《我要嫁出去》(Marry Me),由谢光华、何恕导演,由刘子绚林湘萍许雅慧王沺裁方展发徐鸣杰以及袁帅等主演。共13集,2013年2月27日首播。《我要嫁出去》讲述三种典型类的剩女究竟该怎样才能嫁出去的故事。
剩女、拜犬。。。大家都乐此不疲地给未婚大龄女冠上各种 ‘雅号’。随着社会上,越来越多女尊男卑的现象,迟婚/不婚,对女人而言,究竟是一种选择,还是一种无奈?又或者是一种流行趋势?
有经济能力,漂亮!条件优越的她们,追求者无数,穿梭在男人之间,永远的都是群众的焦点。因为自己事业有成,对男伴的要求也相应提高。然而,当她们厌倦了周旋在男欢女爱中,想要安定下来的时候,是否就能如愿找到真心真意付出感情的男人吗?年轻时,总是挑人的人,在青春所剩无几的时候,是否会甘心屈就自己,让别人挑呢?代表人物 - rainbow
热爱工作,永远处于“忙碌状态”,忙得没时间兼顾爱情,然而,恋爱需要时间,爱情需要育孕,婚姻更需要细心的经营;成功的事业换来的是失败的爱情。事业与爱情,难道真的如同鱼与熊掌,只能二选一吗?还是因为“没时间”遇上对的人?代表人物 - 刘喜喜。
缺乏自信,永远觉得自己不够好,不够完美。就算遇上了梦寐的男人,也没有勇气相信自己是幸运的。总是在起跑点上,选择自我怀疑,然后自我放弃…爱情故事里的林黛玉,软弱得不堪一击。倘若连自己都不爱自己,又如何去爱别人,得到别人的爱护呢?代表人物 - 梁若仙。究竟是“没有嫁不出的女人,只有不想嫁的女人”或是“只有嫁不出的女人,没有不想嫁的女人”?代表人物 - 梁若仙。
林湘萍自认MAN不撒娇 雅慧曾倒追男生
Jesseca Liu \u0026 Ya Hui: Career first, love later
When we got the three leading actresses, Jesseca Liu, Yvonne Lim and Ya Hui, from upcoming ChU drama series,Marry Me, to pick a character that best represents the state of their current (and almost nonexistent) love lives, the trio uncannily shared the same choice – Liu Xixi, a successful career woman and workaholic with no time for love.
And the reason behind it? The long working hours and lack of time to date and meet people Beyond their small social circles in showbiz, the girls concluded with slight lament during their separate interviews with xinmsn.
In an all-too-relatable TV drama, these three actresses each play a character that falls under three broad categories of women in their 20s, 30s and 40s and the relationship problems they face today. Jesseca plays rainbow, an independent and overly confident singleton, Yvonne plays Xixi, a workaholic who tends to neglect everything in life but work, and Ya Hui plays Liang Ruo Shan, an obese radio deejay who suffers from low self-Esteem when it comes to 山案座
A WaWa Pictures’ production that’s set to air in 2013,Marry Mewill be a diversion from the production house’s usual heavy-handed and serious drama offerings likeGame PlanandThe Winning Hand. And for those secretly hoping for WaWa to put an end to their Chris and Jesseca “TV” love line formula, rest assured, the latter will be romancing a new man, or rather, a few men in this show and Chris ain’t one of them.
Since the plot is centered on the show’s leading ladies, we spoke to the three female leads to find out more about their personal love secrets. Read on below to find out who’s dating, who’s single, and whose parents are dying for her to get hitched – for real.
The singleton who reckons it’s time to be proactive when it comes to love: Jesseca LiuThe statuesque actress will finally step away from her usual docile and girl-next-door roles to play a sexy, flirtatious and coquettish character forMarry Me, and we aren’t the only ones excited about the change. Jesseca also expressed her enthusiasm for her new role during the interview and piped that she can’t wait to watch the end product.
Not worried that the audience might be turned off by a scheming and sultry Rainbow, Jesseca is instead worried “about not doing the character justice.”
“Although she is an opportunist, she has her cute sides as well. Yes, I’m looking forward to achieving a breakthrough with this role too. When I’m acting, I’d ask those around me if I delivered a good job and portrayed the character well. So far it’s been good.”
The actress lost close to 3kg to better fit into her role’s figure-hugging and sexy wardrobe. When we got her to compare her outlook on love with that of Rainbow’s, Jesseca pointed out with a laugh, “She has a lot more choices [than me], too many choices in fact.”
The lanky Langkawi star added, “She schemes and resorts to a lot of underhanded tactics to get the guy and I’m a sensitive and thin-skinned person and won’t do such things. Maybe it’s due to the work environment too that limits one’s social circle. But rainbow creates plenty of opportunities for her and the men and that’s something that I’m lacking in.”
The one who’s dating someone in real life: Yvonne Lim
Having been in showbiz for more than a decade, Yvonne has been through a fair share of failed relationships that didn’t work out due to conflicting lifestyles, busy work schedules, and more. Currently dating someone now, the tightlipped actress would reveal nothing [on her new relationship] except for the fact that she and her current beau have “known each other for the past few years”. Counting responsibility, kindness, and a great sense of humour as her most important criterion when it comes to her ideal man, this role was an awakening call for Yvonne, well sort of, she says. The 36-year-old reflected on the busy state of her jet-setting life and felt the urge to “spend more time to work on her relationship with the boyfriend and things like that,” after reading the script for the show.
“Cos I’m always traveling and it’s not easy to maintain a relationship. Sometimes you know, it’s very difficult for women. For men you just work on your career and talk about relationships later. For us, we have a lot more emotional things in our hearts to deal with. It’s hard to have a balance,” the actress added.
The one whose parents are pressing for her to settle down soon: Ya Hui
She’s only 25 this year but Ya Hui’s mum has been nagging for the actress to “find a guy and settle down soon”. Having piled on 5kg for this role, the actress who looks a tad fleshier than before, attributes her mum’s sense of urgency to her desire for grandkids. “She would tell me to get married soon so that she can take care of my kids for me. I think they just want to see me marry off to a good guy. Parents are all like that. But there’s no one [now]…”
With her mum on the constant lookout for potential boyfriends, the exasperated actress lets on, “My mum will take note of news anchors and reporters and tell me this one’s good looking, this one looks pretty decent and push for me to befriend them!“
Mum’s constant nagging could be one reason why close celeb buddies like Rebecca Lim has tried to matchmake her with their guy pals. “Rebecca is super funny! At the 30th Drama Anniversary show, she said to me ‘Ai Ai (their nicknames for one another), can I intro you to one of my friends?’ She’s worried that I can’t get married!” exclaimed Ya Hui, laughing.
Pierre Png: I will be a good DAD
(The Marry Me actor2 shares his thoughts on adoption, parenting, and the most romantic thing he’s ever done for a girl.)
Pierre Png says he will make a good dad, just like his own “cool” father was to him as a child. The MediaCorp actor2 cannot wait to start a family, but he and his wife, Andrea De Cruz, are still sitting on plans to adopt as they’re waiting for the right moment.
“Adoption is a very sensitive and serious decision to make,” he told xinmsn in an interview following the press conference for Channel U’sMarry Me, held at a picturesque cafe in Bishan Park. “You’re changing someone’s life, including your own. It’s not just something you can do just because you ‘feel good’.”
“Right now we’re just going with the flow. But if a baby magically appears on our doorstep one day, then we’ll take it as a sign from God,” Pierre joked.
Pierre and Andrea are unlikely to conceive as Andrea is on anti-rejection medication after an organ transplant in 2002. The actress suffered from liver failure after taking slimming pills, but was pulled from the brink of 死亡 when Pierre donated part of his own liver to her.
When asked what kind of parent he’d make, Pierre declared confidently, “I think I will be a damn good dad,” and a very long-winded one, he added.
“I’d use the same old tactic as my dad, who could spend up to three hours patiently talking me out of misbehaving. He’s a very cool guy so I’d use his methods to bring up my own kids.” As for Andrea as a 母亲, Pierre said she would definitely be the “good cop” to his “bad cop”.
While Pierre is happily hitched in real life, he plays a lovestruck cab driver and singer who tries to woo the seductive rainbow (Jesseca Liu) with all kinds of romantic gestures inMarry Me. However, Pierre admits he’s never done anything like his character does to win a girl’s heart.
“The most ‘romantic’ thing I’ve ever done for a girl happened in primary school,” he shared. “I painstakingly carved her name into a piece of chalk and gave it to her with a note saying ‘Let me know if I should carve my name on the other side’.”
Thankfully, he toned down on the cheesy antics during his dating days with Andrea and just treated her like a princess. “No matter how tired I was, I would pick her up from her night shift and bring her out to eat. I even remember cracking crab shells for her and feeding her the meat!”
So, how did these lovebirds spend Valentine’s Day? As cliché as it is, Pierre told us that “everyday is like Valentine’s Day” to them. “It sounds corny, but after what we’ve been through, each day is a blessing.”
With all this talk of marriage and romance, we seized this opportunity to ask Pierre if he had any idea if Jesseca, a good friend of his, was dating Ch8 actor2 Zhang Zhenhuan, as reported in 8 DAYS (the MediaCorp princess herself remains tight-lipped on the situation). Pierre seemed genuinely confused, but said that if it were true, people should give them their own space.
He also said he’d try to get the facts from Jesseca and relay them to us – butpsst, Pierre, we’ve yet to hear from you!