa OS-2 gene encodes a HOG1 MAP kinase homologue. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 68: 532-538. (16663)
46) Xu, J. -R., and Xue, C. 2002. 时间 for a blast: genomics of Magnaporthe grisea. Molecular Plant 病理学 3: 173-176. (16731)
47) Park, G., Xue, C., Zheng, L., Lam, S., and Xu, J. -R. 2002. MST12 regulates infectious growth but not appressorium formation in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. Molecular 植物界-Microbe Interactions. 15: 183-192. (16662)
48) Xu, J. -R. 2000. MAP kinases in fungal pathogens. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 31: 137-152. (16298)
49) Zheng, L., Campbell, M., 安迪·穆雷, J., Lam, S., and Xu, J. -R. 2000. The BMP-1步兵战车 gene is essential for pathogenicity in the gray mold fungus Botrytis cinerea. Molecular 植物界Microbe Interactions. 13: 724-732.
50) Dixon, K., Xu, J. -R., SMIRNOFF, N., and N. J. Talbot. 1999. Independent signaling pathways regulate cellular turgor during hyperosmotic stress and appressorium-mediated 植物界 infection by Magnaporthe grisea. The Plant Cell. 11: 2045-2058.
51) Xu, J. -R., Staiger, C., and J. E. Hamer. 1998. Inactivation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase Mps1 from the rice blast fungus prevents penetration of host cells but allows activation of 植物界 defense responses. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences (USA). 95: 12713-12718.
52) Hamer, J. E., Xu, J. -R., Urban, M., Adachi, K. 1998. Signal transduction and gene expression during early stages of fungal phytopathogenesis in the rice blast fungus. pp 225-244. In Molecular Genetics of Host-Specific Toxins in Plant Disease, ed. K. Kohmoto and O. C. Yoder), Kluwer Academic Publisher, Netherlands
53) Xu, J. -R., Urban, M., Sweigard, J., and J. E. Hamer. 1997. cAMP dependent protein kinase is essential for forming functional appressoria in Magnaporthe grisea. Molecular 植物界Microbe Interactions. 10: 187-194.
54) Xu, J. -R. and J. E. Hamer. 1996. MAP Kinase and cAMP signaling regulate infection structure formation and pathogenic growth in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. Genes \u0026 Development. 10: 2696-2706.
55) Xu, J. -R. and J. F. 张国荣 1996. A RFLP map of Gibberella fujikuroi mating population A. Genetics. 143: 175-189.
56) Xu, J. -R. and J. F. Leslie. 1996. Strain genotypes of Gibberella fujikuroi mating population A (镰刀菌属 moniliforme) mapping population. Fungal Genetics Newsletter. 43: 61-65.
57) Xu, J. -R. and J. E. Hamer. 1995. Assessment of Magnaporthe grisea mating type by spore PCR. Fungal Genetics Newsletter. 42: 80-81.
58) Xu, J. -R., 张国荣, J. F., Yan, K. and Dickman, M. B. 1995. Electrophoretic karyotypes distinguish the biological 物种 of Gibberella fujikuroi (镰刀菌属 section Liseola). Molecular 植物界Microbe Interactions. 8: 74-84.
59) Xu, J. -R. and 张国荣, J. F. 1993. A computer program for constructing classical genetic linkage maps in haploid fungi. Fungal Genetics Newsletter. 40: 80-82.
60) Yan, K., Dickman, M.B., Xu, J. -R. and Leslie, J. F. 1993. Sensitivity of field strains of Gibberella fujikuroi (镰刀菌属 section Liseola) to benomyl and hygromycin B. Mycologia. 85: 206-213.

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