1. Jingwei Li, Chunfu JIA, Zheli Liu, Zongqing
越南盾 Cycle-walking revisited: consistency, security and efficiency, Security and Communication Networks, online published, 2012
2. 刘昕, 贾春福, 胡志超, 刘国友, 王冬. 基于社会信任的恶意网页协防机制, 通信学报, Vol.33(10): 110-116, 2012
3. 刘昕, 贾春福, 胡志超, 刘国友, 王冬. 对抗P2P蠕虫的邻居选择机制, 天津大学学报, Vol.45(11): 1030-1038, 2012
4. 李敏, 贾春福, 李经纬, 刘哲理, 董宗庆.
变长编码字符型数据的保留格式加密, 吉林大学学报(工学版), Vol.42(5): 1257-1261, 2012
5. Jingwei Li, Jin Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Chunfu Jia and Zheli Liu. Fine-grained access control on outsourced searchable encrypted
数据, The 14th International Conference on Network and System Security(NSS 2012), November 21-23, 2012, Wuyishan, Fujian, China
6. Jingwei Li, Chunfu, Jin Li and Xiaofeng Chen. Outsourcing encryption of attribute-based encryption with MapReduce, The 14th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS 2012), October 29-31, 2012, Hong Kong. Lecture Notes in
计算机 Science series volume 7618, 191-201
7. Jingwei Li, Chunfu JIA, Jin Li, Zheli Liu. A Novel Framework for Outsourcing and Sharing Searchable Encrypted
数据 on Hybrid Cloud, Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems(INCoS-2012), September 19-21, 2012,
布加勒斯特, Romania
8. Zhi Wang, Chunfu JIA, Min Liu, Xiaoxu Yu. Branch Obfuscation Using Code Mobility and Signals, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Security,Trust, and Privacy for
软件 Applications (STPSA 2012), workshop of the IEEE Signature Conference on
计算机 Software \u0026 Applications (COMPSAC 2012), July 16-20, 2012, Izmir, Turkey
9. 石乐义, 姜蓝蓝, 贾春福, 王晓蕊. 蜜罐诱骗防御机理的博弈理论分析, 电子与信息学报, Vol.34 (6): 1420-1424, 2012
10. 王志, 贾春福, 鲁凯. 基于环境敏感分析的恶意代码脱壳方法, 计算机学报, Vol.35(4): 693-702, 2012
11. 李经纬, 贾春福, 刘哲理, 李敏. 基于k-分割Feistel网络的FPE方案, 通信学报, Vol.33(4): 62-68, 2012
12. 刘哲理, 贾春福, 李经纬. 保留格式加密技术研究, 软件学报, Vol.23(1):152-170, 2012
13. Chunfu Jia, Zhi Wang, Kai Lu, Xinhai Liu, Xin Liu. Directed Hidden-Code Extractor for Environment-Sensitive Malwares, Physics Procedia, Volume 24, Part C, 2012, Pages 1621-1627
14. Chunfu Jia, Xin Liu, Zhichao Hu, Guoyou Liu and Zhi Wang. Defending P2P Networks against Malicious Worms Based on Benign Worms. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 155, Advances in Electric and
电子学, 653-660, 2012
1. 刘哲理, 贾春福, 孙涛, 李经纬, 纪鸿舜. 基于对技术身份密码学的构造方法, 天津大学学报, Vol.44(12): 1050-1056, 2011
2. 贾春福, 王志, 刘昕, 刘昕海. 路径模糊: 一种有效抵抗符号执行的二进制混淆技术, 计算机研究与发展, Vol.48(11): 2111-2119, 2011
3. 赵春蕾, 贾春福, 翁臣, 林楷. 端信息跳变系统自适应策略研究, 通信学报, Vol.32(11A): 51-57, 2011
4. Zhi Wang, Jiang Ming, Chunfu JIA, Debin Gao. Linear Obfuscation to Combat Symbolic Execution, 16th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security(ESORICS 2011), 210-226, September 12-14, 2011, Leuven, Belgium, Proceedings Series: Lecture Notes in
计算机 Science,
飞鱼座 6879
5. Lin Kai, JIA Chunfu, Weng Chen. Distributed Timestamp Synchronization for End Hopping, China Communications, Vol.8(7): 164-169, 2011
6. Leyi Shi, Jie Li, Xu Han, Chunfu JIA.
设计 and Implementation of Distributed Self-
选举 Dynamic Array Honeypot System. China Communications, V
3-甲基-3-戊醇8(7): 109-115,2011
7. 刘哲理, 贾春福, 李经纬. 保留格式加密模型研究, 通信学报, Vol.32(6): 184-190, 2011
1. Zhi Wang, Renquan Cheng, and Debin Gao, Revisiting address space randomization, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ICISC 2010), Lecture Notes in
计算机 Science, 2011, Volume 6829, 207-221, December 1-3, 2010,
首尔特别市, Korea
2. JIA Chunfu, Liu Xin, Liu Guoyou, Hu Zhichao. Worm Containment Based on Double-neighbor Lists in P2P Overlay Networks, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security (ICITIS 2010), 558-562, December 17-19, 2010, Beijing, China
3. Liu Zheli, JIA Chunfu, Li Jingwei, Format-preserving encryption for Date
时间, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems (ICIS 2010), Vol.2 201-205, October 29-31, 2010, Xiamen, China
4. Zhang Jing, Jia Chunfu. Calculation of Minimal Dominating Set in Wireless Sensor Network with Host Switch-on/off, Transactions of Tianjin University,
飞鱼座16(4): 279-283, 2010
5. 段雪涛,贾春福,刘春波.基于隐马尔科夫模型和变长语义模式的入侵检测方法,通信学报, Vol.36(3): 109-114, 2010
6. 陈永刚,贾春福,
吕述望 一个基于CPK的高效签密方案,电子与信息学报,Vol.31(7):1753-1757,2009
7. JIA Chunfu, CHEN Deqiang. Performance Evaluation of a Collaborative Intrusion Detection System. The 5th International Conference on Natural Computation(ICNC’09),pp409-413,Auguest 14-16,2009,Tianjin China
8. 贾春福,林楷,鲁凯.基于端信息跳变DoS攻击防护机制中的
插件策略,通信学报, Vol. 35(10A):114-118,2009
9. Limin Liu,Jiang Ming,Zhi Wang,Debin Gao,Chunfu JIA,Denial-of-service attacks on host-based generic unpakers,The 11st International Conference on Information and Communications Security(ICICS 2009),LNCS 5927,241-253,December 14-17, 2009,Beijing China
10. 张静,贾春福.无线传感器网络基于权值的极小
支配集路由算法,传感技术学报,Vol.22(12):1784-1788, 2009
1. 贾春福,钟安鸣,赵源超,信息安全数学基础,
2. 贾春福,刘春波等,译著《计算机安全:原理与实践》(
计算机 Security:Priciple and Practices),(作者:Willanm Stallings,Lawrie Brown). 2008年7月出版
2. 信息安全专业必修课:信息安全数学基础;