张博辉,现任香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院校长讲席教授(President Chair Professor)、深圳高等金融研究院副院长、金融科技与社会金融研究中心主任。
南洋理工大学获得金融学博士学位。2017年张博辉教授受聘为香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院校长讲席教授(The President Chair Professor)兼深圳高等金融研究院副院长。此前他曾担任
学术期刊上,包括Review of Financial Studies、 Journal of Financial Economics、 Journal of Accounting Research、 Management Science、 Journal of Financial Quantitative and Analysis、 Journal of International Business Studies、和Review of Finance等。
新南威尔士大学授予的青年研究学者奖章。他曾主持多项澳大利亚国家研究委员会基金项目、新南威尔士大学澳洲商学院研究基金、和参与中国国家自然科学基金面上项目。他的文章曾在2012和2016 China Finance Annual Meeting、 2014 MIT Asia Conference in Accounting、2014 Asian Finance Association Conference、2013 Asia-Pacific Financial Markets of the Korean Securities Association、 2013 Asian Finance Association Conference、 2013 China International Conference in Finance、 2013 Northern Finance Association Conference、及2011 Chinese Finance Association Best Paper Symposium获得最佳会议论文奖。
张教授曾担任三十多家国际学术期刊 如Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Accounting Research, Accounting Review,
管理学 Science的审稿人。他是多个国际金融学术组织年会组委会成员,包括Western Finance Association Conference, Northern Finance Association Conference、European Finance Association Conference、 China International Conference in Finance、Financial
管理学 Association Conference、 Australasian Finance and Banking Conference、及Asian Finance Association Conference。
1.“Who Captures the Power of the
pen?” (with Jiaxing You and Le Zhang), 2017, Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming.
2.“The Determinants and Pricing of Liquidity Commonality Around the World” (Fariborz Moshiriana, Xiaolin Qian, and Claudia Koon Ghee Wee), 2016, Journal of Financial Markets, forthcoming.
3.“How Do Foreign Institutional Investors Enhance Firm Innovation?” (with Luong Hoang Luong, Fariborz Moshirian, Lily Nguyen, and Xuan Tian), 2016, Journal of Financial Quantitative and Analysis, forthcoming.
4.“Dividend Policy and Earnings
管理学 across Countries” (with Wen He, Lilian Ng, and Nataliya Zaiats), 2017, Journal of Corporate Finance 42, 267-286.
5.“What Drives Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity Around the World? An asset tangibility Perspective” (with Fariborz Moshirian, Vikram Nanda, and Alexander Vadilyev) , 2017, Journal of Banking and Finance 77, 1-17; Lead Article.
6.“Foreign Investor Heterogeneity and Stock Liquidity
across the World” (with Lilian Ng, Fei Wu, and Jing Yu), 2016, Review of Finance 20, 1867-1910.
7.“Foreign Institutional Ownership and the Global Convergence of Financial Reporting Practices” (with Vivian Fang and Mark Maffett), 2015, Journal of Accounting Research 53, 593-631.
8.“The Governance Effect of the Media’s News Dissemination Role: Evidence from Insider Trading” (with Lili Dai and Jerry Parwada), 2015, Journal of Accounting Research 53, 331-366.
9.“Political Uncertainty and Dividend Policy: Evidence from International Political Crises” (with Tao Huang, Fei Wu, and Jin Yu), 2015, Journal of International Business Studies 46, 574-595.
10.“The Invisible Hand of Short Selling: Does Short Selling Discipline Earnings
管理学?” (with Massimo
质量 and Hong Zhang), 2015, Review of Financial Studies 28, 1701-1736.
11.“International Political Risk and Government Bond Pricing” (with Tao Huang, Fei Wu, and Jing Yu), 2015, Journal of Banking and Finance 55, 393-405.
12.“Commonality in News Around the World” (with Lam Tung Dangand Fariborz Moshirian), 2015, Journal of Financial Economics 116, 82-110.
13.“Cross Listing and Liquidity Commonality Around the World” (with Dang Tung Lam, Fariborz Moshirian, and Claudia Wee), 2015, Journal of Financial Markets 22, 1-26; Lead Article.
14.“Does PIN Affect Equity Prices Around the World?” (Previous title, “Informed Trading around the World”, with Sandy Lai and Lilian Ng), 2014, Journal of Financial Economics 114, 178-195.
15.“Does Auditor Choice Matter to Foreign Investors? Evidence from Foreign Mutual Funds Worldwide” (with Julia Chou and Nataliya Zaiats), 2014, Journal of Banking and Finance 46, 1-20; Lead Article.
16.“Systematic Liquidity and the Funding Liquidity Hypothesis” (with Xiaolin Qian and Lewis Tam), 2014, Journal of Banking and Finance 45, 304-320.
17.“Large Foreign Ownership and Stock Price Informativeness Around the World” (with Wen He, Donghui Li, and Jianfeng Shen), 2013, Journal of International Money and Finance 36, 211-230.
18.“Information Environment and Equity Risk Premium Volatility Around the World” (with Sie Ting Lau and Lilian Ng), 2012,
管理学 Science 58, 1322-1340.
19.“The World Price of Home Bias” (with Sie Ting Lau and Lilian Ng), 2010, Journal of Financial Economics 97, 191-217; Lead Article.