有机化学(第七版) 内容简介
本书是一本有机化学专业的经典教材,采用四色印刷。自第一版以来一直受到广大师生的喜爱。第七版在前几版基础上进行了较大改动,补充了大量最新的研究素材,在深入浅出的介绍有机化学领域中最核心的基本理论与概念的基础上,提供了大量当前有机化学在生物、环境、医学、农业等领域中最热门的应用实例,使学生能够对知识有全面而系统的理解,极大地激发了学生的学习兴趣。作者力求用简洁通俗,以学生为导向的教学风格进行讲解,全书生动、流畅,图文并茂,兴味盎然,极有大师本色。随书附送多媒体光盘一张,包括概念单元,动态图像, 3D模型,交互练习以及大量相关资料,给教师提供了大量教学素材及辅助教学课件,也可以帮助学生更深刻直观地理解所学内容。原名《Organic 化学, 7th》。
有机化学(第七版) 本书目录
Compounds and Chemical Bonds.Representative Carbon Compounds: Functional Groups, Intermolecular Forces, and Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy. An Introduction to Organic Reactions: acids and Bases.Alkanes: Nomenclature, Conformational Analysis, and an Introduction to Synthesis.立体化学: Chiral Molecules.Ionic Reactions― Nucleophilic Substitution and Elimination Reactions of alkyl Halides.Alkenes and Alkynes I: Properties and Synthesis, Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides.Alkenes and Alkynes II. Addition Reactions.Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and 质量 Spectrometry: Tools for Structure Determination. Radical Reactions.Alcohols and Ethers.Alcohols from Carbonyl Compounds, Oxidation-Reduction and Organometallic Compounds.Conjugated Unsaturated Systems.Aromatic Compounds.Reactions of Aromatic Compounds.Aldehydes and Ketones I: Nucleophilic Addition to the Carbonyl Group.Aldehydes and Ketones II. Aldol Reactions.Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives. Nucleophilic Addition-Elimination at the Acyl Synthesis and Reactions of b-Dicarbonyl Compounds: More 化学 of Enolate Ions.Amines.Phenols and Aryl Halides: Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution.糖类Lipids.Amino Acids and Proteins.Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis.Answers to Selected Problems.Glossary.
有机化学(第七版) 作者介绍
T.W.Graham Solomons, University of South Florida  Craig B. Fryhle, Pacific Lutheran University

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有机化学(第七版) 内容简介
有机化学(第七版) 本书目录
有机化学(第七版) 作者介绍