2017年10月27日,朱位秋与河北中科恒运软件科技股份有限公司就技术合作暨院士工作站筹建举行了签约仪式,签署了《院士工作站意向书》和《技术开发合作协议》 。
1.Crandall SH, Zhu WQ. Random Vibration: A Survey of Recent Developments. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 50th Anniversary Issue, 1983, 50 (4b): 953-962 (Invited Paper, SCI).
2.Crandall SH, Zhu WQ. Wide Band Random Vibration of an Equilater Triangular Plate. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1986, 1: 5-12.
3.Zhu WQ, Yu JS. On the Response of the
Van der Pol Oscillator to White Noise. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1987, 117(3): 421-431 (SCI, EI).
4.Zhu WQ, Ren YJ. Stochastic Finite Element Method Based on Local Averages of Random Fields. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 1988, 1:261-271.
5.Zhu WQ. Stochastic Averaging Methods in Random Vibration. ASME Applied Mechanics Reviews, 1988,
REV 41(5): 189-199 (Invited Paper, EI).
6.Zhu WQ, Yu JS. The Equivalent Nonlinear System Method. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1989, 129(3): 385-395 (SCI, EI).
7.Zhu WQ, Wu WQ. Application of Stochastic Finite Element Method Based on Local Average of Random Field to Real Eigenvalue Problems. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 1990, 3(1): 1-6 (EI).
8.Zhu WQ. Exact Solutions of Stationary Response of Several Classes of Nonlinear Systems to Parametric and/or External White Noise Excitations. Applied
数学 and Mechanics, 1990, 11(2): 165-175.
9.Zhu WQ, Wu WQ. On the Local Average of Random Field in Stochastic Finite Element Analysis. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinia, 1990, 3: 27-42.
10.Zhu WQ, Cai GQ, Lin YK. On Exact Stationary Solutions of Stochastically Perturbed Hamiltonian Systems. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1990, 5: 84-87 (SCI).
11.Zhu WQ, Lei Y. A Stochastic Theory of Cumulative Fatigue Damage. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 1991, 4: 1-14; Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1991, 6: 222-227.
12.Zhu WQ, Wu WQ. A Stochastic Finite Element Method for Real Eigenvalue Problems. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1991, 6: 228-232.
13.Zhu WQ, Lin YK. Stochastic Averaging of
能量 Envelope. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 1991, 117(8): 1890-1905 (SCI, EI).
14.Zhu WQ, Ren YJ, Wu WQ. Stochastic FEM Based on Local Average of Random Vector Field. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 1992, 118: 496-511 (SCI, EI).
15.Zhu WQ, Lin YK, Lei Y. On Fatigue Crack Growth under Random Loading. Engineering. Fracture Mechanics, 1992, 43(1): 1-12 (SCI, EI).
16.Zhu WQ, Lu MQ, Wu QT. Stochastic Jump and Bifurcation of Duffing Oscillator under Narrow-Band Excitation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1993, 165(2): 285-304 (SCI, EI).
17.Zhu WQ, Huang CD, Soong TT. Stochastic Response of Hysteretic Systems to Narrow-Band Excitation. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1994,61(1): 211-213 (SCI).
18.Zhu WQ, Wu QT, Lu MQ. Jump and Bifurcation of Duffing Oscillator under Narrow-Band Excitation. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 1994, 10(1): 73-81 (EI).
19.Huang CD, Zhu WQ, Soong TT. Nonlinear Stochastic Response and Reliability of Secondary Systems. ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 1994, 120(1): 177-196 (SCI, EI).
20.Zhu WQ, Huang CD, Soong TT. Response and Reliability of Secondary Systems in Yielding Structures. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1994, 9(1-2): 145-155 (SCI, EI).
21.Zhu WQ, Yu JS, Lin YK. On Improved Stochastic Averaging Procedure. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1994, 9(3): 203-211 (SCI, EI).
22.Zhu WQ, Soong TT, Lei Y. Equivalent Nonlinear System Method for Stochastically Excited Hamiltonian Systems. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1994, 61(3): 618-623 (SCI, EI).
23.Jiang MX, Zhu WQ. Reliability Updating Through Inspection. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 1995, 8(special Issue): 200-204.
24.Zhu WQ, Jiang MX. Stochastic Propagation of Semi-Elliptical
surface Crack. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 1995, 8(3): 236-244 (SCI).
25.Zhu WQ. Stochastic Averaging of Quasi-Hamiltonian Systems. Science in China, Series A, 1996, 39(1): 97-108 (SCI).
26.Zhu WQ, Yang YQ. Exact Stationary Solutions of Stochastically Excited and Dissipated Integrable Hamiltonian Systems. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1996, 63(2): 493-500 (SCI).
27.Zhu WQ, Jiang MX. Nonlinear Fatigue Damage Accumulation under Random Loading. ASME Journal of
压强 Vessel Technology, 1996,118: 168-173 (SCI).
28.Zhu WQ. Recent Developments and Applications of Stochastic Averaging Method in Random Vibration. ASME Applied Mechanics Reviews, 1996, Part 2, 49(10): S72-S80 (Invited Paper, EI).
29.Jiang MX, Zhu WQ. Stochastic Modeling of fatigue Crack Growth under Constant amplitude Loading. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 1996, 9(2): 169-178 (SCI).
30.Zhu WQ, Yang YQ. Stochastic Averaging of Quasi-Nonintegrable-Hamiltonnian Systems. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1997, 64(1): 157-164 (SCI, EI).
31.Zhu WQ, Lei Y. Equivalent Nonlinear System Method for Stochastically Excited and Dissipated Integrable Hamiltonian System. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1997, 64(1): 209-216 (SCI, EI).
32.Huang ZL, Zhu WQ. Exact Stationary Solutions of Averaged Equations of Stochastically and Harmonically Excited MDOF Quasi-Linear Systems with Internal and/or External Resonance. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1997, 204(2): 249-258 (SCI, EI).
33.Zhu WQ, Huang ZL, Yang YQ. Stochastic Averaging of Quasi-Integrable-Hamiltonian Systems. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1997, 64(4): 975-984 (SCI).
34.Zhu WQ, Huang CD, Soong TT. Narrow-Band Excitation of Hysteretic Systems. Shock and Vibration, 1997, 4(4): 241-250 (SCI, EI).
35.Zhu WQ, Huang ZL. Stochastic Stability of Quasi-Nonintegrable-Hamiltonian Systems. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1998, 218(5): 769-789 (SCI, EI).
36.Zhu WQ, Huang ZL. Stochastic Hopf Bifurcation of Quasi-Nonintegrable-Hamiltonian Systems. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 1999, 34(3): 437-447 (SCI).
37.Zhu WQ. Theory of Stochastically excited and Dissipated Hamiltonian Systems-Some New Developments in Nonlinear Stochastic Structural
动力学 Advances in Structural Engineering, 1999, 2(3): 173-189 (Invited Paper, EI).
38.Zhu WQ, Ying ZG. Optimal Feedback Control of Quasi-Hamiltonian systems. Science in China, Series A, 1999, 42(11): 1213-1219 (SCI).
39.Zhu WQ, Huang ZL. Lyapunov Exponents and Stochastic Stability of Quasi-Integrable -Hamiltonian Systems. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1999, 66(1): 211-217 (SCI, EI).
40.Huang ZL, Zhu WQ. Lyapunov Exponents and Almost-Sure
AGB星 Stability of Quasi-Linear Gyroscopic Systems. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2000, 35(4): 645-655 (SCI, EI).
41.Lei Y, Zhu WQ. Fatigue Crack Growth of Elastic Components in Nonlinear Structural Systems under Random Loading. International Journal of Solids \u0026 Structures, 2000, 37(4): 649-667 (SCI, EI).
42.Ying ZG, Zhu WQ. Exact Stationary Solutions of Stochastically Excited and Dissipated Gyroscopic Systems. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2000, 35(5):837-848 (SCI, EI).
43.Huang ZL, Zhu WQ. Exact Stationary Solutions of Stochastically and Harmonically Excited and Dissipated integrable Hamiltonian Systems. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2000, 230(3): 709-720 (SCI, EI).
44.Zhu WQ, Ying ZG, Ni YQ, Ko JM. Optimal Nonlinear Stochastic Control of Hysteretic Systems. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2000, 126(10): 1027-1032 (SCI, EI).
45.Huang ZL, Zhu WQ, Suzuki Y. Stochastic Averaging of Strongly Nonlinear Oscillators Under Combined Harmonic and White Noise Excitations. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2000, 238(2): 233-256 (SCI, EI).
46.Zhu WQ, Huang ZL. Exact Stationary Solutions of Stochastically Excited and Dissipated Partially Integrable Hamiltonian Systems. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2001, 36(1): 39-48 (SCI).
47.Zhu WQ, Ying ZG, Soong TT. An Optimal Nonlinear Feedback Control Strategy for Randomly Excited Structural Systems. Nonlinear
动力学, 2001, 24(1): 31-51 (SCI, EI).
48.Gan CB, Zhu WQ. First-passage Failure of Quasi-Nonintegrable Hamiltonian Systems. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2001, 36(2): 209-220 (SCI, EI).
49.Liu WY, Zhu WQ, Huang ZL. Effect of Bounded Noise on Chaotic Motion of Duffing Oscillator under Parameteric Excitation. Chaos, Solitons \u0026 Fractals, 2001, 12(3): 527-537 (SCI, EI).
50.Zhu WQ, Huang ZL, Suzuki Y. Equivalent Nonlinear System Method for Stochastically Excited and Dissipated Partially Integrable Hamiltonian Systems. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2001, 36(5): 773-786 (SCI, EI).
51.Zhu WQ, Huang ZL, Suzuki Y. Response and Stability of Strongly Nonlinear Oscillators Under Wide-Band Random Excitation. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2001, 36(8): 1235-1250 (SCI, EI).
52.Zhu WQ, Huang ZL, Suzuki Y. Stochastic Averaging and Lyapunov Exponent of Quasi-Partially-Integrable-Hamiltonian System. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 2002, 37(3): 419-437 (SCI, EI).
53.Zhu WQ, Ying ZG. Nonlinear Stochastic Optimal Control of Partially Observable Linear Structures. Engineering Structures, 2002, 24(3): 333-342 (SCI, EI).
54.Zhu WQ, Huang ZL, Deng ML. Feedback Minimization of First-passage Failure of Quasi Non-Integrable Hamiltonian Systems. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2002, 37(6): 1057-1071 (SCI, EI).
55.Ying ZG, Zhu WQ, Ni YQ, Ko JM. Random Response of Preisach Hysteretic Systems. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2002, 254(1): 37-49 (SCI, EI).
56.Ying ZG, Zhu WQ, Ni YQ, Ko JM. Stochastic Averaging of Duhem Hysteretic Systems. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2002, 254(1): 91-104 (SCI, EI).
57.Huang ZL, Zhu WQ, Ni YQ, Ko JM. Stochastic Averaging of Strongly Nonlinear Oscillators under Bounded Noise Excitation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2002, 254(2): 245-267 (SCI, EI).
58.Zhu WQ, Deng ML, Huang ZL. First-Passage Failure of Quasi-Integrable Hamiltonian Systems. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2002, 69(3): 274-282 (SCI, EI).
59.Ni YQ, Ying ZG, Ko JM, Zhu WQ. Random Response of Integrable Duhem Hysteretic Systems under Non-White Excitation. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2002, 37(8): 1407-1419 (SCI, EI).
60.Zhu WQ, Cai GQ. Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamic: A Survey of Recent Developments. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2002, 18(6): 551-566 (SCI, EI).
61.Ying ZG, Zhu WQ, Soong TT. A Stochastic Optimal Semi-Active Control Strategy for ER/MR Dampers. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2003, 259(1): 45-62 (SCI, EI).
62.Huang ZL, Zhu WQ. A New Approach to Almost Sure
AGB星 Stability of Stochastic Systems of Higher Dimension. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2003, 38(2): 239-247 (SCI, EI).
63.Zhu WQ, Huang ZL. Feedback Stabilization of Quasi Integrable Hamiltonian Systems. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2003, 70(1): 129-136 (SCI, EI).
64.Zhu WQ, Huang ZL, Deng ML. First-Passage Failure and Its Feedback Minimization of Quasi Partially Integrable Hamiltonian Systems. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2003, 38 (8): 1133-1148 (SCI, EI).
65.Zhu WQ, Wu YJ. First-passage
时间 of Duffing Oscillator Under Combined Harmonic and White-Noise Excitations. Nonlinear
动力学, 2003, 32: 291-305 (SCI, EI).
66.Zhu WQ, Deng ML, Huang ZL. Optimal Bounded Control of First-passage Failure of Quasi Integrable Hamiltonian Systems with Wide-Band Random Excitation. Nonlinear
动力学, 2003, 33: 189-207 (SCI).
67.Zhu WQ, Huang ZL. Stochastic Stabilization of Quasi Partially Integrable Hamiltonian Systems by Using Lyapunov Exponent. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2003, 33: 209-224 (SCI, EI).
68.Ying ZG, Zhu WQ. Stochastic Optimal Control of Hysteretic Systems Under Externally and Parametrically Random Excitations. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2003, 16 (1): 61-66 (SCI).
69.Deng ML, Hong MC, Zhu WQ. Stochastic Optimal Control for the Response of Quasi Non-Integrable Hamiltonian Systems, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2003, 16(4): 313-320 (SCI).
70.Zhu WQ. Lyapunov Exponent and Stochastic Stability of Quasi Non-Integrable Hamiltonian Systems. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2004, 39, 569-579 (SCI, EI).
71.Liu ZH, Zhu WQ. Homoclinic Bifurcation and Chaos in Simple
Pendulum Under Bounded Noise Excitations. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2004, 20: 593-607 (SCI, EI).
72.Zhu WQ, Huang ZL. Stochastic Stabilization of Quasi Non-Integrable Hamiltonian Systems. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2004, 39 (6): 879-895 (SCI, EI).
73.Zhu WQ, Deng ML. Equivalent Nonlinear System Method for Stochastically Excited and Dissipated Integrable Hamiltonian System-Resonant Case. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2004, 274: 1110-1122 (SCI, EI).
74.Zhu WQ, Wu YJ. Optimal Bounded Control of First-passage Failure of Strongly Nonlinear Oscillators under Combined Harmonic and White-Noise Excitations. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2004, 271(1): 83-101 (SCI, EI).
75.Zhu WQ, Huang ZL, Ko JM, Ni YQ. Optimal Feedback Control of Strongly Nonlinear Oscillator Excited by Bounded Noise. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2004, 274: 701-724 (SCI, EI).
76.Zhu WQ, Deng ML. Optimal Bounded Control for Minimizing the Response of Quasi Non-Integrable Hamiltonian Systems. Nonlinear
动力学, 2004, 35: 81-100 (SCI, EI).
1.Zhu WQ. Stochastic Averaging of the
能量 Envelope of Nearly Lyapunov Systems. Random Vibrations and Reliability, Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium, (Invited paper), Hennig K (Ed.), Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1983, 347-357 (ISTP).
2.Crandall SH, Zhu WQ. Wide Band Random Excitation of Square Plates. Random Vibrations and Reliability, Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium, (Invited Paper), Hennig K (Ed.), Belin: Akademic-Verlag, 1983, 231-243
3.Zhu WQ, On the Method of Stochastic Averaging of
能量 Envelope. Proceedings of International Workshop on Stochastic Structural Mechanics, Innsbruck, Austria, 1982, Report 1-83, University of Innsbruck, 1983, 17-26.
4.Zhu WQ, Huang TC. Dynamic Instability of Liquid Free
surface in a Container with Elastic Bottom under Combined Harmonic and Stochastic Longitudinal Excitation. Random Vibrations,
AMDVol. 65,ASME, 1984, 195-220.
5.Zhu WQ. A Method for Estimating Reliability of Structures Subject to Quasi-Stationary and/or Quasi-Homogeneous Gaussian Random Excitations. Structural Safety and Reliability, Proceedings of ICOSSAR’85, Kobe, Japan, 1985, Knoish I, et al. (eds.), New York, IASSR, Vol. I: 219-228 (EI).
6.Zhu WQ. Wide Band Random Vibration of Structures. Random Vibration-Status and Recent Developments, The Stephen Harry Crandall Festshrift, (Invited Paper), Elishakoff I \u0026 Lyon RH (
电子数据系统), Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1986, 525-536.
7.Zhu WQ, Lei Y. Stochastic Averaging of
能量 Envelope of Bilinear Hysteretic Systems. Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamic Engineering Systems, Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria 1987, Ziegler F \u0026 Schueller GI (eds.), Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1988, 381-391.
8.Zhu WQ, Lei Y. First Passage
时间 for State Transition of Randomly Excited Systems. Proceedings of 47th Session of International Statistical Institute, Paris, France, 1989, Vol. LIII(Invited Papers), Book 3: 517-531.
概率论与数理统计》、《机械振动》、《弹性理论》和《数学物理方法》;为研究生讲授课程:《高等动力学》、《随机振动》、《非线性振动》、《弹性动力学》、《结构动力学》、《非线性动力系统》、《随机数据分析》 。