宋昕,女,博士生导师,中国科学院南京土壤研究所研究员。 1997年毕业于大连理工大学化工学院;2000年获清华大学环境科学与工程系环境科学硕士;2005年获马里兰大学土木与环境工程系博士学位,同年加入国际知名污染场地工程咨询公司ARCADIS;2008年获加利福尼亚州高级专业工程师(#77178)注册认证。
主要从事污染场地的调查评估和修复技术的可持续性管理、污染场地调查与原位修复技术的研究(包括原位生物修复、原位化学氧化还原和渗透性反应墙等)、污染场地修复材料和化学试剂的研发、土壤和地下水中污染物迁移转化规律的分析以及矿山开发对土壤和环境水资源(地下水和地表水)定量环境影响评估。曾参与多项美国国家级重点项目(美国军队基地,海军基地和空军基地)的调查、可行性分析研究和修复工作。2007-2013年负责美国军队基地多氯乙烯大型污染场地(美国超级基金污染场地之一)的调查和原位生物强化还原修复工程;2007-2012年参与了美国土地局牵头的矿场开发的环境影响评估工作(Numerical Analysis of Groundwater/surface H₂O Interference at Blackfoot Bridge Project)。工作期间对50多家大型企业和政府机构的污染场地进行了场地调查、可行性分析研究以及修复工程设计和运行。工作10多年来撰写著作1部(Rare 地球 Materials: Insights and Concerns),发表多篇学术论文以及污染场地调查与修复技术咨询报告。
美国国家地下水协会会员(National Groundwater Association, NGWA)
国际水文地质专家协会会员(International Association of Hydrogeologists)
1.Pecht, M.G., R.E. Kaczmarek, X. Song, D.A. Hazelwood, R.A. Kavetsky, and Dplus KIA Anand, 2012. Rare 地球 Materials: Insights and Concerns, CALCE EPSC Press, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 南阿拉巴马大学
1.宋昕, 徐坷坷, 唐伟, 王新博. 基于零价铁-PRB还原修复饱和含水层氯代烃类DNAPL污染源的实验装置, 201720865197.4.
2.宋昕, 林娜, 郭亮, 殷鹏华, 胡志豪. 一种利用磁铁矿铝矾土矿渣原位修复地下水中汞污染的方法, 201610035059.3.
3.宋昕, 魏昌龙, 王晴. 一种模拟地下环境中污染物在饱和非均质含水层中迁移转化的三维可视模拟装置, 201621037180.1.
4.宋昕, 陈星, 唐洪涛, 丁达. 一种土壤修复可行性模拟实验装置, 201720699247.6.
5.吴骏, 陈梦舫, 李春平, 罗飞, 晏井春, 宋昕。一种工业场地污染防控方法, 201310727879.5.
6.宋昕, 刘建国. 一种一体化综合土壤原地联合修复设备, 201410177784.5.
1.宋昕,任家强,陈星,刘朝阳,丁达. 一种污染土壤热修复小试研究实验装置和方法, 201810229839.0.
2.王晴,宋昕,唐诗月,魏昌龙. 一种修复氯代烃污染地下水的方法, 201810637701.4.
3.宋昕,妮·卡玛·科祖·杜瓦尔,林娜. 一种评估纳米粒子在地下环境中运移和归趋的模拟实验装置和方法, 201810145567.6.
4.宋昕, 徐坷坷, 唐伟, 王新博. 基于零价铁-PRB还原修复饱和含水层氯代烃类DNAPL污染源的实验装置及方法, 201710581572.7.
5.宋昕, 杨焱, 王晴, 唐诗月. 一种溴代烃厌氧降解菌剂的制备方法及应用, 201710383110.4.
6.宋昕, 丁达, 魏昌龙, 陈星, 任家强, 唐洪涛, 吕正勇. 一种污染土壤热修复可行性研究实验装置和方法, 201710334174.5.
7.宋昕, 魏昌龙, 王晴. 一种模拟地下环境中污染物在多孔介质中迁移转化的三维可视模拟装置, 201610802188.0.
8.宋昕, 陈星, 张微, 吕正勇, 张岩坤. 过氧化硫酸钠的应用, 201610154907.2.
9.宋昕, 程莹莹, 徐坷坷. 一种降解地下水中重质非水相液体成分复合氯代烃污染的方法, 201510921817.7.
10.宋昕, 郭亮,殷鹏华. 一种场地用地下水水位及电导率自动测试及数据储存装置, 201410209744.4.
1. Koju, N. K., X. Song*, Q. Wang, Z. H. Hu, C. Colombod (2018)."Cadmium removal from simulated groundwater using alumina nanoparticles: behaviors and mechanisms". Environmental Pollution, 240, 255-266.
2. Wei, C. L., Q. Wang, X. Song*, X. Chen, R. J. Fan, D. Ding, and Y. Liu (2018). "Distribution, source identification and health risk assessment of PFASs and two PFOS alternatives in groundwater from non-industrial areas". Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 152: 141-150.
3. Hu, Z. H., X. Song*, C. L. Wei, J. G. Liu (2017). "Behavior and mechanisms for sorptive removal of 全氟辛烷 磺酸盐 by layered double hydroxides". Chemosphere, 187: 196-205.
4. Zhou, D. M., X. Song, F. J. Zhou, B. H. Gu (2017). "Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation". Pedosphere-Preface, 27(3): 387-388.
5. Wei, C. L., X. Song*, Q. Wang, Z. H. Hu (2017). "Sorption kinetics, isotherm and mechanisms of PFOS on soils with different physicochemical properties". Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 142: 40-50.
6. Koju, N. K., X. Song*, Q. Wang (2017). "Effective remediation of low-concentration cadmium in groundwater using nano-scale magnesia". Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(11): 10819-10832.
7. 徐坷坷, 宋昕*, 程莹莹, 王晴 (2017). "己烷萃取-气相色谱法测定地下水中5 种挥发性氯代烃的方法优化研究". 水资源保护, 33(3) (2017): 47-51.
8. Qiao, W. C., J. P. Chu, S. J. Ding, X. Song, L. Yu* (2017). "Characterization of a thermo-alkalistable laccase from Bacillus subtilis cjp3 and its application in dyes decolorization". Journal of Environmental Science and Health, 52: 710-717.
9. Yu, L.*, M. Y. Cao, P. T. Wang, S. Wang, Y. R. Yue, W. D. Yuan, W. C. Qiao, F. Wang, X. Song* (2017). "Simultaneous decolorization and biohydrogen production from xylose by 克雷伯氏菌属 oxytoca GS-4-08 in presence of azo dyes with 磺酸盐 and carboxyl". Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83(10): e00508-17.
10. 林娜, 宋昕*, 郭亮, 殷鹏华, 胡志豪 (2017). "天然磁铁矿和商用四氧化三铁 修复Hg(II)污染地下水的模拟研究" . 土壤, 49(1): 118-128.
11. Jameson, N. J., X. Song, M. Pecht (2016). "Conflict minerals in electronic systems: an overview and critique of legal initiatives". Science and engineering ethics, 22(5): 1375-1389.
12. Yu, L.*, Q. Tang, Y. J. Zhang, R. P. Chen, X. Liu, W. C. Qiao, W. W. Li, H. H. Ruan, X. Song* (2016). "A novel Fe (III) dependent bioflocculant from 克雷伯氏菌属 oxytoca GS-4-08: culture conditions optimization and flocculation mechanism". Scientific Reports, 6. doi:10.1038/srep34980.
13. Song, X., Q. Wang, D. M. Zhou (2016). "Reply to Chen et al.: Ten-小数点 Soil Plan: China’s Declaration of War on Soil Contamination". Science-eLetters, http://science.sciencemag.org /content/344/6185/691.1.e-letters.
14. Yin, P. H., Z. H. Hu, X. Song*, J. G. Liu, N. Lin (2016). "Activated Persulfate Oxidation of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (全氟辛酸) in Groundwater under Acidic Conditions". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(6): 602-616.
15. 宋昕*, 林娜, 殷鹏华 (2015). "中国污染场地修复现状及产业前景分析". 土壤, 47(1):1-7.
16. Colombo,* C., G. Palumbo, E. Di Iorio, X. Song et al. (2015). "Influence of Hydrothermal Synthesis Conditions on Size, Morphology and Colloidal Properties of Hematite Nanoparticles". Nano-Structures \u0026 Nano-Objects, 2:19-27.
17. Stagge, J. H., E. A. Seagren, and X. Song* (2015). "Sorption of Naphthalene onto Natural and 表面活性剂Amended Soils". Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), 142(4): 06015010.
18. Ha, J-H, E. A. Seagren, and X. Song* (2014). " Transport across the Capillary Fringe in LNAPL-Pool Source Zones". Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), 140(12): 04014040. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000866.
19. Song, X*. and E. A. Seagren (2014). "Laboratory-scale in Situ Bioremediation in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Biokinetics-Limited Scenario". Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 158: 78-92.
20. Song, X., M-H. Chang, and M. Pecht* (2013). "Rare地球 Elements in Lighting and Optical Applications and Their Recycling". JOM, 65(10): 1276-1282.
21. Johnson, M. A., X. Song, E. A. Seagren* (2013). "A Quantitative Framework for Understanding the Complex Interactions of Competing Interfacial Processes and in situ Biodegradation". Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 146: 16-36.
22. Song,* X. and E. A. Seagren (2008). "In Situ 生物修复 in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Dispersion-Limited Scenario". Environmental Science \u0026 Technology, 42(16): 6131-6140.
1. Song, X. and G. Leone (2013). "Modeling Application in Evaluating Environmental Impact due to 磷酸盐 Mining Activities". Reliable Mine H₂O Technology (Vol I): 469-475, Denver, Colorado, USA.
2. Hamper, M., X. Song et al. (2009). "Simulation of Groundwater Protection System Alternatives for the Thornton Composite Reservoir of the Metropolitan H₂O Reclamation Distract of Greater 芝加哥 Tunnel and Reservoir System". 33rd International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research Congress, August 10-14, 2009, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada.
3. Song, X. and S. Potter (2007). "Monitored Natural Attenuation Evaluation: Apparent Effect Associated with Heterogeneities in Subsurface". Battelle Press - 9th International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
4. Cecan, L., F. Natitus, X. Song et al. (2006). "Using MODFLOW-MT3D to Evaluate Groundwater Natural Resource Damage". MODFLOW and More: Managing Ground H₂O Systems, The Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA.
1. Song, X. (2016). "International University Cooperation on Land Protection in European-Asiatic Countries". Cluster meeting of E+ CBHE projects, December 15-16, 2016, Beijing, China
2. Hu Z. H. and X. Song (2016). "Efficient Removal of 全氟辛烷 磺酸盐 (PFOS) in Groundwater Using Layered Double 氢氧化物 (LDH) ". The 5th International Conference on Soil Pollution and Remediation, September 24-26, 2016, Hangzhou, China
3. Song, X. (2016). "Current Situation of Soil Environmental Pollution and Countermeasures of Prevention and Control in China". The Steering Committee meeting of Erasmus+ project "International University Cooperation on Land Protection in European-Asiatic Countries”, June 14-15, 2016, Nitra, Slovakia
4. Song, X. (2016). "Reductive Degradation of PFOS in Groundwater Using Nano-Scale Zero Valent Iron". 2016 NGWA Groundwater Summit, April 24-27, 2016, Denver, Colorado, USA
5. Song, X. (2015). "Estimation of Dual-Domain 质量Transfer Coefficient Using Multiple Approaches for Groundwater Remediation". GSA 2015, November 1-4, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
6. Song, X. (2015). "Modeling Application in Evaluating Interactions between Groundwater and surface H₂O due to 磷酸盐 Mining Activities". the 42nd IAH 2015 CONGRESS, September 13-18, 2015, Roman, Italy
7. Lin, N., L. Guo and X. Song (2015). "Remediation of in Groundwater with Iron-Containing Materials". The 13th International Conference on the Biochemistry of Trace Elements, July 12-19, 2015, Fukuoka, Japan
8. Song, X. (2015). "Soil Contamination and Remediation in China: Current Status and Outlook". The Guy F. Atkinson Distinguished Lecture Series in University of Utah, March 23-26, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
9. Song, X. (2015). "In Situ Chemical Oxidation of Perfluorinated Compounds Using Innovatively Catalyzed Persulfate", 2015 NGWA Groundwater Summit, March 16-18, 2015, San Antonio, Texas, USA
10. Song, X. and N. Lin (2014). "Remediation of Mercury in Groundwater with Iron Compounds". GSA 2014, October 19-22, 温哥华, BC, Canada
11. Song, X. (2014). Keynote talk on "Contaminated Site Remediation Industry in China". 2014 NGWA Groundwater Summit, May 4 - 7, Denver, Colorado, USA
12. Song, X. (2014). "Remediation of and in Groundwater with Iron Compounds". 2014 NGWA Groundwater Summit, May 4 - 7, Denver, Colorado, USA
13. 宋昕 (2014). “石油污染场地原位化学氧化修复案例分析”. “中国土壤学会土壤环境专业委员会第十七次会议”暨“2014年土壤环境保护与生态文明建设国际研讨会”, 4月19 -21日, 中国长沙
14. 宋昕 (2013). “美国铬Cr (VI) 修复案例分析及其对我国污染场地修复的启示”。第三期污染场地调查、评估与修复研讨会, 12月16日, 中国南京
15. 宋昕 (2013). “美国“超级基金”污染场地修复成功案例”. 2013年污染场地治理修复国际论坛, 10月22-23日, 中国北京
16. 宋昕 (2013). “中国污染场地现状与修复前景分析”. 2013年CEO发展大会: 中国国际节能环保与新型城镇化高峰论坛, 9月26-27日, 上海市
17. Song, X. and D. Lipson (2013). MODFLOW 2013 and More: Integrated Hydraulic Modeling, June 6-8, the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA.
18. Song, X. and G. Leone (2013). "Modeling Application in Evaluating Environmental Impact on H₂O Resources due to 磷酸盐 Mining Activities". IMWA2013 - Reliable Mine Water Technology, August 5-9, 2013, Golden, Colorado, USA.
19. Song, X. and D. Nelson (2013). "Field-Scale Application of In-Situ Reductive Dechlorination: Trichloroethene (TCE) Transformation Mechanism and Rate". 2013 NGWA Groundwater Summit, April 28-May 1, 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
20. Song, X. and G. Leone (2011). "Modeling Application in Evaluating 1,4-Dioxane Remediation Alternatives for a Site with Unique Groundwater Flow Conditions". 2011 NGWA Groundwater Summit and 2011 Groundwater Protection Council Spring Meeting, May 1-5, 2011, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
21. Song, X. and G. Leone (2011). "Modeling Application in Evaluating Impact on H₂O Resources due to 磷酸盐 Mining Activities". MODFLOW 2011 and More: Integrated Hydraulic Modeling, June 6-8, the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA.
22. Song, X. and G. Leone (2010). "Evaluation of GroundH₂Osurface Water Interactions due to 磷酸盐 Mining Activities." 2010 GSA Denver Annual Meeting, to be presented on November, 2010, Denver, Colorado, USA.
23. Song, X. and G. Leone (2010). "Modeling Application in Evaluating GroundH₂OSurface Water Interactions due to Mining Activities." 2010 NGWA Groundwater Summit and 2010 Groundwater Protection Council Spring Meeting, April 11-15, 2010, Denver, Colorado, USA.
24. Song, X., C. Divine et al. (2009). “Practical Modeling Applications to Support in situ Remediation System 设计 and Assessment.” 2009 Groundwater Summit: The Science and Engineering Conference, April 19-23, 2009, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
25. Wuerl, B., X. Song et al. (2008). "Innovative Substrate Delivery System 设计 to Support in situ Treatment of a Cr (VI) Plume." The Sixth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, 加利福尼亚州, USA.
26. Song, X. and S. Potter (2007). "Monitored Natural Attenuation Evaluation: Apparent Effect Associated with Heterogeneities in Subsurface." Ninth International in situ and on site Bioremediation Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
27. Song, X. E. A. Seagren et al. (2006). "Engineered in situ Bioremediation Application at Chlorinated Solvents Contaminated Facilities." MODFLOW 2006 and More, the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA.
28. Cecan, L., F. Natitus, X. Song et al. (2006). "Using MODFLOW-MT3D to Evaluated Groundwater Natural Resource Damage." MODFLOW 2006 and More, the Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA.
29. Song, X. and E. A. Seagren (2005). "Engineered in situ Bioremediation in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Biokinetics-Limited Scenario (Experimental Results)." 2005 AEESP Research and Educational Conference, Potsdam, New York, USA.
1. 会议主席,组织并主持了“2018污染场地热修复技术研讨会” ,2018年1月18-19日,中国南京。
2. 会议主席,组织并主持了中德“土壤和地下水环境中持久性有机污染现状、迁移转化及其修复技术”双边研讨会,2016年4月17-22日,中国南京。
3. 会议组委会,组织了“欧盟Erasmus+: International University Cooperation on Land Protection in European-Asiatic Countries(IUCLAND)项目启动会”,2016年1月13-15日,中国南京。
4. 大会主席,组织并主持了“2014 污染场地调查和修复技术研讨会”,2014年11月10-12日,中国南京。
1. 《原长沙铬盐厂铬污染整体治理项目》整体治理方案中试试验及相关服务项目(长沙市铬污染物治理有限公司,2181万元,2018.5.25-2018.8.31,主持)。
2. 土壤污染风险评价与场地污染修复(科学院项目/STS计划项目子课题,90万元,2018.1.1-2019.6.30,主持)。
3. 土壤和地下水中持久性有机污染物的现状、迁移及其修复(中德研讨会项目,国家级,17.7万元,2017.4.17-2017.4.22,主持)。
4. PFOS典型替代物F-53B在土壤和地下水中的环境行为及其修复研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目,41771354,63万元, 2018.01-2021.12,主持)。
5. 典型挥发性有机物污染场地原位强化生物修复技术研究与示范(江苏省科技计划项目社会发展--面上项目,BE2017779,40万元,2017.07-2020.06,主持)。
6. 地下水环境中PFOS和全氟辛酸的迁移行为及活化过硫酸盐对其氧化降解研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目,41571460,77.4万元,2016.01-2019.12,主持)。
7. International University Cooperation on Land Protection in European-Asiatic Countries(欧盟Erasmus+项目,2015-3471/001-001,58万元,2015.10-2018.10,参与)。
8. 长三角复合有机污染场地土壤和地下水原位修复关键技术研究与示范(中国科学院重点部署项目,KFZD-SW-303,500万元,2016.01-2017.12,主持)。
9. 我国典型污染场地原位生物及其联合物化修复技术研究(中国科学院重点部署项目,KZZD-EW-TZ-13,200万元,2013.03-2017.03,主持)。
10. 污染场地风险评估:编制风险评估方案;指导风险评估水文地质调查和补充调查工作的进行;根据场地前期调查及补充调查数据,开发场地概念模型,对场地关注污染物进行风险评估;计算场地重金属背景值,分析场地土壤样品进行浸出实验,确定场地科学合理的修复目标值;进行修复技术方案的筛选。
1) 浙江省环境保护科学设计研究院,2014-2015
2) 杭州信息科技有限公司,2016
3) 杭州信江科技发展有限公司,2017
12. 原位强化还原脱氯(Enhanced Reductive Dechorination)生物修复系统的设计与实施(Sierra Army Depot,Herlong,California,2008-2013):对含氯溶剂的污染场地土壤和地下水修复技术筛选进行可行性分析,开展现场中试实验和示踪实验,进行全面生物修复系统的设计和工程实施,对生物修复系统的有效性进行长期系统评估。
13. 磷酸盐矿业开采环境影响及复垦设计的评估(Agrium Conda Phosphate Operations,Caribou,Idaho,2012-2013):为Idaho东南地区的地下水流动系统建立了概念模型;建立了地下水流动模型模拟地下水和地表水的相互作用,评估了磷酸盐矿业开采活动对地下水和地表水资源的潜在影响,对复垦设计方案进行评估。
14. 磷酸盐矿业开采环境影响及复垦设计的评估(Monsanto Company,Caribou,Idaho,2007-2012):通过柱浸实验确定采矿活动中下列污染物释放参数:镉,铁,锰,,,硫酸盐,溶解性总固体(TDS)和锌;开发区域地下水流动和溶质运移模型以:(1)模拟开采前的地下水系统与地表水的区域性相互作用,(2)为开采活动造成的对地表水和地下水资源的潜在影响进行定量分析,(3)对复垦方案进行分析评估,从而为复垦系统设计提供技术参数。此项目获得了2013年美国地下水协会的最佳地下水保护项目奖。
15. 含铬污染场地原位还原吸附沉淀修复系统的设计(保密客户,Merced,California,2006-2011):开展污染场地现场中试实验和示踪实验,建立地下水流动和污染物迁移模型为修复系统提供设计参数支持,负责设计全面生物修复系统。
16. 含铬污染场地原位还原吸附沉淀修复系统的设计(保密客户,Hinkley, California, 2007-2010):为原位反应区设计提供水文地质参数,优化全面反应区修复系统的设计参数和操作参数。
17. 芝加哥城市水资源管理和城市水库环境影响报告书(Metropolitan H₂O Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 2007-2008):建立地下水流动模型定量分析了建立Thornton Composite Reservoir(Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater 芝加哥 (MWRDGC) Tunnel and Reservoir Plan (TARP))对地下生活造成的潜在影响,为地下水保护系统设计提供了技术参数。
18. 污染场地概念模型及修复方案的可行性分析
1) British Petroleum Portfolio (2008-2013)
2) 雪佛龙股份有限公司 Portfolio (2008-2013)
3) Brenntag Pacific, Inc. (2011-2012)
4) Lockheed Martin (2010-2011)
5) Union Pacific Rail Road (2010)
6) Pacific Gas \u0026 Electricity (2009-2010)
7) General Motors Corporation, Moraine, Ohio (2008)
8) Phoenix-Goodyear Airport North Superfund Site, Goodyear, Arizona (2007)
9) Maybrook Trust, Harriman, New York (2007)
10) Lake City Army 弹药 Plant, Independence, Missouri (2006)
11) The Former Hamilton Sunstrand Facility, Denver, Colorado (2006)
12) Fort Gordon Military Reservation, Fort Gordon, Georgia (2005)
13) PennSauken Sanitary Landfill, Camden, New Jersey (2005)
19. 包气带模型模拟(Chevron,Sacramento, California, 2010;Former Tracy Yard, Tracy, 加利福尼亚州,2008;Coffeyville Resources Refining and Marketing, Coffeyville, Kansas, 2007):利用数值模型SESOIL和VLEACH对包气带进行模拟,定量分析浸出液对地下水质量的影响。
20. 填埋场概念模型和数值模型分析及其管理(Former Golden Eagle Refinery and Former Gardena Valley Landfill, Carson, California, 2008; Oliver Landfill Site, Waterford Township, Pennsylvania, 2007):发展填埋场概念模型,利用数值模型定量分析填埋场浸出液对地下水的影响,为填埋场修复系统设计提供技术参数。
21. 污染场地自然衰减(Monitored Natural Attenuation)分析(Lake City Army 弹药 Plant, Independence, Missouri, 2007):计算自然衰减速率,分析自然衰减和原位反应区对于地下水修复的贡献,设计自然衰减的监测井的布置。
22. 地下水抽取和处理系统(Pump \u0026 Treat)有效性分析(Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, Independence, Missouri, 2006; Former Whittaker Ordinance Facility, Hollister, California, 2005):利用MODALL模型对在运行的地下水抽取和处理系统进行优化,在防止污染物迁移的前提下,降低抽取速率,提高系统运行效率。
23. 地下水异质性,界面和生物降解的研究(National Science Foundation Funded Project, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland,2000-2005):启动美国国家自然科学基金项目“地下水异质性,界面和生物降解:定义原位生物修复限制因子”,建立一套用于原位修复系统的定量设计框架。
24. Phase I和Phase II大气环境影响评估(北京高速公路Phase I和Phase II环境影响评估Beijing, China, 1998-2000):开展北京高速公路Phase I和Phase II大气环境影响评估。
25. 废水处理厂设计(海城污水处理厂,大连,中国,1997):系统设计大连海城污水处理厂的处理设备。