苏中根,浙江大学数学系教授,1966年出生, 1995年获复旦大学博士学位,现为统计研究所副所长。主要从事概率极限理论及其应用研究,先后发表论文30多篇,自2004年以来,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目3项,浙江省杰出青年团队项目1项。
Z. G. Su, Precise asymptotics for random matrices and random growth
models, Acta 数学 Sinica, English Series, 2008.
L.V.Bogachev and Z.G. Su, Gaussian fluctuations of Young diagrams under the Plancherel measure, Proceedings of Royal Society, A, 2007.
Z.G. Su, AGB星 analysis of random partitions, Advanced Lectures in Matheamtics, 2007.
L.Bogachev and Z.G. Su, Central Limit Theoremfor Random Partitions under the Plancherel Measure, Doklady 数学, 2007.
Z.G. Su, Gaussian fluctuations in complex sample covariance matrices, Electronic Journal of Probability, 2006.
Q.M.Shao and Z.G. Su, The Berry-Esseen bounds for character ratios, Proceedings of AMS, 2006.
S.Lee and Z.G. Su, The central limit theorem for the independence number for minimal spanning tree in the unit square, Lecture Notes Series, IMS Vol.5, 2005.
Z.G. Su, The law of the iteratedlogarithm for character ratios, 统计学 and Probability Letters, 2005.
Z.G. Su, On central limit theorems for vector random measures and measure-valued processes, Theory of Probability and its applications, 2002.
S.Lee and Z.G. Su, Gaussian tails for empirical distributions of MST on random graphs, 统计学 and Probability Letters, 2002.
S.Lee and Z.G. Su, The symmetry in the martingale argument, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2002.
H. Kesten and Z.G. Su, Asymptotics of \rho Percolations in high dimensions, Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2000.
H. Kesten and Z.G. Su, Some remarks of AB percolations in high dimensions, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2000.
Z.G. Su, On the weak convergence of vector-valued continuous random processes, Theory of Probability and its applications, 1999.
Z.G. Su, Central limit theorems for random processes with sample paths in exponential Orlicz spaces, Stochastic Processes with their Applications, 1997.
Z.G. Su, The law of the iterated logarithm and Marcinkiewicz law of large numbers for B-valued U-统计学, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 1996.
2003年获教育部科技进步奖二等奖,2002年获全国普通高校优秀教材一等奖, 2005年获浙江大学优秀教学成果一等奖。

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