Kate Bush
Kate Bush,女,歌手,代表作品有《Hounds Of Love》。
Kate Bush was Born on 30th July, 1958 in Bexleyheath Kent.
Began violin lessons at the age of 9 but interest in the piano soon took ev er.David Gilmour of Pink Floyd introduces Kate to EMI who sign her while she is still at school.Studies mime and dance with Lindsey Kemp amongst others.Releases first single "Wuthering Heights" in January, 1978 wich becomes a No. 1 hit.
Debut album "The Kick Inside" released in February 1978, is a Top 3 success that goes on to sell over one million copies in the U.K.The album "Lionheart" is released December 1978.Makes "live" debut with a 30-date European tour in Spring 1979. Each 2 1/2 hour show, a 混合物 of 音乐, dance and mime, was a complete sell-out. "Never For Ever", released in September 1980, becomes her first No.1 LP."The Dreaming", entirely self-produced, is released September 1982 and becomes her fourth Top 10 album.
"Hounds Of Love", a No.1 album in September 1985, spawns massive hit single in "Running Up That Hill" and "Cloudbusting". The video for "Cloudbusting", wich features Donald Sutherland, remains one of the most memorable pop videos ever.
In 1986 Kate duets with Peter Gabriel on the Top 10 single "Don`t Give Up" and releases her first retrospective "The Whole Story" in November, a No.1 multi- success.
"The Sensual World", featuring guest artists Nigel Kennedy and The Trio Bulgarka, is released October 1989 and becomes her 7th Top 10 album. Kate makes an appearence as a blood-spattered dride in The Comic Strip TV 电影 Les Dogs (1990).The career-encompassing boxed set, "This Woman`s Work" is released October 1990.
Kate`s version of Elton John/Bernie Taupin classic "Rocket Man" is released as a single. Taken from "Two Rooms" tribute album it reaches No.12 on the chart in December 1991.
"Rubberband Girl", the first single from the new album "The Red Shoes" is released September 1993.
"The Red Shoes", due for release 1st November, was written and produced by Kate Bush and features artists such as Lenny Henry, Jeff Beck, Nigel Kennedy and The Trio Bulgarka plus some very special guests. The album title is taken from the innovative 1948 迈克尔·杰克逊 Powell/Emeric Pressburger 电影 about a pair of magic dancing shoes.
In conjunction with "The Red Shoes", Kate Bush is currently directing, as well as acting, singing and dancing in, a 50-minute film based on the album. Appearing in the 电影 are Miranda Richardson ("The Crying Game", "Damage") and Lindsey Kemp, mime artist and teacher whose students have included David Bowie. The film, entitled "The Line, The Curve and The Cross", will be released on video 1994.
Kate Bush的演唱完全无法区分风格,三个八度自由跳跃的嗓音,可以从《呼啸山庄》这样的文学作品中汲取音乐的精魂,使得她的歌曲充满了自己的特点,无人可以模仿她,她当然也没有兴趣将别人的歌曲原版翻唱。她无疑是女性另类音乐的划时代的开拓者,狂野的天籁之音永远是她的标志,诡异、梦幻、凄美永远是她的关键词。受到她的音乐和演唱风格影响的人更是无数,包括Tori Amos、Bjork。
Kate Bush出身古典音乐世家,从11岁就开始作曲,她带着自己的作品找到Pink Floyd的当家吉他手David Gilmour。从此两人开始长久的合作关系。David 协助制作的两首曲子The Man With the Child in His Eyes、The Saxphone Song,为Kate Bush赢得了第一张唱片合约。接着她顺利地走上了另类歌手的道路。
《The Kick Inside》和《Lionheart》后,大量的宣传和媒体曝光让Kate烦恼不已,她觉得这对于她潜心创作音乐来说太喧宾夺主了。于是,她将自己抽离媒体的视线,隐居般地开始《never for ever》的创作。她在音乐上完美主义、努力不懈的创作方式使她长久地待在录音室里不知倦怠。就在她创作这张专辑的时候,谣言四起,基本上是说什么她发胖了、变疯了之类的话。然后我们的Kate就会像小仙女一样现身片刻,身材瘦削如昔,看上去头脑清醒的很,再然后她就又飘回录音室了。
在之前的两张专辑中,她更注重的是突出人声,华丽的弦乐支撑着现场的乐队伴奏,这形式基本是固定的。而在这张专辑中,从最直截了当的摇滚歌曲——The Wedding List到那首忧愁伤感,徒然神往的华尔兹小品——Army Dreamers,音乐的模式变化纷呈。Kate在之前的专辑中都是用钢琴谱曲,而从这张专辑开始,她第一次使用音响合成器和鼓器。曲风不再千篇一律地辗转悠扬,我们似乎已经听到了《Hounds Of Love》时代来临的前奏曲
Kate又延续了其歌词的戏剧化风格,The Wedding List是受弗朗索瓦·特吕 弗的《黑衣新娘》的启发,The Infant Kiss的灵感来自于德博拉·克尔主演的《无辜的人》。
Kate Bush的声音可以说是无所不能,相信只要她愿意,她可以唱遍任何流派。前两张专辑她的声音时而温文婉约,时而妖娆诡异,但还是不可避免地流露出小女孩的青涩。而在这张专辑里,她声音的运用出现了叛逆的端倪,该悠长的地方依旧一如既往地令人摄魂,妖娆诡异的色彩趋强,但一些歌曲的高音变得犀利起来。如果说她以前的作品有种歌剧般的唱腔,现在的嗓音仿佛才开始正式走向艺术摇滚。令人佩服的是,这有了变化的唱腔却丝毫不见干涩,有的都是浑然天成的华美顺滑。这样的唱法正为之后的《The Dreaming》、《Hounds Of Love》、《The Sensual World》中天马行空、气势汹汹、铿锵有力又不失柔美的唱腔奠定了基础。Babooshka中Kate收放自如、充满灵气的歌声,简直能让人看到黑暗中她那带着琥珀色光芒的双眼。
这张由Kate Bush第一次参与制作的录音大碟成绩斐然,是Kate第一张登上英国专辑冠军榜的专辑。她是英国第一位获得如此殊荣的女性。
无疑是80年代英国最杰出的女歌手,她独一无二无人能模仿的嗓音以及前卫的 音乐创作才华,使她在女性艺术摇滚乐坛上独树一帜。如果你只能拥有一张Kate Bush的专辑,《Hounds Of Love》就是你的首选。专辑充分展示了Kate Bush的音乐才华与天赋。
经过3年的潜心修炼,《Hound s Of Love》诞生了。Kate Bush仍然完全独自把脉着自己的作品。词曲创作和制作全部自己包办。
1985年8月5日,Kate Bush在英国广播公司 TV’s Wogan show上表演了Running Up That Hill。赞扬从四面八方飞来。“令人震惊的……印象深刻的,感动”……18个月内,NME承认该曲是英国乐史上非黑人艺人最佳单曲。
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