任南琪,1959年3月4日出生于黑龙江省哈尔滨市,城市水环境专家,哈尔滨工业大学教授、博士生导师、党委常委、副校长,城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室主任  。
任南琪于1978年考入哈尔滨建筑大学,先后获得学士、硕士学位;1984年硕士毕业后留校工作,先后担任助教、讲师;1993年至1996年担任哈尔滨建筑工程学院市政与环境工程系副主任;1994年获得哈尔滨建筑工程学院环境工程博士学位,之后在中国地震局工程力学研究所从事博士后研究工作;1996年至1999年担任哈尔滨建筑大学校长助理;1998年入选国家“百千万人才计划”一、二层次;1999年担任哈尔滨建筑大学副校长;2000年至2009年担任哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院院长;2001年获得国家杰出青年科学基金资助  ;2009年当选为中国工程院院士  。
You Shijie, Gong Xiaobo, Wang Wei, Qi Dianpeng, Wang Xiuheng, Chen Xiaodong, Ren Nanqi. Enhanced Cathodic 还原 and 功率 Production of Microbial 燃料 Cell Based on Noble-Metal-Free Electrocatalyst Derived from Metal-Organic Frameworks. Advanced 能量 Materials. 2016;6.
Yang Shanshan, Guo Wanqian, Chen Yidi, Peng Simai, Du Juanshan, Zheng Heshan, Feng Xiaochi, Ren Nanqi. Simultaneous in-situ sludge 还原 and nutrient removal in an A(2)MO-M system: Performances, mechanisms, and modeling with an X波段 ASM2d model. H₂O Research. 2016;88:524-37.
Xie Guo-Jun, Liu Bing-Feng, Wang Qilin, Ding Jie, Ren Nan-Qi. Ultrasonic waste activated sludge disintegration for recovering multiple nutrients for biofuel production. H₂O Research. 2016;93:56-64.
Wang Haoyu, Tao Yu, Gao Dawen, Liu Gang, Chen Chunhong, Ren Nanqi, Van Lier Jules B., de Kreuk Merle. Microbial 种群 动力学 in response to increasing loadings of pre-hydrolyzed pig manure in an expanded granular sludge bed. H₂O Research. 2015;87:29-37.
Ren Hong-Yu, Liu Bing-Feng, Kong Fanying, Zhao Lei, Ren Nanqi. and lipid production from starch wastewater by co-culture of anaerobic sludge and oleaginous 微藻 with simultaneous COD, and removal. H₂O Research. 2015;85:404-12.
Kong Deyong, Liang Bin, Yun Hui, 成姓 Haoyi, Ma Jincai, Cui Minhua, Wang Aijie, Ren Nanqi. Cathodic degradation of antibiotics: Characterization and 神经通路 analysis. Water Research. 2015;72:281-92.
Ren Hong-Yu, Liu Bing-Feng, Ma Chao, Zhao Lei, Ren Nan-Qi. A new lipid-rich microalga Scenedesmus sp strain R-16 isolated using Nile 红色 staining: effects of and sources and initial pH on the 生物量 and lipid production. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 2013;6.
Guo Wan-Qian, Yang Shan-Shan, Xiang Wen-Sheng, Wang Xiang-Jing, Ren Nan-Qi. Minimization of excess sludge production by in-situ activated sludge treatment processes - A comprehensive review. Biotechnology Advances. 2013;31:1386-96.
Lu Lu, Xing Defeng, Ren Nanqi. Pyrosequencing reveals highly diverse microbial communities in microbial electrolysis cells involved in enhanced H-2 production from waste activated sludge. H₂O Research. 2012;46:2425-34.
Lu Lu, Xing Defeng, Liu Bingfeng, Ren Nanqi. Enhanced production from waste activated sludge by cascade utilization of organic matter in microbial electrolysis cells. H₂O Research. 2012;46:1015-26.
Zhang Zifeng, Ren Nanqi, Li Yi-Fan, Kunisue Tatsuya, Gao Dawen, Kannan Kurunthachalam. Determination of Benzotriazole and Benzophenone UV Filters in Sediment and Sewage Sludge. Environmental Science \u0026 Technology. 2011;45:3909-16.
Zhang Zifeng, Alomirah Husam, Cho Hyeon-Seo, Li Yi-Fan, Liao Chunyang, Tu Binh Minh, Mohd Mustafa Ali, Nakata Haruhiko, Ren Nanqi, Kannan Kurunthachalam. Urinary Bisphenol A Concentrations and Their Implications for Human Exposure in Several Asian Countries. Environmental Science \u0026 Technology. 2011;45:7044-50.
Ren Nanqi, Guo Wanqian, Liu Bingfeng, Cao Guangli, Ding Jie. Biological production by dark 发酵: challenges and prospects towards scaled-up production. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 2011;22:365-70.
Lu Lu, Ren Nanqi, Zhao Xin, Wang Huan, Wu Di, Xing Defeng. production, methanogen 性抑制 and microbial community structures in psychrophilic single-chamber microbial electrolysis cells. 能量 \u0026 Environmental Science. 2011;4:1329-36.
Xie Guo-Jun, Feng Liu-Bing, Ren Nan-Qi, Ding Jie, Liu Chong, Xing De-Feng, Qian Guo-Wan, Ren Hong-Yu. 监察 strategies for production through co-culture of Ethanoligenens harbinense B49 and immobilized Rhodopseudomonas faecalis RLD-53. International Journal of Hydrogen 能量 2010;35:1929-35.
Lu Lu, Xing Defeng, Xie Tianhui, Ren Nanqi, Logan Bruce E. production from proteins via electrohydrogenesis in microbial electrolysis cells. Biosensors \u0026 Bio电子器件 2010;25:2690-5.
Liu Bing-Feng, Ren Nan-Qi, Xie Guo-Jun, Ding Jie, Guo 万姓Qian, Xing De-Feng. Enhanced bio- production by the 组合 of dark- and photo-fermentation in batch culture. Bioresource Technology. 2010;101:5325-9.
Cao Guang-Li, Ren Nan-Qi, Wang 人工智慧Jie, Guo Wan-Qian, Xu Ji-Fei, Liu Bing-Feng. Effect of 木质纤维素derived inhibitors on growth and production by Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. International Journal of Hydrogen 能量 2010;35:13475-80.
Ren Nan-Qi, Liu Bing-Feng, Ding Jie, Xie Guo-Jun. Hydrogen production with R. faecalis RLD-53 isolated from freshwater pond sludge. Bioresource Technology. 2009;100:484-7.
Ren Nanqi, Wang Aijie, Cao Guangli, Xu Jifei, Gao Lingfang. Bioconversion of lignocellulosic 生物量 to : Potential and challenges. Biotechnology AdVances. 2009;27:1051-60.
Lu Lu, Ren Nanqi, Xing Defeng, Logan Bruce E. Hydrogen production with effluent from an 乙醇-H-2-coproducing 发酵 reactor using a single-ch刘逸云 microbial electrolysis 细胞 Biosensors \u0026 Bio电子器件 2009;24:3055-60.
Liu Bing-Feng, Ren Nan-Qi, Xing De-Feng, Ding Jie, Zheng Guo-Xiang, Guo Wan-Qian, Xu Ji-Fei, Xie Guo-Jun. production by immobilized R. faecalis RLD-53 using soluble metabolites from ethanol 发酵 bacteria E. harbinense B49. Bioresource Technology. 2009;100:2719-23.
Guo Wan-Qian, Ren Nan-Qi, Wang Xiang-Jing, Xiang Wen-Sheng, Ding Jie, You Yang, Liu Bing-Feng. Optimization of culture conditions for production by Ethanoligenens harbinense B49 using response surface 方法学 Bioresource Technology. 2009;100:1192-6.
Ding Jie, Liu Bing-Feng, Ren Nan-Qi, Xing De-Feng, Guo 万姓Qian, Xu Ji-Fei, Xie Guo-Jun. production from glucose by co-culture of 梭菌属 Butyricum and immobilized Rhodopseudomonas faecalis RLD-53. International Journal of Hydrogen 能量 2009;34:3647-52.
Chen Chuan, Wang Aijie, Ren Nanqi, Lee Duu-Jong, Lai Juin-Yih. High-rate denitrifying 硫化物 removal process in expanded granular sludge bed reactor. Bioresource Technology. 2009;100:2316-9.
Cao Guangli, Ren Nanqi, Wang Aijie, Lee Duu-Jong, Guo Wanqian, Liu Bingfeng, Feng Yujie, Zhao Qingliang. Acid 水解 of corn stover for biohydrogen production using Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. International Journal of Energy. 2009;34:7182-8.
Xing Defeng, Ren Nanqi, Wang Aijie, Li Qiubo, Feng Yujie, Ma Fang. Continuous hydrogen production of auto-aggregative Ethanoligenens harbinense YUAN-3 under non-sterile condition. International Journal of 能量 2008;33:1489-95.
Xing Defeng, Ren Nanqi, Rittmann Bruce E. Genetic diversity of hydrogen-producing bacteria in an acidophilic 乙醇H-2-coproducing system, analyzed using the Fe -hydrogenase gene. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2008;74:1232-9.
Ren Nan-Qi, Guo Wan-Qian, Wang Xiang-Jing, Xiang Wen-Sheng, Liu Bing-Feng, Wang Xing-Zu, Ding Jile, Chen Zhao-Bo. Effects of different pretreatment methods on 发酵 types and dominant bacteria for production. International Journal of Hydrogen 能量 2008;33:4318-24.
Ren Nanqi, Sverko Ed, Li Yi-Fan, Zhang Zhi, Harner Tom, Wang Degao, Wan Xinnan, McCarry Brian E. Levels and isomer profiles of Dechlorane Plus in Chinese air. Environmental Science \u0026 Technology. 2008;42:6476-80.
Ren Nanqi, Cao Guangli, Wang Aijie, Lee Duu-Jong, Guo Wanqian, Zhu Yuhong. Dark 发酵 of xylose and glucose mix using isolated Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. International Journal of 能量 2008;33:6124-32.
Guo Wan-Qian, Ren Nan-Qi, Wang Xiang-Jing, Xiang Wen-Sheng, Meng Zhao-Hui, Ding Jie, Qu Yuan-Yuan, Zhang Lu-Si. Biohydrogen production from 乙醇-type 发酵 of molasses in an expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) 反应器. International Journal of 能量 2008;33:4981-8.
Guo Wan-Qian, Ren Nan-Qi, Chen Zhao-Bo, Liu Bing-Feng, Wang Xiang-Jing, Xiang Wen-Sheng, Ding Jie. Simultaneous biohydrogen production and starch wastewater treatment in an acidogenic expanded granular sludge bed reactor by mixed culture for long-term operation. International Journal of 能量. 2008;33:7397-404.
Chen Chuan, Wang Aijie, Ren Nanqi, Kan Hongjing, Lee Duu-Jong. Biological breakdown of denitrifying 硫化物 removal process in high-rate expanded granular bed 反应器 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2008;81:765-70.
Chen Chuan, Ren Nanqi, Wang Aijie, Yu Zhenguo, Lee Duu-Jong. Simultaneous biological removal of , and using EGSB reactor. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2008;78:1057-63.
Ren N. Q., Chua H., Chan S. Y., Tsang Y. F., Wang Y. J., Sin N. Assessing optimal 发酵 type for bio- production in continuous-flow acidogenic 反应器s. Bioresource Technology. 2007;98:1774-80.
Ren Nanqi, Xing Defeng, Rittmann Bruce E., Zhao Lihua, Xie Tianhui, Zhao Xin. Microbial community structure of ethanol type 发酵 in bio- production. Environmental Microbiology. 2007;9:1112-25.
Ren Nanqi, Que Mingxue, Li Yi-Fan, Liu Yu, Wan Xinnan, Xu Diandou, Sverko Ed, Ma Jianmin. Polychlorinated biphenyls in 汉语词类 surface soils. Environmental Science \u0026 Technology. 2007;41:3871-6.
Xing D. F., Ren N. Q., Li O. B., Lin M., Wang A. J., Zhao L. H. Ethanoligenens harbinense gen. nov., sp nov., isolated from molasses wastewater. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2006;56:755-60.
Ren Nanqi, Li Jianzheng, Li Baikun, Wang Yong, Liu Shirui. Bio production from molasses by anaerobic 发酵 with a pilot-scale bioreactor system. International Journal of Hydrogen 能量. 2006;31:2147-57.
Ren N. Q., Chen Z. B., Wang A. J., Hu D. X. Removal of organic pollutants and analysis of MLSS-COD removal relationship at different HRTs in a submerged membrane bio反应器 International Biodeterioration \u0026 Biodegradation. 2005;55:279-84.
Ren N. Q., Wang B. Z., Huang J. C. 乙醇type 发酵 from carbohydrate in high rate acidogenic reactor. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 1997;54:428-33.
You Shijie, Gong Xiaobo, Wang Wei, Qi Dianpeng, Wang Xiuheng, Chen Xiaodong, Ren Nanqi. Enhanced Cathodic 还原 and 功率 Production of Microbial 燃料 Cell Based on Noble-Metal-Free Electrocatalyst Derived from Metal-Organic Frameworks. Advanced Energy Materials. 2016;6.
Yang Shanshan, Guo Wanqian, Chen Yidi, Peng Simai, Du Juanshan, Zheng Heshan, Feng Xiaochi, Ren Nanqi. Simultaneous in-situ sludge 还原 and nutrient removal in an A(2)MO-M system: Performances, mechanisms, and modeling with an X波段 ASM2d model. H₂O Research. 2016;88:524-37.
Xie Guo-Jun, Liu Bing-Feng, Wang Qilin, Ding Jie, Ren Nan-Qi. Ultrasonic waste activated sludge disintegration for recovering multiple nutrients for biofuel production. H₂O Research. 2016;93:56-64.
Wang Haoyu, Tao Yu, Gao Dawen, Liu Gang, Chen Chunhong, Ren Nanqi, van Lier Jules B., de Kreuk Merle. Microbial 种群 动力学 in response to increasing loadings of pre-hydrolyzed pig manure in an expanded granular sludge bed. H₂O Research. 2015;87:29-37.
Ren Hong-Yu, Liu Bing-Feng, Kong Fanying, Zhao Lei, Ren Nanqi. and lipid production from starch 废水 by co-culture of anaerobic sludge and oleaginous 微藻 with simultaneous COD, and removal. H₂O Research. 2015;85:404-12.
Kong Deyong, Liang Bin, Yun Hui, 成姓 Haoyi, Ma Jincai, Cui Minhua, Wang Aijie, Ren Nanqi. Cathodic degradation of antibiotics: Characterization and 神经通路 analysis. H₂O Research. 2015;72:281-92.
Ren Hong-Yu, Liu Bing-Feng, Ma Chao, Zhao Lei, Ren Nan-Qi. A new lipid-rich microalga Scenedesmus sp strain R-16 isolated using Nile 红色 staining: effects of and sources and initial pH on the 生物量 and lipid production. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 2013;6.
Guo Wan-Qian, Yang Shan-Shan, Xiang Wen-Sheng, Wang Xiang-Jing, Ren Nan-Qi. Minimization of excess sludge production by in-situ activated sludge treatment processes - A comprehensive review. Biotechnology Advances. 2013;31:1386-96.
Lu Lu, Xing Defeng, Ren Nanqi. Pyrosequencing reveals highly diverse microbial communities in microbial electrolysis cells involved in enhanced H-2 production from waste activated sludge. H₂O Research. 2012;46:2425-34.
Lu Lu, Xing Defeng, Liu Bingfeng, Ren Nanqi. Enhanced production from waste activated sludge by cascade utilization of organic matter in microbial electrolysis cells. H₂O Research. 2012;46:1015-26.
Zhang Zifeng, Ren Nanqi, Li Yi-Fan, Kunisue Tatsuya, Gao Dawen, Kannan Kurunthachalam. Determination of Benzotriazole and Benzophenone UV Filters in Sediment and Sewage Sludge. Environmental Science \u0026 Technology. 2011;45:3909-16.
Zhang Zifeng, Alomirah Husam, Cho Hyeon-Seo, Li Yi-Fan, Liao Chunyang, Tu Binh Minh, Mohd Mustafa Ali, Nakata Haruhiko, Ren Nanqi, Kannan Kurunthachalam. Urinary Bisphenol A Concentrations and Their Implications for Human Exposure in Several Asian Countries. Environmental Science \u0026 Technology. 2011;45:7044-50.
Ren Nanqi, Guo Wanqian, Liu Bingfeng, Cao Guangli, Ding Jie. Biological hydrogen production by dark 发酵: challenges and prospects towards scaled-up production. Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 2011;22:365-70.
Lu Lu, Ren Nanqi, Zhao Xin, Wang Huan, Wu Di, Xing Defeng. production, methanogen 性抑制 and microbial community structures in psychrophilic single-chamber microbial electrolysis cells. Energy \u0026 Environmental Science. 2011;4:1329-36.
Xie Guo-Jun, Feng Liu-Bing, Ren Nan-Qi, Ding Jie, Liu Chong, Xing De-Feng, Qian Guo-Wan, Ren Hong-Yu. 监察 strategies for production through co-culture of Ethanoligenens harbinense B49 and immobilized Rhodopseudomonas faecalis RLD-53. International Journal of Hydrogen 能量 2010;35:1929-35.
Lu Lu, Xing Defeng, Xie Tianhui, Ren Nanqi, Logan Bruce E. production from proteins via electrohydrogenesis in microbial electrolysis cells. Biosensors \u0026 Bio电子器件 2010;25:2690-5.
Liu Bing-Feng, Ren Nan-Qi, Xie Guo-Jun, Ding Jie, Guo Wan-Qian, Xing De-Feng. Enhanced bio- production by the 组合 of dark- and photo-fermentation in batch culture. Bioresource Technology. 2010;101:5325-9.
Cao Guang-Li, Ren Nan-Qi, Wang 人工智慧Jie, Guo Wan-Qian, Xu Ji-Fei, Liu Bing-Feng. Effect of 木质纤维素derived inhibitors on growth and production by Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. International Journal of Hydrogen 能量 2010;35:13475-80.
Ren Nan-Qi, Liu Bing-Feng, Ding Jie, Xie Guo-Jun. Hydrogen production with R. faecalis RLD-53 isolated from freshwater pond sludge. Bioresource Technology. 2009;100:484-7.
Ren Nanqi, Wang Aijie, Cao Guangli, Xu Jifei, Gao Lingfang. Bioconversion of lignocellulosic 生物量 to hydrogen: Potential and challenges. Biotechnology Advances. 2009;27:1051-60.
Lu Lu, Ren Nanqi, Xing Defeng, Logan Bruce E. production with effluent from an 乙醇-H-2-coproducing 发酵 reactor using a single-chamber microbial electrolysis 细胞 Biosensors \u0026 Bio电子器件 2009;24:3055-60.
Liu Bing-Feng, Ren Nan-Qi, Xing De-Feng, Ding Jie, Zheng Guo-Xiang, Guo Wan-Qian, Xu Ji-Fei, Xie Guo-Jun. production by immobilized R. faecalis RLD-53 using soluble metabolites from 乙醇 发酵 bacteria E. harbinense B49. Bioresource Technology. 2009;100:2719-23.
Guo Wan-Qian, Ren Nan-Qi, Wang Xiang-Jing, Xiang Wen-Sheng, Ding Jie, You Yang, Liu Bing-Feng. Optimization of culture conditions for production by Ethanoligenens harbinense B49 using response surface 方法学 Bioresource Technology. 2009;100:1192-6.
Ding Jie, Liu Bing-Feng, Ren Nan-Qi, Xing De-Feng, Guo Wan-Qian, Xu Ji-Fei, Xie Guo-Jun. production from glucose by co-culture of 梭菌属 Butyricum and immobilized Rhodopseudomonas faecalis RLD-53. International Journal of Hydrogen 能量 2009;34:3647-52.
Chen Chuan, Wang Aijie, Ren Nanqi, Lee Duu-Jong, Lai Juin-Yih. High-rate denitrifying sulfide removal process in expanded granular sludge bed reactor. Bioresource Technology. 2009;100:2316-9.
Cao Guangli, Ren Nanqi, Wang Aijie, Lee Duu-Jong, Guo Wanqian, Liu Bingfeng, Feng Yujie, Zhao Qingliang. Acid 水解 of corn stover for biohydrogen production using Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. International Journal of 能量 2009;34:7182-8.
Xing Defeng, Ren Nanqi, Wang Aijie, Li Qiubo, Feng Yujie, Ma Fang. Continuous hydrogen production of auto-aggregative Ethanoligenens harbinense YUAN-3 under non-sterile condition. International Journal of 能量 2008;33:1489-95.
Xing Defeng, Ren Nanqi, Rittmann Bruce E. Genetic diversity of hydrogen-producing bacteria in an acidophilic 乙醇H-2-coproducing system, analyzed using the Fe -hydrogenase gene. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2008;74:1232-9.
Ren Nan-Qi, Guo Wan-Qian, Wang Xiang-Jing, Xiang Wen-Sheng, Liu Bing-Feng, Wang Xing-Zu, Ding Jile, Chen Zhao-Bo. Effects of different pretreatment methods on 发酵 types and dominant bacteria for hydrogen production. International Journal of 能量 2008;33:4318-24.
Ren Nanqi, Sverko Ed, Li Yi-Fan, Zhang Zhi, Harner Tom, Wang Degao, Wan Xinnan, McCarry Brian E. Levels and isomer profiles of Dechlorane Plus in Chinese air. Environmental Science \u0026 Technology. 2008;42:6476-80.
Ren Nanqi, Cao Guangli, Wang Aijie, Lee Duu-Jong, Guo Wanqian, Zhu Yuhong. Dark 发酵 of xylose and glucose mix using isolated Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum W16. International Journal of 能量 2008;33:6124-32.
Guo Wan-Qian, Ren Nan-Qi, Wang Xiang-Jing, Xiang Wen-Sheng, Meng Zhao-Hui, Ding Jie, Qu Yuan-Yuan, Zhang Lu-Si. Biohydrogen production from 乙醇type 发酵 of molasses in an expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) 反应器 International Journal of 能量 2008;33:4981-8.
Guo Wan-Qian, Ren Nan-Qi, Chen Zhao-Bo, Liu Bing-Feng, Wang Xiang-Jing, Xiang Wen-Sheng, Ding Jie. Simultaneous biohydrogen production and starch wastewater treatment in an acidogenic expanded granular sludge bed reactor by mixed culture for long-term operation. International Journal of 能量 2008;33:7397-404.
Chen Chuan, Wang Aijie, Ren Nanqi, Kan Hongjing, Lee Duu-Jong. Biological breakdown of denitrifying sulfide removal process in high-rate expanded granular bed 反应器 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2008;81:765-70.
Chen Chuan, Ren Nanqi, Wang Aijie, Yu Zhenguo, Lee Duu-Jong. Simultaneous biological removal of , and using EGSB 反应器 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2008;78:1057-63.
Ren N. Q., Chua H., Chan S. Y., Tsang Y. F., Wang Y. J., Sin N. Assessing optimal 发酵 type for bio-hydrogen production in continuous-flow acidogenic reactors. Bioresource Technology. 2007;98:1774-80.
Ren Nanqi, Xing Defeng, Rittmann Bruce E., Zhao Lihua, Xie Tianhui, Zhao Xin. Microbial community structure of ethanol type 发酵 in bio-hydrogen production. Environmental Microbiology. 2007;9:1112-25.
Ren Nanqi, Que Mingxue, Li Yi-Fan, Liu Yu, Wan Xinnan, Xu Diandou, Sverko Ed, Ma Jianmin. Polychlorinated biphenyls in 汉语词类 surface soils. Environmental Science \u0026 Technology. 2007;41:3871-6.
Xing D. F., Ren N. Q., Li O. B., Lin M., Wang A. J., Zhao L. H. Ethanoligenens harbinense gen. nov., sp nov., isolated from molasses wastewater. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2006;56:755-60.
Ren Nanqi, Li Jianzheng, Li Baikun, Wang Yong, Liu Shirui. Biohydrogen production from molasses by anaerobic 发酵 with a pilot-scale bioreactor system. International Journal of Energy. 2006;31:2147-57.
Ren N. Q., Chen Z. B., Wang A. J., Hu D. X. Removal of organic pollutants and analysis of MLSS-COD removal relationship at different HRTs in a submerged membrane bio反应器 International Biodeterioration \u0026 Biodegradation. 2005;55:279-84.
Ren N. Q., Wang B. Z., Huang J. C. 乙醇type 发酵 from carbohydrate in high rate acidogenic reactor. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 1997;54:428-33.
任南琪在生物制氢、工业废水处理等应用基础理论研究和相关人才队伍的培养方面取得了卓越成就  。(《上海师大报》评)
任南琪作为环境工程学科的带头人,在生物制氢和工业废水处理研究等方面取得了显著成就  。(时任黑龙江省省长栗战书评
任南琪的研究视野一直紧跟国家战略需求,聚焦在生态环保领域,并做出卓越贡献  。(哈尔滨工业大学(威海)校友网评)