1995年建立了国内第一台太赫兹光谱实验测量系统。对半导体、纳米材料、生物体系和亚波长结构材料在太赫兹频段的响应以及有关的物理机制进行了较系统的研究,包括太赫兹远红外时域光谱技术研究、凝聚态和生物大分子的THz光谱分析及动力学过程研究、THz波在结构器件中的传播和探测以及其中的相互作用机理研究,太赫兹分析技术在生物大分子结构探测中的应用。在Phys.Rev., Appl.Phys.Lett.等学术期刊发表论文90余篇,2004年应邀为英国Elsevier出版社在2004年底出版的《Encyclopedia of Modern Optics》中撰写“Coherent Sources: Terahertz Generation”一节。
1. Jiayuan Li, Yixuan Zhou, Baogang Quan, Xuecong pan, Xinlong Xu, Zhaoyu Ren, Fangrong Hu, Haiming Fan, Mei Qi, Jintao Bai, Li Wang, Junjie Li, Changzhi Gu, Graphene–metamaterial hybridization for enhanced terahertz response,
2. Fangrong Hu, Taobo Zou, Baogang Quan, Xinlong Xu, Shuhui Bo, Tao Chen, Li Wang, Changzhi Gu, Junjie Li, Polarization-dependent terahertz metamaterial absorber with high Absorption in two orthogonal directions, Opt. Commun
3. Xiaojun Wu, Xuecong pan, Baogang Quan, and Li Wang, Optical modulation of terahertz behavior in with structured surfaces, Appl. Phys
4. Xiaojun Wu, Xuecong Pan, Baogang Quan, Xinlong Xu, Changzhi Gu, and Li Wang, Self-referenced sensing based on terahertz metamaterial for aqueous solutions, APPL Phys
5. Xiaojun Wu, Baogang Quan, Xucong pan, Xinlong Xu, Xinchao Lu, Changzhi Gu, LI Wang, Alkane硫醇functionalized terahertz metamaterial as label-free, highly-sensitive and specific biosensor, Biosensors and Bioelectronics
6. Xiaojun Wu, Yiwen E, Xinlong Xu, and Li Wang, Label-free monitoring of interaction between 脱氧核糖核酸 and oxaliplatin in aqueous solution by terahertz spectroscopy, APPL Phys. Lett
7. Yimin Sun, Xiaoxiang Xia, Hui Feng, Haifang Yang, Changzhi Gu, and Li Wang, Modulated terahertz responses of split ring resonators by nanometer thick 羧基液体丁腈橡胶 layers, Appl.Phys
8. Wei Yan, Yu-Ping Yang, Hua Chen, and Li Wang, Terahertz electric field in a three-layer system produced by parallel dipoles with a Gaussian spatial profile, Phys
9. Shi YL, Xu XL, Yang YP, Yan W, Ma SH, Wang L, Anomalous enhancement of terahertz radiation from semi-insulating GaAs surfaces induced by optical pump, APPL Phys. Lett
10. Yulei Shi,=14.0pt =14.0ptYuping Yang, Xinlong Xu, Shihua Ma, Wei Yan, and Li Wang, Ultrafast carrier 动力学 in Au/GaAs interfaces studied by Terahertz emission spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett
11. Quan BG, Xu XL, Yang HF, Xia XX, Wang Q, Wang L, Gu CZ, Li C, Li F, 时间resolved broadband analysis of split ring resonators in terahertz region, APPL Phys. Lett
12. Xin-long Xu, Bao-gang Quan, Chang-zhi Gu, and Li Wang, Bianisotropic response of microfabricated metamaterials in the terahertz region=14.0pt”, J. OPT电视台 Soc. Am
13. Xinlong Xu, Li Song, Yulei Shi, Yuping Yang, Sishen Xie, Wang Li, Light-induced dielectric transparency in single-walled nanotube films, Chem. Phys
14. Yulei Shi and Li Wang, Collective vibrational spectra of α- and γ-Glycine studied by terahertz and Raman spectroscopy, J. Phys
1. 一种可变角度反射测量装置及其操作方法,汪力、冯辉、潘学聪,中科院物理所
2. 一种静电驱动悬臂梁结构太赫兹波段可调超吸收体,胡放荣、汪力、吴忠安,中科院物理所
研究课题:973项目(新型THz关键功能器件)和自然科学基金(手性材料太赫兹时域旋光光谱研究; 应用表面等离激元控制太赫兹偏振态)
汪力 简介.中国科学院.2016-09-13