2002年12月-2003年03月:新加坡南洋理工大学Tan Chin Tuan学者交流奖访问教授
现任国际衍射数据中心(ICDD)委员,中国晶体学会副理事长, 中国材料研究学会常务理事,国家自然科学基金委员会专家评审组成员,国际《Appl.Surf.Sci》《Vacuum》杂志编委等职。
1991年获国家教委科技进步二等奖(主要参者),2000年获吉林省青年科技奖。2001年获吉林省杰出青年基金。2001年获政府特殊津贴。2002年获吉林省科技进步二等奖。1994年得到国家教育部培养跨世纪人才优秀中青年出国项目资助。1999年被教育部遴选为骨干教师并获资助,同年获教育部优秀年轻教师基金。2001年获吉林省杰出青年基金。2001年获政府特殊津贴。2002年获高校青年教师奖新加坡TAN CHIN TUAN学者交流奖。2005年:获得国家杰出青年基金2006、2011年吉林省有突出贡献的中青年专业技术人才。2012入选吉林省第三批拔尖创新人才第一层次。
1.Y. M. Ho, G.M. Yang, W.T. Zheng, et al,“Synthesis and field electron emission property of hybrid nanotubes andnanoparticles”, Nanotechnology 19, 065710 (2008)
2.S.S Yu, Q.B. Wen, W.T. Zheng, Q. Jiang,“First principle calculations of the electronic properties of dopedcarbon nanoribbons with zigzag edges”, 46 (no.3) 537-543 (2008)
3.L.X. Qiu, B. Yao, Z.H. Ding, Y.J. Zheng, X.P.Jia and W.T. Zheng, “Characterization of structure and properties of TiB2nano-composite prepared by ball milling and high 压强 heat treatment”,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (Available online 16 February 2007) (2008)
4.Wenxue Yu, Zhudi Zhao, Weitao Zheng, YumingSong, Bo Li, Beihong Long and Qi Jiang, “Structural characteristics ofpoly(vinylidene 氟化物)/clay nanocomposites”, Mate. Lett., 62 (No.4-5)747-750 (2008)
5.J. Zhao, F.L. Meng, W.T. Zheng, et al.,“Theoretical investigation of atomic-scale (001) twinned martensite in the NiTialloy”, Mater. Lett. 62 (6-7) 964-966 (2008)
6.J.Q. Zhu, C.Z. Jiang, X. Han, J.C. Han, S.H.Meng, C.Q. Hu and W.T. Zheng, “Multilayer antireflective and protectivecoatings comprising amorphous diamond and amorphous hydrogenated germaniumcarbide for ZnS optical elements”, Thin 固体 Films 516 (no.10), 3135-3140(2008)
7.Hai-bo Li, Ming Feng, Na Li, Xiao-fen Zhang,Wei-tao Zheng, “Magnetocaloric properties in the Eu-doped La0.65Sr0.35MnO3systems”, Mater. Chem. Phys. 107 (no.2-3) 377-380 (2008)
8.Q.B. Wen, L. Qiao, W.T. Zheng, et al,“Theoretical investigation on different effects of and boronsubstitutional impurities on the structures and field emission properties forcarbon nanotubes”, Physica E 40 (no.4) 890-893 (2008)
9.Q.B. Wei, S.S. Yu, W.T. Zheng,“First-principles calculations on the structure and electronic properties ofboron doping zigzag single-walled nanotubes”, Chinese Science E (2008)(accepted)
10.Guangmin Yang , Weitao Zheng, Hongwei Tian,Xin Wang, Qiang Xu, Jing Cheng, Yongmin Ho, Qing Jiang, “Investigation onNanodiamond and Carbon Nanotube-Diamond Nanocomposite synthesized by usingRF-PECVD”, Chem. Vapor Deposition (2008) (accepted)
11.L.L. Wang, W.T. Zheng, J. Gong, hb Li, X.Wang, N. Ma, P.J. Cao, X.C. Ma, “Investigation on the structure and magneticproperties at low temperature for nanocrystalline γ΄-Fe4N thin films”, J.Alloys and Compounds (2008) (accepted)
12.C. Wang, B. Zheng, W.T. Zheng, et al,“Electronic properties of dehydrogenated nanodiamonds: a first-principlesstudy”, Diamond and Related Materials 17 (二氧化氮) 204-208 (2008)
13.M. Feng, HB托尔斯港 Li, M. Liu, N. Li, W.T. Zheng,“Magnetic and magnetoresistive properties of La0.65-xEuxSr0.35MnO3”, CeramicsInternational, (2008) (in press)
14.X.Y. Lang, W.T. Zheng, Q. Jiang, “Finitesize effect on band structure and photoluminescence of semiconductornanocrystals ”, IEEE T Nanotechnology 7, 5-9 (2008)
15.N. Ma, X. Wang, W.T. Zheng, et al,“Influence of Si-N interlayer on the microstructure and magnetic properties ofgamma-Fe4N films”, Appl. Surf. Sci. (2008) (in press)
16.Y.H. Ho, L.W. Liu, J.L. Qi, W.T. Zheng,“Spectroscopic investigation on nanotubes coated with ZnOnanoparticles”, J. Phys. D 41, 065308 (2008)
17.S.S. Yu, QuickBASIC Wen, W.T. Zheng, et al.,“Electronic properties of graphene nanoribbons with armchair-shaped edges”,Molecular Simulation (2008) (in press)
18.T. An, HoneyWorks Tian, M. Wen, W.T. Zheng,“Structures and mechanical properties of /SiNx multilayer films deposited bymagnetron sputtering at different N2/Ar gas flow ratios”, Vacuum (in press,2008)
19.J.W. Liu, X. Wang, W.T. Zheng, et al.,“Alignment of amorphous nanotubes with graphitized branches grown byradio 频率 等离子体-enhanced chemical vapor deposition”, Carbon 45 (no.3)683-686 (2007)
20.Ming Zhao, Weitao Zheng, Jianchen Li, ZiWen, Mingxia Gu, Chang Q. Sun, “Atomistic Origin, 温度 dependence, andresponsibilities of surface energetics: An extended broken-bond rule”, Phys.REV B75, 08542
21.L Qiao, W.T. Zheng, L. Zhang, Q. Jiang,“First-principles 密度-functional investigation of the effect of H₂O onfield emission of nanotubes”, Nanotechnology 18, 155707 (2007)
22.S.S. Yu, QuickBASIC Wen, W.T. Zheng, Q. Jiang,“Effects of doping atoms on the structure and electronic properties ofzigzag single-walled carbon nanotubes through first-principles calculations”,Nanotechnology 18, 165702 (2007)
23.L. Qiao, W.T. Zheng, H. Xu, L. Zhang, and Q.Jiang,“Field emission properties of N-doped cappedsingle-walled nanotubes: A first-principles density-函数al study”,J. Chem. Phys. 126 (no16) 164702 (2007)
24.X.Y. Lang, W. T. Zheng and Qing Jiang,“Antiferromagnetic layer thickness dependence of blocking 温度 inexchange biased ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers”, Nanotechnology 18,155701 (2007)
25.Z.M. Ao, W.T. Zheng and Q. Jiang, “Sizeeffects on Kauzmann temperature and related thermodynamic parameters of Agnanoparticles”, Nanotechnology 18, 255706 (2007)
26.J.C. Han, W. Gao, J.Q. Zhu, S.H. Meng, andW.T. Zheng, “密度functional theory study of the microstructure, electronicstructure, and optical properties of amorphous ”, Phys. REV B75, 155418(2007)
27.W. Liu, W.T. Zheng, and Q. Jiang,“First-principles study of the surface 能量 and work function of III-Vsemiconductor compounds”, Phys. Rev. B 75 (no.23) 235322 (2007)
28.H.M. Lu, W.T. Zheng, Q. Jiang, “Saturationmagnetization of ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic nanocrystals at roomtemperature”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.40, 320-325 (2007)
29.Z.D. Zhao, W.T. Zheng et al,“晶体lization behaviors of secondarily quenched 尼龙 6”, Mater. Lett. 61(no3) 925-928 (2007)
30.J. Zhang, X. Wang, W.T. Zheng, et al,“Structure and luminescence properties of TiO2:Er3+ nanocrystals annealed atdifferent temperatures”, Mater. Lett. 61 (no8-9) 1658-1661 (2007)
31.L.L. Wang, X. Wang, W.T. Zheng, et al,“Structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Fe-N thin films andtheir thermal stability”, J. Alloys and Compounds 443, 43-47 (2007)
32.X.M. Bai, W.T. Zheng, F. Xiong, and Q.Jiang, “The effects of Si3N4 interlayer on the thermal stability and hardnessof Ti/TiN nanolayered coatings”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 253 (no17) 7238-7241 (2007)
33.Q. Jiang, Z.M. Ao, W.T. Zheng, “Temperatureand size effects on the amplitude of atomic vibration of Co nanocrystalsembedded in Ag matrix”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 439, 102–104 (2007)
34.S.S. Yu, QuickBASIC Wen, W.T. Zheng, Q. Jiang, “Abinitio study of doping nanotubes”, Nano 2 (no.3) 181-188 (2007)
35.W. Xu, X. Wang, H. Jia, W.T. Zheng, “Growthbehavior of amorphous Fe-N thin films-applicability of conventional dynamicscaling approach”, Chem. J. Chinese Univ. 28, 2106-2109 (2007)
36.C. D. Gu, J. S. Lian, Q. Jiang and W. T.Zheng, “Experimental and modelling investigations on strain rate sensitivity ofan electrodeposited 20 nm grain sized Ni”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 (2007)7440-7446
37.T. An, H.W. Tian and W.T. Zheng, “X-rayreflectivity and 衍射 investigation on TiN/SiNx nanolayered coatingsdeposited by magnetron sputtering”, Powder Diffraction 22 (2007) 316-318
38.W.T. Zheng, C.Q. Sun, “Electronic process ofnitriding: mechanism and applications”, Prog. 固体 State Chem. 34(no.1), 1-20(2006)
39.C.Q. Hu, L. Xu, H.W. Tian, X.Y. Lv, Z.S.Jin, W.T. Zheng, “Effects of radio 频率 power on the chemical bonding,optical and mechanical properties for radio frequency reactive sputtered carbide films”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 39,5074-5079(2006)
40.C.Q. Hu, W.T. Zheng et al, “Effects of thechemical bonding on the optical and mechanical properties for germanium carbidefilms used as antireflection and protection coating of ZnS window”, J. Phys.Condensed Mat. 18,4231-4241([2006) ]
41.J.J. Li, C.Z. Gu, P. Xu, Q. Wang and W.T.Zheng, “Field emission enhancement of nitride films by annealing withdifferent durations”, Mater. Sci. Technol. B126, 74-79 (2006)
42.B. Zheng, W.T. Zheng, et al,“First-principle study of incorporation in amorphous carbon”, 44(5), 962-968 (2006)
43.L.L. Wang, X. Wang, N. Ma, W.T. Zheng,“Influence of various substrate materials on the structure and magneticproperties of Fe-N thin films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering”, Surf.Coat. Technol. 201 (no.3-4) 786-791 (2006)
44.L.L. Wang, X. Wang, W.T. Zheng, et al,“Synthesis of single nanocrystal phase γ'-Fe4N on NaCl substrate by DCmagnetron sputtering”, Mater. Chem. Phys. 100 (no.2-3) 304-307 (2006)
45.Y.H. Li, L.M. Li, F.L. Meng, W.T. Zheng,“Effect of substrate 温度 on the surface and interface oxidation of NiTithin films”, J. Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 151, 144-148 (2006)
46.Q. Hu, W.T. Zheng, et al, “Ge1-xCxdouble-layer antireflection and protection coatings”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 252(no.23)8135-8138(2006)
47.S.S. Yu, W.T. Zheng, et al, “Nature ofsubstitutional impurity atom B/N in zigzag nanotubes revealed by first principlecalculations”, IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology 5, 595-598 (2006)
48.W. Liu, J.C. Li, W.T. Zheng, Q. Jiang,“NiAl(110)/Cr(110) interface”, Phys. Rev. B73,205421(2006)
49.S. Li, W. T. Zheng, Q. Jiang, “Size andpressure effects on 固体 transition temperatures of ZrO2”, Script. Mater.54(12), 2091-2094 (2006)
50.W. Liu, H. Liu, W.T. Zheng, Q. Jiang,“Surface energies of several ceramics with NaCl structure”, Surf. Sci. 600(二氧化氮) 257-264 (2006)
51.X.Y. Lang, W.T. Zheng, and Q. Jiang, “ Sizeand interface effects on ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic transition温度s”, Phys. Rev. B73,22444 (2006)
52.J.Q. Zhu, J.C. Han, C.Q. Hu, W.T. Zheng, X.Han, S.H. Meng, “设计 and realization of the combined amorphous diamond andamorphous germanium carbide films as antireflective and protective coatings”,JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES 25 (6): 451-454 DEC (2006)
53.B. Zheng, W.T. Zheng, et al, “Growth oftetrahedral amorphous film: tight-binding molecular 动力学 study”,Carbon 43, 1976-1983 (2005)
54.J.B. Wang, H.H. Wu, QJ Li, Z.K. Li, G.R.G, X.Y. Lv, W.T. Zheng, “Characteristics of grain growth of microarc oxidationcoatins on pure ”, Chinese Physics 14 (12), 2598-2601 (2005)
55.X Bai , W.T. Zheng, et al, “Effects ofdeposition parameters on microstructure of CrN/Si3N4 nanolayered coatings andtheir thermal stability”, J. Phys. Condensed Matter 17, 6405-6413 (2005)
56.X. Wang, W. T. Zheng, L. L. Wang, H. W.Tian, S. S. Yu, F. L. Meng, X. T. Li, X. G. Kong, “Dynamic scaling phenomenaand universality classes in growth of nitride thin films deposited bydirect current magnetron sputtering”, Thin 固体 Films 492 (no.1-2), 75-78(2005)
57.H.W. Tian, W.T. Zheng, et al., “Magneticproperties and electron spin 共振 of charge ordering manganiteY0.5Ca0.5MnO3”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 401, 584-588 (2005)
58.H.W. Tian, W.T. Zheng, et al, “Dynamicisomer shift in charge-ordering manganite Y0.5Ca0.5MnO3: Mössbauerspectroscopy study”, J.Phys.Chem.B 109, 1656-1659 (2005)
59.X.M. Bai, W.T. Zheng, T. An, “Superhardnano-multilayers and nanocomposite coatings”, Progress in Natural Science 15(二氧化氮) 97-107 (2005)
60.Meng FL, Li YH, Wang YM, Zheng WT, “Flowstress of Ni-rich NiTi thin films”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 40 (2):537-538 JAN
61.Gu GR, Wu BJ, Jin FX, Li QJ, Li ZK, ZhengWT, “Field emission characteristics of BN films treated with H2 and O2 plasma”,CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 22 (4): 981-983 (2005)
62.约翰·约翰逊 Li, W.T. Zheng, et al., “Field emissionfrom implanted CVD-diamond film grown on wafer" Appl.Phys. A 81(2),257-361 (2005)
63.T. Ding, W.T. Zheng, et al., “Electron spinresonance analysis of magnetic structures in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3”, J.Magn.Magn.Mater.293 (2) 796-800 (2005)
64.D. Liu, W.T. Zheng, Q. Jiang, “Formingabilities of monatomic chains of several fcc and bcc metals in differentcrystallographic orientations”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 252, 1780-1784 (2005)
65.J.J. Li, C.Z. Gu, H.Y. Peng, H.H. Wu, W.T.Zheng, “Field emission properties of diamond-like films annealed atdifferent temperatures”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 251, 236-241 (2005)
66.Q. Jiang, M.M. Lu, W.T. Zheng, “Sizedependent phase stability of nano-diamond”, T. Nonferr. Metal. Soc. 15, 319-322(2005)
67.H.W. Tian, W.T. Zheng, et al., “Magneticfield effect on critical behavior of perovskite manganites above Tc”, J. RareEarths 23 (no.5), 533-535 (2005)
68.Z. Zhao, W.T. Zheng, et al., “Unusualcrystallization behaviors in 尼龙6 and Nylon-6 /蒙脱石 nanocompositefilms”, Macromolecular Rapid Commu. 25, 1340-1344 (2004)
69.J.J. Li, W.T. Zheng, C.Z. Gu, Z.S. Jin etal., “Field emission enhancement in implanted amorphous films”,Carbon, 42 (no.11) 2309-2314 (2004)
70.约翰·约翰逊 Li, W.T. Zheng, et al., “Electron fieldemission from tip arrays coated by magnetron sputtering carbon nitridefilms”, 固体 State Commu. 132 (3-4) 253-257 (2004)
71.W.T. Zheng, X. Wang, X.G. Kong, H.W. Tian,S.S. Yu, Z.D. Zhao and X.T. Li, “Crystal structures and magnetic properties ofFe-N thin films deposited by dc magnetron sputtering”, Powder 衍射 19(4), 352-355 (2004)
72.Li YH, Meng FL, Qiu DL, Wang Y, Zheng WT,Wang YM, “Grain size and its distribution in NiTi thin films sputter-depositedon heated substrates”, CHINESE PHYSICS 13 (8): 1315-1319 (2004)
73.X. Wang, W.T. Zheng, H.W. Tian, S.S. Yu,L.L. Wang, “Effect of substrate temperature and bias 电压 on DC magnetronsputtered Fe-N thin films”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 283(2-3) 282-290 (2004)
74.C.Q. Hu, W.T. Zheng, et al., “'Chemicalbonding of a-Ge1-xCx:H films grown by RF reactive sputtering'”, Vacuum, 77(no1) 63-68 (2004)
75.W. Xu, X. Wang, S.H. Feng, W.T. Zheng, etal.,“Growth Mechanism of magnetic Fe4N thin films deposited by dc magnetronsputtering", Chem. J. Chinese Univ. 25 (7), 1318-1321 (2004)
76.H.W. Tian, J.F. Zang, T. Ding, W.T. Zheng,“The evidence of phase separation in perovskite manganites above Tc”, Acta.Wuhan Sci. Technol. University, 19, 62-62 (2004)
77.T. Ding, W.T. Zheng, et al., “Temperaturedependence of visible photoluminescence in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3”, 固体 State Commu.132(no12), 815-819 (2004)
78.Li N, Li XT, Zhang T, Qiu SL, Zhu GS, ZhengWT, Yu WX, “Host-guest composite materials of LiCl/NaY with wide range ofhumidity sensitivity”, Mater. Lett., 58 (10): 1535-1539 (2004)
79.H.L i, F.Meng, Z.Gao, W.T .Zheng, Y.M. Wang,“Effects of solution treatment on dislocation density in NiTi thin films”, RareMetal Mater. Eng. 33: 1136-1139 (2004)