大学生课程: 大学物理,固体电子学,固体物理,固体物理专题
研究生课程: 固体理论,凝聚态物理专题
1.Electronic structure of chemisorbed chalcogen atoms on Ni(hkl) surfaces. Physical Review B, 1982, 25(4):2124~2137( 与A.J.Freeman, D.E.Ellis合作)
2.Bonding of Chalcogen on Ni(001)(011)and (111). Bull. AMER Phys. Soc. 1981,26:488( 与AIR JORDANFreeman, D.E. Ellis合作)
3.Chemisorption of NO and CO on Ru(001) surfaces. Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc., 1982,27:345(与A.J.Freeman, D.E.Ellis合作)
4.CO interaction with copper covered Ru(001). J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A. 1983,1(2):1185~1187( 与S.D.Bader, AIR JORDANFreeman等合作)
7.吸附了CO分子后的Rh(110)表面的分子从计算分析.Appl. Surf. Sci., 1985,22/23:452~458( 与吴等合作)
8.CO在Ni(100)表面活化及硫中毒机理的ASEDMD研究。物理学报,1985,34(10):1291~1298( 与施丹华合作)
9.用XαDVM方法研究CO、NO在Ⅶ族过渡金属表面的化学吸附(Ⅰ).物理学 报,1985,34(10):1299~1305(与吴钺等合作)
11.Small cluster analogs of CO adsorption on Cu/Ru(001):道达尔公司 能量 and c arbonmetal stratch 频率 calculation. Physical Review B, 1984,30(8):4146~4152( 与D.E.Ellis等合作)
12.用XαDVM方法计算CO在Pd(111)上的化学吸附。化学通报,1986,(12):27~29( 与郑德娟等合作)
13.用分子簇方法研究吸附在Ni(100)面上的Cl、S、P、CO相互作用。浙江大学学报,1986,20(1):45~52( 与施丹华合作)
15.Binding 能量 and Kedges spectra of NO chemisorbed on Ru(0001). surface Science, 1985,164(1):85~108( 与shChou等合作)
16.ASEDMO study for the coadsorption of CO and K on Ni(100) surface. Chinese Phys. Letters, 1985,2(11):514~517( 与阿联酋迪拉姆Shi合作)
18.Molecular cluster calculation for the chemisorption of N2 on Ni surface Surface Science, 1987,179:26~31( 与吴钺等合作)
19.NH3在Ni表面的化学吸附的理论研究。物化学报,1988,4(6):624~628(与郑 晓明合作)
20.H2O在Pt(100)表面的预吸附态与高迁移性能。物理学报,1987,36(3):368~371( 与施丹华合作)
21.Theoretical study of chemisorption of H2O on Si(100) surface Chinese Physics, 1987,7:835~841
22.Preadsorption state and high mobility of H2O on Pt(111) surface. Chinese Physics, 1988,8:47~51(与D.H.Shi合作)
23.The process of chemisorption on the Si(111) surface Surf. Sci.,1989,219:L543~L550( 与X.M.Zhen合作)
24.H在Ni表面的扩散性质及表面缺陷影响的EAM研究。计算物理,1989,6(3): 300~308(与施丹华合作)
25.Properties of the surface diffusion of Sulfer on Ni and the effects of surface defects. Physical Review B, 1989, 39(14):9963-9966(与Z.G.Zhang合作)
26.Bonding of CN on Ni(111) surface:ASEDMO studies. Surf. Sci., 1989,223:393~399( 与X.Y.Zhou,阿联酋迪拉姆Shi合作)
27.S在Ni(110)表面上的吸附表面结构和S-S相互作用。真空科学和技术,1990,10(1):3~6( 与张忠国合作)
28.Theoretical investigation of the ammonia adsorption process on Si(100) 2 ×l surface Chinese Phys. Letters, 1991,8(2):94~97( 与R.H.Zhou合作)
29.Theoretical study of CN chemisorbed on the Pd(111) surface. Surf. Sci. Letters, 1991,243:L49~L54( 与R.H.Zhou合作)
30.Theoretical investigation of the chemisorption process of NO on the Si(100)2×l surface Surface Sci. Letters, 1991,L224~L22 8( 与sbFu等合作)
31.Adsorption of ammonia on Si(100), (111) surface:a theoretical study. Surf. Sci., 1991,249:129~137( 与R.H.Zhou等合作)
32.Si(100)2×1表面上Li原子之间的相互作用与表面结构相变。物理学报, 1991,40(7): 1116~1120 (与周煦炎等合作)
33.Si(100)2×1表面上K原子之间的相互作用与表面结构。半导体学报,1991,12(9): 525~529 (与周煦炎等合作)
34.Interaction among adsorbed Li atoms on Si(100)2×l and phase change of surface structure. Physics Letters A. 1991,159:179~183( 与R.H.Zhou,X.Y.Zhou合作)
35.N2在 Cr(110)表面的强化学吸附与离解。物理学报,1992,41(2):295~301( 与周如洪合作)
36.πbonded N2on Cr(110) as aprecursor for dissociation, molecular 轨道科学公司 theory. J. Physics:conden. Matter, 1992,4:2429~2437( 与R.H.Zhou,阿联酋迪拉姆Shi合作)
37.Interaction between adsorbed atoms on Si(1000)2×l surface and chemisorption surface structure., Chinese Physics, 1992,433~437( 与R.H.Zhou等合作)
38.Molecular cluster analysis of O2 adsorption and dissociation on Pt(111). Physics Letters A, 1992,169:167~172(与R.H.Zhou合 作)
39.O2在Pt(111)表面的原子交叠电子离域研究。物理学报,1993,42(3):470~476( 与周如洪合作)
40.乙烯 adsorption and decomposition on Si(100)2×l: a semiemprical quantum chemical study. J. Physics:conden. Matter, 1993,5:2887~2896( 与R.H.Zhou合作)
41.The bonding character of Br on Si(100)2×l. J. Physics: Conden. Matter, 1993,5:2897~2902( 与R.H.Zhou,L.Q.Lee合作)
42.道达尔公司 能量 calculation for 乙炔 adsorption and decomposition on Si(100)2×l. Physical Review B, 1993, 10601~10607( 与R.H.Zhou, L.Q.Lee合作)
43.Si(100)2×l表面一维Ag原子链形成机制。科学通报,1993, 38(11):990~992( 与周如洪合作)
44.Clustet model study of Ag bonding, migration and interaction on Si(100)2×1. surface Science Letters, 1993, 290:L649~ L654(与R.H.Zhou,L.Q.Lee 合作)45. Adsorption and dissociation of 磷化氢 on Si(100)2*1 and Si(111)7*7: Theoretical study. J. Physics:Condens. Matter, 1994,6:6103~6109( 与L.Q.Lee等合作)
46.ClCl interaction and adsorption mechanism on Si(100)2*1. J. Physics:Condens. Matter, 1994,6:6169~6175(与L.Q.Lee合作)
47.Adsorption mechanism and kinetic break of chlorine on Si(100)2×1 :Theoretical study. Physical Review B, 1994,50(19):14624~14626(与L.Q.Lee 合作)
48.Computer experiments for surface diffusion:the real 时间 in Monte Carlo simulation. Physical Review Letters, 1994,73(9):2595~2598
49.分子和表面吸附系统振动频率的理论计算研究。浙江大学西溪校区学报,1995,29(2):145~154( 与李列泉合作)
50.乙炔 adsorption on Cu(111) and stepped Cu(111):theoretical study. J. Physics:Condens. Matter, 1995,7:6449~6457( 与L.Q.Lee合作)
物理学大师:周如洪(美国IBM Watson研究中心研究员、浙江大学生物信息中心客座教授),赵宇军(华南理工教授)

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