1993年,戈峰在中国科学院动物研究所获博士学位,1995年和1999年,戈峰赴美国俄亥俄州立大学(OSU)合作研究,2003年、2009年、2017年,戈峰赴美国德州农工大学(Texas 德州农工大学 University)合作研究。
1993年在中国科学院动物研究所获博士学位,1995年和1999年赴美国俄亥俄州立大学(OSU)合作研究,2003年、2009年赴美国德州农工大学(Texas A\u0026M University)合作研究。
兼任中国生态学会常务理事、中国昆虫学会常务理事兼副秘书长,中国昆虫学会昆虫生态专业委员会主任,《昆虫知识》副主编,《Insect Science》、《生态学报》、《生态学杂志》、《生物多样性》编辑委员会委员。
戈峰 主编 现代生态学(第二版),科学出版社,2008
戈峰 主编 昆虫生态学原理与方法,高教社,2008
Yin Jin, Sun Yucheng, Wu Gang, Parajulee MN, Ge F. 2009. No effects of elevated CO2 on the 种群 relationship between cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (鳞翅目: 夜蛾科), and its parasitoid, Microplitis mediator Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 132 :267-275.
Sun YC, Chen FJ, Ge F 2009. Elevated CO2 changes interspecific competition among three 物种 of wheat aphids: Sitobion avenae, Rhopalosiphum padi, and Schizaphis graminum. Environmental Entomology, 38: 26-34.
Gao F., Zhu SR, Du L., Parajulee MN, Kang L., Ge F (2008) Interactive effect of elevated CO2 and cotton cultivar on tri-trophic interaction of Gossypium hirsutum, Aphis gossypii, and Propylaea 日铜罗花金龟 Enviromental Entomology,37(1): 29-37
Wu G, Chen FJ, Sun YC, and Ge F (2007) Response of Cotton to Early-Season Square Abscission under Elevated CO2. Agronomy Journal.99(3): 791-796.
Wu Gang, Fa Jun Chen, Ge F 2007 Impacts of early-season square abscission on the growth and yield of transgenic Bt cotton under elevated CO2. Field Crops Research, 102 (2007) 239–243
Chen FJ, Wu G, Parajulee MN and Ge F (2007) Impact of elevated CO2 on the third trophic level: a predator Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) and a parasitoid Aphidius picipes (Nees). Biocontrol Science and Technology, 2007; 17(3): 313-324
Chen FJ, Wu G, Parajulee MN and Ge F (2007) Impact of elevated CO2 and transgenic Bt cotton on 表演 and feeding of three generations of cotton bollworm in a long-term experiment . Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 124: 27–35
Wu Gang, Fa-Jun Chen ,Ge F (2007) Transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) 异种传信素 response to cotton 蚜虫, Aphis gossypii (Glover) in a Closed-动力学 CO2 Chamber(CDCC). Journal of Plant Research (2007) 120:679–685
Wang XP, Xue FS, Hua A and Ge F (2006) Effects of diapause duration on future reproduction in the cabbage beetle, Colaphellus bowringi: positive or negative Physiological Entomology, 31, 190–196
Ge F , Chen FJ, Parajulee MN, and Yardim EN (2005) Quantifying diapausing fourth generation and suicidal fifth generation cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), in cotton and corn in Northern China. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 116:1-7.
Chen FJ, Ge F and Parajulee MN (2005) Impact of elevated CO2 on tri-trophic interaction of Gossypium hirsutum, Aphis gossypii, and Leis axyridis. Environmental Entomology 34(1):37-46.
Chen FJ, Wu G, Ge F and Parajulee MN (2005) Effects of elevated CO2 and transgenic Bt cotton on plant 化学, 表演 and feeding of an 昆虫纲 herbivore, cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata115:341-350..
Men X Y, Ge F, Yardim EN and ParajuleeMN (2005) Behavioral response of Helicoverpa armigera (鳞翅目: 夜蛾科) to cotton with and without expression of the Cry1Ac δ-endotoxin protein of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner. Journal of 昆虫纲 Behavior 18(1):33-50.
Men XY, Ge F, Edwards CA and Yardim EN (2005) The influence of pesticide applications on Helicoverpa armigera Hübner and sucking pests in transgenic Bt cotton and non-transgenic cotton in China. Crop Protection 24(4):319-324.
Wang XP, Xue FS, Ge F Zhou CA and You LS (2004) Effects of thermoperiods on the diapause induction in the cabbage beetle Colaphellus bowringi Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Physiological Entomology 29:419-425.
MenXY Ge F Yardim EN and Parajulee MN (2004) Evaluation of winter wheat of as a potential crop enhancing biological control cotton aphids.Biocontrol 49:701-714.
Du L, Ge F, Zhu SR and Parajulee MN (2004) Effect of Cotton Cultivar on Development and Reproduction of Aphis gossypii (同翅目: 蚜科) and Its Predator Propylaea 日铜罗花金龟 (Coleoptera: 瓢虫). Journal of Economic Entomology 97( 4 ): 1278-1283.
Wang XP, Ge F, Xue FS, and You LS (2004) Diapause induction clock mechanism in the cabbage beetle Colaphellus bowringi (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Journal of 昆虫纲 Physiology 50(5):373-381.
Men XY, Ge F, Edwards CA, and YardimEN (2004) The influence of pesticide applications on pest and predatory arthropods associated with transgenic Bt cotton and nontransgenic cotton plants. Phytoparasitica 32(3):246-254.
Men XY, Ge F, Liu XH, and Yardim EN (2003) Diversity of 节肢动物门 communities in transgenic Bt cotton and nontransgenic cotton agroecosystems. Environment Entomology 32(2): 270-275.
Ge F, Shuster WD, Edwards CA, Parmelee RW, and Subler SW (2001) Stability of erthworm casts in manure and inorganic-fertilizer amended agroecostystems influenced by age and depth. Pedodiologia 45:12-26.