03/09-至今 大连理工大学材料学院副教授(2014年评为博士生导师)
06/06-03/09 日本国立东北大学大学院材料加工系助理教授
04/02-06/06 日本国立东北大学博士后研究员
06/99 - 04/02 沈阳工业大学焊接教研室 副教授
04/94-06/99 沈阳工业大学焊接教研室 讲师
03/91-03/94 沈阳工业大学焊接教研室 助教
98/10-02/03 东北大学大学院工学研究科材料加工系 博士生
97/09-98/09 东北师范大学留日预备校 学员
88/09-91/01 吉林大学(原吉林工业大学)材料学院 硕士研究生
84/09-88/07 沈阳工业大学材料学院 本科生
1)大会特邀报告:利用脉冲小孔喷射法制备高精度均一尺寸的料粉末, 第十七届全国钎焊及特种连接技术交流会, 郑州市, 2009.10.
2)特邀报告:Investigation of core-shell morphology formation in Bi-Ga immiscible alloys, The 9th International Forum on Advenced Material Science and Technology, Xiamen, 2014.11.
Shuang shi, Wei Dong*, Xu Peng, dachuan Jiang, Yi tan. Evaporation and removal mechanism of phosphorus from the surface of silicon melt during electron beam melting, Applied Surface Science, 2013, 266, 344-349
Yi Tan, Shuang Shi, Xiaoling Guo, Dachuang Jiang, Wei 越南盾, Shiqiang Ren. Effect of cooling rate on solidification of electron beam melted silicon ingots. Vacuum, 2013, 89, 12-16.
Yi Tan, Xiaoling Guo, Shuang Shi, Wei Dong, Dachuang Jiang. Study on the removal process of phosphorus from silicon by electron beam melting. Vacuum, 2013, 93, 65-70.
Yi Tan, Shutao Wen, Shuang Shi, Dachuang Jiang, Wei 越南盾 Numerical simulation for parameter optimization of silicon purification by electron beam melting. Vacuum, 2013, 95, 18-24.
Dachuang Jiang, Shuang Shi, Yi Tan, Dayu Pang, Wei Dong. Research on distribution of aluminum in electron beam melted silicon ingot. Vacuum, 2013, 96, 27-31.
Dachuan Jiang, Yi Tan, Shuang Shi, Wei 越南盾*, Zheng Gu, Ruixun Zou, Removal of phosphorus in molten silicon by electron beam candle melting, Materials Letters, 78, pp 4-7, 2012
Xu Peng, Wei Dong*, Yi Tan, Dachuan Jiang, Removal of Aluminum from Metallurgical Grade Silicon by an Electron Beam Melting, Vacuum, 86, pp 471-475, 2011
Shihai Sun, Yi Tan, Wei Dong*, Huixing Zhang, Junshan Zhang, Resistivity Distribution of Multicrystalline Silicon Ingot Grown by Directional Solidification, Journal of Materials Engineering and 表演, 21(6), pp 854-858, 2012
Qiang Wang, Wei 越南盾*, Yi Tan, Dachuan Jiang, Cong Zhang, Xu Peng, Impurities evaporation from metallurgical-grade silicon in electron beam melting process, Rare Metals, 30(3), pp 274-277, 2011
Dachuan Jiang, Yi Tan, Shuang Shi, Qiang Xu, Wei 越南盾*, Zheng Gu, Ruixun Zou, Research on a new method on Electron Beam Candle Melting Used for the removal of P from Molten Si, Materials Research Innovations, 15(6), pp 406-409, 2011
A. Miura, W. Dong, N. Yodoshi, A. 川崎重工业株式会社, K. Yanagimoto: J. Jpn. Soc. Powder Powder Metallurgy 56(2009)9-17.
赵丽,许富民,董伟*,李颖,川崎亮,脉冲微孔法制备均匀微粒子过程中液滴振动机理的模拟研究,功能材料,2013,44, 166-170.
丛茜,许富民,谭毅,石小磊,董伟,李佳艳,Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al/Al-Cu graded materials,Acta Metall. Sin.(Engl. Lett.),2011,24(2),118-124. IF:0.467
吉年规治、三浦彩子、董 伟、川崎亮:パルス力付加オリフィス喷射法における球形系単分散粒子Fe系金属ガラスの作制:日本金属学会志、vol. 56 (2008), pp. 9-17
董 伟,平冢 雄大,三浦 彩子,铃木 拓明,田 槌,高木 健太,川崎 亮: パルス圧力付加オリフィス喷射法による高纯度単分散シリコンマイクロ粒子作制: J. Jpan. Soc. Powder Powder Metallurgy, vol. 55 (2008), pp. 437-445
S. Masuda, T, Takagi, W. Dong, and H. Kawasaki: Solidification behavior of falling germanium droplets produced by pulsated orifice ejection method, J. Crystal Growth, vol.310 (2008)2915-2922.
Hua-Ping Xiong, Wei 越南盾, Yan-Sheng Kang, Akira Kawasaki, Hiroshi okamura, and Ryuzo Watanabe: Wettability of Ni-V, Co-V, and Ni-Cr-V system brazing alloys on Si3N4 ceramic and reactions, Materials Science and Engineering A, .vol. 474 (2008), pp 376-381
H. Kokawa, W. Z. Jin, Z. J. Wang, M. Michiuchi, Y. S. Sato, W. 越南盾 and Y. Katada: Grain Boundary Engineering of High-Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel, Materials Science Forum, vol. 539-543(2007), pp 4962-4967.
W. Dong, S. Masuda, T, Takagi and H. Kawasaki: The Deveploment of Mone-sized Micro Silicon Particles for Spherical Solar Cells by Pulsated Orifice Ejection Method, Materials Science Forum, 2006, vol. 534-536 (2007), pp149-152.
S. Masuda, T, Takagi, W. Dong, and H. Kawasaki: Preparation and Characterization of Monosized Germanium Micro Particles by Pulsated Orifice Ejection Method, Materials Science Forum, 2006, vol. 534-536 (2007), pp113-116.
W. Dong, T, Takagi, S. Masuda and H. Kawasaki: Preparation of monosized silicon micro particles by Pulsated Orifice Ejection Method, J. Jpan. Soc. Powder Powder Metallurgy, 2006, vol. 53 (4), pp346-351.
W. Dong, H. Kokawa, S. Tsukamoto, Y. S. Sato: Nitrogen Desorption by High Nitrogen Steel Weld Metal during CO2 Laser Welding, Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2005, vol. 36B, pp. 677-81.
W. Dong, H. Kokawa, S. Tsukamoto, Y. S. Sato and M. Ogawa: Mechanism Governing Nitrogen Absorption by Steel Weld Metal during laser Welding, Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2004, vol. 35B, pp 331-38.
W. Dong, H. Kokawa, Y. S. Sato and S. Tsukamoto: Nitrogen Absorption by Iron and Stainless Steels during CO2 laser Welding, Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2003, vol. 34B, pp. 75-82.
W. Dong, H. Kokawa, Y. S. Sato, S. Tsukamoto, and M. Ogawa: Mechanism of Nitrogen absorption of Steel Weld Metal during laser welding, Proc. 7th Intern. Weld. Sympo. Today and Tomorrow in Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Japan Welding Society, 2001, vol. 2, pp. 845-50.
Y. Sato, W. Dong, H, Kokawa, and T, Kuwana: Nitrogen Absorption by Iron and Stainless Steels during YAG Laser Welding, ISIJ Int., 2000, vol. 40, Supplement, pp 20-24.
Ying Li, Wei Dong*, Yifan Fu,Yi Tan, Ayako Miura, Akira Kawasaki, The critical cooling rate of Fe-based mono-sized spherical particles with fully glassy phase, Key Engineering Materials, 509, pp 185-191, 2012
Yifan Fu, Wei Dong*, Ying Li, Yi Tan, Minghui Yi, Akira Kawasaki, Simulation of the effects of the physical properties on particle formation of Pulsated Orifice Ejection Method (POEM), Key Engineering Materials, 509, pp 161-165, 2012
Wei 越南盾*, Xu Peng, Dachuan Jiang, Yi Tan, Qiang Wang, Guobin Li, Calcium evaporation from metallurgical grade silicon by an electron beam melting, Material Science Forum,675-677, pp 41-44, 2011
Wei Dong*, Qiang Wang, XuPeng, Yi Tan, Dachuan Jiang, Removal of Phosphorus in Metallurgical Grade Silicon Using Electron Beam Melting, Material Science Forum, 675-677, pp 45-48, 2011
Dachuan Jiang, Wei 越南盾*, Yi Tan, Qiang Wang, Xu Peng,Guobin Li, Investigation on the Removal of B Impurity in Metallurgical Grade Si by Electron Beam Melting, Materials Science Forum, 675-677, pp 29-32, 2011
Shuang Yu, Wei Dong, Fumin Xu,Fuming Bi, Yi Tan , Effects of heat treatment on the creep crack growth behavior in Al/A/-4wt%Cu functionally graded material, Advanced Materials Research,2013, 711,81-86.
Fumin Xu, Zheng Gu, Shuang Shi, Yi Tan , Dachuan Jiang, Wei 越南盾,Research on the Influence of Electron Beam Parameters on Molten Pool Morphologies during Electron Beam Melting Silicon, Advanced Materials Research,2012,476(1),1781-1784.
Qiang Cong, Fumin Xu, Jiayan Li, Yi Tan, Xiaolei Shi, Shuang Shi, Wei 越南盾, Fabrication and properties of Al/Al-Cu functionally graded material, Materials Science Forum,2011,655,575-578.
Shuang Shi, Wei Dong *, Shihai Sun, Yi Tan, Guobin Li, Fumin Xu, Resistivity distribution characteristics of metallurgical silicon ingot after directional solidification, Materials Science Forum,2011,655,109-112.
Zhijun Zhang, Fumin Xu, Yi Tan, Xiaolei Shi, Wei Dong, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AlN Ceramics Sintered with Yttrium Nitrate, Materials Science Forum,2011,655,159-162.
Fumin Xu, Yi Tan, Jiayan Li, Wei Dong, Junshan Zhang, effect of the Si3N4 coating on the mc-Si ingot in the process of multicrystalline silicon purification by metallurgical methods, Materials science forum,2011,677,1311-1314.
QiZhi Xing, Wei Dong *, Shuang Shi, Guobin Li, Yi Tan, Effects of Impurities Distribution on the Crystal Structure and Electrical Properties of Multi-crystalline Silicon Ingots, Material Science Forum,2011,675(1),101-104.
RuiXun Zhou, Dachuan Jiang , Wei 越南盾 *, Zheng Gu, Yi Tan, Transition-metal Impurities Removal from Metallurgical Grade Silicon by Electron Beam Injection, Material Science Forum,2011,675(1),105-108.
Shihai Sun, Yi Tan, HuiXing Zhang,Wei Dong, JunShan Zhang, GenXiong Hu,Effect of Pulling Rate on Multicrystalline Silicon Ingot during Directional Solidification, Materials Science Forum,2011,675(1),53-56.
平成20年度粉体粉末冶金协会秋季大会(九州)2008/11/5-7「パルス圧力付加オリフィス喷射法による金属ガラス粒子の作制及び冷却速度の影响」概要集 (2008秋), P 125. 董 伟、三浦彩子、吉年规治、川崎亮、柳本 胜
平成21年度金属学会秋季大会(熊本)2008/9/23-25「パルス圧力付加オリフィス喷射法による球形単分散Fe系金属ガラス粒子の作制及び评」概要集 第143回(2008), P236. 董 伟、三浦彩子、吉年规治、川崎亮、柳本 胜
平成20年度粉体粉末冶金协会春季大会(东京)2008/5/27「パルス圧力付加オリフィス喷射法における球形鉄系単分散粒子Fe系金属ガラスの作制及びパラメーターの影响」概要集 (2008春), P 200. 董 日本、三浦彩子、吉年规治、川崎亮
Noriharu Yudoshi, W. Dong, Ayako Miura and Akira Kawasaki: Synthesis of mono-sized Fe-Co-based metallic glass particles by pulsated orifice ejection method, Junior Euromat 2008. The Major Event for Young Materials Scientists, 14-18 July 2008, 洛桑, Switzerland.
平成20年度金属学会春季大会(东京)2008/3/27「パルス圧力付加オリフィス喷射法における球形鉄系単分散粒子Fe系金属ガラスの作制」概要集 第142回 (2008秋), P400. 吉年规治、三浦彩子、董 伟、川崎亮
平成19年度粉体粉末冶金协会春季大会(京都)2007/11/19「パルス圧力付加オリフィス喷射法における球形鉄系単分散粒子Fe系金属ガラスの作制」概要集 (2007秋), P222. 三浦彩子吉田年规治、董 伟、高木健太、川崎亮
平成19年度粉体粉末冶金协会春季大会(东京)2007/6/5「パルス圧力付加オリフィス喷射法における鉄系単分散粒子の作制」概要集 (2007春), P161. 三浦彩子、董 伟、高木健太、川崎亮
平成18年度粉体粉末冶金协会秋季大会(大阪)2006/12/5「POEM法による高纯度単分散シリコン微粒子の作制におよぼすプロセスパラメーターの影响」概要集 (2006秋), P161. 平冢 雄大、董伟、铃木拓明、増田 、高木健太、川崎亮
2006 Powder Metallurgy World Congress \u0026 Exhibition in 釜山广域市, Korea. September 24-28, 2006" The Development of Mono-sized Micro Silicon Particles for Spherical Solar Cells by Pulsated Orifice Ejection Method (September 26, 2006)”W. Dong, Satoshi Masuda, Kenta Takagi, and Akira Kawasaki, Extended Abstracts of Papers P.426-427.
2006 Powder Metallurgy World Congress \u0026 Exhibition in 釜山广域市, Korea. September 24-28, 2006" Preparation and Characterization of Monosized germanium Particles by Pulsated Orifice Ejection Method(September 26, 2006)”, Satoshi Masuda, W. Dong, Kenta Takagi, and Akira Kawasaki, Extended Abstracts of Papers P.433-434.
平成18鉄钢协会秋季大会(新潟县)2006/9/16「レーザ溶接における高窒素钢溶接金属の窒素吸及び放出」东北大学大学院工学研究科 粉川博之、董伟、佐藤裕NIMS、冢本 进
平成18年度粉体粉末冶金协会春季大会(东京)2005/5/23「POEM法より単分散高纯度シリコン微粒子の作制」概要集 (2006春), P161. 董伟、铃木拓明、増田 聡、高木健太、川崎亮
平成17年度粉体粉末冶金协会秋季大会(浜松)2005/11/16「POEM法よる単分散シリコン微粒子の作制におよぼすプロセスパラメーターの影响」概要集 (2005秋), P236. 董伟、高木健太、康燕生、川崎亮
平成17年度粉体粉末冶金协会春季大会(东京)2005/6/2「位相ドップラ-式レーザー粒子分析计による単分散はんだ液滴の流速?粒径in situ计测」概要集 (2005春), P175. 董伟、铃木拓明、康燕生、川崎亮
平成16年度粉体粉末冶金协会秋季大会(岛)2004/11/10「単分散粒子球形シリコン微粒子の作制及び评価」概要集 (2004秋), P147. 董伟、高木健太、康燕生、川崎亮
平成16年度金属学会春季大会(东京)2004/11/10「溶融シリコンによる结碳化硅の濡れ性评価」概要集 第134回(2004), P423. 董伟、川崎亮、康燕生
1)基于脉冲小孔喷射技术制备核/壳金属微粒子(2013020114) 辽宁省自然基金,项目经费5万,起止年月:2013年1月-2014年12月,正在进行,项目负责人。
2)高熔点单分散金属球形微粒子制造装备及工艺研究 企业课题,项目经费215万,起止年月:2013年9月-2014年12月,正在进行,项目负责人。
1)董伟, 彭旭, 谭毅 一种小孔喷射制备均一凝固粒子的方法及装置, 2012.7, 中国, 201010242118.7.
2)董伟, 谭毅, 李颖 一种制备低熔点焊球的方法及装置, 2012.11,中国, 201010242074.8.
3)战丽姝,董伟,谭毅,李国斌 脉冲小孔喷射批量制备均一粒子的方法及装置,2011.9,中国,201010297066.3.
4)战丽姝,董伟,谭毅,李国斌. 脉冲小孔侧部喷射制备均一粒子的方法及装置,2011.4,中国,2010102972.9.
5)许富民, 董伟, 付名笔. 一种制备形貌可控核壳型均一粒子的方法, 公开日: 2013.4.3, 中国,201210563272.3.
1)董伟, 谭毅, 鲁栋. 一种基于脉冲液滴喷射三维快速成型的方法及装置, 公开日: 2013.4.24, 申请号: 201210593134.X.
2)董伟, 谭毅, 鲁栋. 脉冲小孔多振动杆喷射法高效制备均一球形微粒子的方法及装置, 公开日: 2013.4.3, 申请号: 201210540923.7.

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