郭松涛,博士、教授、博士生导师,教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者,美国纽约州立大学石溪分校访问学者,2009年获得重庆市优秀博士学位论文奖。CCF YOCSEF
主要在移动边缘计算、移动云计算、无线传感器网络、无线自组织网络等方面开展研究,已取得显著的研究成果,近5年在包括IEEE Transactions on Computers、IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing、IEEE Transactions on Communications、Wireless Networks、Computer Communications等SCI收录的著名国际期刊以及IEEE INFOCOM、IEEE
2009 年3rd International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security and Identification in Communication (2009 ASIC Hong Kong), TPC Member(技术程序委员会成员)
2012年 12th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2012, Chengdu, China), TPC Member(技术程序委员会成员)
2012年The Fifth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3-2012, New Delhi,India) , TPC Member(技术程序委员会成员)
IEEE会员、IEEE 计算智能分会成员
2011 IEEE GLOBECOM国际会议(in Houston,USA)TCP/IP小组主席(Session Chair)
SCI收录的部分国际期刊的评审员,如IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing、IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology、Wireless Networks、Computer Communication、Journal of Network and Computer Applications、Information Science等
· 国家自然科学基金:基于优化协作的可充电
· 国家自然科学基金:基于优化协作与绿色计算的无线传感网感知数据的可控移动收集机制研究(批准号:61170248,2012.1-2015.12,项目负责人)
· 国家自然科学基金:无线Ad Hoc 网络中资源分配与空间拥塞控制的分布式跨层协作研究(批准号:60903213,2010.1-2012.12,项目负责人)
· 中国博士后科学基金特别资助:无线认知Ad Hoc网络中分布式跨层拥塞控制研究(批准号:201003314,2010.7-2012.6,项目负责人)
· 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目:无线移动Ad Hoc网络中的数据分发及资源分配关键技术研究(批准号:NCET-10-0877,2011.1-2013.12,项目负责人)
· 中国博士后科学基金:无线Ad Hoc网络中最优跨层资源分配研究(批准号:20090460706,2009.11-2010.12,项目负责人)
重庆市自然科学基金项目:无线传感器网络中感知数据的分布式移动收集机制研究(批准号:CSTC, cstcjjA40003,2011.8-2014.7,项目负责人)
· 重庆市自然科学基金项目:无线传感器网络中基于资源公平分配的拥塞控制算法及其优化研究(批准号:CSTC, 2008BB2189,2008.6-2010.12,项目负责人)
· 教育部博士点基金优先资助领域:移动计算环境下数据收集、分发及其安全性研究(批准号:20110191130005,2012.1-2016.12,参加)
· 国家重点实验室面上项目:复杂网络理论及其在
Songtao Guo,
壮语yin Dang and Yuanyuan Yang, “Joint Optimal Data Rate and
功率 Allocation in Lossy Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Delay-Constrained Traffics,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, Accepted for publication.
Songtao Guo, Yuanyuan Yang and Miao Zhao, “A Distributed Optimal Framework for Mobile Data Gathering with Concurrent Data Uploading in Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, under review.
Songtao Guo, Cong Wang and Yuanyuan Yang, “Efficient Mobile Data Gathering with Wireless
能量 Replenishment in Rechargeable Sensor Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, under review.
Cong Wang, Songtao Guo and Yuanyuan Yang, “Energy-Efficient Mobile Data Colle
城市电讯on for Energy-harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, under review.
Songtao Guo and Yuanyuan Yang, “A Distributed Optimal Framework for Mobile Data Gathering with Concurrent Data Uploading in Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE INFOCOM,
pp1305-1313, March 2012, (Acceptance rate:18%).
Songtao Guo,
壮语yin Dang and Xiaofeng Liao, “Distributed Algorithms for Resource Allocation of Physical and Transport Layers in Wireless Cognitive Ad Hoc Networks,” Wireless Networks, Vol. 17, No. 2, Pages: 337-356, February 2011. (SCI Impact factor: 1.088)
Songtao Guo, Chuangyin Dang and Xiaofeng Liao, “Distributed Resource Allocation with Fairness for Cognitive Radios in Wireless MobileAd Hoc Networks,” Wireless Networks, Vol. 17, No. 6, Pages: 1493-1512, August 2011. (SCI Impact factor: 1.088)
Songtao Guo, Chuangyin Dang and Xiaofeng Liao, “Joint Opportunistic
功率 and Rate Allocation for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: An Adaptive Particle Swarm
最优化 Approach,” Journal of Network and Computer Applications,” Vol. 34, No. 4, Pages: 1353-1365, July 2011. (SCI Impact factor: 1.111)
Songtao Guo, Xiaofeng Lia and Qun Liu, “Linear matrix inequality-based novel stability criteria of the primal-dual algorithm with heterogeneous communication delays,” IET Control Theory \u0026 Applications, Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Pages: 461-471, MAR 2010. (SCI Impact factor: 1.717)
Songtao Guo, Shaojiang Deng and Defang Liu, “Hopf and resonant double Hopf bifurcation in congestion control algorithm with heterogeneous delays,” Nonlinear
动力学, Volume: 61 Issue: 3 Pages: 553-567, AUG 2010. (SCI Impact factor: 1.658)
Songtao Guo, Gang Feng, Xiaofeng Liao and Qun Liu, “Novel delay-range-dependent stability analysis of the second-order congestion control algorithm with heterogonous communication delays.” Journal of Network and Computer Applications, V2olume 32, Issue 3, May 2009, Pages 568-577. (SCI Impact factor: 1.111)
Songtao Guo, Xiaofeng Liao and Chuan
越南盾 Li, “Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis in a novel congestion control model with communication delay,” Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Application, Volume 9, Issue 4, September 2008, Pages 1292-1309. (SCI Impact factor: 2.381)
Songtao Guo, Gang Feng, Xiaofeng Liao and Qun Liu, “Hopf bifurcation control in a congestion control model via dynamic delayed feedback,”
chaos, 18, 043104, December 2008, pages: 1-13. (SCI Impact factor: 1.795)
Songtao Guo, Xiaofeng Liao, Chuandong Li and Degang Yang, “Stability analysis of a novel exponential-
红色 model with heterogeneous delays,” Computer Communications, 30 (5): 1058-1074 March 8 2007. (SCI Impact factor: 0.933)
Songtao Guo, Yunqiang Zhang and Yuanyuan Yang, “Distributed
功率 and Rate Allocation with Fairness for Cognitive Radios in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proc. of IEEE
pp4910-4915, Dec. 2011. (Acceptance rate: 31%)
Songtao Guo, Hongying Zheng and Qun Liu, “Hopf bifurcation analysis for congestion control with heterogeneous delays,” Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Volume 11 Issue 4 Pages: 3077-3090, AUG 2010. (SCI Impact factor: 2.381)
Songtao Guo, Xiaofeng Liao, Qun Liu and Chuan
越南盾 Li, “Necessary and sufficient conditions for Hopf bifurcation in exponential
红色 algorithm with communication delay,” Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Volume 9, Issue 4, September 2008, Pages 1768-1793. (SCI Impact factor: 2.381)
Songtao Guo, Xiaofeng Liao, Qun Liu and Haixia Wu, “Linear stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis for exponential RED algorithm with heterogeneous delays,” Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Volume 10, Issue 4, August 2009, Pages 2225-2245. (SCI Impact factor: 2.381)
Zhengxia, Wang, Xiaofeng Liao and Songtao Guo, “Mean
史克威尔 exponential stability of stochastic genetic regulatory networks with
时间varying delays,” Information Sciences, Volume: 181 Issue: 4 Pages: 792-811, FEB 2011.
Zhengxia, Wang, Xiaofeng Liao and Songtao Guo, “Stability analysis of genetic regulatory network with
时间 delays and parameter uncertainties,” IET Control Theory \u0026 Applications, Volume: 4 Issue: 10 Pages: 2018-2028, OCT 2010.
Haixia Wu, Xiaofeng Liao, Wei Feng and Songtao Guo, “Robust stability for uncertain genetic regulatory networks with interval
时间varying delays,” Information Sciences, Volume: 180 Issue: 18 Pages: 3532-3545, SEP 2010.
Haixia Wu, Xiaofeng Liao, Wei Feng and Songtao Guo, “Robust stability analysis of uncertain systems with two additive
时间varying delay components,” Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume: 33 Issue: 12 Pages: 4345-4353, DEC 2009.
Qun Liu, Xiaofeng Liao, Yanbing Liu and Songtao Guo, “
动力学 of an inertial two-neuron system with
时间 delay,” Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume: 58 Issue: 3 Pages: 573-609, NOV 2009.
Haixia Wu, Xiaofeng Liao and Songtao Guo, “Stochastic stability for uncertain genetic regulatory networks with interval
时间varying delays,” Neurocomputing, Volume: 72 Issue: 13-15 Pages: 3263-3276, AUG 2009.
Qun Liu, Xiaofeng Liao and Songtao Guo, “Stability of bifurcating periodic solutions for a single delayed inertial neuron model under periodic excitation,” Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Application, Volume: 10 Issue: 4 Pages: 2384-2395, AUG 2009.
Xiaofeng Liao, Yanbing Liu and Songtao Guo, “
AGB星 stability of delayed neural networks: A descriptor system approach,” Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Volume: 14 Issue: 7 Pages: 3120-3133, JUL 2009.
Shaojiang Deng, Xiaofeng Liao and Songtao Guo, “
AGB星 stability analysis of certain neutral differential equations: A descriptor system approach,”
数学 and Computers in Simulation, Volume: 79 Issue: 10 Pages: 2981-2993, JUN 2009.
Degang Yang, Xiaofeng Liao, Yong Chen and Songtao Guo, “New delay-dependent global
AGB星 stability criteria of delayed Hopfield neural networks,” Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Application, Volume: 9 Issue: 5 Pages: 1894-1904, DEC 2008.
Xiaofeng Liao, Jiyun Yang and Songtao Guo, “Exponential stability of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with delays,” Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Volume: 13 Issue: 9 Pages: 1767-1775, NOV 2008.
Xiaofeng Liao, Songtao Guo and Chuan
越南盾 Li, “Stability and bifurcation analysis in
三角座neuron model with
时间 delay,” Nonlinear
动力学, Volume: 49 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 319-345, JUL 2007.
Xiaofeng Liao and Songtao Guo, “Delay-dependent
AGB星 stability of cohen-grossberg models with multiple
时间varying delays,” Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, No: 28960 DOI: 10.1155/2007/28960, 2007.
Songtao Guo, Chunrong He and Yuanyuan yang, “ResAll:
能量 Efficiency Maximization for Wireless Energy Harvesting Sensor Networks”, the 12h IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON), June 22-25, 2015,
南阿拉巴马大学 (Acceptance rate: 55/194=28%).
Jiqiang Tang, Songtao Guo and Yuanyuan Yang, “Delivery Latency Minimization in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sink”, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (
环球贸易广场), June, 2015,
Songtao Guo, Yangyang and Yuanyuan Yang, “ Wireless Energy Harvesting and Information
Processing in Cooperative Wireless Sensor Networks”, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June, 2015,
Chunrong He, Songtao Guo and Yuanyuan Yang, “Voronoi Diagram based Indoor Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks”, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June, 2015,
Fei Wang, Songtao Guo, Yawei Shi, Yuanyuan Yang, “Relay selection and
功率 allocation for cooperative communication networks with
能量 harvesting,” In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2015), Accepted.
Songtao Guo, Jianji Hu and Chunrong He, “Joint Subcarrier Pairing and
功率 Allocation in OFDMA Cooperative Relay Networks”, the 8th Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC 2014), Fuzhou, China , December 2014.
Songtao Guo, Cong Wang and Yuanyuan Yang, “Mobile Data Gathering with Wireless Energy Replenishment in Rechargeable Sensor Networks,” IEEE Conference of Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2013), April 2013, Turin Italy. (Acceptance rate:17%).
SongtaoGuo,Xiaojian Wang,and Yuanyuan Yang, “Topology Control for Maximizing Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sink,” IEEE 10th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE
质量 2013), Oct. 2013, Page(s): 240 – 248, Hangzhou, China.
Songtao Guo, Xingfu Zhu and Yuanyuan Yang, “Optimal and Distributed Resource Allocation in Lossy Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC 2013), April 2013, pp. 2327-2332, Shanghai China, 2012. (Acceptance rate:22%)
Songtao Guo and Yuanyuan Yang, “A Distributed Optimal Framework for Mobile Data Gathering with Concurrent Data Uploading in Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Conference of Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2012), March 2012, pp.1305-1313,
奥兰多, FL, USA. (Acceptance rate:18%).
Songtao Guo, Yunqiang Zhang and Yuanyuan Yang, “ Distributed
功率 and Rate Allocation with Fairness for Cognitive Radios in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE
地球合唱团COM, Dec. 2011,
pp4910-4915, Houston,
Texas, USA, 2011 . (Acceptance rate: 31%)
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