孙刚,男,上海交通大学医学院二级教授、博士生导师,现任上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院生殖医学中心副主任。他同时担任上海市辅助生殖与优生优育重点实验室副主任,中国生殖生物学会理事,美国内分泌学会会员,国际胎盘学会会员,国际生殖研究学会会员。孙刚教授入选军队三星人才计划,曾获得国家科技进步三等奖、军队科技进步二等奖和上海市医学科技二等奖等荣誉。他主持了十余项国家基金项目的研究,包括国家自然科学基金重点项目和国家科技部重大科学计划课题等。孙刚教授的主要研究方向为妊娠疾病和胎儿发育,他的论文发表在Endocrine Reviews、糖尿病、Science Signaling、FASEB J、Clinical Science和JCEM等国际知名杂志上。此外,他还主编了《胎盘内分泌的基础与临床》专著。
1.Lu Y, Zhou Q, Lu JW, Wang WS, Sun K*.Involvement of STAT3 in the synergistic induction of 11b-HSD1 by SAA1 and cortisol in human amnion fibroblasts.Am J Reprod Immunol.2019, 82(2):e13150.
2.Lu JW, Wang WS, Myatt L, Sun K*.Activation of prostaglandin EP4 receptor attenuates the induction of cyclooxygenase-2 expression by EP2 receptor activation in human amnion fibroblasts: implications for parturition.FASEB J.2019, 33(7):8148-8160.
3.Lu Y, Wang WS, Lin YK, Lu JW, Li WJ, Zhang CY, Sun K*.Enhancement of cortisol-induced SAA1 transcription by SAA1 in human amnion.J Mol Endocrinol.2019,62:149-158.
4.Wang LY, Wang WS, Wang YW, Lu JW, Lu Y, Zhang CY, Li WJ, Sun K*, Ying H*.Drastic induction of MMP-7 by cortisol in the human amnion: implications for membrane rupture at parturition.FASEB J.2019,33(2):2770-2781.
5.Wang WS*,  Li WJ,  Wang YW,  Wang LY, Mi YB,  Lu JW,  Lu Y,  Zhang CY,  Sun K*.Involvement of serum amyloid A1 in the rupture of fetal membranes through Induction of collagen I degradation.Clin Sci.2019, 133: 515-530.
6.Wang YW, Wang WS*, Wang LY, Bao YR, Lu JW, Lu Y, Zhang CY, Li WJ, Sun K*, Ying H*.Extracellular matrix remodeling effects of serum amyloid A1 in the human amnion: implications for fetal membrane rupture.Am J Reprod Immunol.2019,81(1): e13053.
7.Zhu P, Wang WS, Zuo RJ, Sun K*.Mechanisms for establishment of the placental glucocorticoid barrier, a guard for life.Cell Mol Life Sci.2019, 76(1):成都地铁13号线26.
8.Chen C, Zhang JW, Xia HW, Zhang HX, Betran AP, Zhang L, Hua XL, Feng LP, Chen D, Sun K, Guo CM, Qi HB, Duan T, Zhang J.Epidemiology of preterm birth in China in 2015 and 2016: a nationwide survey.Lancet.2018, 392, S73.
9.Zhang CY, Ma J, Wang WS, Sun Y, Sun K*.Lysyl oxidase blockade ameliorates anovulation in polycystic ovary 综合征Hum Reprod.2018,33(11):2096-2106.
10.Wang WS, Chen ZJ, Myatt L, Sun K*.11β-HSD1 in human fetal membranes as a potential therapeutic target for preterm birth.Endocr Rev.2018, 39:241-260.
11.Mi YB, Wang WS, Lu JW, Ying H, Sun K*.Proteasome-mediated degradation of collagen III by cortisol in human amnion fibroblasts: implications for membrane rupture.J 摩尔 Endocrinol.2018, 60 (2), 45-54.doi: 10.1530/J-ME17-0215.
12.Lu JW, Wang WS, Mi YB, Zhang CY, Ying H, Wang LY, Wang YW, Myatt L, Sun K*.AKAP95-mediated nuclear anchoring of PKA mediates cortisol-induced PTGS2 expression in human amnion fibroblasts.Sci Signal.2017, 10(506).pii: eaac6160.doi: 10.1126/scisignal.aac6160.
13.Zhang CY, Wang WS, Liu C, Lu JW, Sun K*.Role of NF-kB/GATA3 in the inhibition of lysyl oxidase by IL-1β in human amnion fibroblasts.Immunol Cell Biol.2017, 95:943-952.
14.Liu XH, Zuo RJ*, Bao YR, Qu XX, Sun K*, Ying H*.Down-regulation of PDK4 is critical for the switch of carbohydrate catabolism during syncytialization of human placental trophoblasts.Sci Rep.2017; 7: 8474 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-09163-8 (co-corresponding authors).
15.Shang Li, Junyu Zhai, Jiansheng Liu, Yan Hong, Weixiu Zhao, Aimin Zhao, Kang Sun, Yanzhi Du, Zi-Jiang Chen.BMAL1 Facilitates Trophoblast Migration and Invasion via SP1-DNMT1/DAB2IP Pathway in Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion.Oncotarget.2017 https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.20702.
16.Zhai J, Liu J, Cheng X, Li S, Hong Y, Sun K, Chen ZJ, Du Y, Li W. finger gene 217 (ZNF217) Promoted Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) through Regulating E2 Synthesis and Inhibiting Thrombospondin-1 (TSP1).Sci Rep.2017 Jun 12;7(1):3245.doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-03555-6.
17.Zuo RJ, Liu XH, Wang WS, Li WJ, Ying H, Sun K*.A repressive role of enhancer of zeste homolog 2 in 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 expression in human 胎盘J Biol Chem.2017, 292 (18):7578–7587.
18.Li WJ, Wang WS, Zuo RJ, Liu C, Shu Q, Ying H, Sun K*.Induction of pro-inflammatory genes by serum amyloid A1 in human amnion fibroblasts.Sci Rep.2017; 7: 693.DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-00782-9.
19.Mi YB, Wang WS, Zhang CY, Liu C, Lu JW, Li WJ, Zuo RJ, Myatt L, Sun K*.Autophagic degradation of collagen 1A1 by cortisol in human amnion fibroblasts.内分泌学2017; 158:1005–1014.(Editors’ choice with comments)
20.Wang WS, Liu C, Sun K*.Induction of amnion epithelial apoptosis by cortisol via tPA/Plasmin System.Endocrinology.2016; 157: 4487-4498.
21.Zhu QL, Zuo RJ, He YQ, Wang Y, Chen ZJ, Sun Y*, Sun K*.Local regeneration of cortisol by 11β-HSD1 contributes to insulin resistance of the granulosa cells in PCOS.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2016;101(5):2168-77.
22.Liu C, Guo C, Wang W, Zhu P, Li W, Mi Y, Myatt L, Sun K*.Inhibition of lysyl oxidase by cortisol regeneration in human amnion: Implications for rupture of fetal membranes.内分泌学2016;157(10):4055-4065
23.Yang QL, Wang WS, Liu C, Wang Y*, Sun K*.Compartmentalized localization of 11β-HSD 1 and 2 at the feto-maternal interface in the first trimester of human pregnancy.胎盘.2016; 46:63-71.
24.Yang QL, Wang WS, Liu C, Wang Y*, Sun K*.Effect of PFOS on glucocorticoid-induced changes in human first trimester decidua.Reprod Toxicol.2016 Aug; 63:142-50.
25.Liu C, Zhu P, Wang WS, Li WJ, Shu Q, Chen ZJ, Myatt L, Sun K*.Inhibition of lysyl oxidase by prostaglandin E2 via EP2/EP4 receptors in human amnion fibroblasts: Implications for parturition.摩尔 Cell Endocrinol.2016; 424:118-127.
26.Wang WS, Guo CM, Zhu P, Lu JW, Li WJ, Liu C, Xie HL, Myatt L, Chen ZJ, Sun K*.Phosphorylation of STAT3 mediates the induction of cyclooxygenase-2 by cortisol in the human amnion at parturition.Sci Signal, 2015; 8 (400): ra106.(Featured as a cover article with focus comments in Sci Signal, Biol Reprod and Chemical \u0026 Engineering News )
27.Zhang N, Wang WS, Li WJ, Liu C, Chen Y, Yang QL, Wang Y*, Sun K*.Inhibition of 11β-HSD2 expression by triclosan via induction of apoptosis in human placental syncytiotrophoblasts.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2015; 100: E542–E549.(Selected as a translational highlight by JCEM)
28.Zhang N, Wang WS, Li WJ, Liu C, Wang Y*, Sun K*.Impairment of the endocrine 函数 of human placental syncytiotrophoblasts by perfluorooctane sulfonate via Induction of apoptosis.胎盘.2015; 36: 575-580.
29.Shu Q, Li WJ, Li JN, Wang WS, Liu C, Sun K*.Cross-talk between cAMP and MAPK pathways in 11beta-HSD2 induction by hCG in placental trophoblasts.PLoS ONE.2014 Sep 17;9(9):e107938.doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107938..
30.Guo CM, Wang WS, Liu C, Myatt L*, Sun K*.Induction of PGF2α synthesis by cortisol through GR dependent induction of CBR1 in human amnion fibroblasts.内分泌学.2014; 155(8):3017-3024.
31.Li XQ, Zhu P, Myatt L*, Sun K*.Roles of Glucocorticoids in Human Parturition: A Controversial Fact? Placenta.2014; 35:291-296.(invited review).
32.Wang WS, Liu C, Li WJ, Zhu P, Li JN, Sun K*.Involvement of CRH and hCG in the induction of aromatase by cortisol in human placental syncytiotrophoblasts.Placenta.2014; 35(1):30-36.(Featured in MDLinx)
33.Wu XH, Huang XW, Qun L, Li YN, Wang Y, Liu C, Ma YY, Liu QM, Sun K, Qian F, Jin L, Wang JC.Two functional loci in the 助催化剂 of EPAS1 gene involved in high-altitude adaptation of Tibetans.Sci Rep.2014 Dec 12; 4:7465.doi: 10.1038/srep07465.
34.Guan H, Sun K, Yang K.The ERK1/2 Signaling Pathway Regulates 11beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2 Expression in Human Trophoblast Cells Through a Transcriptional Mechanism.Bio Reprod.2013; 89(4), 92,1-7.
35.Li JN, Wang WS, Liu C, Wang WH, Li WJ, Shu Q, Chen ZJ,Sun K*.Critical role of histone acetylation by p300 in human placental 11β-HSD2 Expression.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2013; 98:E1189-E1197.(Selected as a translational highlight by JCEM)
36.Guo CM, Li C, Myatt L, Nathanielsz, PW, Sun K*.Sexually dimorphic effects of maternal nutrient reduction on expression of genes regulating cortisol metabolism in fetal baboon adipose and liver tissues 糖尿病2013; 62(4):1175-1185.(recommended by Faculty 1000)
37.Wang WS, Li JN, Ge YC, Li WJ, Shu Q, Guan H, Yang K, Myatt L, Sun K*.Cortisol induces aromatase expression in human placental syncytiotrophoblasts through the cAMP/Sp1 pathway.内分泌学2012; 153:2012-2022.
38.Wang WH, Guo CM, Li WJ, Li JN, Wang WS, Myatt L, Sun K*.Involvement of GR and p300 in the induction of H6PD by cortisol in human amnion fibroblasts.Endocrinology.2012; 153:5993-6002.
39.Guo CM, Kasaraneni N, Sun K*, Myatt L*.Cross Talk between PKC and CREB in the Induction of COX-2 by PGF2α in Human Amnion Fibroblasts.Endocrinology.2012; 153:4938-4945.
40.Li JN, Ge YC, Yang Z, Guo CM, Duan T, Myatt L, Guan H, Yang K, Sun K*.The Sp1 transcription factor is crucial for the expression of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 in human placental trophoblasts.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2011; 86: E899-907 (selected as a translational highlight by JCEM, 摩尔 Endocrinol and Endocrinology).
41.Ge YC, Li JN, Ni XT, Guo CM, Wang WS, Duan T and Sun K*.Cross-talk between cAMP and p38 MAPK pathways in the induction of leptin by hCG in human placental syncytiotrophoblasts.Reproduction.2011; 142: 369–375.
42.Guo CM, Li JN, Myatt L, Zhu XO, Sun K*.Induction of Gas contributes to the paradoxical stimulation of cytosolic phospholipase A2aexpression by cortisol in human amnion fibroblasts.摩尔 Endocrinol.2010; 24:1052-1061.
43.Guo CM, Ni XT, Zhu P, Li WJ, Zhu XO, Sun K*.Induction of progesterone receptor A form attenuates the induction of cytosolic phospholipase A2a expression by cortisol in human amnion fibroblasts.Reproduction.2010; 139:915-922.
44.Myatt L*, Sun K.Role of Fetal Membranes in signaling of fetal maturation and parturition.Int J Dev Biol.2010; 54:545-553 (invited review).
45.Guo CM, Zhu XO, Ni XT, Yang Z, Myatt L, Sun K*.Expression of progesterone receptor A form and its role in the interaction of progesterone with cortisol on cyclooxygenase-2 expression in amnionic fibroblasts.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2009; 94:5085-5092.(selected as a translation highlight by Mol Endocrinol and featured in  MDLinx).
46.Yang Z, Zhu P, Guo CM, Zhu XO, Sun K*.Expression of 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in human fetal lung and regulation of its expression by interleukin-1b and cortisol.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2009; 94: 306-313.
47.Zhu XO, Yang Z, Guo CM, Ni XT, Li JN, Ge YC, Myatt L, Sun K*.Paradoxical stimulation of cyclooxygenase-2 expression by glucocorticoids via a cyclic-AMP response element in human amnion fibroblasts.摩尔 Endocrinol.2009; 23:1839-1849.
48.Ni XT, Duan T, Yang Z, Guo CM, Li JN, Sun K*.Role of human chorionic gonadotropin in maintaining 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 expression in human placental syncytiotrophoblasts.胎盘2009; 30:1023-1028.(recommended by Faculty 1000)
49.Yang Z, Zhu XO, Guo CM, Sun K*.Stimulation of 11b-HSD1 expression by IL-1b via a C/EBP binding site in human fetal lung fibroblasts.Endocrine.2009; 36:404-411.
50.Song J, Zhang X, Qi Z, Sun K, Chi S, Zhu Z, Ren J, Qiu Z, Liu K, Myatt L, Ma RZ.Cloning and Characterization of a Activated 氯代十六烷 Channel in Rat Uterus.Biol Reprod.2009; 80:788-794.
51.Guo CM, Yang Z, Li WJ, Zhu P, Myatt L, Sun K*.Paradox of glucocorticoid-induced cytosolic phospholipase A2 mRNA expression involves glucocorticoid receptor binding to the 助催化剂 in human amnion fibroblasts.Biol Reprod.2008; 78:193-197.
52.Shelby BD, LaMarca HL, McFerrin HE, Nelson NB, Lasky JA, Sun K, Myatt L, Offermann MK, Morris CA, Sullivan DE.Kaposi's sarcoma associated herpes virus G-protein coupled receptor activation of cyclooxygenase-2 in vascular endothelial 细胞s.Virol J.2007; 4:87-96.
53.Yang Z, Guo CM, Zhu P, Li WJ, Myatt L, Sun K*.Role of glucocorticoid receptor and C/EBPa in the feed-前锋 induction of 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 expression by cortisol in human amnion fibroblasts.J Endocrinol.2007; 195:241-253.
54.Li WJ, Gao L, Wang Y, Duan T, Myatt L, Sun K*.Enhancement of Cortisol-Induced 11b-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase Type 1 Expression by Interleukin 1b in Cultured Human Chorionic Trophoblast Cells.内分泌学2006; 147:2490-2495.
55.Sun K*, Brockman D, Campos B, Pitzer B, Myatt L.Induction of 表面活性剂 protein A expression by cortisol facilitates prostaglandin synthesis in human chorionic trophoblasts.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2006; 91:4988-4994.
56.Sun K*, Qu XC, Gao L, Myatt L.Dexamethasone Fails to Inhibit the Induction of Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 expression by interleukin-1b in Cultured Human Amnion Fibroblasts.Placenta.2006; 27:164-170.
57.Sooranna SR, Grigsby PL, Engineer N, Liang Z, Sun K, Myatt L, Johnson MR.Myometrial prostaglandin E2 synthetic enzyme mRNA expression: spatial and temporal variations with pregnancy and labour.摩尔 Hum Reprod.2006; 12:625-631.
58.Wan SL, Hao RS, Sun K*.Repeated Maternal Dexamethasone Treatments in Late Gestation Increases 11b-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 Expression in the Hippocampus of the Newborn Rat.Neurosci Lett .2005;382:96-101.
59.Sun K*, Ma RL, Cui XL, Campos B, Webster R, Brockman D, Myatt L.Glucocorticoids induce cytosolic phospholipase A2 and prostaglandin H synthase type 2 but not microsomal prostaglandin E synthase (PGES) and cytosolic PGES expression in cultured primary human amnion cells.J Clin Endocrinol Metab.2003; 88:5564-5571.
60.Sun K*, Myatt L.Enhancement of glucocorticoid-induced 11b-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 Expression by pro-inflammatory cytokines in the amnion fibroblasts.内分泌学2003; 144:5568-5577.
61.Sun K*, He P, Yang K.The intracrine induction of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 expression by glucocorticoid potentiates prostaglandin production in the human chorionic trophoblast.Biol Reprod.2002; 67:1450-1455.
62.Wan SL, Liao MY, Sun K*.Postnatal development of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in the rat hippocampus.J Neurosci Res.2002; 69:681-686.
63.Qiu J, Wang P, Jing Q, Zhang W, Li X, Zhong Y, Sun K, Pei G, Chen YZ*.Rapid activation of ERK1/2 mitogen-activated protein kinase by corticosterone in PC12 cells.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2001; 287:1017-24.
64.Patel FA*, Sun K, Challis JRG.Local modulation by 11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase of glucocorticoid effects on the activity of 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase in human chorion and placental trophoblast cells.J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1999; 84:395-400.(commented by JCEM)
65.Sun K, Adamson L, Yang K, Challis JRG*.Interconversion of cortisol and 可的松 by 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases type 1 and 2 in the perfused human 胎盘Placenta 1999; 20:13-19.
66.Sun K*, Yang K, Challis JRG.Regulation of 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 by progesterone, estrogen and cyclic AMP pathway in cultured placental syncytiotrophoblast.Biol Reprod 1998; 58: 1379-1384.
67.Sun K, Yang K, Challis JRG*.Glucocorticoid actions and metabolism in pregnancy: implications for placental function and fetal cardiovascular activity.Placenta 1998; 19:353-360.
68.Sun K*, Yang K, Challis JRG.Differential expression of 11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 and 2 in human placenta and fetal membranes.J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1997; 82:300-305.
69.Sun K*, Yang K, Challis JRG: Differential regulation of 11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 and 2 by nitric oxide in cultured human placental syncytiotrophoblast and chorionic cell preparation.Endocrinology 1997; 138:49124920.
70.Sun K*, Robinson PJ.Inhibition of protein kinase A and protein kinase G by hydralazine but not by KRN2310 in vitro.Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 1995; 16:276-280.
71.Sun K, Smith R, Robinson PJ*: Regulation of corticotrophin-releasing hormone release from human placental syncytiotrophoblasts by KCl and nitroprusside.J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1994; 79:519-524.
72.Sun K*, Lin BC, Wang CH, et al: Comparison of selective arginine vasopressin V1 and V2 receptor antagonists on burn shock in the rat.Cardiovasc Res 1991; 25:265-269.
73.Sun K*, Gong A, Lin BC, et al: Effect of peripheral injection of arginine vasopressin and its 拮抗剂 on burn shock in the rat.Neuropeptides 1990; 17:17-22.
74.Sun K*, Zhang C, Lin BC, et al: Possible involvement of beta-内啡肽 in the deteriorating effect of arginine vasopressin on burn shock in rats.Circ Shock 1989; 29:167-174.
75.Lin BC, Sun K, Gao GC, et al: Neuropeptides and Burns.In:  Advances in Burn edited by Sheng ZY and Zhu ZM, International Academic Publishers, BeijingP1-8, 1992.
76.He P, Sun K*.Effect of glucocorticoid on 助催化剂 of 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase I gene.Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA.2003; 18:150-153.
77.Tang XL, Ni X, You ZD, He P, Hui N, Gu Q, Sun K.Estrogen inhibits corticotropin-releasing hormone production in primary human placental cells.Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA.2003;18:183-185。
78.Gao GC, Lin BC, Sun K.The role of beta-内啡肽 in experimental burn shock.Adv Bio Sci 1989; 75:631-638.
79.孙刚*:绵羊分娩启动机制对解析人类分娩启动机制的启示。生理学报,2011; 63: 187-188.(特邀综述).
101.孙刚、李萍、杨开平、Challis JR.11b-羟基类固醇脱氢酶.生理科学进展.1998;29:301-306.