2000.9-2003.9 上海交通大学制冷及低温工程博士
1986.9-1989.7 辽宁工程技术大学安全技术及工程硕士
1982.9-1986.7 阜新矿业学院采矿工程学士 
2004.2至今 大连理工大学土木水利学院教授
2003.8-2004.2 辽宁工程技术大学安全系系主任、教授
1997.8-2000.9 辽宁工程技术大学室主任、副教授
1989.7-1997.7 辽宁工程技术大学教师、助教、讲师 
2010.10—2011.9 澳大利亚卧龙港大学工学部,访问教授
2015年—至今 大连理工大学建筑环境与设备工程研究所,教授
1. 大连理工大学建筑环境与设备工程专业负责人
2. 大连市制冷协会理事
3. 日本制冷空调工程师学会(JSRAE)会员
4. "全国优秀博士学位论文评选"通讯评议评审专家
5. 辽宁省新世纪百千万人才工程千人层次人选
1. 人工环境安全与健康
2. 太阳能复合能源建筑技术与装备
Zhang, Tengfei,Xu, Yiheng,Lin, Chao-Hsin,Wei, Zhigang,Wang, Shugang.Measuring moisture content in a porous insulation package with finite thickness[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND 质量 TRANSFER,2019,129:144-151
Ren, Haoshan,Ma, Zhenjun,Lin, Wenye,Wang, Shugang,Li, Weihua.Optimal design and size of a desiccant cooling system with onsite 能量 generation and thermal storage using a multilayer perceptron neural network and a genetic algorithm[J],ENERGY CONVERSION AND 管理学,2019,180:598-608
Lin, Wenye,Ma, Zhenjun,Ren, Haoshan,Gschwander, Stefan,Wang, Shugang.Multi-objective optimisation of thermal 能量 storage using phase change materials for solar air systems[J],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2019,130:1116-1129
Wang, Jihong,Zhang, Tengfei,Zhou, Hongbiao,Wang, Shugang.Inverse design of aircraft cabin environment using computational fluid 动力学based proper orthogonal decomposition method[J],INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT,2018,27(10):1379-1391
Lin, Qi,Wang, Shugang,Ma, Zhenjun,Wang, Jihong,Zhang, Tengfei.Lattice Boltzmann simulation of flow and heat transfer evolution inside encapsulated phase change materials due to natural convection melting[J],CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2018,189:154-164 
王树刚,端木琳,毕海洋. 利用城市污水地位热能的除污取水装置. 中国 2004年5月
Handbook of 能量 Systems in Green Buildings
1. 低温气候空气源热泵系统与实验研究
2. 室内环境品质控制中的能源集成利用
3. 高载能介质流动、传热的基础与技术应用
4. 能源利用过程的传热传质分析与应用
1.专著    王树刚, 孙多斌. 稳态流体管网理论. 北京: 应急管理出版社有限公司, 2007.   2. 近3年被收录论文    Jiang S, Wang S G(王树刚), Jin X, Zhang T F. A general model for two-stage vapor compression heat pump systems. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2015, 51: 88-102. (SCI\u0026EI)    Lei L, Wang S G(王树刚), Zhang T F. Inverse determination of wall boundary convective heat fluxes in indoor environments based on CFD. 能量 and Buildings, 2014, 73: 130-136. (SCI\u0026EI)    Zhang T F, Zhao Y, Wang S G(王树刚). Prediction of airflow rate through a ventilated wall module. Energy and Buildings, 2014, 82: 651-659. (SCI\u0026EI)    王继红, 王树刚,张腾飞, 贾廷贵. 水平管道内冰浆流动阻力特性实验研究. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2014, 35(2): 161-165.    Wang J H, Wang S G(王树刚), Zhang T F, Liang Y T. Numerical investigation of ice slurry isothermal flow in various pipes. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2013, 36(1): 70-80. (SCI\u0026EI)    Wang J H, Zhang T F, Wang S G(王树刚). Heterogeneous ice slurry flow and concentration distribution in horizontal pipes. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2013, 44: 425-434. (SCI\u0026EI)    Zhang T F, Zhou H B, Wang S G(王树刚). An adjustment to the standard 温度 wall function for CFD modeling of indoor convective heat transfer. Building and Environment, 2013, 68: 159-169. (SCI\u0026EI)    Zhang T F, Yin S, Wang S G(王树刚). An inverse method based on CFD to quantify the temporal release rate of a continuously released pollutant source. Atmospheric Environment, 2013, 77: 62-67. (SCI\u0026EI)    Jin X, Wang S G(王树刚), Zhang T F, Zu F. Intermediate 压强 of Two-stage Compression System under Different Conditions Based on Compressor Coupling Model, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2012, 35(4): 827-840. (SCI\u0026EI)    王继红, 王树刚, 张腾飞, 梁运涛. 水平90度弯管内冰浆流体流动特性的数值模拟. 高校化学工程学报, 2012, 26(4): 581-586. (EI)
王继红, 王树刚, 张腾飞, 梁运涛. 水平管道内冰浆流体阻力特性的CFD模拟. 大连理工大学学报, 2012, 52(6): 845-849. (EI)    梁运涛, 王树刚, 张腾飞, 王继红. 水平管道内冰浆流动阻力特性预测模型及比较. 土木建筑与环境工程, 2012, 34(6): 152-156. (EI)    王树刚, 迟子豪, 张腾飞, 梁运涛. U型通风采场的温度场相似实验模型. 中国矿业大学学报, 2012, 41(1): 31-36. (EI)    金旭, 王树刚, 张腾飞, 李照义, 祖丰. 变工况双级压缩中间压力及其对系统性能的影响. 化工学报, 2012, 63(1): 96-102. (EI)    金旭, 王树刚, 张腾飞, 李照义, 祖丰. 变容量双级压缩系统压缩机动态耦合模型. 机械工程学报, 2012, 48(10): 145-152, 2012. (EI)    贾廷贵, 王树刚, 曲国娜, 贾宝山. 风路敏感特性对通风系统风流稳定性的影响. 采矿与安全工程学报, 2012, 29(1): 140-143. (EI)    Zhang T F, Li P, Zhao Y, Wang S G(王树刚). Various Air Distribution Modes on Commercial Airplanes, Part 1:Experimental Measurement. HVAC\u0026R Research, 2013, 19(3): 268-282. (SCI\u0026EI)    Zhang T, Li P H, Wang S(王树刚). A Personal Air Distribution System with Air Terminals Embedded in Chair Armrests on Commercial Airplanes. Building and Environment, 2012, 47(1): 89-99. (SCI\u0026EI)    Zhang T, Li H, Wang S(王树刚). Inversely tracking indoor airborne particles to locate their release sources. Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 55( ): 328-338.(SCI\u0026EI)    Zhang T, Tian L, Lin C H, Wang S(王树刚). Insulation of Commercial Aircraft with an Air Stream Barrier along Fuselage. Building and Environment, 2012, 57: 97-109. (SCI\u0026EI)    王继红, 张腾飞, 王树刚(通讯作者), 梁运涛. 水平管道内固液两相流流动特性的CFD模拟. 化工学报, 2011, 62(12): 3399-3404. (EI)    Zhang T F, Yin S, Wang S G(王树刚). Quantify impacted scope of human expired air under different head postures and varying exhalation rates [J]. Building and Environment, 2011, 46(10): 1928-1936. (SCI\u0026EI)    Wang S G(王树刚), Zhang T F, Zhang J. Air interaction around outdoor air-cooled condensers [J]. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2010, 26(2): 222-226. (EI)    王树刚, 徐哲, 张腾飞, 梁运涛. 矿井热环境人体热舒适性研究. 煤炭学报, 2010, 35(1): 97-100. (EI)    Zhang T F, Building and Environment, 2010, 45(9): 2047-2056. (SCI\u0026EI)    Zhang T F, Yin S, Wang S G(王树刚). An under-aisle air distribution system facilitating humidification of commercial aircraft cabins. Building and Environment, 2010, 45(4): 907-915. (SCI\u0026EI)    袁赓, 王树刚, 黄一. 基于马尔可夫链的埋地燃气钢管管壁腐蚀预测. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2010, 42(8): 1328-1331. (EI)    李祥立, 王树刚. 载人航天器通风系统水力工况模拟及系统优化. 大连理工大学学报, 2010, 50(3): 399-403. (EI)    孙多斌, 王树刚. 供热空调管网大变化灵敏度计算模型及应用. 大连理工大学学报, 2009, 49(3): 360-363. (EI)    梁运涛, 张腾飞, 王树刚, 孙金鹏. 采空区孔隙率非均质模型及其流场分布模拟[J]. 煤炭学报, 2009, 34(9): 1203-1207. (EI)    Wang SG, Ren T, Zhang TF, Liang YT, Xu Z. Hot environment- estimation of thermal comfort in deep underground mines. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2012 COAL OPERATORS' CONFERENCE, Wollongong, Australia, pp242-249 ((SCI WOS: 0003014076700028)    Huo M, Wang S G(王树刚, 通讯作者), Jin X, Wu Q. Numerical simulation of an air source heat pump for low 温度 climates.518-524, Nanjing, China. (EI\u0026ISTP)    Zhang J, Wang S G(王树刚), Zhang T. Air interaction around outdoor air-cooled condensers. Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2009), 2009. Vol. 1, pp.694-701, Nanjing, China. (EI\u0026 ISTP)    Sun J P, Wang S G(王树刚), Zhang T F, Liang Y T. Simulation of flow and 温度 distribution in underground coal mines with porous fluid 动力学 2009, Vol. I, pp. 393-400, Guilin, China. (ISTP)    Xu Z, Wang S G(王树刚), Zhang T F, Liang Y T. Develpoment of a thermal zone diagram method to evaluate underground coal mine environments. Proceedings of The 5th International Workshop on 能量 and Environment of Residential Buildings/3rd International Conference on Built Environment and Public Health (EERB-BEPH 2009), 2009, Vol. I and II, pp 1069-1076, Guilin, China. (ISTP)    Zhang T F, Wang S G(王树刚, 通讯作者), Sun G S, Xu L X, Takaoka D. Flow impact of an air conditioner to portable air cleaning. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (ROOMVENT 2009), MAY 24-27, 2009, Busan, SOUTH KOREA. (ISTP)    Yuan G, Wang S (王树刚), Zhang Y, Huang Y. Role of 硫化物 ion on corrosion performance of pipeline steel in simulated inner-seeper environment. Proceedings of International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology 2009 (ICPTT 2009): Advances and Experiences with Pipelines and Trenchless Technology for Water, Sewer, Gas, and Oil Applications, v 361, p 1643-1651. (EI)   3. 核心期刊论文    王继红, 张腾飞, 王树刚(通讯作者), 梁运涛. 竖直管道内冰浆流体流动特性的数值模拟, 制冷学报, 2012, 33(2): 42-46.    王树刚, 祖丰, 金旭, 张腾飞. 低温空气源热泵实验台. 暖通空调, 2012, 42(5): 113-117    贾廷贵,王树刚, 郝宇, 曲国娜, 贾宝山. 煤自燃过程烷烃析出规律及氧化特性实验. 辽宁工程技术大学学报, 2012, 31(6): 830-833   4. 其它被收录论文    Wang, S.G.; Wang, R.Z.; Li, X.R. Research and development of consolidated adsorbent for adsorption systems. Renewable 能量, 2005, 30(9): 1425-1441    Wang, S.G.; Wang, R.Z. Recent developments of refrigeration technology in fishing vessels. Renewable Energy, 2005, 30(4): 589-600    Wang, S.G.; Wang, R.Z.; Wu, J.Y.; Xu, Y.X. Experimental Results and Analysis for Adsorption Ice-Making System with Consolidated Adsorbent. Adsorption, 2003, 9(4):349-358    王树刚, 蒋爽, 王宗山. 稳态流体管网的灵敏度. 大连理工大学学报, 2006, 46(5): 720-724    孙多斌, 王树刚, 解茂昭 流体管网中模糊最小树的算法与分析.沈阳建筑大学学报, 2007, 23(1): 126-129    孙多斌, 王树刚, 解茂昭. 流体管网最不利环路的模糊分析. 辽宁工程技术大学学报. 2007, 26(1):77-80    Jin X, Wang SG, Huo M. Experimental investigation of a novel air source heat pump for cold climate.PROCEEDINGS VOLS 1-3 pp 1437-1443    Wang SG, Sun JP. Numerical investigation of thermal-hydraulic behaviour in HVAC pipe networks. 1st International Conference on Building 能量 and Environment (COBEE 2008), JUL 13-16, 2008 大连市, PEOPLES R CHINA. PROCEEDINGS VOLS 1-3 pp 1859-1865    Wang SG, Sun JP, Wang JR. Research on fuzzy solution of Cross method for analysis of mine ventilation networks. 3rd International Symposium on Modern Mining and Safety Technology, AUG 04-06, 2008 Liaoning Tech Univ, Fuxin, PEOPLES R CHINA. pp 248-251
第十一届中国制冷空调行业大学生科技竞赛(东北赛区)决赛 指导学生获奖(2017年)
指导本科生获16届校优秀毕业设计(蔡婕) (2016年)