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2. Zhen Liu, Xiaobo Tian*, Xiaohui Yuan, Xiaofeng Liang, Yun Chen, Gaohua Zhu, Hongshuang Zhang, Wei Li, Ping Tan, Sicheng 左姓, Chenglong Wu, Shitan Nie, Gaochun Wang, Guiping Yu, Beibei Zhou, 2020. Complex structure of upper mantle beneath the Yadong-Gulu rift in Tibet revealed by S-to-P converted waves. 地球 and Planetary Science Letters, 531, 115954, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115954.
3. Shitan Nie, Xiaobo Tian*, Xiaofeng Liang, Yun Chen, Tao Xu, 2020. Pn uppermost mantle tomography of Central Tibet: Implication for mechanisms of N-S rifts and conjugate faults. Tectonophysics, 788, 228499, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228499.
4. Shuye Huang, Huajian Yao, Zhanwu Lu, Xiaobo Tian, Yong Zheng, Rui Wang, Song Luo, Jikun Feng, 2020. High-resolution 3-D shear-wave velocity model of the Tibetan 高原: implications for crustal deformation and porphyry Cu deposit formation. Journal of Geophysical Research: 固体 地球, 125,e2019JB019215, doi: 10.1029/2019JB019215.
5. Chenglong Wu, Xiaobo Tian*, Tao Xu*, Xiaofeng Liang, Yun Chen, Micheal Taylor, Jose Badal, Zhiming Bai, Yaohui Duan, Guiping Yu, Jiwen Teng, 2019. Deformation of crust and upper mantle in central Tibet caused by the northward subduction and slab tearing of the Indian lithosphere: New evidence based on shear wave splitting measurements. 地球 and Planetary Science Letters, 514, 75-83, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.02.037.
6. 滕吉文,杨顶辉,田小波,徐涛,陈,白志明,梁晓峰,张晰,吴晶,刘有山,2019。青藏高原深部地球物理学探测70年。中国科学:地球科学,49.10,1546-1564,doi: 10.1360/SSTe-2019-0132.
7. Yu Zou, Xiaobo Tian, YouQiang Yu, Fa-Bin pan, LingLing Wang, and XiaoBo He, 2019. Seismic evidence for the existence of an entrained mantle flow coupling the northward advancing Indian plate under Tibet. 地球 and Planetary Physics, 3, 1-7, doi: 10.26464/epp2019007.
8. Shaokun Si, Rui Gao, and Xiaobo Tian, 2019. East-west differential underthrusting of the Indian lithospheric Plate beneath central Tibet revealed by imaging Vp/Vs. Journal of Geophysical Research: 固体 地球, 124, 9714-9730,doi: 10.1029/2018JB017259.
9. Chenglong Wu, Xiaobo Tian, Tao Xu, Xiaofeng Liang, Yun Chen, Gaohua Zhu, Jose Badal, Zhiming Bai, Guiping Yu, and Jiwen Teng, 2019. Upper-crustal anisotropy of the conjugate strike-slip fault zone in central Tibet analyzed using local earthquakes and shear-wave splitting. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 109.5, 1968-1984, doi: 10.1785/0120180333.
10. Beibei Zhou, Xiaofeng Liang, Guoqing Lin, Xiaobo Tian, Gaohua Zhu, James Mechie, Jiwen Teng, 2019. Upper crustal weak zone in central Tibet: An implication from three-dimensional seismic velocity and attenuation Tomography results. Journal of Geophysical Research: 固体 地球, 124, 4654-4672. Doi: 10.1029/2018JB016653.
11. Haijian Lu, Xiaobo Tian, Kun Yun, Haibing Li, 2018. Convective removal of the Tibetan Plateau mantle lithosphere by ~26 Ma. Tectonophysics, 731-732, 17-34, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2018.03.006.
12. Yunhao Wei, Xiaobo Tian, Yonghong Duan, and Xiaofeng Tian, 2018. Imaging the Topography of crust-Mantle boundary from a high-density seismic array beneath the Middle-Lower Yangtze river, eastern China. Seismological Research Letters, doi: 10.1785/0220180045.
13. Gaochun Wang, Xiaobo Tian, Lianglei Guo, Jiayong Yan, Qingtian Lyu, 2018. High-resolution crustal velocity imaging using ambient noise recordings from a high-density seismic array: An Example from the Shangrao section of the Xinjiang basin, China. Earthquake Science, 31, 242-251, doi: 10.29382/eqs-2018-0242-4.
14. Zhen Liu, Xiaobo Tian*, Rui Gao, Gaochun Wang, Zhenbo Wu, Beibei Zhou, Ping Tan, Shitan Nie, Guiping Yu, Gaohua Zhu, Xiao Xu, 2017. New images of the crustal structure beneath eastern Tibet from a high-density seismic array. 地球 and Planetary Science Letters, 480, 33-41, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.09.048.
15. Zhen Liu, Xiaobo Tian*, Yun Chen, Tao Xu, Zhiming Bai, Xiaofeng Liang, Javed Iqbal, Yigang Xu, 2017. Unusually thickened crust beneath the Emeishan large igneous province detected by virtual deep seismic sounding. Tectonophysics, 721, 387-394, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.10.009.
16. Shaokun Si, Xiaobo Tian*, Rui Gao, 2017. Constraints on upper mantle Vp/Vs ratio variations beneath eastern North China from receiver 函数 tomography. Journal of Asian 地球 Sciences, 138, 341-356, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2017.02.025.
17. Yaohui Duan, Xiaobo Tian*, Xiaofeng Liang, Wei Li, Chenglong Wu, Beibei Zhou, Javed Iqbal, 2017. Subduction of the Indian slab into the mantle transition zone revealed by receiver functions. Tectonophysics, 702, 61-69, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2017.02.025.
18. Gaohua Zhu, Xiaofeng Liang, Xiaobo Tian*, Hongfeng Yang, Chenglong Wu, Yaohui Duan, Wei Li, Beibei Zhou, 2017. Analysis of the seismicity in central Tibet based on the 三明治 network and its tectonic implications. Tectonophysics, 702, 1-7, doi: 10/1016/j.tecto.2017.02.020.
19. Xinyan Zhang, Yanghua Wang, Rui Gao, Tao Xu, Zhiming Bai, Xiaobo Tian, Qiusheng Li, 2017. Vertical crustal motions across Eastern Tibet revealed by topography-dependent seismic tomography. Scientific Reports, 7:3243, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-03578-z
20. 陈赟,王振华,郭希,邓阳凡,徐涛梁晓峰,田小波,吴晶,陈林,张晰,唐国彬,徐义刚,2017. 古地幔柱作用“遗迹”的深部地球物理学探测---以峨眉山大火成岩省为例。矿物岩石地球化学通报,36.3,394-403,doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2802.2017.03.003.
21. Yaohui Duan, Xiaobo Tian*, Zhen Liu, Gaohua Zhu, Shitan Nie, 2016. Lithospheric detachment of India and Tibet inferred from thickening of the mantle transition zone. Journal of Geodynamics, 97, 1-6, doi:10.1016/j.jog.2016.02.001.
22. Shaokun Si, Yanpeng Zheng, Baohua Liu, Xiaobo Tian*, 2016. Structure of the mantle transition zone beneath the North China Craton. Journal of Asian 地球 Sciences, 116, 69-80, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.11.006.
23. Xiaofeng Liang, Yun Chen, Xiaobo Tian, Yongshun John Chen, James Ni, Andrea Gallegos, Simon L. Klemperer, Minling Wang, Tao Xu, Changqing Sun, Shaokun Si, Haiqiang Lan, Jiwen Teng, 2016, 3D imaging of subducting and fragmenting Indian continental lithosphere beneath southern and central Tibet using Body Wave finite-频率 tomography. 地球 and Planetary Science Letters, 443, 162-175, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.03.029.
24. Xiaofeng Liang, Xiaobo Tian, Gaohua Zhu, Chenglong Wu, Yaohui Duan, Wei Li, Beibei Zhou, Minghui Zhang, Guiping Yu, Shitan Nie, Gaochun Wang, Minling Wang, Zhenbo Wu, Zhen Liu, Xi Guo, Xiaopeng Zhou, Zhi Wei, Tao Xu, Xi Zhang, Zhiming Bai, Yun Chen, and Jiwen Teng, 2016, 三明治: a 2D broadband seismic array in central Tibet. Seismological Research Letters, 87, 1-10, doi:10.1785/0220150243.
25. 刘震,田小波,聂仕潭,段耀晖,滕吉文,2016. 华北东部复杂的660km相变界面。地球物理学报,59,2039-2046,doi:10.6038/cjg20160610.
26. 武振波,徐涛,武澄泷,张明辉,田小波,滕吉文,2016. 利用接收函数反演青藏高原西部地壳S波速度结构。地球物理学报,59, 516-527, doi:10.6038/cjg20160211.
27. 杨海斌,田小波,白志明张中杰,2016. 浅谈中国大陆东缘中生代地质演化与泛太平洋板块活动的关系。吉林大学学报(地球科学版),46,781-797.
28. 张建利,刘志斌,周超,田小波,李维新,王赟,2016. 旋转交错网格在横波分裂和再分裂模拟与分析中的应用。科学技术与工程,16(26),8-17.
29. Xiaobo Tian*, Yun Chen, Tai-Lin Tseng, Simon L. Klemperer, Hans Thybo, Zhen Liu, Tao Xu, Xiaofeng Liang, Zhiming Bai, Xi Zhang, Shaokun Si, Changqing Sun, Haiqiang Lan, Erchie Wang, Jiwen Teng, 2015. Weakly coupled lithospheric extension in southern Tibet. 地球 and Planetary Science Letters, 430, 171-177, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.08.025.
30. Xiaobo Tian*, M. Santosh, 2015. Fossilized lithospheric deformation revealed by teleseismic shear wave splitting in eastern China. GSA Today, 25.2, doi: 10.1130/GSATG220A.1.
31. T. Xu, Z. Zhang, B. Liu, Y. Chen, M. Zhang, X. Tian, Y. Xu, J. Teng, 2015. Crustal velocity structure in the Emeishan large igneous province and evidence of the Permian mantle plume activity. Science China: 地球 Sciences, 58: 1133–1147, doi: 10.1007/s11430-015-5094-6.
32. 刘震,田小波,梁晓峰,滕吉文,2015. 青藏高原中部INDEPTH-III剖面上地幔远震S波层析成像。地球物理学报,58(4),1169-1178,doi:10.6038.cjg20150407.
33. 刘震,田小波,朱高华,梁晓峰,段耀晖,张洪双,滕吉文,2015. SsPmp震相地壳探测方法。地球物理学报,58(10),3571-3582,doi:10.6038.cjg20151012.
34. 张洪双,高锐,田小波,滕吉文,李秋生,叶卓,刘震,司少坤,2015. 青藏高原东北缘地壳S波速度结构及其动力学含义——远震接收函数提供的证据。地球物理学报, 11期, pp 3982-3992, 2015/11/15。
35. Yun Chen, Yigang Xu, Tao Xu, Shaokun Si, Xiaofeng Liang, Xiaobo Tian, Yangfan Deng, Lin Chen, Peng Wang, Yihe Xu, Haiqiang Lan, Fuhui Xiao, Wei Li, Xi Zhang, Xiaohui Yuan, Jose Badal, Jiwen Teng, 2015. Magmatic underplating and crustal growth in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China, revealed by a passive seismic experiment. 地球 and Planetary Science Letters, 432, 103-114, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.09.048.
36. Xiaobo Tian*, Zhen Liu, Shaokun Si, Zhongjie Zhang, 2014. The crustal thickness of NE Tibet and its implication for crustal shortening. Tectonophysics, 634, 198-207, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.07.001.
37. 司少坤,田小波,张洪双,滕吉文,2014. 接收函数提取的多正弦窗方法。地球物理学报,57(3),789-799,doi:10.6038/cjg20140309.
38. 徐涛,张忠杰,田小波,刘宝峰,白志明吕庆田,滕吉文,2014. 长江中下游平原成矿带及邻区地壳速度结构:来自利辛-宜兴宽角地震资料的约束。岩石学报 30(4), 918-930.
39. 徐涛,张明辉,田小波,郑勇,白志明,武澄泷,张忠杰,滕吉文, 2014. 丽江-清镇剖面上地壳速度结构及其与鲁甸MS6.5级地震孕育环境的关系。地球物理学学报 57(9), 3069-3079, doi: 10.6038/cjg20140932.
40. Xu, T., Wu, Z., Zhang, Z., Tian, X., Deng, Y., Wu, C., Teng, J., 2014. Crustal structure across the Kunlun fault from passive source seismic profiling in East Tibet. Tectonophysics 627, 98-107, DOI:10.1016/j.tecto.2013.11.010.
41. Zhang, Z., Wang, Y., Houseman, G. A., Xu, T., Wu, Z., Yuan, X., Chen, Y., Tian, X., Bai, Z., Teng, J., 2014. The moho beneath western Tibet: Shear zones and eclogitization in the lower crust. 地球 and Planetary Science Letters 408, 370-377, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.10.022.
42. Xiaobo Tian*, Z. Zhang, 2013. Bulk crustal properties in NE Tibet and their implications for deformation model. Gondwana Research, 24, 548-559, doi: 10.1016/j.gr.2012.12.024.
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44. 张洪双,滕吉文,田小波,张中杰高锐,2013. 青藏高原东北缘岩石圈厚度与上地幔各向异性。地球物理学报 56(2), 459-471, doi: 10.6038/cjg20130210.
45. Lian-Feng Zhao, Xiao-Bi Xie, Jian-Kun He, Xiaobo Tian, Zhen-Xing Yao, 2013. Crustal flow pattern beneath the Tibetan Plateau constrained by regional Lg-wave Q tomography. 地球 and Planetary Science Letters, 2013, 383: 113-122, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.09.038.
46. Zhongjie Zhang, Yun Chen, Xiaohui Yuan, Xiaobo Tian, Simon L. Klemperer, Tao Xu,Zhiming Bai, Hongshuang Zhang Jing Wu, Jiwen Teng, 2013. Normal faulting from simple shear rifting in South Tibet, using evidence from passive seismic profiling across the Yadong-Gulu Rift. Tectonophysics, 606: 178-186.
47. Zhongjie Zhang, Zhiming Bai, sl Klemperer, Xiaobo Tian, Tao Xu, Yun Chen, Jiwen Teng,2013. Crustal structure across northeastern Tibet from wide-angle seismic profiling: Constraints on the Caledonian Qilian orogeny and its reactivation. Tectonophysics, 606: 140-159.
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50. 司少坤,田小波*,张洪双,滕吉文,2012. 贝加尔裂谷区地幔过渡带大范围增厚与局部减薄现象及其动力学意义。中国科学:地球科学, 42.11, 1647-1659,doi:10.1007/s11430-012-4547-4.
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52. Hongshuang Zhang, Jiwen Teng, Xiaobo Tian, Zhongjie Zhang, Rui Gao and Jiaqi Liu, 2012. Lithospheric thickness and upper-mantle deformation beneath the NE Tibetan Plateau inferred from S receiver functions and SKS splitting measurements. Geophys. J. Int. 191, 1285-1294, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05667.x.
53. Xiaoyu Guo, John Encarnacion, Xiao Xu, Alan Deino, Zhiwu Li and Xiaobo Tian, 2012. Collision and rotation of the South China block and their role in the formation and exhumation of ultrahigh 压强 rocks in the Dabie Shan orogen, Terra Nova, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3121.2012.01072.x.
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55. Xiaobo Tian*, Jiwen Teng, Hongshuang Zhang, Zhongjie Zhang, Yongqian Zhang, Hui Yang (2011), Structure of crust and upper mantle beneath the Ordos Block and the Yinshan Mountains revealed by receiver 函数 analysis, Physics of the 地球 and Planetary Interiors 184, 186-193, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2010.11.007.
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57. Zhiming Bai, Xiaobo Tian, You Tian, 2011, Upper mantle P-wave tomography across the Longmenshan fault belt from passive-source seismic observations along Aba-Longquanshan profile. Journal of Asian 地球 Sciences, 40, 873-882, doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2010.04.036.
58. Xiaobo Tian*, D. Zhao, H. Zhang, Y. Tian, and Z. Zhang (2010), Mantle transition zone topography and structure beneath the central Tien Shan orogenic belt, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B10308, doi:10.1029/2008JB006229.
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