1992-1996 清华大学生物科学与技术系,学士
1996-2001 清华大学生物科学与技术系,博士
2001-2006 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室生命科学部,博士后
2006-2008 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室生命科学部,研究科学家
2009-2011 耶鲁大学分子生物物理与生物化学系,终身教授Track助理教授
2010.12 清华大学生命科学学院,教授、博导
2016年4月 清华大学生命科学学院院长。
1. 更高效、更高分辨率的冷冻电镜方法学开发;
2. 细胞骨架和生物膜系统的协调机制;
3. 核酸质量控制的分子机制和调控。
1. Rao Q, Liu M, Tian Y, Wu Z, Hao Y, Song L, Qin Z, Ding C, Wang HW*, Wang J*, Xu Y*. (2018) Cryo-EM structure of human ATR-ATRIP complex. Cell Research, 28(2):143-156
2. Liu Z, Wang J, 成姓 H, Ke X, Sun L, Zhang Q, Wang HW*. (2018) Cryo-EM Structure of Human Dicer and Its Complexes with a Pre-miRNA Substrate. Cell, 173(5):1191-1203
3. Mei K, Li Y, Wang S, Shao G, Wang J, Ding Y, Luo G, Yue P, Liu JJ, Wang X, Dong MQ, Wang HW*, Guo W*. (2018) Cryo-EM structure of the exocyst complex. Nat. Struct. 摩尔 Biol., 25(2):139-146
4. Fan X, Zhao L, Liu C, Zhang JC, Fan K, Yan X, peng HL, Lei J*, Wang HW*. (2017) Near-Atomic Resolution Structure Determination in Over-Focus with Volta Phase Plate by 计算机科学Corrected Cryo-EM. Structure, 25:1623-1630.
5. Ma M, Liu JJ, Li Y, Huang Y, Ta N, Chen Y, Fu H, Ye MD, Ding Y, Huang W, Wang J, 越南盾 MQ, Yu L*, Wang HW*. (2017) Cryo-EM structure and biochemical analysis reveal the basis of the functional difference between human pi3kC3C1 and -C2. Cell Research, 27(8):989-1001
6. Zheng JX, Li Y, Ding YH, Liu JJ, Zhang MJ, 越南盾 MQ, Wang HW*, Yu L*. (2017) 建筑 of the ATG2B-WDR45 complex and an aromatic Y/HF motif crucial for complex formation. Autophagy, 13(11):1870-1883
7. Xu J, Zhao L, Xu Y, Zhao W, Sung P*, and Wang HW*. (2017) Cryo-EM structures of human RAD51 recombinase filaments during catalysis of 脱氧核糖核酸strand exchange. Nat. Struct. 摩尔 Biol., 24:40-46
8. Wang HW*, and Wang JW. (2017) How cryo-electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography complement each other. Protein Sci., 26:32-39 (Review)
9. Wang HW*, 雷姓 J*, and Shi Y*. (2017) Biological cryo-electron microscopy in China. Protein Sci., 26:16-31 (Review)
10. Yang H, Wang J, Liu M, Chen X, Huang M, Tan D, Dong MQ, Wong CC, Wang J*, Xu Y*, and Wang HW*. (2016) 4.4 A Resolution Cryo-EM structure of human mTOR Complex 1. Protein 细胞, 7:878-887
11. Agrawal RK*, Wang HW*, and Belfort M*. (2016) Forks in the tracks: Group II introns, spliceosomes, telomeres and Beyond 核糖核酸 Biol., 13:1218-1222
12. Liu JJ, Niu CY, Wu Y, Tan D, Wang Y, Ye MD, Liu Y, Zhao W, Zhou K, Liu QS, Dai J, Yang X, 越南盾 MQ, Huang N, and Wang HW*. (2016) CryoEM structure of 酵母浸膏 cytoplasmic exosome complex. Cell Research, 26:822-837
13. Qu G, Kaushal PS, Wang J, Shigematsu H, Piazza CL, Agrawal RK*, Belfort M*, and Wang HW*. (2016) Structure of a group II intron in complex with its reverse transcriptase. Nat. Struct. 摩尔 Biol., 23:549-557
14. Qin S, Yin H, Yang C, Dou Y, Liu Z, Zhang P, Yu H, Huang Y, Feng J, Hao J, Hao J, Deng L, Yan X, 越南盾 X, Zhao Z, Jiang T, Wang HW, Luo SJ, and Xie C*. (2016) A magnetic protein biocompass. Nat Mater., 15:217-226
15. Jia N, Liu N, 成姓 W, Jiang YL, Sun H, Chen LL, Peng J, Zhang Y, Ding YH, Zhang ZH, Wang X, Cai G, Wang J, Dong MQ, Zhang Z, Wu H, Wang HW*, Chen Y*, and Zhou CZ*. (2016) Structural basis for receptor recognition and pore formation of a zebrafish aerolysin-like protein. EMBO Reports, 17:235-248
16. Wang J, Wang W, Song W, Han Z, Zhang H, Chai J*, Wang HW*, and Wang J*. (2015) An improved method for phasing crystal structures with low non-crystallographic symmetry using cryo-electron microscopy 数据 Protein 细胞, 6:919-923 (Letter)
17. Wang HW*. (2015) Opening new doors for understanding eukaryotic 核糖核酸 splicing.Sci China Life Sci., 58:1171-1172 (Editorial Material)
18. Hu Z, Zhou Q, Zhang C, Fan S, 成姓 W, Zhao Y, Shao F, Wang HW, Sui SF*, and Chai J*. (2015) Structural and biochemical basis for induced self-propagation of NLRC4. Science, 350:399-404
19. Tomko RJ Jr*, Taylor DW, Chen ZA, Wang HW, Rappsilber J, and Hochstrasser M*. (2015) A single α helix drives extensive remodeling of the proteasome lid and completion of regulatory particle assembly. 细胞, 163:432-444
20. Song W, Wang J, Han Z, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Wang W, 常姓 J, Xia B, Fan S, Zhang D, Wang J*, Wang HW*, and Chai J*. (2015) Structural basis for specific recognition of single-stranded 核糖核酸 by Toll-like receptor 13. Nat. Struct. 摩尔 Biol., 22, 782-787.
21. Zhou Q, Huang X, Sun S, Li X, Wang HW*, and Sui SF*. (2015) Cryo-EM structure of SNAP-SNARE assembly in 20S particle. Cell Research, 25:551-560.
22. Chang S, Sun D, Liang H, Wang J, Li J, Guo L, Wang X, Guan C, Boruah BM, Yuan L, Feng F, Yang M, Wang L, Wang Y, Wojdyla J, Li L, Wang J, Wang M, Cheng G, Wang HW*, and Liu Y*. (2015) Cryo-EM Structure of 流行性感冒 病毒 核糖核酸 Polymerase Complex at 4.3 A Resolution. 摩尔 Cell, 57:925-935.
23. Liu JJ, Bratkowski MA, Liu X, Niu CY, Ke A*, and Wang HW*. (2014) Visualization of distinct substrate-recruitment pathways in the yeast exosome by EM. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 21:95-102.
24. Li Y, Hsin J, Zhao L, 成姓 Y, Shang W, Huang KC, Wang HW, and Ye S*. (2013) FtsZ protofilaments use a hinge-opening mechanism for constrictive force generation. Science, 341:392-295.
25. Taylor DW, Ma E, Shigematsu H, Cianfrocco MA, Noland CL, Nagayama K, Nogales E, Doudna JA*, and Wang HW*. (2013) Substrate-specific structural rearrangements of human Dicer. Nat. Struct. 摩尔 Biol., 20:662-670.
26. Chen X, Taylor DW, Fowler CC, Galan JE, Wang HW, and Wolin SL*. (2013) An 核糖核酸 degradation machine sculpted by Ro autoantigen and noncoding RNA. Cell, 153:166-177.
27. Shen QT, Hsiue PP, Sindelar CV, Welch MD, Campellone KG*, and Wang HW*. (2012) Structural insight into WHAMM-mediated cytoskeletal coordination during membrane remodeling. J. 细胞 Biol., 199:111-124.
28. Zhou K, Kanai R, Lee P, Wang HW*, and Modis Y*. (2012) Toll-like receptor 5 forms asymmetric dimers in the absence of flagellin. J. Struct. Biol., 177:402-409.
29. Liu XQ, and Wang HW*. (2011) Single particle electron microscopy reconstruction of the exosome complex using the random conical tilt method. J. Vis. Exp., doi: 10.3791/2574.
30. Wu X, Shen QT, Stokes N, Lu C, Zheng Q, Polak L, Wang HW, and Fuchs E*. (2011) Skin stem cells orchestrate directional migration by regulating microtubule-ACF7 connections through GSK3β. 细胞, 144:341-352.
31. Wang HW*, Noland C, Siridechadilok B, Taylor DW, Ma E, Felderer K, Doudna JA*, and Nogales E*. (2009) Structural insights into 核糖核酸 processing by the human RISC-loading complex. Nat. Struct. 摩尔 Biol., 16:1148-1153.
32. Wang HW, Long S, Ciferri C, Westermann S, Drubin DG, Barnes G, and Nogales E*. (2008) 建筑 and flexibility of the 酵母浸膏 Ndc80 kinetochore complex. J. Mol. Biol., 383:894-903.
33. Wang HW*, Wang J, Ding F, Callahan K, Bratkowski MA, Bulter JS, Nogales E, and Ke A*. (2007) Architecture of the yeast Rrp44-exosome complex suggests routes of 核糖核酸 recruitment for 3’-end processing. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 104:16844-16849.
34. Wang HW, Ramey VH, Westermann S, Leschziner A, Welburn JPI, Nakajima Y, Drubin DG, Barnes G, and Nogales E*. (2007) 建筑 of the Dam1 kinetochore ring complex and implications for microtubule-driven assembly and force-coupling mechanisms. Nat. Struct. 摩尔 Biol., 14:721-726.
35. Westermann W, Wang HW, Avila-Sakar A, Drubin DG, Nogales E, and Barnes G*. (2006) The Dam1 kinetochore ring complex moves processively on depolymeRizing microtubule ends. Nature, 440:565-569.
36. Wang HW, and Nogales E*. (2005) The nucleotide-dependent bending flexibility of tubulin regulates microtubule assembly. Nature, 435:911-915.
王宏伟 博士.清华大学生命科学学院.2024-07-05