罗海彬博士、教授、博士生导师,中山大学药学院副院长,中山大学首届“优秀青年教师”培养计划入选者,主要从事药物化学(药物分子设计)、结构生物学和计算化学方面的研究,在基于靶标结构的药物分子设计、合成、活性测定及晶体结构方面的研究具有特色。多年来从事抗阿尔兹海默症、哮喘、糖尿病男性性功能障碍等药物的靶标结构生物学和发现研究,重点构建基于靶标磷酸二酶(PDE)和醛糖还原酶(AR)的药物筛选体系,并进行相关的药物分子设计、有机合成和作用机制研究。2000年以来, 在Cell、Plant Cell、J Med Chem、Org Lett、J Chem Inf Model、J Chromatogr A、Biochem Pharm、PLoS ONE、J Phys Chem B、FEBS Lett、J Struct Biol、J Chromatogr B、Bioorg Med Chem Lett等国内外重要期刊上共发表80多篇论文。
姓 名:罗海彬
性 别:男
民 族:汉
籍 贯:连城县
1、1995.09 – 1999.07 厦门大学化学化工学院 本科
2、1999.09 – 2002.07 厦门大学化学系硕士
3、2002.10 – 2005.10 香港浸会大学化学系 博士
4、2005.11 – 2006.12 香港浸会大学生物系和化学系 博士后
5、2006.12 –2011.12中山大学药学院,副教授(百人计划引进)
6、2008.07 - 2008.10 美国弗吉尼亚大学医学院 访问学者
7、2009.06 – 2009.09 美国弗吉尼亚大学医学院 访问学者
7、2011.12 - 中山大学药学院,教授
8、2012.06 - 2014.04 中山大学药学院,院长助理
9、2014.04 -中山大学药学院,副院长
生物大分子的动力学模拟 (核酸蛋白质和生物膜)
在科研产出方面,罗海彬成功研发了针对新冠肺炎的治疗药物双嘧达莫,并创制了两个靶向磷酸二酯酶(PDE)的临床前候选新药1607和LW33,两者均已完成成果转化。此外,他还贡献了十个具有成药潜力的PDEs候选分子。其研究成果在细胞、Nature Scientific Reviews、PNAS、Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B、Journal of Medicinal 化学等国际国内顶尖期刊上发表了超过150篇论文。
2、磷酸二酯酶PDE9特异性配体的识别机制 - 计算模拟和生物化学研究,国家自然科学基金,25万,2012.01-2014.12,主持
在Cell、Org Lett、J Med Chem、J Chem Inf Model、J Chromatogr A、Biochem Pharm、FEBS Lett、J Struct Biol、Bioorg Med Chem Lett 等国内外杂志发表论文80多篇(*表示为论文通讯作者)。
[1]Meng, F.; Hou, J.; Shao, Y. X.; Wu, P. Y.; Huang, M.; Zhu, X.; Cai, Y. H.; Li, Z.; Xu, J.; Liu, P. Q.; Luo, HB托尔斯港*; Wan, Y. Q.*; Ke, H*. Structure-based discovery of highly selective phosphodiesterase-9A inhibitors and implications for inhibitor 设计J. Med. Chem.2012, 55(19): 8549-8558. PMID: 22985069.
Huang, Y.Y.; Li, Z.; Cai, Y.H.; Feng, L.J.; Wu, Y.; Li, X.; Luo, HB托尔斯港* The molecular basis for the selectivity of tadalafil toward phosphodiesterase 5 and 6: A modeling study.J. Chem. Inf. Model.2013,53, 3044-3053. PMID: 24180640.
Li, Z.; Cai, Y.H.; Cheng, Y.K.; Lu, X.; Shao, Y.X.; Li, X.; Liu, M.; Liu, P.; Luo, HB托尔斯港* Identification of novel phosphodiesterase-4D inhibitors prescreened by molecular 动力学augmented modeling and validated by bioassay.J. Chem. Inf. Model.2013, 53, 972-981. PMID: 23517293.
Park, S.J.; Ahmad, F.; Philp, A.; Baar, K.; Williams, T.; Luo, HB托尔斯港; Ke, H.M.; Rehmann, H.; Taussig, R.; 褐色, A.L.; Kim, M.K.; Beaven, M.A.; Burgin, A.B.; Manganiello, V.; Chung, J.H.* 白藜芦醇 ameliorates aging-related metabolic phenotypes by inhibiting cAMP phosphodiesterases.细胞2012, 148(3): 421-433. PMID: 22304913.
Shang, N.N.; Shao, Y.X.; Cai, Y.H.; Guan, M.; Huang, M.; Cui, W.; He, L.; Yu, Y.J.; Huang, L.; Li, Z.; Bu, X. Z.*; Ke, H.*; Luo, H.B.* Discovery of 3-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-1-(thiophen-2-yl)chromeno[2,3-c]pyrrol-9(2H)-one as a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor and its complex 晶体 structure.Biochem. Pharmacol.2014,89: 86-98. PMID:24565909
Liu, X.(#); Luo, H.-B.(#,并列第一作者); Huang, Y.Y.; Bao, J.M.; Tang, G.H.; Chen, Y.Y.; Wang, J.; Yin, S. Selaginpulvilins A-D, New phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors with an unprecedented skeleton fromSelaginella Pulvinata.Org. Lett.2014,162, 282-285. PMID: 24328835.
Lin, T.T.; Huang, Y.Y.; Tang, G.H.; Cheng, Z.B.; Liu, X.; Luo, HB托尔斯港*; Yin, S.* Prenylated Coumarins: Natural Phosphodiesterase-4 Inhibitors fromToddalia asiatica.J. Nat. Prod.2014,77: 955-962. PMID:24597921
Liu, Y.N.; Huang, Y.Y.; Bao, Jackie McLean; Cai, Y.H.; Guo, Y.Q.; Liu, S.N.; Luo, HB托尔斯港*; Yin, S.* Natural phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4) inhibitors fromCrotalaria Ferruginea.Fitoterapi2014,94: 177-182. PMID:24594242
[9]Sun, Z.-H.; Cai, Y.-H.; Fan, C.-Q.; Tang, G.-H.; Luo, H.-B.; Yin, S. Six new tetraprenylated alkaloids from the south china sea GorgonianEchinogorgia pseudossapo.Mar. Drugs2014,12, 672-681. PMID:24473168
Zhao, P.; Chen, S.K.; Cai, Y.H.; Lu, X.; Li, Z.; 成姓, Y.K.; Zhang, C.; Hu, X.; He, X.*; Luo, HB托尔斯港* The molecular basis for the inhibition of phosphodiesterase-4D by three natural 白藜芦醇 analogs. Isolation, molecular docking, molecular 动力学 simulations, binding free 能量, and bioassay.Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013, 1834(10): 2089-2096. PMID: 23871879.
[11]Zhong, J.; Huang, Y.; Ding, W.; Wu, X.; Wan, J.*; Luo, HB托尔斯港* Chemical constituents of Aloe barbadensis Miller and their inhibitory effects on phosphodiesterase-4D. Fitoterapia. 2013, 91:159-165. PMID: 24028970.
Li, Y.P.; Weng, X.; Ning, F.X.; Ou, J.B.; Hou, J.Q.; Luo, HB托尔斯港*; Li, D.; Huang, Z.S.; Huang, sl*; Gu, L.Q. 3D-QSAR studies of azaoxoisoaporphine, oxoaporphine, and oxoisoaporphine derivatives as anti-AChE and anti-AD agents by the CoMFA method.J. 摩尔 Graph. Model. 2013, 41: 61-67. PMID: 23500628.
Luo, Z.; Sheng, J.; Sun, Y.; Lu, C.; Yan, J.; Liu, A.; Luo, HB托尔斯港; Huang, L.*; Li, X*. Synthesis and evaluation of multi-target-directed 配体s against alzheimer's disease based on the fusion of donepezil and ebselen.J. Med. Chem. 2013, 56(22): 9089-9099. PMID: 24160297.
Lu, C.; Guo, Y.; Yan, J.; Luo, Z.; Luo, HB托尔斯港; Yan, M.; Huang, L.*; Li, X. * 设计, synthesis, and evaluation of multitarget-directed resveratrol derivatives for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.J. Med. Chem.2013, 56(14): 5843-5859. PMID: 23799643.
Chen, S.-K.; Zhao, P.; Shao, Y.-X.; Li, Z.; Liu, M.; Zhang, C.X.; Liu, P.Q.; He, X.X. *; Luo, HB托尔斯港*; Hu, X.P. Moracin M fromMorus alba L. is a natural phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor.Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.2012, 22: 3261–3264. PMID:22483586
Zheng, X.H.; Shao, Y.X.; Li, Z.; Liu, M.; Bu, X.Z.; Luo, HB托尔斯港*; Hu, X.P.; Quantitative structure-retention relationship of curcumin and its analogues.J. Sep. Sci.2012, 35: 505-512. PMID:22282411
Shao, Y.X; Zhao, P.; Li, Z.; Liu, M.; Liu, P.Q.; Huang, M.; Luo, HB托尔斯港* The molecular basis for the inhibition of human cytochrome P450 1A2 by oroxylin and wogonin.Eur. Biophys. J.2012, 41: 297-306.
Zheng, X.H.; Zhang, L.P.; Zhai, J; Chen, Y.Y.; Luo, H.-B.*; Hu, X.P. *.The molecular basis for inhibition of sulindac and its metabolites towards human aldose reduct欧洲航天局FEBS Lett. 2012, 586: 55-59. PMID:22228220
Hou, J.Q.; Chen, S.B.; Tan, J.H.; Luo, hb; Li, D.; Gu, L.Q.; Huang, Z.S. New insights from molecular dynamic simulation studies of the multiple binding modes of a ligand with G-quadruplex 脱氧核糖核酸J. Comput. Aided. 摩尔 Des. 2012, 26(12):1355-1368.
Mo, sl; Liu, W. F.; Chen, Y.; Luo, HB托尔斯港; Sun, L.B.; Chen, X.W.; Zhou, Z.W.; Sneed, K.B.; Li, C.G.; Du, Y.M.; Liang, J.; Zhou, S.F. 配体 and protein-based modeling studies of the inhibitors of human cytochrome P450 2D6 and a virtual screening for potential inhibitors from the Chinese herbal medicine, Scutellaria baicalensis.Comb. Chem. High T. Scr.2012, 15(1): 36-80. PMID:21846324
Mo, sl; Liu, W.F.; Li, C.G.; Zhou, Z.W.; Luo, HB托尔斯港, Chew, H.; Liang, J.; Zhou S.F. Pharmacophore, QSAR, and binding mode studies of substrates of human cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) using molecular docking and virtual mutations and an application to chinese herbal medicine screening.Curr. Pharm. Biotech.2012, 13(9): 1640-1704.
Wang, N.; Wang, Z.Y.; Mo, sl; Loo, T.Y.; Wang, D.M.; Luo, H.B.; Yang, D.P.; Chen, Y.L.; Shen, J.G.; Chen, J. P. Ellagic acid, a phenolic 化合物, exerts anti-angiogenesis effects via VEGFR-2 signaling pathway in breast cancer.Breast Cancer Res. Treat. 2012, 134(3): 943-955.
Hou, J.; Wojciechowska, K.; Zheng, H.; Chruszcz, M.; Cooper, D.R.; Cymborowski, M.; Skarina, T.; Gordon, E.; Luo, HB托尔斯港; Savchenko, A,; Minor, W. Structure of a short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase from Bacillus anthracis.Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun.2012, 68(Pt 6): 632-637.
Fang, J.; Huang, D.; Zhao, W.; Ge, H.; Luo, HB托尔斯港*; Xu, J. *. A new protocol for predicting novel 葛兰素史克3 beta ATP competitive inhibitors.J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2011, 51: 1431-1438.
Hou, J.; Xu, J.; Liu, M.; Zhao, R.; Luo, H.-B.*; Ke, H.*. Structural asymmetry of phosphodiesterase-9, potential protonation of a glutamic acid, and role of the invariant glutamine.PLoS ONE2011, 6. e18092.
Liu, M.; Yuan, M.G.; Li, Z.; Cheng, Y.K.; Luo, HB托尔斯港*; Hu, X.P.*. Structural investigation into the inhibitory mechanisms of indomethacin and its analogues towards human glyoxalase I.Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2011, 21: 4243-4247.
Chen, Y.Y.; Chen, G.W.; Luo, HB托尔斯港* Molecular insight into the inhibitory mechanism of galangin towards human cytochrome P450 1A2. A modeling study.Lett. Drug Des. Discov. 2011, 8: 216-222.
Xu, J., Lu, Y.; Shen, W.; Luo, H.-B.; et al., Homology modeling of alpha-glucosidase and its interactions with andrograpolide derivatives.Lett. Drug Des. Discov. 2011, 8: 440-451.
Lu, S.-Y.; Jiang, Y.-J.; Zou, J.;. Luo, HB托尔斯港; et al., Insight into analysis of interactions of GW9508 to wild-type and H86F and H137F GPR40: A combined QM/MM study and pharmacophore modeling.J. 摩尔 Graph. Model.2011, 29: 818-825.
Wei, H.; Yin, L.; Luo, HB托尔斯港; et al., Structural influence of chiral tertiary aminonaphthol ligands on the asymmetric phenyl transfer to aromatic aldehydes.Chirality2011, 23: 222-227.
Chen, S.B.; Tan, J.H.; Ou, T.M.; Huang, sl; An, L.K.; Luo, HB托尔斯港; et al., Pharmacophore-based discovery of triaryl-substituted imidazole as new telomeric G-quadruplex 配体Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.2011, 21: 1004-1009.
Hou, J.Q.; Tan, J.H.; Wang, X,-X.; Chen, S.B; Huang, S.Y.; Yan, J.W.; Chen, S.H.; Ou, T.M.; Luo, HB托尔斯港; et al., Impact of planarity of unfused aromatic molecules on G-quadruplex binding: Learning from isaindigotone derivatives.Org. Bio摩尔 Chem. 2011, 9: 6422-6436.
Luo, H.-B.; Zheng, H.-P.; et al. 晶体 structure and molecular modeling study of N-carbamoylsarcosine amidase Ta0454 fromThermoplasma acidophilum.J. Struct. Biol.2010, 169: 304-311.
He, L; He, F.; Bi, H.C.; Li, J.K.; Zeng, S.; Luo, HB托尔斯港*; Huang, M. Isoform-selective inhibition of chrysin towards human cytochrome P450 1A2. Kinetics analysis, molecular docking, and molecular 动力学 simulations.Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.2010. 20: 6008-6012.
Liu, M.; He, L.; Hu, X.P.; Liu, P.Q.; Luo, HB托尔斯港* 3D-QSAR, homology modeling, and molecular docking studies on spiropiperidines analogues as agonists of nociceptin/orphanin FQ 捕手Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2010, 20: 7004-7010.
Liu, M.; Yuan, M.G.; Luo, M.X.; Bu, X.Z.; Luo, HB托尔斯港*; Hu, X.P.* Binding of curcumin with glyoxalase I: Molecular docking, molecular 动力学 simulations, and kinetics analysis.Biophys. Chem. 2010, 147: 28-34.
Xu, J.; Huang, S.; Luo, H.-B.; et al., QSAR studies on andrographolide derivatives as alpha-glucosidase inhibitors.Int. J. 摩尔 Sci. 2010, 11: 880-895.
Hou, J.-Q.; Chen, S.B.; Tan, J.-H.; Ou, T.M.; Luo, HB托尔斯港; et al. New insights into the structures of 配体quadruplex complexes from molecular dynamics simulations.J. Phys. Chem. B2010, 114: 15301–15310.
Yan, J.B.; Zhang, C; Gu, M.; Bai, Z.Y.; Zhang, W.G.; Qi, T.C.; 成姓, Z.W.; Peng, W.; Luo HB托尔斯港; et al. The arabidopsis coronatine insensitive1 protein is a jasmonate receptor.Plant Cell 2009. 21: 2220-2236.
Tan, J. H.; Ou, T. M.; Hou, J. Q.; Lu, Y. J.; Huang, S. L.; Luo, H.-B.; et al. Isaindigotone derivatives: a new class of highly selective ligands for telomeric g-quadruplex 脱氧核糖核酸J. Med. Chem.2009, 9: 2825-2835.
[41]老挝语, J.; Zhang, X.; Wang, J.; Li, X.M.; Yan, M.; Luo, HB托尔斯港; et al. The effect of bond donors in asymmetric organocatalytic conjugate additions.Tetrahedron-Asymmetry2009, 20: 2818-2822.
Luo, H.-B.; Zheng, C.Q.; Cheng, Y.-K. Is phospholipid-saturated alkyl column a convenient replacement for immobilized-artificial-membrane?J. Chromatogr. A2007, 1176: 100-106.
Luo, HB托尔斯港; Zheng, C.Q.; Cheng, Y.-K. Complex retention behavior of pyrimidines on biomembrane-mimicimmobilized-artificial-membranephase.J. Chromatogr. B2007, 853: 114-122.
Luo, H.-B.; Zheng, C.Q.; Cheng, Y.-K. The retention properties of nucleobases in alkyl C-/C- and IAM- chromatographic systems in relation to log P.J. Chromatogr. B 2007, 847: 245-261.
Chan, W.; Luo, HB托尔斯港; Zhang, Y. F.; Cheng, Y.-K.; Cai, Z. W. Investigation of the 新陈代谢 and Reductive Activation of Carcinogenic Aristolochic Acids in 家鼠属Drug Metab. Dispos. 2007, 35: 866-874.
Leng, X.B.; Choi, C.–F.; Luo, HB托尔斯港; Cheng, Y.-K.; Ng, Dplus KIAP. Host-guest interactions of 4-carboxyphenoxy phthalocyanines and cyclodextrins in aqueous media.Org. Lett. 2007, 9: 2497-2500.
Lian, Z.X.; Cai, J.W.; Chen, C.H.; Luo, H.-B. Linear silver isonicotinamide complex extended by arenedisulfonate via bonds and weak Ag-O interactions.Crystengcomm2007, 9: 319-327.
Sun, X. H.; Li, W. Y.; Xia, P. F.; Luo, HB托尔斯港; et al., Phenyl-calixarene-based fluorescent sensors: Cooperative binding for carboxylates.J. Org. Chem.2007, 72: 2419-2426.
Leung, K.W.; Yung, K.K.L.; Mak, N.K.; Yue, P.Y.K.; Luo, H.-B.; et al., Angiomodulatory and neurological effects of ginsenosides.Curr. Med. Chem. 2007, 14(12): 1371-1380.
Luo, HB托尔斯港; 成姓, Y.-K. A comparative study of void volume markers inimmobilized-artificial-membraneand reversed-phase 羧基液体丁腈橡胶 chromatographyJ. Chromatogr. A2006, 1103: 356-361.