生物钟分子系统(Circadian molecular system)是生物体为了因应地球自转而产生的昼夜环境周期性的变化,从而进化出的协调细胞内基因表达,及代谢网络调控的分子系统。我们课题组以水稻和拟南芥为模式植物,解析植物生物钟分子系统组成以及对植物生长发育的调控机理,主要包括对开花时间调控、细胞生长以及如何协同细胞内代谢网络方面的分子机理研究。研究核心主要是围绕植物生物钟分子系统如何通过对环境信号的整合而实现对输出系统的控制,以期为提高农作物品质与产量提供时间生物学方面的理论依据和遗传资源。课题组主要研究方向为:
Tian WW#, Wang RY#, Bo CP, Yu YJ, Zhang YY, Shin G, Kim W, Wang L*. 2021. SDC mediates 脱氧核糖核酸 methylation-controlled clock pace by interacting with ZTL in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research, doi: org/10.1093/nar/gkab128
Wei H, Wang XL, Xu H, Wang L*.2020. Molecular basis of heading date control in rice. aBIOTECH, 1:219-232
Wei H, Wang XL, He YQ, Xu H, Wang L*. 2020. Clock component OsPRR73 positively regulates rice salt tolerance by modulating OsHKT2;1-mediated homeostasis. The EMBO Journal, 2020.e105086
Li N#, Zhang YY#, He YQ, Wang Y, Wang L*. 2020. Pseudo Response Regulators regulate photoperiodic hypocotyl growth by repressing PIF4/5 transcription. 植物界 Physiology, 183(2): 686-699
Wang Y, He YQ, Su C, Zentella R, Sun TP, Wang L*. 2020. Nuclear localized O-fucosyltransferase SPY facilitates PRR5 proteolysis to fine-tune the pace of Arabidopsis circadian clock. Molecular 植物界, 3: 446-458
Wang Y#, Qin YM#, Li B, Zhang YY, Wang L*. 2020. Attenuated TOR signaling lengthens circadian period in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling \u0026 Behavior, 2:e1710935
Kim TS, Wang L, Kim YJ, Somers DE*. 2020. Compensatory mutations in GI and ZTL may modulate 温度 compensation in the circadian clock. 植物界 Physiology, 2: 1130-1141
Zhang YY, Bo CP, Wang L*. 2019. Novel crosstalks between circadian clock and jasmonic acid pathway finely coordinate the tradeoff among plant growth, senescence and defense. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20: 5254
Li B#, Wang Y#, Zhang YY, Tian WW, Chong K, Jang JC, Wang L*. 2019. PRR5, 7 and 9 positively modulate TOR signaling-mediated root cell proliferation by repressing TANDEM FINGER 1 in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research, 10: 5001-5015
Zhang YY, Wang Y, Wei H, Li N, Tian WW, Chong K, Wang L*. 2018. Circadian evening complex represses jasmonate-induced leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. 摩尔 植物界, 11, 326-337.
Wang Y, Zhang YY, Wang L*. 2018, Cross regulatory network between circadian clock and leaf senescence is emerging in higher plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9: 700.
魏华, 王岩, 刘宝辉, 王雷. 2018. 植物生物钟及其调控生长发育的研究进展. 植物学报, 53: 456-467.
Cha JY, Kim J, Kim TS, Zeng QN, Wang L, Lee SY, Kim WY, Somers DE*. 2017. GIGANTEA acts as a co-chaperone with HSP90 to facilitate maturation of the client protein ZEITLUPE in the Arabidopsis circadian clock. Nat. Commun., 8: 3
Wang L, Chong K. 2016. The essential role of cytokin in signaling in root apical meristem formation during somatic embryogenesis. Frontiers in 植物界 Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.01196.
Jia YB, Tian HY, Li HJ, Yu QQ, Wang L, Friml J, Ding ZJ. 2015. The Arabidopsis thaliana elongator complex subunit 2 epigenetically affects root development. Journal of Experimental 植物学, 4631-4642.
Choudhary M, Nomura Y, Wang L, Nakagami H, Somers DE. 2015. Quantitative circadian phosphoproteomic analysis of Arabidopsis reveals extensive clock control of key components in physiological, metabolic, and signaling pathways. Molecular \u0026 Cellular Proteomics, 14: 2243-2260.
Wang L, Kim J and Somers D*. 2013. Transcriptional corepressor TOPLESS comlexes with pseudoresponse regulator proteins and histone deacetylase to regulate circadian transcription. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 110(2):761-766.
Kim Y, Lim J, Yeom M, Kim H, Kim J, Wang L, Somers D and Nam H*. 2013. ELF4 regulates GIGANTEA chromatin access through subnuclear sequestration. Cell Reports, 3:671-677.
Zhang C, Xu YY, Guo SY, Zhu JY, Huan Q, Liu HH, Wang L, Luo GZ, Wang XJ and Chong K*. 2012. 动力学 of brassinosteroid response modulated by negative regulator LIC in rice. PLoS Genetics, 8(4): e1002686.
Wang L and Chong K*. Auxin brassinosteroids and G protein signaling. 2010.In Integrated G protein Signaling in Plants. Series of Signaling and Communication in Plants. 2010 page: 135-154 (Book chapter).
Wang L, Fujiwara S and Somers D*. 2010. PRR5 regulates phosphorylation, nuclear import and subnuclear localization of TOC1 in the Arabidopsis circadian clock. The EMBO Journal, 29(11):1903-1915.
Li D, Wang L, Wang M, Xu Y, Luo W, Liu Y, Xu Z, Li J and Chong K*. 2009. Engineering OsBAK1 gene as a molecular tool to improve rice 建筑 for high yield. 植物界 Biotechnology Journal, 7:791–806.
Wang L, Xu Y, Zhang C Ma QB, Kim J, Xu ZH and Chong K*. 2008. OsLIC, a novel CCCH-type finger protein with transcription activation, mediates rice 建筑 via brassinosteroids signaling. PLoS One. 3(10):e3521.
Fujiwara S, Wang L, Han L, Suh SS, Salomé P, McClung R and Somers D*. 2008. Post-translational regulation of the Arabidopsis circadian clock through selective proteolysis and phosphorylation of pseudo-response regulator proteins. Journal of Biological 化学, 283(34):23073-83. (Co-first author, cover story).
Wang L, Xu YY, Li J, Powell R, Xu ZH and Chong K*. 2007. Transgenic rice plants ectopically expressing AtBAK1 are semi-dwarfed and hypersensitive to 24-epibrassinolide. Journal of 植物界 Physiology, 164 (5):655-64.
Liu KM, Wang L, XuYY, Chen N, Ma QB, Li F and Chong K*. 2007. Overexpression of OsCOIN, a putative cold inducible zinc finger protein, increased tolerance to chilling, salt and drought, and enhanced proline level in rice. 植物界, 226(4):1007-16.
Wang L, Xu YY, Ma QB, Li D, Xu ZH and Chong K*. 2006. Heterotrimeric G protein alpha subunit is involved in rice brassinosteroid response. Cell Research, 16(12):916-922.
Wang ZY*, Wang QM, Chong K, Wang FR, Wang L, Bai MY and Jia CG. 2006. The brassinosteroid signal transduction pathway. Cell Research, 16(5): 427-34.

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