2008.5-目前:北京大学工学院材料科学与工程系:特聘研究员,教授,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学工学院兼职教授(Adjunct Professor);
2000.1-2001.12:美国宾州大学材料研究所 Research Associate;
兼任美国Virginia Tech大学兼职教授。
2,课题负责人:国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)-先进电子内窥镜研究,课题批准号2012AA040505, 2012(315万);
3,课题负责人:国家自然科学基金,《用于空间的低温压电单晶超声电机的制备科学》,批准号:50872002/E0201 (40万);
4,课题负责人:国家自然科学基金,《高温压电微马达研究》,批准号:51072003/E020402 (39万);
6,课题负责人: 广东省产学研项目,经费:20万。
2000 美国宾夕法尼亚大学材料科学进步一等奖(国际上最小的压电微电机:1.5mm 直径),(First Place Prize in 物质 Advances in MRL, The Pennsylvania State University Dec., 2000)
1994 北京市优秀科技论文二等奖: “Piezoelectric-Electorheological Stepper Motor”
1994 中原地区功能陶瓷材料年会优秀论文奖: “Study on piezoelectric ceramic motors”
1992 中国功率超声学会优秀论文奖
1、功能材料与器件-I (研究生)
在国内外重要学术刊物共发表文章100余篇(SCI收入90篇,其中28篇发表在Applied 物理学 Letters);SCI总引用次数2700余次(h-index:27)。
1.Shuxiang Dong, Review on Piezoelectric, Ultrasonic and Magnetoelectric Actuators, Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1230001 (2012) (Invited Review Paper,18 pages).
2.Li XT, Chen ZJ, Dong SX*, A Double B1-调式 4-Layer Laminated Piezoelectric Linear 摩托车, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY ctrl, V59, N.12, 2012.
3.Guoxi Liu, Xiaotian Li, Jianguo Chen, Zhijiang Chen, and Huaduo Shi, Wenlei Xiao, Shuxiang Dong#, Colossal low-频率 resonant magnetomechanical and magnetoelectric effects in a three-phase ferromagnetic/elastic/piezoelectric composite, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 142904 (2012);
4.Chen, Jianguo; Shi, Huaduo; Liu, Guoxi; 越南盾, Shuxiang#, 温度 dependence of dielectric, piezoelectric and elastic properties of BiScO3-PbTiO3 high temperature ceramics with morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) composition, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS v 537 pp280-285, OCT 5 2012
5.Xiaotian Li, Jianguo Chen, Zhijiang Chen, and Shuxiang Dong#, A high-温度 double-调式 piezoelectric ultrasonic linear 摩托车 Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 072902 (2012).
6.Jianguo Chen, Xiaotian Li, Guoxi Liu, Zhijiang Chen, and Shuxiang Dong#, A shear-bending mode high 温度 piezoelectric actuator Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 012909 (2012).
7.Zhongqiang Hu, Meiya Li, Yongdan Zhu, Shizhou Pu, Xiaolian Liu, Bobby Sebo,Xingzhong Zhao, and Shuxiang 越南盾, Epitaxial growth and 电容电压 characteristics of BiFe臭氧/CeO2/yttria-stabilized zirconia/Si(001) heterostructure Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 252908 (2012).
8.Zhongqiang Hu,1,2 Jianguo Chen,1 Meiya Li,2 Xiaotian Li,1 Guoxi Liu1 and Shuxiang 越南盾,1, , Morphotropic phase boundary and high 温度 dielectric, piezoelectric, and ferroelectric properties of (1-x)Bi(Sc3/4In1/4)臭氧xPbTiO3 ceramics, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS ,110, pp064102, 2011.
9.Mingsen Guo, Shuxiang Dong,1, , Bo Ren, Haosu Luo, A piezoelectric single-晶体 ultrasonic micro-actuator for driving 光学, IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and 频率 ctrl, 2011 ,v.58, no.12, 2011.
10.DONG, Shuxiang; Carazo, Alfredo Vazquez; Park, Seung Ho, Equivalent Circuit and Optimum 设计 of a Multilayer Laminated Piezoelectric 变压器, IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and 频率 监察, v.58, no.12, 2011.
11.Cui XX, Dong SX*, Theoretical analyses on effective magnetoelectric 耦合 系数s in piezoelectric/piezomagnetic laminates,JOURNAL OF APPLIED 物理学 , V109, 083903, April 2011.
12.Li XT, Guo MS, Dong SX*, A Flex-Compressive 调式 Piezoelectric Transducer for Mechanical Vibration/Strain 能量 Harvesting, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND 频率 CONTROL, V58, N.4, April 2011.
13.Liu GX, Cui XX, 越南盾 SX, A tunable ring-type magnetoelectric 电感元件, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS v.108 n.9, 094106, NOV 1 2010.
14.Guo MS, Dong SX, Ren B, et al. A Double-调式 Piezoelectric Single-晶体 Ultrasonic Micro-Actuator IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND 频率 ctrl v.57 n.11 pp2596-2600, NOV 2010.
15.Guo MS, Dong SX, Annular Bilayer Magnetoelectric Composites: Theoretical Analysis IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL v. 57 n.2 pp480-489, FEB 2010.
16.Guo MS, Dong SX, A 共振-Bending 调式 Magnetoelectric-耦合 Equivalent Circuit IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND 频率 ctrl v.56 n.11, pp2578-2586, NOV 2009.
17.Zhai, J.1, Gao, J.1, De Vreugd, C.1, Li, J.1, Viehland, D.1, Filippov, A. V.2, Bichurin, M. I.2, Drozdov, D. V.2, Semenov, G. A.2, 越南盾, S. X.3, Magnetoelectric gyrator EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B v.71 n.3 pp383-385, OCT 2009.
18.Dong SX, Zhai J, Li JF, et al., High Power 密度 Magnetoelectric 能量 Harvester FERROELECTRICS, IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics pp157-158, 2008.
19.Zhai JYY, Dong SX, Xing ZPP, et al., Tunable magnetoelectric 共振 devices JOURNAL OF 物理学 D-APPLIED PHYSICS v.42 n.12, 122001, JUN 21 2009.
20.Dong SX, Zhai JY, Priya S, et al., Tunable Features of Magnetoelectric Transformers IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND 频率 监察 v.56 n.6, pp1124-1127, JUN 2009.
21.Dong SX, Zhai JY, Li JF, et al., Multimodal system for harvesting magnetic and mechanical 能量 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.93 n.10, 103511, SEP 8 2008.
22.Zhai JY, Xing ZP, Dong SX, et al., Thermal 噪点 cancellation in symmetric magnetoelectric bimorph laminates APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, v.93, n.7, 072906, AUG 18 2008.
23.Dong SX, Zhai JY, Equivalent circuit method for static and dynamic analysis of magnetoelectric laminated composites 汉语词类 SCIENCE BULLETIN v.53 n.14, pp2113-2123, JUL 2008.
24.Lou, J.1, Reed, D.1, Pettiford, C.1, Liu, M.1, Han, P.2, Dong, S.3,4, Sun, N. X.1, Giant 微波 tunability in FeGaB/lead niobate-lead titanate multiferroic composites APPLIED 物理学 LETTERSv.92n.26, 262502, JUN 30 2008.
25.Karmarkar M, Dong SX, Li JF, et al., Magnetoelectric laminate based DC magnetic field sensor PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI-RAPID RESEARCH LETTERS, v.2 n.3pp108-110,JUN 2008.
26.Dong SX, Yan L, Viehland D, et al., A piezoelectric single 晶体 traveling wave step 摩托车 for low-温度 application,APPLIED 物理学 LETTERS v.92 n.15, 153504, APR 14 2008.
27.Viehland D, Zhai JY, 越南盾 S, et al., Multi-泛函 materials with polarization FERROELECTRICS, VOLS 1 AND 2 : IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics pp: 404-405, 2007.
28.Xing ZP, Zhai JY, Dong SX, et al., 调式ling and detection of quasi-static nanotesla magnetic field variations using magnetoelectric laminate sensors MEASUREMENT SCIENCE \u0026 TECHNOLOGY v.19 n.1, 015206, JAN 2008.
29.Nan CW, Bichurin MI, Dong SX, et al., Multiferroic magnetoelectric composites: Historical 透视, status, and future directionsJOURNAL OF APPLIED 物理学, v.103, n.3, 031101, FEB 1 2008.
30.Zhai J, Xing Z, Dong S, et al., Magnetoelectric laminate composites: An overviewJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY v.91 n.2, pp351-358, FEB 2008.
31.Priya S, Islam R, Dong SX, et al., Recent advancements in magnetoelectric particulate and laminate composites
JOURNAL OF ELECTROCERAMICS v.19 n.1 pp147-164, SEP 2007
32.Zhai JY, Dong SX, Xing ZP, et al., Geomagnetic sensor based on giant magnetoelectric effect
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.91 n.12, 123513, SEP 17 2007
33.Dong SX, Zhai JY, Xing ZP, et al., Giant magnetoelectric effect (under a dc magnetic bias of 2 Oe) in laminate composites of FeBSiC alloy ribbons and Pb(1/3,Nb-2/3)O-3-7%PbTiO3 fibers
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v. 91 n.2, 022915, JUL 9 2007
34.Zhang H, Dong SX, Zhang SY, et al., Ultrasonic micro-摩托车 using miniature piezoelectric tube with diameter of 1.0 mm
ULTRASONICS v. 44, pp E603-E606, Suppl. 1, DEC 22 2006.
35.Dong SX, Zhai JY, Li JF, et al., Strong magnetoelectric charge 耦合 in stress-biased multilayer-piezoelectric/magnetostrictive composites
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS v.101 n.12, 124102, JUN 15 2007
36.Dong SX, Uchino K, Li LT, et al., Analytical solutions for the transverse deflection of a piezoelectric circular axisymmetric unimorph actuator
37.Dong SX, Zhai JY, Li JF, et al., Near-ideal magnetoelectricity in high-permeability magnetostrictive/piezofiber laminates with a (2-1) connectivity
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.89 n.25, 252904, DEC 18 2006
38.Dong SX, Zhai JY, Li JF, et al., Enhanced magnetoelectric effect in three-phase MnZnFe2O4/Tb1-xDyxFe2-y/Pb(Zr,Ti)臭氧 composites
JOURNAL OF APPLIED 物理学 v.100 n.12, 124108, DEC 15 2006
39.Zhai JY, Li JF, 越南盾 SX, et al., A quasi(unidirectional) Tellegen gyrator
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS v.100, n.12, pp124509, DEC 15 2006
40.Dong SX, Zhai JY, Li JF, et al., Magnetoelectric gyration effect in Tb1-xDyxFe2-y/Pb(Zr,Ti)臭氧 laminated composites at the electromechanical resonance
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.89 n.24, 243512, DEC 11 2006
41.越南盾 SX, Zhai JY, Li JF, et al., Magnetoelectric effect in Terfenol-D/Pb(Zr,TiO)(3)/mu-metal laminate composites
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.89 n.12, 122903, SEP 18 2006
42.Xing ZP, Dong SX, Zhai JY, et al., Resonant bending 调式 of Terfenol-D/steel/Pb(Zr,Ti)臭氧 magnetoelectric laminate composites
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v. 89 n.11, 112911, SEP 11 2006
43.Zhai JY, Dong SX, Xing ZP, et al., Giant magnetoelectric effect in Metglas/polyvinylidene-氟化物 laminates
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.89 n. 8, 083507, AUG 21 2006
44.Dong SX, Li JF, Viehland D, Magnetoelectric 耦合, efficiency, and 电压 gain effect in piezoelectric-piezomagnetic laminate composites
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE v. 41 n.1, pp 97-106, JAN 2006
45.Zhai JY, Xing ZP, Dong SX, et al., Detection of PICOTesla magnetic fields using magneto-electric sensors at room 温度
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.88 n.6, 062510, FEB 6 2006
46.Dong SX, Zhai JY, Li JF, et al., Small dc magnetic field response of magnetoelectric laminate composites
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.88 n.8, p082907, FEB 20 2006
47.Yang JS, Zhou HG, 越南盾 S, Analysis of plate piezoelectric unimorphs
48.Jiang XN, Rehrig PW, Hackenberger WS, Smith E, Dong SX, Viehland D, Moore J, Patrick B, Advanced piezoelectric single 晶体 based actuators
49.越南盾 SX, Zhai JY, Wang NG, et al., Fe-Ga/Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)臭氧PbTiO3 magnetoelectric laminate composites
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.87, n.22, 222504, NOV 28, 2005
50.Dong S, Zhai J, Bai F, et al., Push-pull modemagnetostrictive/piezoelectriclaminate composite with an enhanced magnetoelectric 电压 coefficient
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.87 n.6, p062502, AUG 8 2005
51.Dong SX, Zhai JY, Bai FM, et al., Magnetostrictive and magnetoelectric behavior of Fe-20 at. % Ga/Pb(Zr,Ti)臭氧 laminates
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS v.97, n.10, p103902, MAY 15, 2005
52.Dong SX, Bai JG, Zhai JY, et al., Circumferential-调式, quasi-圆环type, manetoelectric laminate composite - a highly sensitive electric current and/or vortex magnetic field sensor
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.86 n.18 p182506, MAY 2 2005
53.越南盾 SX, Zhai JY, Xing ZP, et al., Extremely low 频率 response of magnetoelectric multilayer composites
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v. 86 n.10 p102901, MAR 7 2005
54.Dong SX, Yan L, Wang NG, et al., A small, linear, piezoelectric ultrasonic cryomotor
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v. 86 n.5, p053501, JAN 31 2005
55.Uchino K, Cagatay S, Koc B, Dong S, Bouchilloux P, Strauss M, Micro piezoelectric ultrasonic motors
JOURNAL OF ELECTROCERAMICS v.13 n.1-3 pp393-401, JUL-NOV 2004
56.Dong SX, Li JF, Viehland D, A longitudinal-longitudinal 调式 TER苯酚D/Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)臭氧-PbTiO3 laminate composite
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.85 n.22, pp5305-5306, NOV 29 2004
57.Dong SX, Zhang JD, Kim HW, et al. Flexural traveling wave excitation based on shear-shear 调式
58.越南盾 SX, Li JF, Viehland D, et al., A strong magnetoelectric 电压 gain effect in magnetostrictive-piezoelectric composite
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v. 85 n.16 pp3534-3536, OCT 18 2004
59.Dong SX, Li JF, Viehland D, vortex magnetic field sensor based on ring-type magnetoelectric laminate
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.85 n.12 pp2307-2309, SEP 20 2004
60.Dong SX, Li JF, Viehland D, Circumferentially magnetized and circumferentially polarizedmagnetostrictive/piezoelectriclaminated rings
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS v.96 n.6 pp3382-3387, SEP 15 2004
61.Dong SX, Li JF, Viehland D, Longitudinal and transverse magnetoelectric 电压 coefficients ofmagnetostrictive/piezoelectriclaminate composite: Experiments IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND 频率 CONTROL v.51 n.7 pp794-799, JUL 2004
62.Dong SX, Wang SX, Li LT, et al., Frictional 噪点 and noise restraint of the piezoelectric-ultrasonic 摩托车
63.Dong SX, Bai FM, Yan L, et al.,Vacuum response and gas leak detection in piezoelectrically driven sound-共振 cavity APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.84 n.21 pp4144-4146, MAY 24 2004
64.Dong SX, Cao H, Bai FM, et al., Conformal sensor skin approach to the safety-monitoring of H-2 燃料 tanks APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.84 n.21 pp4153-4154, MAY 24 2004
65.Dong SX, Li JF, Viehland D, 电压 gain effect in a ring-type magnetoelectric laminate APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.84 n.21 pp4188-4190, MAY 24 2004
66.Dong SX, Li JF, Viehland D, Characterization of magnetoelectric laminate composites operated in longitudinal-transverse and transverse-transverse modes JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS v.95 n. 5, pp 2625-2630, MAR 1 2004
67.Dong SX, Li JF, Viehland D, Giant magnetoelectric effect in laminate composites PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE LETTERS v.83 n.12, pp769-773, DEC 2003
68.Dong SX, Cheng JR, Li JF, et al., Enhanced magnetoelectric effects in laminate composites of Terfenol-D/Pb(Zr,Ti)O-3 under resonant drive APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.83 n.23 pp4812-4814, DEC 8 2003
69.越南盾 SX, Bai FM, Li JF, et al., An acoustic position sensor REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS v.74 n.11 pp4863-4868, NOV 2003
70.Dong SX, Li JF, Viehland D, Giant magneto-electric effect in laminate composites IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND 频率 监察 v.50 n.10 pp1236-1239, OCT 2003
71.越南盾 SX, Li JF, Viehland D, Longitudinal and transverse magnetoelectric voltage coefficients ofmagnetostrictive/piezoelectriclaminate composite: Theory IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND 频率 ctrl v.50 n. 10, pp1253-1261, OCT 2003
72.Dong SX, Bai FM, Li JF, et al., A piezoelectric-sound-共振 cavity for gas detection IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND 频率 ctrl v.50 n. 9 pp 1105-1113, SEP 2003
73.Dong SX, Li JF, Viehland D, Ultrahigh magnetic field sensitivity in laminates of TERFENOL-D and Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)臭氧PbTiO3 晶体s APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.83 n.11 pp2265-2267, SEP 15 2003
74.Dong SX, Bai FM, Li JF, et al., Sound-共振 sensor APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.82 n.25 pp4590-4592, JUN 23 2003
75.越南盾 SX, Cagatay S, Uchino K, et al., A '内角wobbling' ultrasonic rotary 摩托车 using a metal tube-piezoelectric plate composite stator JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT 物质 SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES v.13 n.11 pp749-755, NOV 2002
76.Dong SX, Bai FM, Li JF, et al., Resonance acoustic field position sensor APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS v.82 n.23 pp4181-4183, JUN 9 2003
77.Dong SX, Lim SP, Lee KH, et al., Piezoelectric ultrasonic micromotor with 1.5 mm diameter IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY ctrl v.50 n.4 pp361-367, APR 2003
78.Kim HW, Dong SX, Laoratanakul P, et al., Novel method for driving the ultrasonic 摩托车 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL v.49 n.10 pp1356-1362, OCT 2002
79.Dong SX, Du XH, Bouchilloux P, et al., Piezoelectric ring-morph actuators for valve application JOURNAL OF ELECTROCERAMICS v. 8 n.2 pp155-161, AUG 2002
80.Uchino K, Koc B, Dong S , Compact ultrasonic rotary motors FERROELECTRICS v.257 n.1-4 pp 3-12, 2001
81.Yan L, Chu XC, Dong SX, et al., Piezoelectric ceramic vibration modes and potential applications
KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS v.224-2 pp129-134, 2002
82.Dong SX, Bouchilloux P, Du XH, et al., 圆环 type Uni/BiMorph piezoelectric actuators
83.Zhai BN, Lim SP, Lee KH, Chew CH, Dong SX, Lu P, A 设计 of an ultrasonic linear 摩托车 based on theoretical analysis SMART MATERIALS \u0026 STRUCTURES v.9 n.6 pp774-779, DEC 2000
84.Dong SX, Wang SX, Shen WJ, et al., A miniature piezoelectric ultrasonic motor based on circular bending vibration 调式 IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS v.5 n.4 pp325-330, DEC 2000
85.越南盾 SX, Wang SX, Li LT, Piezoelectric ultrasonic 摩托车 and fine positioner with two freedoms FERROELECTRICS v.232 n.1-4 pp1109-1114, 1999
86.Dong SX, Shen WJ, 裘姓 HY, et al., Piezoelectric-electrorheological planar stepper motor ERROELECTRICS v.232 n.1-4, pp1115-1120, 1999
87.Zhai BN, Lim SP, Lee KH, Dong SX, Lu P, A modified ultrasonic linear 摩托车 SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL v. 86 n. 3 pp154-158, NOV 15 2000
88.Yao K, Uchino K, Xu Y, Dong SX, Lim LC, Compact piezoelectric stacked actuators for high power applications IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND 频率 CONTROL v.47 n.4 pp 819-825 JUL 2000
90.DONG SX, LI Longtu, "Study on standing wave ultrasonic motor with L-B 调式", FERROELECTRICS, Vol.195, pp.159-162, 1997.
91.Wang Shuxin, Shuxiang Dong, and Li Longtu, “Piezoelectric Ceramic Materials for Ultrasonic Micromotors”, 汉语词类 Journal of Piezoelectrics \u0026 Acoustooptics, Vol.22, no.1, p23, 2000.
92.Shuxiang 越南盾, Shuxin Wang, Wenjiang Shen, Zhilun Gui and Li Longtu, “Rod-type ultrasonic mini-摩托车 based on bending vibration 调式”, 汉语词类 Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition), Vol.8, 二氧化氮, 1999, pp120-127
93.Shuxiang 越南盾, Meng Yonggang, Shen Wenjiang, 裘姓 Hongyun and Li Longtu, “A planner 摩托车 combining with piezoelectric ceramic and ER fluid”, Chinese Journal of 泛函 Materials, Vol.31, No.5, p534, 2000
94.Shuxiang Dong, Wang Shuxin, Qiu Haibo and Li Longtu, “A Fine Positioner with Two Freedoms Driven by Two Ultrasonic Micromotors”, 汉语词类 Journal of Piezoelectrics \u0026 Acoustooptics, Vol.21, No.5,p360, 1999
95.Shuxin Wan, Shuxiang Dong, Longtu Li, "A 计算机 监察 system of piezoelectric traveling wave ultrasonic 摩托车", Chinese Journal of Piezoelectrics \u0026 Acoustooptics Vol.18, No.6, 1996
96.Shuxiang Dong, Wang Shuxin, Shen Wenjiang, Qiu Haibo, and Li Longtu, “A Miniature Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Motor Based on Bending Vibration Mode”, 汉语词类 Journal of ACTA Acoustica, Vol.24, 二氧化氮, Mar. 1999
97.Shuxiang Dong, Wang Shuxin, Shen Wenjiang, and Li Longtu, “ Friction and 噪点 in Piezoelectric Ultrasonic 摩托车”, Chinese Journal of ACTA Acoustica, Vol.24, No.3, May,1999
98.Shuxiang Dong, Longtu Li, "Study on piezoelectric traveling wave ultrasonic motor", 汉语词类 Journal of ACTA Acoustica,Vol.22, No.3, 1997
99.Shuxiang Dong, Longtu Li, "Study on piezoelectric standing wave ultrasonic 摩托车",Chinese Journal of ACTA Acoustica, Vol.22, No.4, 1997
100.Shuxiang Dong, Xiaoyong Wei, Longtu Li, The Characteristics of Piezoelectric-Electrorheological Linear Stepper Motor with High 分辨率,汉语词类 Journal of ACTA Acoustica,Vol.22, No.6, 1997
101.Shuxiang Dong, Tieying Zhou, " A position-gripped ultrasonic transducer PGUT for linear inchworm 摩托车",Chinese Journal of ACTA Acoustica,Vol.18, No.1, Jan. 1993, p19-28
102. Tieying Zhou, Shuxiang Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Longtu Li, and Xiaowen Zhang ,"A linear piezoelectric inchworm motor using position-gripped ultrasonic vibrator",汉语词类 Journal of ACTA Acoustica,Vol.18, No.1, Jan. 1993, p29-33
103.Zhou Tieyng, Shuxiang Dong, Liu Xiaoping, Li longtu and Zhang Xiaowen, "A linear inchworm 摩托车 using ultrasonic clamping vibrator", 汉语词类 Journal of ACTA 声学, Vol.12, No.1, 1993, p19-24
104.Tieying Zhou, Shuxiang Dong and Chenggui Liu, " Piezoelectric acoustic motors", Chinese Journal of Physics,Vol.20, No.5, 1991 .International conference papers:
105.Shuxiang Dong (invited speaker), “Cryogenic traveling-wave ultrasonic motors for space pplications”, 50th ICAT/JTTAS Joint International Smart Actuator Symposium, Oct.9-10, 2007, Penn State University.
107.Shuxiang Dong (invited speaker), “Magnetoelectric composite materials--- enhanced magnetic field ensitivity and high voltage gain”, 2005 Spring Meeting of Materials Research Society (MRS), March 28-April 1, San Francisco, CA, USA.
108. Shuxiang 越南盾 (invited speaker), “Piezoelectric single 晶体 ultrasonic motors for low-温度 applications”, 44th ICAT Smart Actuator Symposium, April 6\u00267, 2005, Penn State University.
109.Shuxiang Dong, Junyi Zhai, Zhengping Xing, Jie-Fang Li, and D. Viehland, “Magnetoelectric Laminate Composites—Enhanced Magnetic Field Sensitivity, and High Voltage Gain”, in Coupled Nonlinear Phenomena—Modeling and Simulation for Smart, Ferroic, and Multiferroic Materials, edited by R.M. McMeeking, M. Kamlah, S. Seelecke, and D. Viehland (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 881E, Warrendale, PA, 2005), CC6.7.
110.Shuxiang Dong, Feiming Bai, JieFang Li, and Dwight Viehland, “A Modified Piezoelectric Sound-共振-Cavity for Gas Detection”, 2005 Spring Meeting of American Ceramic Society, Cocoa beach, Florida, USA, Jan., 2005.
111.Xiaoning Jiang, Paul W. Rehrig, Wesley S. Hackenberger, Edward Smith, Shuxiang Dong, Dwight Viehland, Jim Moore, Jr., and Brian Patrick, ”Advanced piezoelectric single crystal based actuators”, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 5761, 2004.
112.D. Viehland, Shuxiang Dong, and Jie-Fang Li, “Low-频率, Highly-sensitive Magneto-electric Laminate Composite for Magnetic Anomaly Detection”, 2004 U.S. Navy Workshop on Acoustic 转导 Materials and Devices, Penn State, Pennsylvania, 2004.
113.Shuxiang Dong, Jie-Fang Li, and D. Viehland, “Resonance Magnetoelectric Effect and 电压 Gain Effect in TERFENOL-D/PZT Laminates”, 2004 U.S. Navy Workshop on Acoustic 转导 Materials and Devices, Penn State, Pennsylvania, 2004.
114.Shuxiang Dong, Jie-Fang Li , and D. Viehland, “Magneto-Electric Laminate Composites Operated in (L-T) and (T-T) Modes: Measurement and Theoretical Analysis”, 105th Annual Meeting of American Ceramic Society; Nashville, Tennessee, 27-30 April, 2003.
115.D. Viehland, Shuxiang Dong, and Jie-Fang Li, “Giant magneto-electric effect in laminate composites of Terfoneol-D / PZT”, 105th Annual Meeting of American Ceramic Society; Nashville, Tennessee, 27-30 April, 2003.
116.Shuxiang 越南盾, F. Bai, J.-F. Li, D. Vieland, “Piezoelectric Sound-共振-Cavity for Gas Detection”, 105th Annual Meeting of American Ceramic Society; Nashville, Tennessee, 27-30 April, 2003.
117.Shuxiang Dong, Dwight Viehland, Kenji Uchino and Longtu Li, “Analytical Formulas for Piezoelectric Axisymmetric Unimorph Actuator”, 105th Annual Meeting of American Ceramic Society; Nashville, Tennessee, 27-30 April, 2003.
118.Shuxiang Dong, S. P. Lim, K.H. Lee, L.C. Lim, K. Uchino, “A PZT Ceramic Tube-Shaped Piezoelectric Micromotor”; 103th Annual Meeting of American Ceramic Society; 4/23/2001, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
119.Shuxiang Dong and Kenji Uchino, “Piezoelectric micromotor with 1.5mm diameter”, 33rd Smart Actuator Symposium, April 19-20, 2001.
120.Shuxiang Dong, Serra Cagatay, Kenji Uchino and D. Viehland, “A piezoelectric composite rotary type actuator”, 2002 U.S. Navy Workshop on Acoustic 转导 Materials and Devices, 13-15, May 2002, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
121.Shuxiang Dong, F. Bai, Jie-Fang Li, and D. Viehland, “Resonance acoustic field position sensor”, 2003 U.S. Navy Workshop on Acoustic 转导 Materials and Devices, 6-8, May 2003, Penn State, Pennsylvania, USA.
122.D. Viehland, Shuxiang Dong, Jie-Fang Li, J-L Wang, M. Wuttig, R. Ramesh, “Giant magneto-electric materials: dual-tensor engineered laminate composites and epitaxial thin-layers”, 2003 U.S. Navy Workshop on Acoustic 转导 Materials and Devices, 6-8, May 2003, Penn State, Pennsylvania, USA.
123.K. Uchino, B. Koc, S. Cagatay, P. Bouchilloux, S. Dong, “Micro piezoelectric ultrasonic motors”, 2003 U.S. Navy Workshop on Acoustic 转导 Materials and Devices, 6-8, May 2003, Penn State, Pennsylvania, USA.
124.Shuxiang Dong, Longtu Li, Zhilun Gui and Xiaowen Zhang , " A theoretical on traveling wave 摩托车 driving stator", ISAF'94, The Ninth International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics, IEEE, Ultrason Ferroelect \u0026 频率 Control Soc ,USA, 1994.
125.Longtu Li, Shuxiang Dong, Zhilun Gui and Xiaowen Zhang , " Study on characteristics of standing wave 摩托车", ISAF'94, The Ninth International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics, IEEE, Ultrason Ferroelect \u0026 频率 Control Soc ,USA, 1994.
126.ZL Gui, W Zhong, Shuxiang Dong, LT LI, XW Zhang, Investigation on piezoelectric ceramics with high d33 , d31 for a new-type of rotational stepper 摩托车, ISAF'94, The Ninth International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics, IEEE, Ultrason Ferroelect \u0026 频率 Control Soc ,USA, 1994.
127.Tieying Zhou, Shuxiang Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Longtu Li, and Xiaowen Zhang ,"A study of linear piezoelectric inchworm 摩托车 using position-gripped ultrasonic vibrator", supplement to Acoustica, Vo.76, No.4, 1992.
2.Dwight Vihland, Shu-Xiang Dong, JieFang Li, “Magnetoelectric magnetic sensor with longitudinally biased magnetostrictive layer”, US Patent 7,023,206;
3.Dwight Vihland, Shuxiang Dong, JieFang Li, “Method and apparatus for high voltage gain using a magnetostrictive-piezoelectric composite”, US Patent 7,256,532.
4.Viehland, Dwight, Dong, Shuxiang, Li, Jie-fang, Zhai, Junyi, Method and Apparatus for High-Permeability Magnetostrictive/Piezo-Fiber Laminates Having Colossal, Near-Ideal Magnetoelectricity, US Patent 7771846.
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