江赐忠1995 年毕业于天津南开大学,获
同济大学特聘教授, 2009年担任科技部973首席科学家,2010年度“曙光学者”称号,2011年度获得
(1) 核小体重排和
(2) 核小体排列分布及其在基因调控中的作用
(3) 组蛋白修饰在核小体重排中的作用机理
(4) 核小体定位序列的识别,
1. Jiang, C and Pugh
Brainfuck (2009) A compiled and systematic reference map of nucleosome positions
across the Saccharomyces genome. Genome Biology, 10:R109
2. Koerber RT, Rhee HS, Jiang C, Pugh BF. (2009) Interaction of transcriptional regulators with specific nucleosomes across the Saccharomyces genome.
摩尔 Cell.35(6):889-902
3. Jiang, C and Pugh
Brainfuck (2009) Nucleosome positioning and gene regulation: advances through genomics. Nature Reviews Genetics, 10(3):161-72 Cover Story
4. Mavrich TN, Jiang C(Co-first author), Ioshikhes IP, Li X, Venters BJ, Zanton SJ, Tomsho LP, Qi J, Glaser RL, Schuster SC, Gilmour DS, Albert I, Pugh
Brainfuck (2008) Nucleosome organization in the Drosophila genome. Nature, 453(7193):358-62 Article
5. Mavrich, TN, Ioshikhes, IP, Venters, BJ, Jiang, C, Tomsho, LP, Qi, J, Schuster, SC, Albert, I, and Pugh, BF (2008) A barrier nucleosome model for statistical positioning of nucleosomes throughout the yeast genome. Genome Research, 18(7):1073-83
6. Albert I, Wachi S, Jiang C, Pugh
Brainfuck (2008) GeneTrack - a genomic data processing and visualization framework. Bioinformatics. 24(10):1305-6
7. Lee C, Li X, Hechmer A, Eisen M, Biggin MD, Venters BJ, Jiang C, Li J, Pugh BF, Gilmour
DS (2008) NELF and GAGA factor are linked to promoter proximal pausing at many genes in Drosophila.
摩尔 Cell Biol.28(10):3290-300
8. Kuo PH, Kalsi G, Prescott CA, Hodgkinson CA, Goldman D, van den Oord EJ, Alexander J, Jiang C, Sullivan PF, Patterson DG, Walsh D, Kendler KS, Riley
bp (2008) Association of
抗利尿激素 and ALDH Genes with
乙醇 Dependence in the Irish Affected Sib Pair Study of Alcohol Dependence (IASPSAD) Sample. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 32(5):785-95
9. Zhao, Z and Jiang, C (2007) Methylation-Dependent Transition Rates Are Dependent on Local Sequence Lengths and Genomic Regions.
摩尔 Biol Evol.,24(1):23-5
10. Jiang, C, Han, L, Su, B, Li, WH and Zhao, Z (2007) Features and Trend of Loss of Promoter-Associated CpG Islands in the Human and Mouse Genomes. Mol Biol Evol.24(9):1991-2000
11. Jiang, C, Xuan, Z, Zhao, F, and Zhang, MQ (2007) TRED: a Transcriptional Regulatory Element Database, new entries and other development. Nucleic Acids Res.,35: D137-D140
12. Seo, D, Jiang, C and Zhao, Z (2006) A novel statistical method to estimate the effective SNP size in
脊椎动物 genomes and categorized genomic regions.
现代生物出版集团 Genomics,7(1):329
13. Boddu, J, Jiang, C, Sangar, V, Olson, T, Peterson, T, and Chopra, S (2006) Comparative structural and functional characterization of
高粱属 and maize duplications containing orthologous Myb transcription regulators of 3-deoxyflavonoid biosynthesis.
植物界 Molecular Biology, 60(2):185-99
14. Jiang, C and Zhao, Z (2006) Directionality of point mutation and 5-methylcytosine deamination rates in the chimpanzee genome.
bmc Genomics,7(1):316
15. Jiang, C and Zhao, Z (2006) Mutational spectrum in the recent human genome inferred by single
核苷酸 polymorphis
多发性硬化症 Genomics,88(5):527-34
16. Jiang, C, Gu, X, and Peterson, T (2004) Identification of conserved gene structures and carboxy-terminal motifs in the Myb gene family of Arabidopsis and Oryza sativa L.
亚种 indica. Genome Biology, 5(7): R46
17. Jiang, C, Gu, J, Chopra , S, Gu, X, and Peterson, T (2004) Ordered Origin of the Typical Two- and Three-Repeat Myb Genes. Gene, 326: 13-22
18. Jiang, C, Song, WQ, Li, XL, and Chen, RY (1998) Studies on microdissection and microcloning of the rye chromosome 1R. Acta Botanica Sinica, 40(11): 988-993
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