长期从事低温制冷科学与技术的研究,在低温系统及装置、精密低温测量与控制、长寿命直线压缩机技术、回热式低温制冷机,特别是以牛津型直线压缩机驱动的长寿命、高可靠、高制冷效率的高频脉冲管制冷技术的机理研究及实用化探索等方面做出过较突出的创新性贡献。在面向空间遥感仪器应用的高频脉冲管制冷机研究方面,所主持研发出的系列单级和双级机型可有效覆盖10 K~200 K的重要温区,且在部分典型温区的制冷性能达到国际先进水平,为相关红外光电系统的重要应用提供了坚实可靠的低温环境支撑,以之为主要基础的重要机型已陆续进入航天实用化阶段;系列新型深低温多级机型已扩展至三级到四级结构,有效覆盖4 K~10 K温区,为极低温区的特殊应用奠定了坚实基础。上述研究还以拥有独立知识产权的长寿命直线压缩机为基础,这是有别于国内外一般低温制冷机研究机构的主要特色之一,牛津型直线压缩机可实现柔性化的设计和系列化的制造,并受系统的知识产权保护。
在致力于空间制冷及制冷新技术前沿及应用研究的同时,还对高频脉冲管制冷技术在实用超导、先进电力以及高端通讯等重要民用领域的应用进行了成功拓展,如液氮温区(77 K)的长寿命实用机型已可实现300 W~600 W以上的超大制冷量,牛津型动圈式直线压缩机的输出能力超过15 kW,成功打破发达国家在相关领域的关键技术垄断,多项重要科研成果及专利技术已成功转向市场。自2018年,兼任上海铂钺制冷科技有限公司副董事长、总经理、法人代表。
近年来以第一或通讯作者在本领域重要学术期刊及国际会议上发表学术论文90余篇(其中SCI、EI或ISTP检索50余篇),以第一发明人申请和获得授权的国内外专利100余项(其中国家发明专利60余项,国家发明专利已获授权40余项)。担任制冷及低温工程领域重要国际期刊《Cryogenics》、《International Journal of Refrigeration》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《Energy》等的审稿人。担任中国电工技术学会超导应用技术专业委员会委员。曾在本领域多个重要国际会议上做特邀报告,并连续两届担任国际制冷大会低温系统分会场主席(ICR 2011,第23届捷克布拉格;ICR 2015,第24届日本横滨)。
1.Theoretical and experimental investigations on the three-stage Stirling-type pulse tube cryocooler using cryogenic phase-shifting approach and mixed regenerator matrices.Cryogenics, Vol.93, pp.7–16, 2018.
2. Theoretical modeling and experimental verifications of the single-compressor-driven three-stage Stirling-type pulse tube cryocooler.Frontiers in Energy, doi: 10.1007/s11708-018-0569-8, 2018.
3.CFD modeling and experimental verification of oscillating flow and heat transfer processes in the micro coaxial Stirling-type pulse tube cryocooler operating at 90–170 赫兹Cryogenics, Vol.90, pp.30–40, 2018.
4.Theoretical and experimental investigations on the cooling capacity distributions at the stages in the thermally-coupled two-stage 史特灵type pulse tube cryocooler without external precooling.Cryogenics, Vol.82, pp.48–61, 2017.
5.Advances in single- and multi-stage Stirling-type pulse tube cryocoolers for space applications in NLIP/SITP/CAS,IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 278 012008, doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/278/1/012008, 2017.
6.Investigation on a three-stage Stirling-type pulse tube cryocooler for cooling the low-Tc SQUID.IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol.27, doi: 10.1109/TASC.2016.2642584, 2017.
7.Effects of the driving 电压 waveform on the 表演 of the Stirling-type pulse tube cryocooler driven by the moving-coil linear compressor.International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol.75, pp239–249, 2017.
8.A two-dimensional model of regenerator with mixed matrices and experimental verifications for improving the single-stage Stirling-type pulse tube cryocooler.Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.123, pp.1278–1290, 2017.
9.CFD modeling and experimental verification of a single-stage inertance tube coaxial Stirling-type pulse tube cryocooler operating at 30–35 K using the mixed stainless steel mesh regenerator matrix.Cryogenics, Vol.78, pp.40–50, 2016.
10. Dynamic and thermodynamic characteristics of the moving-coil linear compressor for the pulse tube cryocooler. Part A: Theoretical analyses and modeling.International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol.69, pp480–496, 2016.
11. Dynamic and thermodynamic characteristics of the moving-coil linear compressor for the pulse tube cryocooler: Part B – Experimental verifications.International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol.69, pp497–504, 2016.
12. Theoretical and experimental investigations on the optimal match between compressor and cold finger of the Stirling-type pulse tube cryocooler.Cryogenics, Vol.76, pp.33–46, 2016.
13. Entropy analyses of the three-stage thermally-coupled Stirling-type pulse tube cryocooler.Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.100, pp.944–960, 2016.
14. CFD simulation of a miniature coaxial Stirling-type pulse tube cryocooler operating at 128 赫兹Cryogenics, Vol.73, pp.53–59, 2016.
15. An electrical circuit analogy model for analyses and optimizations of the Stirling-type pulse tube cryocooler.Cryogenics, Vol.71, pp.18–29, 2015.
16. Theoretical and experimental investigations on the partial scaling method for the Oxford-type moving-coil linear compressor.Cryogenics, Vol.69, pp.26–35, 2015.
17. Development of high performance moving-coil linear compressors for space Stirling-type pulse tube cryocoolers.Cryogenics, Vol.68, pp.1–18, 2015.
18. High efficiency pulse tube cryocoolers for aerospace applications.Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vol.59, pp.378–385, 2014.
19.Development of high efficiency pulse tube cryocoolers for space-borne infrared applications.SPIE8562, doi:10.1117/12.999356, 2012.
20.10W/90K single-stage pulse tube cryocoolers.Cryogenics, Vol.52, pp.221–225, 2012.
21.High-capacity 60 K single-stage coaxial pulse tube cryocoolers.Cryogenics, Vol.52, pp.205–211, 2012.
22. 40 K single-stage coaxial pulse tube cryocoolers.Cryogenics, Vol.52, pp.216–220, 2012.

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