本科生:消费与营销心理学 应用社会心理学
研究生及MBA:人力资源管理 人事选拔与招聘 高级心理统计 决策心理与企业管理
◆ 1995年9月-1999年7月(学士)
◆ 1999年9月-2004年6月(硕博连读)北京大学心理学系,
1. Shi, J., \u0026 Wang, L(2007). Validation of emotional intelligence scale in Chinese university students. Personality and individual differences. 43, 377-387.2. Li, Z., Wang, L., Shi, J., \u0026 Shi, W(2006).
2. Support for Exclusionism as an Independent Dimension of Social Dominance Orientation in Chinese mainland. Asia Journal of Social Psychology. 9, 203-209.
3. Wang, L., Chen, Y., \u0026 Shi, J.(2007). Attitudes toward computers: a new attitudinal dimension. Cyberpsychology and behavior.10, 700-704
peng, K. Z., Ng, H. Y., Shi, J., \u0026 Wong, C. S(2008). Gender Differences in the Work Commitment of Chinese Workers: An Investigation of Two Alternative Explanations. Journal of World Business. 44, 323-335. (co-corresponding author)
5. Haslam, N., Kashima, Y., Loughnan, S., Shi, J., \u0026 Suitner, G.(2008) Subhuman, inhuman, and superhuman: Contrasting humans with nonhumans in three cultures. Social Cognition. 26, 248-258.
6. Boucher, H.,
peng, K. P., Shi, J., \u0026 Wang, L.(2009) Culture and Implicit Self-
Esteem: Chinese are “Good” and “Bad”at the Same
时间 Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 40, 24-45.
7. Huang, Y., Shi, J., \u0026 Wang, L. (2008). Selling creates a loss while buying generates a gain: Capturing the implicit irrational bias by the IAT method. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53, 2253-2256. (SCI)
8. Liu, S., Wang, M., Zhan, Y., \u0026 Shi, J. (2009). Daily Work Stress and
乙醇 Use: Testing the Cross-Level Moderation Effects of Neuroticism and Job Involvement? Personnel Psychology. 62, 573-595. (co-corresponding author)
9. Shi, J., Lin, H., Wang, L., \u0026 Wang, M. (2009). Linking the Big Five Personality Constructs to Organizational Justice. Social Behavior and Personali
TY. 37, 209-222.
10. Huang, Y., Wang, L., \u0026 Shi, J. (2009). When do objects become more attractive? The individual and interactive effects of choice and ownership on object evaluation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 35, 713-722.(co-corresponding author)
11. Tian, L., Shi, J., \u0026 Yang, Z. (2009). Why Half World’s Population Has A Mobile Phone? An Examination on Consumers’ Attitudes Towards Mobile Phones. Cyberpsychology and behavior. 12, 513-516. (corresponding author)
12. Wang, M., Liu, S., Zhan, Y., \u0026 Shi, J. (2010). Daily Work-Family Conflict and
乙醇 Use: Testing the Cross-Level Moderation Effects of Peer Drinking Norms and Social Support. Journal of Applied Psychology. 95, 377-386. (co-corresponding author)
13. Wang, M., Liao, H., Zhan, Y., \u0026 Shi, J. (2011). Daily Customer Mistreatment and Employee Sabotage against Customers: Examining Emotion and Resource Perspectives. Academy of
管理学 Journal.54, 312-334. (co-corresponding author, IF 6.079)
14. Zhou, L., \u0026 Shi, J. (2009). Examination of psychometric properties of the Proactive Personality Scale in Chinese. Psychological Reports. 105, 43-56. (corresponding author)
15. Shi, J., Wang, L., \u0026 Chen, Y. (2009). Validation of the Personal Need for Structure Scale in Chinese. Psychological Reports. 105, 235-244.
16. Shi, J., Wang, L., \u0026
peng, K.(2009). Symbolic meanings of social behavior and its implications for regret theory. Annals of Economics and Finance, 10-S, 77-95.
17. Li, Y., Wang, M., Wang, C., \u0026 Shi, J. (2010). Individualism,
集体主义, and Chinese adolescents’ aggression: Intracultural variations. Aggressive Behavior. 36, 187-194. ( co-corresponding author)
18. Shi, J., Chen, Z., \u0026 Tian, M. (2011). Internet self-efficacy, the need for cognition, and sensation seeking as predictors of problematic use of the Internet. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.14, 231-234. ( corresponding author)
19. Shi, J., Chen, Z., \u0026 Zhou, L.(2011). Testing Differential Mediation Effects of Sub-dimensions of Political Skills in Linking Proactive Personality to Employee
表演 Journal of Business and Psychology. 26, 359-369.( corresponding author)
20. Zhang, Z., Wang, M., \u0026 Shi, J.(2012). “Why (not) change?” effects of leader-follower congruence in proactive personality on LMX and work outcomes. Academy of
管理学 Journal, 55, 111-130. (co-corresponding author)
21. Wong, C.;
peng, Z.; Shi, J. \u0026 Mao, Y.(2011). Differences between odd number and even number response formats: Evidence from Chinese mainland respondents. Asia Pacific Journal of
管理学 28, 379-399.
22. Huang, Y.; Wang, L \u0026 Shi, J. (2012). How attachment affects the strength of peer influence on adolescent consumer behavior. Psychology \u0026
推销理论. 29, 258-267.
23. Huang, Y., Shi, J., \u0026 Wang, L. (2012). Consumer Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence of Chinese individuals. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 15, 140-144. (co-corresponding author)
24. Shuster, M. M., Li, Y. \u0026 Shi, J. (2012). Maternal cultural values and parenting practices: Longitudinal associations with Chinese adolescents’ aggression. Journal of Adolescence, 35, 345-355. (corresponding author)
25. Loughnan, S. \u0026 Shi, J. et al.(2011). Economic inequality is linked to biased self-perception. Psychological Science. 22, 1254-1258.
26. Kashima, Y. \u0026 Shi, J. et al.(2011). Globalization and
民俗音乐 theory of social change: How globalization relates to societal perceptions about the past and future. Journal of Social Issues. 67, 696-715.(IF 1.591)
27. Zhou, L., Wang, M., Chen, G., \u0026 Shi, J.(2012) Supervisors' upward exchange relationships and subordinate outcomes: testing the multilevel mediation role of empowerment. Journal of Applied Psychology. 97, 668-680. (corresponding author)
28. Shi, J., \u0026 Chen, Z. (2012). Psychometric properties of a Chinese translation of the political skill inventory. Psychological Reports. 110, 233-246.( corresponding author)
29. Liao, F., Yang, L., Wang, M., Drown, D., \u0026 Shi, J. (2012) Team-Member Exchange and Work Engagement: Does Personality Make a Difference? Journal of Business and Psychology. (in press)
30. Li, Y., Xie, H., \u0026 Shi, J. (2012). Chinese and American children’s perceptions of factors contributing to popularity: cultural differences and behavioral correlates. International Journal of Behavioral Development. (in press. co-corresponding author)
31. Wright, F., Li, Y., \u0026 Shi, J. (2012) Chinese adolescents’ social status goals: associations with behaviors and attributions for relational aggression. Youth \u0026 Society. (in press. co-corresponding author)
1. 施俊琦,李铮,
2. 陈阳,施俊琦,王明姬,刘霞,
3. 施俊琦,王垒,邓卫,中学生牛津幸福感问卷的信效度检验,中国心理卫生杂志,2005,19(11):727-729。
4. 施俊琦,王垒,一般性自我效能量表的信效度检验,中国心理卫生杂志,2005,19(3),191-193。
5. 怡,施俊琦,王垒,中文版认知需求量表的大学生测试报告,中国心理卫生杂志,2005,19(1):57-59。
6. 施俊琦,
7. 蔡雅琦,施俊琦,
8. 王垒,郑小平,施俊琦等,中国证券投资者的投资行为与个性特征,心理科学,2003,26(1):24-28。
9. 王明姬,王垒,施俊琦,社会比较量表的信效度检验,中国心理卫生杂志,2006,20(5):302-305,(责任作者)。
10. 吕艾芹,王明姬,林菡,施俊琦,大学生职业成熟度与情绪智力:自我效能的中介作用,北京大学学报(自然科学版),2008,44(2),271-276(责任作者)。
11. 陈阳,黄韫慧,
12. 涂艳平,施俊琦,自我效能感对神经质-考试焦虑的调节作用,中国临床心理学杂志,2008,16(3),280-282(责任作者)。
13. 杨扬子,黄韫慧,施俊琦,中国消费者对本国/
14. 杨扬子,黄韫慧,施俊琦,自我激活状态对本国/外国品牌态度的影响,北京大学学报(自然科学版),2008,44(6),977-982(责任作者)。
15. 黄韫慧,吕艾芹,王垒,施俊琦,大学生情绪智力量表的信效度检验,北京大学学报(自然科学版),2008,44(6),970-976(责任作者)。
16. 黄韫慧,施俊琦,并购对民族品牌的影响:独立自我的调节作用,北京大学学报(自然科学版),2009,45(5),891-896(责任作者)。
17. 李燕洁,黄韫慧,施俊琦,自我生成信息对品牌内隐和外显态度的影响-态度的关联-命题评价模型在来源国效应中的应用,营销科学学报,2009,5(3),245-253(责任作者)。
18. 黄韫慧,施俊琦,反对民族品牌沦陷?自我建构和自我状态的影响,北京大学学报(自然科学版),2010,46(4),681-684(责任作者)。
19. 涂艳苹,黄韫慧, 施俊琦,脆弱的爱:信息可接近性对品牌态度的影响,营销科学学报,2010,6(1),71-84,(责任作者)。
20. 黄韫慧,施俊琦,并购事件对被并购品牌的内隐和外显态度影响,管理学报,2011,8(1),103-111 (责任作者)。
21. 盛子桐,施俊琦,求职自我效能对求职行动的影响:情绪调节能力的调节作用,北京大学学报(自然科学版),2011(已接受,责任作者)。