2004 年09 月至 2010 年06 月,武汉大学,大地测量学与测量工程,博士
2000 年09 月至2004 年06 月,武汉大学,大地测量与地球动力学,学士
2012 年12 月至今,武汉大学测绘学院,讲师
1. Jiang, G Y, Xu C J, Wen Y M, Liu Y, Yin Z, and Wang J J(2013).Inversion for coseismic slipdistribution of the 2010Mw6.9 Yushu earthquake from InSAR data using angular dislocations.Geophys. J. Int., 194(2):1011-1022.
2.许才军,江国焰,汪建军,温扬茂(2012). 基于GNSS/InSAR/GIS的活动断层地震危险性评估系统. 测绘学报,41(5):661-669.
3.汪建军,许才军,申文斌(2012). 2010年Mw6.9级玉树地震同震库仑应力变化研究。武汉大学学报信息科学版,37(10):1207-1211.
4. Wang J J, Xu C J, Freymueller J, and Shen W B(2011). Sensitivity of Coulombstress change to the parameters of Coulomb failure model: A case study for the2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, International Union of 大地测量学 andGeophysics (IUGG), 墨尔本, Australia, accepted oral presentation.
5. Wang J J, Xu C J(2011). Coulomb stress evolution due to coseismic,postseismsicand inter-seismic deformation induced by the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake,International Union of 大地测量学 and Geophysics (IUGG), 墨尔本, Australia,accepted oral presentation.
6. Xu C J, Wang L Y, Wen Y M, and Wang J J(2011). Strain rates in theSichuan-Yunnan region based upon the total least squares heterogeneous strainmodel from GPS data, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 22(2):133-147.
7. Xu C J, Wang J J, Li Z H, and Drummond J(2010). Applying the Coulomb failurefunction with an optimally oriented plane to the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuanearthquake triggering. Tectonophys., 491(1-4):119-126.
8. Wang J J, Xu C J(2009). Analyses of crustal motion and deformation models in acurvilinear coordinate system. Chinese J. Geo-phys., 52(6): 1210-1219.
9. 王乐洋,许才军,汪建军(2009). 附有病态约束矩阵的等式约束反演问题研究. 测绘学报,38(5):397-401.
10. 许才军,汪建军,温扬茂(2009). 震后松弛过程的粘弹性模型在1997 年Mw7.6玛尼地震中的应用研究. 武汉大学学报。信息科学版, 34(3):253-256.
11. 汪建军,(2009). 玛尼Mw 7.6 玛尼地震和可可西里Mw 7.8 地震应力迁移研究. 大地测量与地球动力学,29(1):11-14.
12. Xu C J, Wang J J(2009). Coseismic and post-seismic Coulomb stress transferinduced by Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, China. 0ral presentation, Asia-OceaniaGeosciences Society( AOGS), SUNTEC, Singapore, 11-15 august