吉林大学超硬材料国家重点实验室,理学博士;主讲《电子材料测量》、《薄膜物理与技术》等课程,从事人工电磁材料与磁性纳米材料的研究工作,目前主持青年基金一项,863子项目三项,中央高等院校基本科研业务费一项。相关研究成果在Chem Commun、Nanotechnology、Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,Appl. Phys. Lett. 、Journal of Magnetism and magnetic materials、Mater Lett、物理学报等SCI杂志发表学术论文十余篇。发表于Nanotechnology(2011, 22, 125603)杂志的内容被评为当期封面文章,受到国际同行的高度关注。研究重点集中在可调谐人工电磁材料(可调谐
1. Zhao Qiang, Zeng Yi et al. Development of microstructure sensor based on hierarchically 2-fold ZnO nanorodarrays on hydrotalcite-like ZnAlCO3 nanosheets, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2014, 194, 206-212.
2. Yuan Jujun, Wen Gehui, Zhao Qiang et al, Preparation and Magnetic Properties of CrO2 Thin Film on Poly-crystal TiO2 Film, Chem. Res. Chin. Univ, 2013. 29 (3). 600-602 (通讯)
3. Zhao Qiang, Wen Qi-Ye, Dai Yu-Han, Tunability THz metamaterials base on the dielectricnonlinear of
钡 锶 titanate, Acta Phy. Sin, 2013. 4. 044104.
4. Dai Yu-Han, Chen Xiao-Lang, Zhao Qiang, Tunable split ring resonators in terahertz band, Acta Phy. Sin, 2013. 6. 064104.(通讯)
5. Qiang Zhao, Gehui Wen, Zhigang Liu, Yinbo Fan, Guangtian Zou, Rongkun Zheng, Simon P. Ringer and Ho-Kwang Mao. Synthesis of Dense, Single-Crystalline CrO2 Nanowire Arrays Using AAO Template-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition, Nanotechnology, 2011, 22, 125603( Cover Page of Issue 12).
6. Zou, X, B Liu, Q Li, Z Li, B Liu, W Wu, Q Zhao, Y Sui, D Li, B Zou, T Cui, G Zou, and HK Mao, One-step synthesis, growth mechanism and photoluminescence properties of hollow GeO2walnuts, CrystEngComm13, 979-984, 2011
7. Qiang Zhao, Yinbo Fan, Gehui Wen, Zhugang Liu, Hongan Ma, Xiaopeng Jia, Guangtian Zou, and Ho-Kwang Mao. Shape-controlled synthesis of high-purity CrO2 under HTHP, Mater Lett, 2010, 64, 592.
8. Qiang Zhao and Gehui Wen et al. High-density, vertically aligned crystalline CrO2 nanorod arrays derived from chemical vapor deposition assisted by AAO templates, Chem Commun. 2009. 3949-3951.
9. Qiang Zhao and Gehui Wen et al. Preparation and magnetoresistance of thin CrO2 films, Journal of Magnetism and magnetic materials. 2008. 320. 2356-2358.
约翰·约翰逊 Yuan and Qiang Zhao et al. Synthesis and magnetic properties of spinel CoFe2O4 nanowire arrays, Journal of Magnetism and magnetic materials. 2009. 321. 2795-2798.
11. Wen Ge-Hui, Ren Fang-Xiang, Deng Yong-Feng and Zhao Qiang et al. Template Preparation and magnetic Properties of
钴 Nanowires, Chenical Journal of Chinese Universitles. 2006. 27. 1708-1710.
12. Yuanyuan Hou, Bingbing Liu, Hongan Ma, Lin Wang and Qiang Zhao et al.
压强induced polymerization of nano- and submicrometer C60 rods into a rhombohedral phase, Chemical Physics Letters. 2006, 423, 215-219.
13. Yuan MX, Fu WY, Yang HB, Yu QJ, Liu SK and Zhao Q et al, Structural and magnetic properties of
锰doped ZnO nanorod arrays grown via a simple hydrothermal reaction, Materials Letters. 2009. 63. 1574-1576.
14. Sui YM, Zhang YY, Fu WY, Yang HB and Zhao Q et al. Low-
温度 template-free synthesis of Cu2O hollow spheres, Journal of Crystal Growth. 2009. 311. 2285-2290.
15. W.W. Lei, D. Liu, P. W. Zhu, X. H. Chen, Q. Zhao et al. Ferromagnetic Sc-doped AlN sixfold-symmetrical hierarchical nanostructures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009. 95. 162501.
协助培养硕士研究生一名,发表SCI学术论文一篇。Dai Yu-Han, Chen Xiao-Lang, Zhao Qiang, Tunable split ring resonators in terahertz band, Acta Phy. Sin, 2013. 6. 064104.(通讯)